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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18134417 No.18134417 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18134460

this would be fine and all but the issue is the banks and real estate people manipulate the market. banks will leave places empty instead of renting because they can say its worth x up until they take less than x

and then the real estate people are part of the racket when they say well its all based off muh comps and we decide muh comps

>> No.18134476

Go suck off your jew boss, retarded faggot, you're pointless and unloved so just kill yourself already.

>> No.18134481

>outed as fuck

>> No.18134489

More homes than homeless people. Its a waste

>> No.18134500

This. We need to kill homeless people.

>> No.18134501

I don't have a boss. I'm the boss and I have investors. You should go back.. immediately.

>> No.18134515

I could buy a house in the sticks for 10k but it would 2k a year in property taxes because were a country that taxes property

>> No.18134537
File: 73 KB, 554x400, dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The things I want are a human right.
The things I don't want or don't care about are superfluous.

>> No.18134550

retard I bought my house in november for 160k, I was looking at a house at a 3 way stop on a very busy intersection.

It was listed at 200k. I said no way would I ever pay that much for it, I'd do 150k and my real estate person got so fucking insulted and kept spouting MUH COMPS MUH COMPS

i don't give a shit about your manipulated market

I'm sure you do big guy, I have some investments in my reits as well

>> No.18134558 [DELETED] 

property is based on valuation genius

>> No.18134562
File: 1.14 MB, 2524x1440, Screenshot_20200326-114013_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder in the 50s a fucking store manager could be a homeowner and have his family live off of 1 paycheck. 9600 is 92k today.

>> No.18134595

property tax is based on valuation genius

>> No.18134604

It still says I’m going to spend about 2k a year on various expenses.
Maybe 500 a year could be possible. But it’s still a money sink

>> No.18134613


>> No.18134689

Funny thing is a landlord's main source of income isn't even rent, it's usually passive income (depends on the property of course).

>> No.18135131

so let these faggots avoid rent, landlords will be fine. Then when they get their wish and this place turns into communist china their social credit scores will be so bad they won't even be allowed to ride the bus to their government assigned work project.

>> No.18135160

A fucking store manager wasn't making 9600 in the 1950s

>> No.18135400

Skip to 19:00

>> No.18135430

Yes they were.

>> No.18135459
File: 584 KB, 1024x659, USD_PP1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.18135480
File: 335 KB, 1601x866, Rise-and-Fall-of-the-USD-688d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in less than 10 short years...

>> No.18136072

The reason they can't now is because women forced their way into the workforce which cut wages, and mass immigration which also cut wages. Too bad you can't go back since it would be sexist and racist.

>> No.18136297

This is true too but the amount of shit that has happened since then is too much to even pin point on one thing. The economy was probably one of the best of all time, atleats in the US because we literally had the most wealth since the US basically profited off of selling shit to the allies in WW2. An economy like that may never happen again, but it didn't have to go away forever.

>> No.18136432

Daily reminder that the average Chapo Trap House subscriber is a NEET or severely underemployed.

According to a subreddit survey:

Place your bets..

40% of Chapos are unemployed or employed less than full time.

18.5% claim "employed student", but this could be either full or part time. Given what communists think of capitalism and hard work, the answer is likely part, but it is not possible to say definitively from the answers.

If I make the easy generalization and say that those employed students are all working part time, the previous figure jumps to 58.5% of Chapos being unemployed or employed less than full time.

35.6% are employed full time or self-employed. You may now proceed to speculate about what "self employment" is for a capital-hating communist.

Now we get to the good stuff.

43% of Chapos make less than 20K a year. Given the previous stat that places most of them in coastal areas, likely with high costs of living, I would venture an educated guess that most are below the poverty line.

Remember that 30K a year is $15/hour before taxes. With that line in the sand drawn, it means that 44.3% of Chapos are making at or below entry level wages.

A few of them (4.6%) claim to make more than $100K a year. These users should leave immediately, because they'd be first up against the wall when the communist revolution takes hold.

94.7% of Chapos are in some kind of debt with 48.2% of that debt being, unsurprisingly, student loans. 42.2% of Chapos have a debt value below $1K, with 52.5% having more than that.

71.8% describe their material conditions as "comfortable" or "adequate".