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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.18130012


>> No.18130042

I need big bear cock in my ass now!

>> No.18130044

first for financial ruin

>> No.18130052
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>> No.18130053
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>> No.18130062

LOL this nigga got rekt

>> No.18130063
File: 177 KB, 843x461, massie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a quorum is present, bitch

>> No.18130066

Thank you based Kentucky

>> No.18130073

Lol at that pic, saved.

>> No.18130080

Haha line go down

>> No.18130117

B A S E D as F U C K

>> No.18130128

>bill gets passed
>line go down

>> No.18130168
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>railroading the largest spending bill in the history of the US without having any meaningful debate or analysis of it's contents and without a recorded vote
This is just like fucking Obamacare. Fuck these traitorous, greedy little kikes. Day of the rope can't come soon enough.

>> No.18130178

Alright, boys. Like I posted in the last thread, we are due for a new bear market next week. The ideal ETF portfolio is the inverse of this.


The Hedgefundie portfolio is 55% UPRO and 45% TMF. That means that for the coming bear market, for superior returns, we should just take do the opposite of this. Convert your portfolio to 55%SPXU and 45% TBF. This will result in mega gains in the coming dump.

>> No.18130198
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>> No.18130201



>> No.18130202

Bulls call every piece of bad news 'priced in' and then cant believe that something as utterly predictable as this bill passing would actually be priced in

>> No.18130211

yes surely writing down that 3 people voted no would have changed everything

>> No.18130222

need story

>> No.18130232

I can feel the poomp starting

>> No.18130234

Important correction to the above. The 3x inverse 20-year treasuries ETF should be TMV, not TBF.

>> No.18130250

I believe he was very outspoken against helicoptering and brrrrring

>> No.18130259
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>wuhan death rate at least double official count

>> No.18130262
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g-goys? $210 billion in repo taken this afternoon... w-what do we do?
i'm ready to go out guns blazing

>> No.18130270

he was all in on SQQQ

>> No.18130276

It's the cowardly shame-herding mentality.
If people had to go on record, they wouldn't jump to $2T in debt because it'll have consequences come election time.

>> No.18130292

institutional investors already priced it in. you can see the pathetic retail investor pump as they get the news late.

>> No.18130307

The only fiscal conservative left in Congress wanted to follow the constitution and make sure a majority of house members were present for vote. Congressmen mad because they are off on Fridays and actually had to work this week.

>> No.18130352

we should force them to wagie.

>> No.18130365
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>I missed 18k
>I missed once in a lifetime blue chips
>I could have retired a decade earlier

Pls tell me it will hit 15k bearbros

>> No.18130371

I mean wouldn't you be grumpy all the time if your job was to have people endlessly spew bullshit at you while trying to influence the law?

>> No.18130382


>> No.18130397

>Once in a lifetime
Even if we magically recover here we'll be bubble popping in about 8 years or so anyway. Always rely on greed to push numbers to unsustainable levels.

>> No.18130403
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haha line go up now wheeee! line!!!

>> No.18130408

>Everyone in the country going to be unemployed for 6 months at a mimimum
>Fed running out of surplus to buy
>Production at a standstill

>> No.18130411

Aaaaaaa these widespreads on options are annoying. I change it a little and all these machines automitcally changes theirs to mine and the other changes theres too

>> No.18130431

It's passed

And so dies the republic

>> No.18130437

it won't hit 15k, it will however dip below 20k several times this year - the economic malaise from covid-19 has only just started

>> No.18130439

Is that what the tiny spike up was?

>> No.18130444


>> No.18130462

>And so dies the republic
if it wasn't already dead, how exactly does this kill it?

is it the gibs? people just gonna vote for gibs from now on?

>> No.18130493
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Wake me up when SPX is below 2000. I'll be playing Rimworld in my stone mansion I built in the Montana wilderness.

>> No.18130494

Pretty much, once people get used to shit like "free" money, they don't want it to stop.

>> No.18130502

>And so dies the republic
quit being dramatic, we've been dealing with this issue since like LBJ

>> No.18130530
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>tfw diamond handsing them puts through $2 trillion stimulus passage

>> No.18130555


>> No.18130556
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>When Biden won the primary but Yang won the policy

>> No.18130558
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>Almost nobody who is audited has a CAGR of 20% or more over a period of more than 20 years.
>Successful day traders are a myth. If you think banks have them, you're wrong (Volcker Rule).
>Most traders are doing exactly what you are and fail just as hard,

>> No.18130592
File: 48 KB, 712x321, Screenshot from 2020-03-27 13-34-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've sat in bonds this year waiting for a happening. Time to move to the S&P and target year fund or wait a month?

