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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 34 KB, 800x533, ACD476B9-50D5-4330-91CB-3DD48AFE7D70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18142326 No.18142326 [Reply] [Original]

>150,000 BTC about to imminently dump.

Yeah im out.

>> No.18142335

Your loss faggot

>> No.18142448

>yeah im out
you were never 'in' faggot.
you are:
* weak
* from a single parent home
* from a smothering mother who was at her core a narcissist
* never successful with girls
* always played everything to 'not lose'
* would gladly be a slave if the choice was slave or death
* deathly afraid of action
* can be picked up by feet, turned over and have all the pennies fall from your pockets
* a sub-human
* paki teeth, shit skin, asshole for mouth
* puts ketchup on soup
* fat

>> No.18142468
File: 812 KB, 1202x991, Manlets blown the fuck out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good now buy some gold and silver

>> No.18142489

>Being this emotionally invested

>> No.18142707

>bullying anonymous people on the internet
ok tough guy

>> No.18142762

Using “bullying” in your vernacular as an adult makes you a fucking retard.

>> No.18142769
File: 153 KB, 1278x1280, bizbear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you buy at $8k?

>> No.18142969
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when did you buy>

>> No.18142988

just wait until the binance exit scam, trash is going to triples soon

>> No.18143406

found the bag holder

>> No.18143459

Based and angerpilled

>> No.18143460


>> No.18143590
File: 587 KB, 1199x496, 5E730107-1E54-44B2-BD2A-E56410F6BDF4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulltards mad x24

>> No.18144072
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Heavy bags huh?

>> No.18144089

based and maticpilled

>> No.18144111

You need a Xanax anon

>> No.18144122

Wow, you need help. I feel bad for you.

>> No.18144671

>150,000 BTC about to imminently dump.

BSV , bitcoingold & other forks , the trustee will liquidate all bitcoin forks except bch because the people negotiating it want the btc & bch.
But he will liquidate the rest of shitforks to pay fiat to those that want out.

>> No.18144681

Ya seethe?

>> No.18144688

you realize all btc transactions are recorded right? so why the fuck not post a source you god damn retard, ffs

>> No.18144689
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>> No.18144767

I know that the whole market will suffer if this results in an uncontrolled dump, but could there be a good case to move some of your BTC to ETH if you want to stay in crypto?

From a historical perspective the ratio is very low as well, but then again, historically ETH is punished by any BTC movements. Could this time be different in some way?

>> No.18144775


>> No.18144785

>Could this time be different in some way?
NO, its more likely that the sun will explode in the next 5 min

>> No.18144791

based and blown the FUCK out

>> No.18144826

how do we know this again?

>> No.18144837

oh look it's the same fud again

>> No.18144882

how out of touch are you with crypto?
everyone’s known about this coming mt. gox dump for 2 years and counting.

>> No.18144886


>> No.18145012

>puts ketchup on soup
what the fuck who would do this

>> No.18145073

The accusation is aimed at OP
he has yet to deny committing this heinous act

>> No.18145096

You mean it's going to dump just in time for me to accumulate an additional $1200 worth? Great.

>> No.18145134


Crypto extinction event incoming, if this moves forward. It's a draft now. It has to be completed in 3 days. The trustee is going by the books, and is selling off a significant amount to pay off creditors and claims.

Hodl on to your asses, the mother of all red dildos is coming. He has no legal responsibility to do this slowly over time.

>> No.18145162

>he doesn’t know

>> No.18145252

wait are they selling btc/bch or not ?

>> No.18145284

It's based and egopilled

>> No.18145325

They're selling anything they hold, to raise cash for creditors who want cash. The creditors who want t be made whole with BTC/BCH will get their coins, everything else will be sold. Even if half of the claims want coins (nobody knows, the claims aren't public), that's 150k coins being dumped, along with anything else they hold.

The draft will be finalized in 3 days, I assume it will then be published, and possibly some hard numbers on what's gonna get dumped on the market.

This report is even more dire:


"It wasn't disclosed in the draft what quantity of crypto assets other than BTC and BCH the trustee is holding. Its balance sheet indicated it was holding about 141,686 BTC and 142,846 BCH, as of March 2019.

At that time, Kobayashi had approved claims for 802,521 BTC, 792,296 BCH and $38,165,664 in cash, revealing a funding shortfall. The total amount of assets the trustee holds is also unclear at this stage."

Bloodbath coming. If I held any crypto (I don't), I'd sell now and look into possibly buying back in after the smoke clears from this.

>> No.18145345

so there is to exact number ...

>> No.18145355

no exact*

>> No.18145370

Nope. But all claims have to be paid until it's all gone, and he approved 800k worth of claims and 38 million in cash.

Now, the part you have to guess at, is how many creditors want coins, and how many just want their fucking money back.

If I was at this craps table with bets on the table, I'd be walking away right now. Or getting ready to, before the courts approve this plan and it gets underway.

Remember, he has no legal requirement to protect the price of any crypto currency, and if creditors asked for cash, he has to sell coins to get it.

Place your bet.

>> No.18145445

38M in cash at current price is only 6k btc tho ...

>> No.18145459

Place your bet, then.

This where the rubber meets the road. You either think you know what's going on, or you don't.
I don't have anything in crypto, and after reading that, i thank god I don't.
But it's your bet.

>> No.18145675

I guess I just don't see how bad the numbers look to you

>> No.18145703

This news is way worse for BTC than it is for BSV.

Let's say 100k BTC/BCH/BSV about to be dumped.

For BSV price craters to $50. Calvin or some other whale buys up all 100k coins for $5million USD. Price recovers back to ~$100 shortly after.

BTC sells 100k coins. That is 600million needed in liquidity to defend a 6k price. Let's say it crashes to the old low of 3k. Still need 300 million in buy orders to defend that price.

This sell off is also happening right before the halvening. All BTC miners about to capitulate. This will likely be the death of BTC.

BSV will hurt for a while and then slowly rise from the ashes.

>> No.18145729
File: 105 KB, 258x544, 1584975700576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calvin or some other whale buys up all 100k coins for $5million USD. Price recovers back to ~$100 shortly after.
>This sell off is also happening right before the halvening. All BTC miners about to capitulate. This will likely be the death of BTC.
>BSV will hurt for a while and then slowly rise from the ashes.
craig really did a number on you guys didn't he? holy shit hahahaha

>> No.18145864

>Let's say 100k BTC/BCH/BSV about to be dumped.

BTC & BCH ARE NOT to be dumped the legal trouble will continue , the trustee is liquidating all other forks of btc to pay with fiat to those that accept such solution.

>> No.18146036

made the newfags seethe alright hehe

>> No.18146120
File: 69 KB, 646x687, 1581051606389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are:
>bagholding from 20k

>> No.18146132


>> No.18146170

>Admits BSV is a shitcoin

>> No.18146495

lmao at all the incels seething at this post

>> No.18147085
File: 31 KB, 608x538, 1561579448327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When can I expect? that cause that is where I'm currently trading

>> No.18147376

okay ""mike"". Two years and still no dump, yet you still cant post a source. Also, you sound a bit mad.

>> No.18147441

>puts ketchup on soup