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File: 46 KB, 443x600, whopping_24_million_in_cash_were_found_behind_the_false_walls_in_a_push_home_of_drug_traffickers_640_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18138553 No.18138553 [Reply] [Original]

how money much do you need to be retired?

>> No.18138577

I'm shooting for 1.5mil and a paid off house

>> No.18138604

Retirement is the leading cause of death among seniors.

>> No.18138608


>> No.18138612

Enough capital to cover up to 130 years of life minus your retirement age, and inflation.
And prayers that inflation will not accelerate.
Just forget it, we are never going to retire.
t. houseowner, with it fully paid and no mortgage

>> No.18138640

Depends on how old you are

>> No.18138650

3-6million for comfortable middle class in a quiet suburb

>> No.18138664

2 million in cash/stock and a couple of RENTAL properties.

>> No.18138681

>no mortgage
You’re underleveraged

>> No.18138782

depends on a number of factors:
the standard of living in your retirement
the age of retirement
how much money you want to leave after death

you can retire at 19 with about 2 grand if you want to spend your retirement living off the land as a hunter-gatherer in the forests of finland
you can retire at any age with fuck all if you can stomach spending your retirement living out of bins and sleeping in alleyways

>> No.18138944

1 million and i can live a basic life without wageslaving a single day in my life

>> No.18138984

retirement is a meme, just take care of your kids and your kids will take care of you.

>> No.18139298

this was true like 100 years ago.

>> No.18140296

This should be bare minimum. Anything less and you're going to be a walmart greeter living in poverty in your final years.

Here's an example of what not to do.

>> No.18140318

1 bullet

>> No.18140327
File: 925 KB, 1280x720, 1539703331225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only need the gat

>> No.18140396

2 million

>> No.18140419

>creates kids thinking they will wipe your ass when you're at the declining phase
>kids manipulate you into spending the rest of your days in a retirement home
short term care policies are going to be selling like hot cakes

>> No.18140425

depends on where you want to live. 300k in some nice dividend stocks could get you a comfortable life in a flyover state.

>> No.18140444

This. The idea of wandering around without a purpose and pretending like I "finished the game". I'll kill myself if I end up that diluded.

>> No.18140462

Based Danger 5 poster.

>> No.18140472

>of wandering around without a purpose
you are aware it's possible to have a purpose that isn't "do what Mr. Shekelberg tells me today", right?

>> No.18140545

half a million and a paid off house or one million

>> No.18140631


I design hospital expansions and medical buildings for our overloaded healthcare system. You could give me all the Rothschilds' trillions, I will not stop until I'm done.

>> No.18140650

and I can fulfill that living with my children, or in some rural shithole. But the majority of retirees spend their time watching TV and burning SS checks inbetween their weekly doctor appointments. If that's your idea of Mr. Shekelberg's mission then I don't want to live it.

>> No.18140673

450k and paid off house.
@5% thats 23k/yr. I can live off that, and I like to work, so I just work the few hours that I want to.

>> No.18140934

1000 OZ of silver.

>> No.18141041

15 million

should allow you to live >upper middle class in any city in the world for rest of your life

>> No.18141487

That's not money. It's currency.

>> No.18141517

Depends on your age, country/state, health, and financial status while working. General estimate is in the range of $2-5 mil.

>> No.18141560


>1000 ozt silver
>1 ozt silver = 14 silver American Dimes
>1 silver American Dime for a days labor
>365 days in a year (yes you will work weekends after shit hits the fan)

1,000 x 14 / 365 =

38.35 years of wages.

I don't think you'll make it anon. But keep stackin.

>> No.18142189

about 700k PNK

>> No.18142226

house, chicken coop and a field

>> No.18142978

>Bare minimum
You guys need a mandatory semen drip or something? Do you buy shoes and toss them the next day?

>> No.18143034

He said take care of, not shit out and barely keep alive

>> No.18143172

Taking care of your kids is a surefire way to make them unable to take care of themselves, let alone you. Throw your kids out on the street and make them fend for themselves. The survivors will be so strong that they can take care of you and their own kids. This is what the boomers went through.

>> No.18143180

kys boomer

>> No.18143192

you just need 1 zano to retire in 10 years

>> No.18143250

Hey Legionaire! How fairs Caesar?

>> No.18143259


>> No.18143270

Ah, good.

>> No.18143318

This. Find a hobby you like because once you retire you’re dead.

>> No.18143329


>> No.18143353

Imagine just some green pieces of paper can give you everything you need and your heart desires until it gives out.

>> No.18143434

But seriously, wash your hands and don't touch your face, pops.

>> No.18143530
File: 41 KB, 960x540, 1514605453119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I never have to speak to my family again if I make it. I'll just put some good money away for my sister so that she doesn't have to worry about her psychotic mother and our fuckhead father.

>> No.18143655
File: 58 KB, 816x640, existential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, same

>> No.18143660

how does 1 quadrillion sound?

>> No.18143763
File: 30 KB, 225x350, the duke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm listening....

>> No.18144117

100k then move to a banana republic and live like a king

>> No.18144135

Your pic related OP, the whole pile, useless soon enough. Will have the value of wiping your ass with.

>> No.18144175

I retired at 20 years old with only 400k. I only expect 20k per year in dividends, but I guess it depends on your lifestyle.

>> No.18144701

You are not lying. Zano will make me shit profits.
May i add OGN as well? Yes i may.

>> No.18144721

God I love danger 5

>> No.18144722

fuck you american shithead.
there is a difference between raising a kid, spoiling a kid and throwing them on the street

>> No.18144798

ogn and wrx for me personally but I wish you luck with that zano frend.

>> No.18145035

7.2 quadrillion.

>> No.18145052

Depends how you want to live. I plan on retiring with about 400k by moving to some third world shithole in Latin America, probably Argentina since it at least has some white people.

>> No.18145203


>> No.18145220

Just enough to sustain you like a king till you die of natural causes in some 3rd world shithole with sexy women like Colombia for example.

Retirement in USA is a meme, unless you slave away for a pension and finally can be free at 55+ years old.

>> No.18145246
File: 359 KB, 1526x964, 1516544120371 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I get 2-3k€ passive income a month after tax I'm golden.

>> No.18145251

7 dollars

>> No.18145256


>> No.18145619

2 mili

>> No.18146121

Why would I retire? Retirement is the ultimate meme. The fastest way to die, is to retire. You can't take the money with you when you die

>> No.18146296

Semen demons are expensive anon

>> No.18146347

>t. future victim of retirement home abuse

>> No.18146418

The practice of kicking your kids out at 18 with nothing has completely eliminated the growth of intergenerational wealth, because no matter what your upbringing you start at 0 or in debt. Our great grandparents lived near their parents, expanded family farms or businesses, tight-knit family networking. If Mideival aristocrats kicked out their kids with nothing, there would have been no aristocracy. If your kid is a useless asshole that you need to kick out at 18, you failed as a parent.

>> No.18146424

Only cuckolds pay women

>> No.18146498

So every man in existence with a few exceptions is a cuckold?
Useless you are good looking, tall, have a personality, packing at least a lil bit over the average you won't have women throw themselves at you without money being involved.