>> No.18130595
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>low volume
>VIX at 64 and rising

>> No.18130665

You missed the dip on Monday. Keep waiting in bonds for the next decade.

>> No.18130676

i moved half of mine last week. my balance is only 1/7 the size of yours, however.

>> No.18130699
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>US about to break 100k coronas
>market barely reacting to stimulus
Why yes, I did predict the great March 27th 2020 end of week selloff market crash, how could you tell?

>> No.18130779
File: 34 KB, 933x269, Screenshot from 2020-03-27 13-54-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whelp, I'm happy to be on the right trend and accept you can't pick the right day or hour.
Better than just 'buy and hold for 60 years'!

>> No.18130812

Wew checked

>> No.18130834
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how i know the market will crash: the people making all the low IQ comments are always bulls

>> No.18130837

>>market barely reacting to stimulus

Did you miss the 20% pump in the DJIA over this week?

>> No.18130848
File: 204 KB, 728x410, 1527483950281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, you didn't... you didn't actually fall for the bull trap,did you?

>> No.18130861

Kek how many retards just admitted to selling SQQQ for a loss?

>> No.18130862

my only strong rationale for buying was a somewhat emotional one. i graduated in 2016, so i figured that buying then was making up for about a year of saving that my classmates just lost. I think we have more to go, but the 18-20k range dow is very juicy imo. with my smaller balances, i'm ok with bagholding down there.

>> No.18130877

Kinda sorta. Still up 50 bucks

>> No.18130884

currently no positions but am keen for this market to crash. it's supposed to.... to defy basic market principles would just disprove everything we know about economics and our market.

also i told me boss it would and he thinks im dumb so need to prove him wrong

>> No.18130885
File: 22 KB, 1077x510, Screenshot_31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah lol my bad dude phew that was close

>> No.18130886

this isnt a bull trap... its a v shaped recoivery

>> No.18130892
File: 409 KB, 593x462, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking BASED

>> No.18130915

based as fuck
what map type, fellow rimchad?
how will you be making money?

>> No.18130918

Nigha if this is the bull trap then I'm all good with being down 1% in the bull trap.

>> No.18130927

yes just keep parroting that

>> No.18130941

Oh no, /smg/. Did we sell out of Flannigan's Enterprises, Inc. too early? Is it time to get back in???

>Flanigan's Enterprises, Inc., owners and operators of the "Flanigan's Seafood Bar and Grill" restaurants and "Big Daddy's" retail package liquor stores, today announced that it was cancelling its April 2020 cash dividend and leveraging its take-out and delivery service in response to COVID-19.

>PR Newswire

>FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., March 24, 2020

>FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., March 24, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Flanigan's Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE American: BDL) today provides the following in response to the COVID-19 outbreak:

>1. As per governmental directives to close our restaurants and reduce operating hours in our retail package liquor stores, we have temporarily shifted to a take-out or delivery only operating model in our company-owned or operated restaurants and have reduced the hours of operation of our retail package liquor stores.
>2. We have begun to layoff what we expect to be a significant number of our employees as we begin to assess our employment needs to service the newly implemented take-out and delivery and reduced hours operating models.
>3. Our previously announced cash dividend of $.30 per share to shareholders of record on March 20, 2020 and payable on April 3, 2020 is cancelled and will not be paid.

>> No.18130959

Is the crash priced in?

>> No.18130961

titanium hands here, i'm done taking losses. i will NEVER sell anything until i get a profit. $24 SQQQ baby lets GOOOOO

>> No.18130962
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I hate that bitch, but damn

>> No.18130979

>>18130941 (continued)
>"The health and safety of our customers, team members and their families is our top priority," said James G. Flanigan, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Flanigan's Enterprises, Inc. "We remain committed to servicing our communities as we navigate through the current environment. As part of this effort, we will leverage our take-out service and delivery network to customers at home."

>"In addition to attempting to expand our take-out and delivery business, we are seeking ways to take action to tightly manage costs in this new volatile environment," said James G. Flanigan, CEO of Flanigan's Enterprises, Inc.

>> No.18130997

Wtf i love hillary now

>> No.18130998

>SDOW stop limit hit when that dumb fucking pump kicked in
i'm so tired of this clown market, now i have nothing to do.

>> No.18131004


>> No.18131018
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Please tell me this will all be over in a couple weeks... please...

>> No.18131025
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Rich Explorer in a cave
10% in Russell 2000 puts and 90% shorting the USD with JPY

>> No.18131030

Yep, that's it! This is the bottom bros, we will NEVER fall below 20k ever again! I've seen enough! This """recession""" has been completely priced in! Now is the time to buy! Gonna get back to work soon to own the libs! Based fucking Trump leading us to the greatest week for the Dow in a century, there's NOTHING this man can do wrong even though the libtard media keeps trying to take him down with the virus hoax!

