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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18135717 No.18135717 [Reply] [Original]

Whats stopping us from making our own currency? It can be gold backed as well.

>> No.18135748


>> No.18135756

the government

>> No.18135767

low iq

>> No.18135774

You’ll just be murdered by the US government.

Many have tried to make a gold back currency. All of them ended up dead

>> No.18135781
File: 365 KB, 828x1792, AE6F8A99-9051-4310-99EF-1137ADDAECD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This only cost me 1 ounce of silver cuz I red pilled the chick I was working on gold and silver. She let me beat off all over her since she doesn’t want to have sex or give head now. Told her how 2 weeks worth of wages will soon be the equivalent of 1 ounce of silver.

Soon a mercury dime will accomplish this

So I’m already circulating real money

>> No.18135783

The Army, Navy and Nuclear Arsenal of the United States of America

>> No.18135785


>> No.18135796

They killed JFK because of it

>> No.18135797

Would it work though? Wouldn't the gold backedness stop counterfit money from working?

>> No.18135813

No I just mean us bizbros using Our new memecurrency that is gold backed as a legal tender among ourselves. Woiuld this work or not?

>> No.18135817

Yeah but trump doesn’t give a fuck. Kennedy doing it was one thing, he didn’t know how powerful they were and he was only like 45 years old.

Trump has what? 5 solid years left maybe? He doesn’t give a fuck.

>> No.18135819
File: 3 KB, 300x300, 5cd4ead690d2de5d99a7d5d7_RSV-stamp-black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Can you retarded faggots go back to /pol/

>> No.18135836




>> No.18135837

Same answer

>> No.18135853

Come on why would the government care that me and the bizbros use a new currency?

>> No.18135865

Btc is the closest thing.
No true owner or creator or central body to kill. So it cant be stopped.

>> No.18135866

What brainless don’t understand is they don’t even understand the primary function of money... which is to MEASURE VALUE of goods exchanged for it. Money is a barometer to measure value. And nothing does this better than gold.

A gold backed currency just means jews can’t contribute to steal our wealth through inflation.

>> No.18135881
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>trump doesn’t give a fuck
Yea bro because he's been draining the swap real well. Hang yourself.

>> No.18135886

Would it also mean counterfit money is worthless against it since you'd have to counter fit the gold aswell?

>> No.18135909

Bitcoin doesn’t measure value. Bitcoin is not how money works. Imagine it’s 1780 and dollars are being issued. You work for a week and make 20$. You don’t hold that 20$ in hopes that 5 years later it will buy you a mansion, like bitcoin could have if you were paid 20$ worth of it in the beginning

>> No.18135913

Lincoln tried it with government marks.

>> No.18135924

I don’t know about that. I mean I’m sure there was counterfeit money in the 1910’s or whatever

>> No.18135927

liberty dollars semmed promising.
But there has been no site activity since sep 20 of 2019
Maybe the glownigs got him

>> No.18135953


Btc is not money brainlet. Its currency

Btw, deflation happens in many currencies and that problem
Is why deflation is bad despite what breinlets in here tell you. Look at japan. Stagnant shit economy where companies stockpile cash because if deflation. They take no risk because hoarding cash gives better returns guaranteed due to deflation than investing might.

Btc is not money. It can benefit from deflation much like gold and money can be a DERIVATIVE of btc.

>> No.18135957

No I mean having the gold backed currency means the note is not as relevant as the gold. Am I misunderstanding what gold backed currency means?
>i give you note that is fraudelant 5 dollar along with real 5 dollars worth of gold so the note doesn't matter.

>> No.18135959
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>Whats stopping us from making our own plantation? We can use machines as well.

>> No.18135987


Gold backed currency is useful because it means even if the government defaults and is shit, the dollars still have value

>> No.18136022

wwas my understanding correct?

>> No.18136056

Look, I’m not saying I know it all with respect to bitcoin, maybe you are right.... all I know is if all I had was bitcoin and no silver and gold my anxiety would be through the roof right now. I have 10k link and some bitcoin. It isn’t like I’m not exposed to it but the people with no metal are exposing themselves to being fucked

>> No.18136078

guess we could use tether gold.
But we all know thats not backed by actual gold.
Also if we came up with a gold backed crypto thered be no garauntee that any of us wouldnt cheat either.

>> No.18136090

The government is gay, 20 dollars used to be equal to an ounce of gold, then less than an ounce, then 50 bucks equal to like 1/4 ounce then even smaller amounts then no gold at all. There needs to be some sort of check so they dont pull that shit again and say "GoLd DoEsNt WoRK AS MoNEy".

>> No.18136128

Gold ia a meme Whatsapp matters ia tomar itens Branco deflatiobary
Gold is deflat but not only choice

>> No.18136153

No the dollar used to represent gold. If we had a gold backed currency... I wouldn’t give a shit about owning gold and silver. I mean I still would but it wouldn’t matter.

I’m as far right as you can imagine and I hate Bernie sanders..... but Bernie supporters are unironically 1,0000% correct about income inequality... they just have no fucking clue how it’s happening and it’s because we don’t have sound money. So they are right that the rich are getting rich off Americans and the poor. But rich people paying more in taxes doesn’t lower the price of rent and bread which is why they are poor. It’s the rich stealing our wealth through inflation. So we are unironically in a socialist state right now.... but the media and govt tells these idiots it’s capitalism when we haven’t had capitalism in decades. So then more and more go for bernie and then the govt brings us to communism.

Even conservatives are retarded and probably more retarded than bernie supporters. They say get better educated and you’ll make more... which is good advice but doesn’t get at the root of the problem with the fed and no gold standard. When boomers were growing up in the 60’s the term “income inequality” did not exist. Nobody said it. Because we had sound money.

>> No.18136207

To add to this... leftists say billionaires are hoarding all the money. It’s the opposite... there’s too much money in the system. Billionaires are just propped up by the market being inflated by the fed. If we had sound money billionaires wouldn’t even be a thing. It’s only because of massive inflation that billionaires are a thing

>> No.18136238


Diversity is good. Btc is still a baby but its crossed its chasm and its here to stay.
If sny government tried to make what BTC is they would have been invaded and murdered by the USA. The fact it is decentralised and nobody can own it or shut it down is why it is here. Its extremely valuable and cant be taken.


The amount of gold you get as a peg is irrelevant due to dollar supply inflation. It just gives USD demand in real time. As the world grows and more people join there must be inflation of an everyday currency. The peg just gives it demand and some underlying value instead of a promise.

They removed the peg to avoid their obligations to hold gold and because they knew the oil dollar and their military power was enough to create demand without the burden of buying up gold with their budget constantly

>> No.18136239

Govt can’t say that gold isn’t money. It still is money. Doesn’t matter what they say.

>> No.18136357

That was a man

>> No.18136363
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Gold is impractical as money and us plebs dont have the means to make a gold backed crypto.
we just need to pick a crypto and stick with it.
I think monero would make a good choice.
Itd be the ideal crypto to stick it to the man.

>> No.18136520

That was a LOT of cum lol!

>> No.18136521

>As the world grows and more people join there must be inflation of an everyday currency
Gold mining rates have kept up with the population growth.

>> No.18138063

What a fucking waste

>> No.18138086

10 "suicide" inflicted gunshots to the back of the head done by a us hired assassin

>> No.18138098

>casually talking about sex
You are a fucking disgusting degenerate