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1811370 No.1811370 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realise Satoshi Nakamoto is secretly George Soros

How would Bitcoin investors react if this were true /biz?

>> No.1811373

It wouldn't change the code

>> No.1812288

Satoshi Nakamoto is a genius.
George Soros just had luck in the market/casino.

>> No.1813505

I thought it was alan greenspan

>> No.1813864

my uncle is nakamoto. he isn't even japanese. he used to live in the US, but isn't american. he has never said how many bitcoins he has, but i have around $100 million worth at current value. i mined them back in the early days mostly.

>> No.1813867

If that's true, send some to my donation address.

>> No.1813970

>Satoshi is Soros backwards
It's like poetry

>> No.1814096


Its an open secret that satoshi nakamoto is nick szabo

>> No.1814117
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Bitcoiners like to pretend this isn't the case because he went on to help develop ethereum and has publicly said that ethereum is how a blockchain is supposed to function.

They want to keep living in a dream world where bitcoin was created by the CIA/japanese hackers on steroids/craig wright/aliens from nibiru because it makes their coin seem super sekrit and mysterious.

When in actual fact bitcoin was created by Nick Szabo with help from hal finney and wei dai. And nick szabo gave us the idea of smart contracts which is facilitated by a byzantine tolerant blockchain and it's all in his fucking blog and he has publicly said ethereum is better.

Fucking bitcoiners are so dumb. Its not 2013 anymore retards, your coin is shit and only faggot retarded low information foreigners will baghold your obsolete technology.

>> No.1814131

He says as the price breaks and all time high.

>> No.1814142

Get ready to have your pants pulled down when the ETF obviously fails and the winklevosses dump 108,000BTC on your head little faggot.

>> No.1814487

Nick Szabo is pro bitcoin, pro segwit, and pro lightning network.

Stop pumping your fucking ETH bag.

>> No.1814491

Nick likes to subtly imply this sometimes, but I think Wei Dai is the more likely culprit. And I don't think either are super likely.

>> No.1814501

They would leave their blindfolds on and keeping sucking like good bitslaves do.

>> No.1814915

No because wei dai is NAMED on the whitepaper.

>> No.1815229

Do you guys have ideas about who the mimblewimble guy is?

>> No.1816168

why would they dump? i'm no fan of the winklevoss', but they aren't stupid. btc might take a little hit if the etf fails, but they are clever enough to know that should they want to divest of btc, they should do it gradually.

>1 post by ID bitcoin beggar.

>> No.1816170

its not, its the genius Terry from TempleOS but he forgot.

>> No.1816179
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hitler invented autobahns
doesn't mean we don't need autobahns

>> No.1816198
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how would I react if I realized a meme was another meme?