>> No.18131032

where the fuck is the PUMP, i want to take my scrap earnings and LEAVE this market jesus christ

>> No.18131041

Yawn a pump even to sectors that dont get the stimulus. Its been crabbing below most of today, kinda wanna go do something else but havent got all my trades in.

>> No.18131047
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What's a good, quick In-and-Out for the EOD pump?

>> No.18131078

>rimworld not the new dwarf fortress version
you may be rich in money but you are poor in taste

>> No.18131103
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>> No.18131108

I've got 7 years on ya.
Given all the Fed and SEC and Congress and ... games right now, we might be at the bottom.
If not, we're close. At least I'm not down 30% this year. Long term, I chalk it up as a win.

>> No.18131167

holy fucking niggerquads ! ! ! ! ! ! !

>> No.18131176
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>> No.18131197

Don't worry bearbros. I bought a call at 256 on SPY completely ensuring it can't go above that point until the 31st.

>> No.18131202


>> No.18131262


>> No.18131263

These widespreads on options are pissing me off!!!! Even when I go to the midpoint no one bites.

>> No.18131281

Coworkers are talking about spending their $1,200 on "bills and Kohl's debt" lmao we are so fucked

>> No.18131291


>> No.18131303


>> No.18131307

>Rich Explorer in a cave
based as fuck

thats the exact point of passing this stimulus though

>> No.18131308
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bbbros have we been too cocky?

>> No.18131320

that's good for economy lol, almost as good as them getting into more debt, which they probably will

>> No.18131322

CAKE puts 10 4/17, am I dumb

>> No.18131327
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sold some SQQQ for puts

>> No.18131342


I said last night crab friday bull monday

>> No.18131351
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She wants him bad, old guy is seething.

>> No.18131354


Our cockiness is both bullish and, unironically, priced in.

>> No.18131360

>low volume crabbing right before closing bell
>crabbing right below a resistance
I wonder what will happen today, duh

>> No.18131364
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>> No.18131374



>> No.18131389

Wow and I always thought she lost because she had no sense of humor.

A staffer must've wrote this...
still keks

>> No.18131404
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>> No.18131414

I have money ready in-case S&P goes to 2700. breaking 2570 meaningfully should mean it's liable to take off.

>> No.18131415


>> No.18131417

40% down in less than a month, could be possible at this rate


idk who's gonna buy expensive cheescakes when he has no income, but burgers are retarded, so it's possible

>> No.18131422

>all parks shut down worlwide
>all hotels shut down worlwide
>all resorts shut down worlwide
>no sports, so no ESPN bucks
>nobody going out buying toys
>movie productions shut down
>no one buying movie tickets
>movies pushed back
>up 20% for the week

These fucking (((niggers))) can only play rigged games

>> No.18131430

Yeah, bull run into close

>> No.18131432

heh heh
you're the same goddamn guy who doesn't understand why RCL didn't go to zero?

>> No.18131442

imagine blaming the president for a global pandemic. the vast majority of americans do not respond well to this brand of nakedly venomous and cynical partisanship, in the midst of a health crisis no less.

>> No.18131453

There's gonna be a huge dump before close, right? No way everyone is gonna hold over the weekend

>> No.18131455
File: 322 KB, 1641x2048, Screenshot_20200327-111323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a good week until today

>> No.18131457

jews always win

>> No.18131466

RCL goes up even though they get nothing from stimulus...? Uh why?

>> No.18131473

Guys I have no fucking idea what’s going to happen next week. I have puts and calls and some stocks and...shit. I don’t know

>> No.18131474

that's a lot of shotguns anon

>> No.18131475
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She's circlejerking with her only group of fans on Twitter.

>> No.18131476

anyone here in the 200%+ returns for 2020 club?

>> No.18131485

People naturally dying in Wuhan each month: 0.7%/12*10,000,000=5,833
That chink whore is fucking dumb

>> No.18131487

S&P jumps either to 2700 on monday or dumps to 2450. its a coin toss

>> No.18131489

yeah, this isn't the dump I was expecting... Should've sold my puts ffs

>> No.18131494

money laundering or some other sketchy shit

>> No.18131496

if you get sick, it might be!
dump EOD today then circuit breakers mon/tues

>> No.18131498

Well, look at it like this, you are more likely to make or lose money than me, who is sitting on the sidelines with cash.

>> No.18131499

u 12?

>> No.18131501

Im worried it could pump or dump. Wanted to offload some stuff but 2 days is a long time for the corona virus to cause more damage especially with usa leading in official numbers.

