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File: 154 KB, 511x293, cop car shield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18135019 No.18135019 [Reply] [Original]

Ah yes, everything is under control in China, we have no reason to doubt they are lying about their cases


>> No.18135049

they've really gone batty?

>> No.18135074

Wonder what the situation is really like in Wuhan.

>> No.18135076

Seen zero evidence except for this picture from hong kong.

>> No.18135079


>> No.18135168

It isn’t from Hong Kong

>> No.18135170


Any reliable news on that?

>> No.18135235
File: 472 KB, 419x476, 5343545345435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are they protesting exactly ?

>> No.18135273

basically the police from a neighbor province was blocking them to cross over to go to work

>> No.18135277

cops encroaching on other cops territory and one territory preventing people from another who just had quarantine lifted from working in their province

>> No.18135302

>lockdown in Hubei was lifted 2 days ago and people wanted to go back to work in Jiangxi
>Jiangxi police would not let them in
>people from Hubei got mad
>Jiangxi police invaded Hubei police jurisdiction, causing fights between the police
>riots ensued

>> No.18135439

zerohedge is 100% these days, oddly enough
>we only had to listen

>> No.18135518

Cringe. Kys

>> No.18135542

fuck off MIGAtard
China is making us look third world
Xi is a great leader, worry about your stupid president Drumpf

>> No.18135569


>> No.18135583
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im going to do it every time chang

>> No.18135619

this is pretty awesome - its like in the kung fu movies where one school besmirches the dignity of another school and they have to have an extramural struggle by hand to hand combat

>> No.18135779
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>> No.18136231


>> No.18136244

While everyone in the US is fighting to get on unemployment, these outstanding citizens are willing to fight to get back to work. Maybe trump will show this on twitter to shun you Americans.

>> No.18136277
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>> No.18136304

Workism is a mental disorder

>> No.18136900
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>> No.18137394

What happened is that the government said
>everything is okay, quarantine lifted
To save face.
But they can't actually lift quarantine on Hubei, because it's fucked. They're still getting cases. But people hear it's lifted, they try to leave. My Chinese friends have acknowledged they're just sacrificing the city.

>> No.18137400

IP Man movie series

>> No.18137535

>cops fighting other cops
Is this normal in china? Or are they at the brink of civil war and only now we find out?

>> No.18137581

The lockdown is worse than the virus and people there are realizing it. I'm not sure what this has to do with the number of cases.

>> No.18137612

Central planning resulting in food shortages I'd bet. Normal commie problems.

>> No.18137652


>> No.18137680
File: 33 KB, 550x293, guillotine1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top reply

>> No.18137809
File: 94 KB, 680x749, 1585179048523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Lockdown in Hubei was lifted 2 days ago and people wanted to go back to work in Jiangxi. Jiangxi police would not let them in. People from Hubei got mad.

2. Jiangxi police invaded Hubei police jurisdiction, causing fights between the police.

3. Riots ensued.

4. ???

5. Profit.

>> No.18137836

I mean hey it's totally believable. But that website is also extremely unreliable. Got another source?

>> No.18137902

Thats a man

>> No.18137931

Everyone is either sick, starving or dead

>> No.18138049

There's multiple links and videos in the thread. Fuck off with your shitty ZH isn't a good source. They were covering this shit on JANUARY 2ND which is how I knew to start stocking up on food and masks back then.

Just more evidence that CCP is not showing the truth on the ground there.

>> No.18138108

i saw it on the state news tv

>> No.18138147

So it was a good old police riot.

>> No.18138250

People in other provinces HATE the people from Hubei as they see them as the cause of why it spread to the whole of China. There were videos emerging of roadblocks and people beating up people from Hubei when this whole thing started. But remember goy that it's racist to view China in the same light with how they spread it to every corner of Earth.

>> No.18138271

>gets BTFO on /pol/ for being a retarded happeningfag
>posts on /biz/ thinking it will be any different
OP is, as always, a fag

>> No.18138272

>PSB cars
>Hong Kong
I didn't know there were discount wumaos.

>> No.18138286

Yea, same. It is unsurprising that the same people defend China or just say "eeew its nothing" are the ones who thought "it was just a fluuuu" until like last 2 weeks. Sheep

>> No.18138329

I read years ago that riots are fairly common in China, as in a daily thing, particularly in the rural areas. Not sure whether that only involved Uighurs who are locked now. Could be a nothing burger.
On a related note, the recent hanta virus death in China was probably also blown way out of proportion because hanta deaths are a fairly common regular thing around the world.

>> No.18138354

>>lockdown in Hubei was lifted 2 days ago and people wanted to go back to work in Jiangxi
>>Jiangxi police would not let them in
>>people from Hubei got mad
>>Jiangxi police invaded Hubei police jurisdiction, causing fights between the police
>>riots ensued
I don't know why people call China communist, this reads straight out of a New York City report from the 1800s when fire fighters were all private organizations that would also have turf wars and attack each other with axes and shit. Free market baby

>> No.18138635

The CCP's strategy to contain riots to similar to ours. Contain and control until the riot runs itself out. They don't just 50 cal the rioters every single time.

>> No.18139639 [DELETED] 

False, I did your mom last night

>> No.18139692

They can barely be called riots.

>> No.18139713
File: 568 KB, 998x631, 1819F5BA-613F-4ADA-BCBA-147D785387EB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18139874

It's actually quite normal. The gubmint likes to try to put a lid on it, but the chinese people riot and go on strike and all that quite a bit.

>> No.18139947

They're sick of having a 100% Chinese population, they want copious amounts of murderous paki's to be imported like in the west.

>> No.18139974

>Jiangxi police invaded Hubei police jurisdictio

>> No.18141144

almost sounds like a gang dispute

>> No.18141277

they've gone punani too, mate