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18136452 No.18136452 [Reply] [Original]

You get no money if your parents claim you as a dependent, even if you work full time, which is 90% of college students and zoomers fresh out of high school. Fuck this bill. The people who arguably need that cash the most aren't gonna get shit.

>> No.18136519
File: 190 KB, 646x595, Screenshot_20200326-212825_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're working full time your parents shouldn't be filing you as a dependent. That's on you for having retarded parents

>> No.18136541

>The people who arguably need that cash the most aren't gonna get shit.
You mean the homeless? Or college students?

>> No.18136566

Trump has fucked zoomers so hard

>> No.18136623

Homeless people are trash. All they need is pic related>>18136519

>> No.18136643

Your parents get 500 dollary doos then I assume

>> No.18136669
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Le Based and Le Red Pilled Praise Keke

>> No.18136734

Hehe ok killer

>> No.18136746

Trump's vote from me hinges on whether or not I get my 1200 dollarydoos. If I don't then fuck him. Ain't voting democrat, but I'll abstain this round. This some bullshit.

>> No.18136751

Your parents get money for you, their child. Adults need money much more than children.

You haven’t paid taxes in the past two years, we’re already in debt. Why the fuck should we be paying you?

>> No.18136753

>this bill doesnt help poor people
no shit

they dumped 3 trillion into the market before considering doing anything for working people
then they spend a week and a half deciding if $600 or $2000 was the bare minimum they can give the poors while simultaneously dumping a trillion into the market everyday

>> No.18136789

Poor people are already receiving there welfare checks, ebt and whatever.

>> No.18136791

Let’s hope his administration reads this post and considers bribing a minor with $1200 for a vote.

>> No.18136797
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They weren't going to vote for Trump, so I guess they get what they deserve.

>> No.18136801

There's a solution if your working full time now, but your parents claimed you as a dependant in 2018.

File your 2019 taxes as a single filer as soon as possible.

>> No.18136809

I'm 20 and work full time bro. Quarantined because coronachan is raping me atm, I need cash

>> No.18136813

>a minor

>> No.18136837

I filed independently this year. They still claimed me

>> No.18136864

Btw, make sure your parents know not to claim you as a dependant if you do this. They may get audited for fraud if they claim you and you filled as a single filer.

>> No.18136863
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>You get no money if your parents claim you as a dependent, even if you work full time

fucking bullshit, I still pay income tax despite being claimed as a dependent.
working dependents are the ones getting fucked hardest in this economy

>> No.18136866

yeah except all of those people who are ineligible
most people aren’t fired they are “not to come into work until further notice”

>> No.18136901

That's their problem, if they want to get audited. Hopefully it doesn't fuck up/ slow down your check. Call the irs once you get the letter in the mail.

>> No.18136903

>Poor people
they make more than minimum wage slaves, the way current welfare benefits are structured

>> No.18136940

>a minor
Lol eat shit. I'm 23, college full time working part time.

>> No.18136966

The temp layoff people get to file for fast track unemployment, which covers 40-60% of their regular income weekly. As party of this bill, the feds are basically covering the difference with an additional $600/week per unemployment recipient for an extended period above.

>> No.18136968

>tfw not claimed as dependent

>> No.18136974

Yes and I’m sure they will go through all those applications before bills are due in 3 days

>> No.18137007

My wife is already eligible for direct deposit starting Sunday, and she filled yesterday.

Reading: https://www.nytimes.com/article/coronavirus-stimulus-package-questions-answers.html
I know, I know,
>jew york times
Their summary is very on our tho

>> No.18137017

Let this be a lesson for you of what is garnered from more big government.

More people like you are going to be resentful and vote for candidates who they think will offer them more security.

We don’t need security. We need freedom. Fuck the virus...anyone with a strong immune system will have no problem against it. Everyone else deserves the complications they get for living so unhealthily.

People need to learn that their actions have consequences.

It’s too bad you have to suffer for the stupid mistakes of your parents and the older generation. This is a government-created problem: don’t rely on the government for a solution. Find a way to make money now and stop sitting on your ass waiting for a bail out. Get to work.

Lots of shit is going to go wrong in your life. Unironically use this time as a motivator to generate more money.

>> No.18137041

Libertarianism is a mental disorder

>> No.18137066

Ok boomer I'll just go out and coof on some folks and give them the chinky flu. I'd be at work if I fucking could right now

>> No.18137111

Ask your parents to give you the $500 that they get for you then.
If you're already financially dependent upon them, what's the problem?

Fucking zoomer freeloaders. If you're living at home and your parents buy all your food and everything for you anyway, why do you think you deserve free money?

>> No.18137127

Lmao boomers fucking the youth once again.

>> No.18137154

Kill yourself you fucking libertarian idiot

>> No.18137167
File: 90 KB, 686x526, A947CCDC-7C5A-4F6C-8226-71E3DAAB908E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, good thing I filed independent this year. When is my trumpbuck coming boys?

>> No.18137171

>Stimulus bill is poorly written
It's absolutely intentional. Think about this from the perspective of a boomer. Boomers aren't college students; even their kids aren't college students.

>> No.18137212

I’ve been making an extra $200-$300 per day delivering geoceries to people by arranging a 20% discount with a local grocery store and charging a $10 flat fee.

Why can’t you monetize this situation? Why do you rely on others for everything?

>> No.18137224

>You get no money if your parents claim you as a dependent
Sounds more like a problem with your parents thinking you are still a dependent manchild.

>> No.18137260
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Will this work?
it's what I did anyways, will I get my trumpbux?

>> No.18137268

Then who is gonna pay for you to live? You absolute loser

>> No.18137314

So if there are 2 adults. Is it better for each to file their own taxes or does one get the money for both

Say 1 person claims the other do you still get the $1200+$1200? Or do you get less overall?

What yields the highest payout.

>> No.18137329
File: 764 KB, 840x655, Sanders for Panhandler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The people who arguably need that cash the most aren't gonna get shit.
>fresh out of high school.
You're a dependent. That means you can depend on someone to provide care for you. That's the opposite of "need cash the most".

>> No.18137348

Fuck off, you retarded boomer.

>> No.18137381

It's supposed to. If you're working and mom and dad tried to pull a day one to shave $6k off their tax liability, in theory, that's supposed to be their problem.

It may flag and delay the payment, and dad may stop throwing the football with you, but you'll be getting a letter from the irs so you can call when payments go out. Appeal the decision, if you're denied.

>> No.18137403

Do you have a joint account? It's going to go to the account you direct deposited your last refund to, or get mailed.

>> No.18137438
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Again, here's the link to the article, with an unrelated pic for attention:

>> No.18137485
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I mean, I'm not fighting with my parents about it, we all agreed it was fine and they didn't claim me.
I was just under the impression the trumpbux policy would only look at the 2018 return.
So I'm good then? fuckin sweet
>account wall
can you post an archive link?

>> No.18137487

Let me spell it out for you
I can't leave my fucking house

>> No.18137528

Did they lock the article the filthy hebrews... fuck. It was available earlier. Sorry bro.

>> No.18137585


>> No.18137606 [DELETED] 

all good, WSJ are some slimy fucks
thanks senpai

>> No.18137627

meant new york times, still true tho
I'm slightly intoxicated

>> No.18137754

>I'm slightly intoxicated
Man do i miss drinking. My wife and I were laughing about that today. Everyone is shitfaced at 11am now.

>> No.18137955

>12 fucking ads
>not to mention the $1 a month fee to even look at the article
holy shit..

>> No.18138211

You realize people who live and eat like shit are more likely to die from internal complications than something like a virus yes
>t. someone who eats and lives like shit with no health problems (yet)