>> No.18131516

Highly likely these companies get bought out instead of going bankrupt. Be careful trying to short to zero

>> No.18131524

Me to. Dumped one of my puts cause of the short term pump that happened.

>> No.18131529
File: 221 KB, 680x680, honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this clown market. there's no reason anything should be going up right now, the economy is at a fucking standstill.

>> No.18131530

shes hardly the only one doing the #trumpvirus shuck and jive for the cat ladies

>> No.18131534

When does inflation make gold go through the roof?

How long does this holding pattern last?

>> No.18131550
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>> No.18131553

Reminder that the quarantines will cause less worldwide deaths this year to car accidents/other sickness and cause a population boom

>> No.18131555

yeah its not like he could have taken it more seriously and instead of thinking about what would happen to his personal assets or the stock market going down and killing his major argument for re-election. its all going to backfire and the soundbites from him calling it a hoax and sitting on his hands will bite him in the ass in november.

>> No.18131557

What do you think about suncor? The stock is already really low but they’re, in my opinion, fucked in the long term. If everything was normally valued right now I would certainly short them but they could go up in virtue of everything else going up. All that aside they are completely and totally fucked

>> No.18131559

our grandkids will pay $20 for a gallon of milk, anon

>> No.18131560
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>> No.18131581

if I can't go on a date with my tinder match because nowhere's open I'm definitely not gonna contribute to that boom

>> No.18131584
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funeral services sure are

>> No.18131591
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almost enough for a visit to legoland

>> No.18131592
File: 321 KB, 749x541, Screenshot_20200229-112544_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just woke up, how is the based economy looking bullbros?

>> No.18131594
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>> No.18131598

good job bro

>> No.18131601

you'll contribute to the boom by inviting her over and ordering in

>> No.18131604

for the love of god please stop posting these gross yellow insect bitches

>> No.18131610
File: 17 KB, 817x213, oof2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up retard trumps approval rating has always been decoupled from the market. he is breaking all time highs in approval generally and approval of his response to the virus is growing daily, even among democrats. you are in a rapidly dwindling bitter, spiteful minority and ten years from now youll be pretending that you didnt think he was that bad at the time. youll be like the faggots on reddit rehabilitating george bush the war criminal for cynical partisan purposes. eat shit pussy youre gay and retarded.

>> No.18131614
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1 million deaths for every 40,000 unemployed

>> No.18131616

>le brrr XD

>> No.18131621

>circuit breakers!!!
never believing anyone who says that from now on

>> No.18131623
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>for the love of god please stop posting these gross yellow insect bitches

>> No.18131631

gold is bulltrapping hard right now. bottom is at spy 1000. screenshot this as a reminder

>> No.18131632

the market is clearly wildly irrational at the moment but who would buy into a weekend on the day when the us became the global leader in cases? the stimulus package is the last bit of good news we're going to get and it was priced in earlier this week.

>> No.18131637

fud is priced in, prices, unemployment, deaths, infections, M2, UP UP UP.

>> No.18131642
File: 118 KB, 638x462, 639_hmim_inspection2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% based. Y'know, other than the fact that the dollar will be worth as much as toilet paper after all this, but other than that we're good to go!

>> No.18131646


>> No.18131647

>up 17% for the week
>Dow component up 17% for the week
>While the DJIA is up 15% for the week
>this is a surprise

wow... are goyim really this fucking stupid?

because they were down 80%, and the shortsellers aren't greedy or stupid enough to try for a 100% gain.

And lots of speculators.
For instance, what if the regulators allow CCL and RCL to merge to stay "afloat" heh
Competition is eliminated in the sector, leaving a much stronger company with newfound dominance over the industry.

>> No.18131678

How much you put in

>> No.18131689

>When does inflation make gold go through the roof?
In a global economic recession?
Maybe 6 months before the economic recovery, before they raise rates to keep it in check.

>> No.18131690

be honest man if that was a cute white girl face with that same body, it would be way more attractive

instead you've got this stone look flat faced pangolin soup sippin bowl cut havin footshaper

>> No.18131691

>tfw fell for the living at home meme at 23 to save money to invest

maybe I can invite myself over there. she messaged me first so and I confirmed she's not a bot or tranny so idk

BA back to 90 on Tuesday?

>> No.18131694
File: 21 KB, 466x300, oil_price2_466x300gr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's war time, bros

>> No.18131696

Trump bad

>> No.18131700

to be clear id still vote for him but his handling of this situation, going by the ever increasing case and death toll, is certainly going to pan out very poorly for him.

>> No.18131703


Who hurt you?

>> No.18131706

Asians are the highest tier of womantry

>> No.18131707

The price of gold remains constant. That's the point. Your dollar is worth less.

