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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18136074 No.18136074[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw waiting patiently to invest in the real estate market
is it a good time buy some property yet lads?

>> No.18136101 [DELETED] 


>> No.18136113

thats a man

>> No.18136114

>is it a good time buy some property yet lads?

Wait for prices to decline 80% first. We just saw the biggest rise in unemployment ever in the US. Expect it to get worse, then come the bankruptcies and foreclosures.

Sweet ass btw, imagine that pole was your cock. wew

>> No.18136136

Stop trying to rent someone's future away

>> No.18136160

What do you mean...

>> No.18136166
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>built for

>> No.18136185

wait a bit,..
im in the same boat as you, i was almost ready to buy. but now would be a good time to wait and see if prices drop some and more things come up for sale due to the economy. just a matter of making sure to make a move before the interest rates climb back up if your planning to borrow for a mortgage.

im waiting for the right mix of still low rates on loans and some lower prices and more places for sale to choose from. I'm going to look at it as a 6 month plan for now but def gonna keep a close tabs on things just in case something changes fast wanna detect the earliest signs if possible and get ahead of it

but right now feels too early. i haven't seen any significant drop in prices of anything yet.

>> No.18136202
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>> No.18136228

who is she, I'm wondering what her face looks like

>> No.18137097
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>make a move before the interest rates climb back up
Where should I look for indicators?

I believe this is her as well

>> No.18137110


One day we'll burn all you jews

>> No.18137121

id literally eat her

>> No.18137130


If you are using usury to obtain properties you can't afford, you are a parasite. You would be actively denying people affordable housing through debt, for your own profit.

>> No.18137134

my fucking lord

>> No.18137175
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Me too

>> No.18137180
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>> No.18137185

good heavens you need to give us her name.

>> No.18137207

I think the biggest indicator will be missed rent payments on the first. That happens, then banks will begin squirming about recouping mortgage payments. Banks begin squirming, then homebuilder companies start slashing prices to make sure that they can at least break even on construction instead of just holding empty properties and the taxes that come with them. If your inbox has been getting blown up with messages from agents for the last few days, you probably know what I'm talking about. Companies are trying to move homes NOW.

>> No.18137242

> inbox has been getting blown up with messages from agents for the last few days
do you have to sign up for a mail list or something?

> using usury to obtain properties you can't afford
but I can afford it, and I'm going to use it taht's why I'm buying it.

>> No.18137264

goddess :<

>> No.18137278

to be fair, any female professional athlete are statistically more likely to having been born male than female (in this century at least).

>> No.18137299

133 is bfbbc

>> No.18137411
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>> No.18137440
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>> No.18137462
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>> No.18137501

It’s not usury if you are the borrower. I find the interest rate quite fair.

Learn to pronounce
the illegal action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest

>> No.18137534

Now is a very bad time to invest in property. We're about to see a huge plummet in housing prices.

People aren't buying because they have less money = demand down
Houses aren't going to be built because business has basically halted = supply steady

Prices are also the highest they've been in the US since 2006-2007

>> No.18137558
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Athletic females on this board usually look like skeletal men, and do nothing for me. But this goddess... muscles and curves. She can vault my pole any day.

>> No.18137644
File: 17 KB, 220x123, spepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real?

>> No.18137649


>> No.18137670

I'll tell you if you come to my cabin, anon

>> No.18137689

i love this sport. what's it's called again?

>> No.18137699

Something like 8 of the top 10 performers on Robinhood today were Real Estate stocks.

All 3 major cruise lines were on the worst performers list, 2nd day in a row for them as well unless i'm mistaken.

Take from this what you will. No idea why so many rental property places are spiking with no one able to pay rent.

>> No.18137718

I LOVE cabins!

>> No.18137727

At first I thought this was from that Eli Roth spoof Thanksgiving but... uh... it's not.

Anon, uh... where the fuck did you get this from? It looks.... disturbingly authentic.

>> No.18137751

short term from stimulus package. if quarantine lasts through april housing will collapse

>> No.18137757
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How to know when we're at the bottom of the drop?

>Rental property spiking
maybe it's because people are trying to take advantage

pole vault

>> No.18137778

she can vault on my pole anytime.

>> No.18137784

Anons! We should have a /biz/ sleepover at my cabin! I can even supply dinner!

>> No.18137793

Buy real estate in countries that China is going to annex in the next 10 years

>> No.18137795

It's been on /b/ and /x/ for at least 10 years. I never asked about the source.

>> No.18137816

They say roasted human smells like pork.

>> No.18137817

>I can even supply dinner!
Super cool of you Anon!

>> No.18137841

we can form a tribe in the up coming dark ages.

>> No.18137924

Baste. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oHDaKtx6bGY

>> No.18138011

What would our policy towards women be?

>> No.18138031


this girl is 15 btw. stop sexualizing her

>> No.18138038

Let's make this a bannable offense

>> No.18138066

We're not sexualizing her. We're deciding what recipe she'd be best paired with.

>> No.18138071

italian AOC is 14

>> No.18138105

Wait until all the boomers are dad which will take like 2 months.

>> No.18138124
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>Wait until all the boomers are dad

>> No.18138134
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>this girl is 15 btw

>> No.18138308

for other people under 18, not for adult men. yikes

>> No.18138335


Imagine her landing like that on your face.

>> No.18138347
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>> No.18138357

Imagine landing like that on her face

>> No.18138430


>> No.18138948

If the rate of interest is "unreasonably" high why wouldn't they just go elsewhere to get a loan? Sounds like a fake boogeyman to me.

>> No.18138981

why do you insist on providing evidence that the laws should be changed so that pedophiles actually only get labeled when they fuck single digit girls

>> No.18139042

I recognize your arguments and your redditspacing, you're a good guy who I've commended before (and warned you about that redditspacing).

I had a fantasy of being rich and selling houses to needy people at no profit for humanitarian purposes. I think I would have to interview people and enforce a deed restriction where they aren't allowed to rent the property or sell it for more than what they paid into it, because I think even if I sold cheap house to a seemingly honest person who wanted shelter, they'd be tempted to turn around and sell/rent it for 10x what they paid for the house perpetuating landlord scummery.

>> No.18139091