That's because we are experiencing deflation right now

>> No.18131710

yes there will be inflation once the fed bucks have been fully injected into the bubble. you are selling the news too early

>> No.18131711
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It was almost all profit from a 1 time $50 investment as a newbie. Sorry I'm not dumping all my money in this crazy as shit market. Maybe I'll go to Legoland after this coronavirus shit is done though.

>> No.18131721
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>> No.18131724
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Who else is getting /GUSH'd/?

>> No.18131726
File: 50 KB, 765x758, 1564197251411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be honest man if that was a cute white girl face with that same body, it would be way more attractive instead you've got this stone look flat faced pangolin soup sippin bowl cut havin footshaper

>> No.18131728

What is the name of this man?

>> No.18131731

>the soundbites from him calling it a hoax and sitting on his hands will bite him in the ass in november.
This will only hurt Trumps chances if his lukewarm supporters in swing states drop dead from it.

>> No.18131735

Anne Tang, senior year of highschool

>> No.18131739

>meteor hits earth
>FuCkInG DrUmPf
no one cares what the 20% of box wine swilling cat ladies and nevertrump spiteful neocon jews thinks about anything anymore

>> No.18131749

>could have called her Pyun Tang
ngmi brah

>> No.18131757

Imagine being such a beta faggot you go after Asian women because white women find you repulsive Lmfao

>> No.18131762

>a company thats especially fucked in all directions performs the same as entire index's of stocks
>"aRe YoU rEaLlY SuRpRiSeD?"

Post your portfolio

>> No.18131764

once it starts hitting the rural areas with fewer hospitals and critical care units per capita than ciites, they will.

>> No.18131765

Down $3 on them.

>> No.18131768

BRUH you about to lose your job and your house.

>> No.18131772
File: 647 KB, 752x880, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullish signal?

>> No.18131784

Is that all you bought? One share?

>> No.18131790
File: 15 KB, 348x303, ronover3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAXIMUM delusion

>> No.18131791

Which is why it's important to keep telling them that it's all a hoax.

>> No.18131792

I love this timeline.

>> No.18131795

>>18131305 #
>>18131306 #
>>18131309 #
>>18131316 #
>>18131340 #
So basically I should avoid GUSH like the plague, even after this oil and corona shit is over, because the returns just won’t be anywhere near as good as they might look on a 1yr graph?

>> No.18131801

mexico is finally going to pay for the wall

>> No.18131804
File: 64 KB, 640x800, thot_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18131807

>believing Chinas "official" numbers
Yeah stupid, right....

>> No.18131811

I bought 6.

>> No.18131817

Yes. Unless they find out that oil is the cure for the coronavirus, in which case you should buy it in the AM and still sell before EOD.

>> No.18131823

"US Citizens"
you mean returning illegals right?

>> No.18131827

>bullish signal?
The madman built the wall!
Step 2: round up the illegals
Step 3: collusium games to replace the cancelled niggerball

>> No.18131829
File: 41 KB, 600x641, 1524178827971-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you. I cant get any women

>> No.18131835
File: 117 KB, 458x546, 1371960517640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else think this is a globalist conspiracy to kill off most US businesses so they can all get bought out or crushed by the few remaining enormous companies?

>> No.18131837

GUSH is for short term plays, if you know for a fact that crude is going up go ahead and buy some, but it's not something you want to hold. Reverse splits guarantee it will constantly depreciate.

>> No.18131840

>economy is in shambles
>nobody has a job
>barely putting out basic supplies
>"Lol lets war with oil because its too cheap!"
Bruh you dumb, if we are going to war its with fucking China.

>> No.18131845

>believing all unofficial numbers just because the official one isn't to be trusted

>> No.18131848

honestly hes right 99% of asian girls are butterfaces at best. its just not right, they look too apelike even at their best. something soulless about it. they produce much more attractive cartoons than women, sad fact. probably because anime is an artistic expression of japan's permanent sexual and cultural submission to white americans after ww2.

>> No.18131850

no not really

>> No.18131856

come on pump this shit green bears don't deserve anything but a noose

>> No.18131861

Stonks will never have a red day again
t. Jerome

>> No.18131866

Asians are on a way higher pedestal. White women are inferior in every imaginable way other than being trashy.

>> No.18131868

GUSH is a literal dumpster fire going to zero. Short that shit.

>> No.18131871


>> No.18131872
File: 259 KB, 1600x1132, coldweather_gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might not be the right place to ask, but I'm a 20yo zoomer looking for a summer internship in either finance or engineering, is looking for internships right now going to be a waste of time?

>> No.18131876


>> No.18131879

can you post a side profile of your nose for me i want to test a theory

>> No.18131881

ah, no
THIS is the retard from last night.

It's not though.
You think it's MORE fucked than Dow Chemical, Exxon Mobile, Chevron, Caterpillar 3M, Travelers, Walgreen??
Disney has a lot going for it, and everyone worried about the hit to ESPN, movies, cruises, parks, etc. pretty much already sold.

Sorry sweety, I think it'll go lower but this should not be a surprise to anyone who isn't brand new, or hasn't looked at previous crashes.

>> No.18131883


>> No.18131886
File: 220 KB, 750x1294, B621307D-7CB0-424D-A6E9-DFF5405F3C05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this crash more? I want to invest.

>> No.18131890

the fucking entitlement of these hypocrite mexican faggots. how selfish can they be? just pay for the migrant healthcare costs, its their obligation

>> No.18131891

Cool it with the anti-semitism, anon!!!!

>> No.18131892

For sure, let me pull out my Nokia real fast

>> No.18131902

Is SPY all I need or would you recommend foreign stock ETFs, too?

>> No.18131905
File: 8 KB, 640x193, 56592A7F-C961-4987-B7F4-E61B88D84FE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’ll just crash on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday right bros?

>> No.18131908

That's why it's going up. Until people like you stop buying puts and only then will the dump start.

>> No.18131912

Thanks anons. What’s a good oil ETF to grab for the long term instead?

>> No.18131914

really weird that it's crashing cause when I think aerospace and defence they're all booming

what's in it?

>> No.18131915

Frankly I am disgusted by their bigotry and antisemitism.

>> No.18131921

Yeah just take a loan out and start gambling.

>> No.18131923 [DELETED] 

Thanks for not being a dick. I did pretty well percentage wise compared to most of /biz/ from what I can tell.

>> No.18131926

foreign is probably good. taking advice from vanguard.

>> No.18131927


>> No.18131930
File: 49 KB, 708x704, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought that SQQQ, thanks. giving it 6 - 12 months and selling, then buying up VTSAX. comfy ride

>> No.18131945

Last chance to get on the bull rocket guys. We're going to the moon.

>> No.18131947


>> No.18131949
File: 26 KB, 600x396, ac9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disney has a lot going for it

Name 3 things

>> No.18131950

is this bait

>> No.18131951

God damn it. I thought the stock market only went up?

>> No.18131953

Absolute madman

>> No.18131954

>holding sqqq for 6 months

>> No.18131956
File: 11 KB, 467x533, 1566995384252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys why doesn't everyone just do this? It happens every time!!!

>> No.18131958

why the fuck would illegals go back into mexico when they cant come back? You fucking cracker-ass brain dead piece of shit

>> No.18131959

sold earlier today for a big time loss, buying into unleveraged on the pumps.

>> No.18131960

>i bought that SQQQ
>giving it 6 - 12 months
t. brainlet

>> No.18131961

you're not supposed to hold sqqq but ive fallen for the bait and I cant get back up

>> No.18131963
File: 1.17 MB, 630x6103, info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna post a real old image, from 2012 here

>> No.18131967

I bought some at near 5 bucks, shit was ripping when the dow was up.

>> No.18131969

Don't buy oil until after the crisis is solved, then just buy something like CVX, RDS.B, or XOM

>> No.18131975
File: 20 KB, 235x350, The_Day_After_Tomorrow_movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this movie predicted something like that would happen.
This shitty movie was ahead of its time.

>> No.18131989

Not gonna lie thats a pretty spicy meatball. Got some good bants there.

>> No.18131992

anything i can PUT my last $7 into

>> No.18131998


>> No.18132002

shove it up your ass retard

>> No.18132008

Sick this is so cyberpunk

>> No.18132010


>> No.18132012

Why after tho? By the time news gets officially released that the oil crisis is resolved, won’t I have missed the bottom
Already? Or do you think we’re nowhere near the bottom for oil ?

>> No.18132015

Don't buy oil? It's low as fuck right now, and it's going to go up sooner or later regardless. Go all in on XOM and 6 months from now you'll be in the green 500%

>> No.18132018


>> No.18132020

>Don't buy oil until after the crisis is solved,
yeah wait for shares to go up then buy it. you know some people can actually hold stocks right?

>> No.18132021
File: 177 KB, 907x1360, 71v8bUFMraL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the day after tomorrow is literally the left behind series for shitlibs

>> No.18132031

Really boring day to be honest

>> No.18132032

they go back and forth all the time dumbfuck. are you a europoor?

>> No.18132036
File: 689 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20200327-134603_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not like people in China are beginning to riot or anything because not even they believe their government
Yeah... ok retard.

>> No.18132037

What's an ass retard and where do I get one? Asking for a friend.

>> No.18132038 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 640x480, white woman in her natural habitat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silly wyte boi thinks he can compete with FIDO
*nipples, vag and doggy dick are censored so it's okay, jannies

>> No.18132043

They're currently in the "dump" phase of the pump and dump cycle, so you might make a few bucks on it if you wait a month

>> No.18132049

Calm before the storm

>> No.18132050

>anon buys oil
>cold fusion breakthrough the next day

>> No.18132051

to be fair Mrs. Robinson is a banger

>> No.18132061
File: 55 KB, 892x535, 1585317581217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word brother.

>> No.18132063

UBER an LYFT going to Mid-teens

>> No.18132065

What does this mean

>> No.18132064

Do you know how SQQQ works?

>> No.18132070

Spoon feed me why I shouldn't buy 20000 dollars worth of NBR

>> No.18132071

wouldn't say that's certain at all

>> No.18132075

Our grandkids will be Canadian?

>> No.18132081

>don't buy oil until the price is climbing through the roof
never change /biz/

>> No.18132084

this is fake right

>> No.18132093
File: 308 KB, 1103x968, OrdinarySexlife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to stop feeding brainlets for today.
I wish the newfags would leave, they've seen too many movies and are shocked when their "le big short" doesn't go as planned.

Is it just that school is out? Or is it the leftbehind dregs from /pol/?

>> No.18132095

This image gives me an erection. That’s bullish BUY BUY BUY

>> No.18132097

based and prostatepilled

>> No.18132100

About to hold sqqq over the weekend. I may be obliterated but I just can't resist

>> No.18132104

>30+% crash already


>> No.18132107

>'e bought XOM?
>Activate ze ITER

>> No.18132109
File: 1.15 MB, 1200x1819, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no wife and son
How can I make it bros?

>> No.18132108

And factually false article, my retarded friend. Departing Wuhan isn't allowed until Apr. 8th.

>> No.18132113

I bought this at .34 and was too pussy to hold it overnight.

>> No.18132116

it wasn't fucking bait. the fucking pump started early, the fed put its fucking hand in 3 days straight. if they didn't we would've seen humongozoid gains.

obviously bitter. we were cheated

>> No.18132119


>> No.18132121

you wish.

>> No.18132123

Big oil would sooner start ww3 before letting fusion get in the way of their profits.

>> No.18132122

Why are they rioting then, MSS Agent-kun?

>> No.18132125
File: 91 KB, 200x200, 1343284849967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18132126


>> No.18132148


This is my logic as well, but I'm spreading it out within the industry.

>> No.18132149

real tough guy

>> No.18132151

Doesn't Uber deliver food now?

>> No.18132152
File: 948 KB, 2308x3264, happy family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a pure 2D anime wiafu to marry

>> No.18132157

fund could go insolvent or do stock splits if it drops more

>> No.18132159

they're gunna give money to people and say "you can't buy back."
billion $ pump and dumps are about to control the market.

>> No.18132163

Ok retard I guess the Chinese are disgruntled with their incompetent and deceitful government over nothing...

>> No.18132165

would be far more frugal to make a billion dollar propaganda campaign that fusion plants make you heterosexual, so americans and europeans would reject the new technology out of fear of the unknown

>> No.18132169

>be bought the SQQQ meme

>> No.18132171

What’s with the random ralph and fuentes picture

>> No.18132178

i fucking love bestiality

>> No.18132182

Part of me is wondering if the oil freakout going on right now is because they know fusion is close.

>> No.18132184

i'll be holding a fat stack of TQQQ thanks for the gains beartards

>> No.18132185
File: 660 KB, 356x272, 1495900657830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>billion $ pump and dumps are about to control the market
>about to

>> No.18132188

yeah.. still think it's going to go down tho

>> No.18132189


>> No.18132192
File: 60 KB, 974x627, THE MARKET AND CRISES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as market goes down SQQQ goes up. the argument goes: the market will go down in the months to come, and therefore SQQQ will go up. once we see the "true" dip, then it's time to sell SQQQ.

i am more than happy to listen to your opinions and more than happy for you to tell me why my thoughts are wrong, and why SQQQ should in fact NOT be held for such a long time

>> No.18132193 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 640x480, move over BVLL, it's DOG time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the power of cumskin cope
Is doggish market a thing?

>> No.18132199
File: 18 KB, 300x220, thumb_pol-anyone-got-that-wojak-pepe-meme-of-hillary-shittin-53344810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the miserable alcoholic cuntbag who ran for president multiple times and lost

>> No.18132202

Maybe you're the smart one. When we go full depression and they ban short selling I wonder what'd happen to SQQQ

>> No.18132207

Sometimes you just know.

>> No.18132209

go up or go down idc anymore i have a short attention span and im bored of this shit

>> No.18132214

Monday should be PUMP day

>> No.18132216











>> No.18132227

its 3x leveraged and resets daily. please just look up how that works over time

>> No.18132232
File: 1001 KB, 2114x3047, 0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


very unsettling.

>> No.18132236

It’s not. It’s because Putin and the Saudi prince are cucking US oil.

>> No.18132238
File: 36 KB, 183x235, 1585184418012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being still this butthurt after all this time

>> No.18132243

Honestly I think it's going back down what good news is left to pump? stimulus package is done now they have to pick up all the dead old people and slumpf will have to act apologetic about it. Plus they won't be able to "open" after easter.

>> No.18132246

It’s 3x leveraged and gives a daily return meaning that if the market goes up and down but stays around the same numbers for awhile the value will drop off. You can read about on investopedia.
t. Also caught holding SQQQ over the weekend but not for too long

>> No.18132254

>Anal ysis from before the pandemic

>> No.18132258

I'm going to sleep. Don't fuck me up Bog.

>> No.18132260

>Cowen’s analysts didn’t say how exactly Uber is losing all that money,

>> No.18132261

Everyday will be a pump day until you see /biz/ full of bulls again.

>> No.18132266

No you fucking wont retard. Oil is fucked from multiple directions. Whatever, its your loss.

>> No.18132270

Because SQQQ has a shitty theta even when the markets are going down. You always stand to lose more in the long run.

>> No.18132275

i appreciate this information, i simply didn't read up enough about it and made some gross assumptions.

>> No.18132277

>priced in
thanks anon

>> No.18132289


>> No.18132304

That's a woman.

>> No.18132308
File: 152 KB, 663x1024, the frogs, the frogs again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's lasting psychological trauma.

>> No.18132310

there is other funds

>> No.18132312

Okay, screencapped.

>> No.18132333

OPEC countries are starting to cry already, western nations aren't buying either. The Saudis are going to lose this game of chicken.

>> No.18132336

The reason its a good buy is because it's fucked in multiple directions. You dont have to get out of positions 2 days after buying in retard.

>> No.18132357

they arent even going to pay for it

it’s mormons trying to buy cheap drugs in mexico, but mexicans are worried about their culture so no drugs for Americans

>> No.18132370

That's why... THIS time, I'm going TWM,
2x inverse small caps

that should be fine... right?

>> No.18132381

Get out and stay out degenerate, corona-ridden amerimutts.

>> No.18132397

Glad we got stop you from wrecking yourself.

>> No.18132413

Oil won't go from 20 to 60 in a day, idiot. The first green dildo will be the beginning of a new trend.

>> No.18132454

Have sex

>> No.18132488
File: 247 KB, 2048x1448, 1584977262654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> stone look flat faced pangolin soup sippin bowl cut havin footshaper

>> No.18132510


>> No.18132513
File: 291 KB, 1242x1412, A990F53F-5727-4F07-BD9C-779E8D9DBD62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not too good at this

>> No.18132531

>tfw no impossibly perfect jap femdom maid waifu

>> No.18132537

It will hit $40 by the end of April/beginning of May

>> No.18132819

How retarded is it to buy a sqqq call
Exp April 17
Strike $21
Premium $3.30

I mean I’m feeling some red next week but would have 3 weeks to fill...

>> No.18132940

Calm before the pump

>> No.18133328

>vote passed
>still red
It's ogre

>> No.18133333

This is the most accurate encapsulation of all short-term stock market speculation I have ever seen.

>> No.18133641
File: 35 KB, 630x420, 1543095018519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18133688

>It’s 3x leveraged and gives a daily return meaning that if the market goes up and down but stays around the same numbers for awhile the value will drop off
Applying this to the current market doesn't work. I did the same as the other anon, but not ignorantly.

Yes, value will decay over time. However, I'm holding calls in 3x leveraged inverse index ETFs because my prediction is that when the index finally drops, it will drop fast. A 3x ETF is best positioned to take advantage of this. The problem is you can't predict exactly when it's going to happen, so taking out longer term options makes sense.

If you believe the worst is over, then yeah, it was a bad buy. I think we have one more cliff to fall off of before we're done.

>> No.18133740

i think it's happening now! look. im hoping to sell at 27 and 29. wbu? r u holding till monday??

>> No.18133744

let the end of week sell of begin. getting real tired of this carny ride

>> No.18133757


>> No.18133829


>> No.18134017

Lol, that dump just a second ago was nuts. I'm confident it's coming, I'm gonna hold, but with the full and complete understanding that it's extremely risky to do so.

The best thing about options is that your losses are baked in. I can only lose what I threw at it, so whatever, the upside is huge enough that I can justify it. If it doesn't happen by April 6 or so, I'm going to reevaluate.