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18126180 No.18126180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

“I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You know, you go into major hospitals, sometimes they’ll have two ventilators. And now all of a sudden they’re saying, ‘can we order 30,000 ventilators?’


>> No.18126215

The medical equipment industry is cartelized worse than the Mexicans ventilators are ancient tech and in a free market would be dirt cheap by now

>> No.18126217
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>“I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You know, you go into major hospitals, sometimes they’ll have two ventilators. And now all of a sudden they’re saying, ‘can we order 30,000 ventilators?’


>> No.18126237

Are people still talking about the cough?

>> No.18126282

Jesus Christ hahaha

>> No.18126327

Trump is fall guy confirmed

>> No.18126336

>I don't believe in medical professionals, I go by the voices in my head
Wew actually thinking this man is suitable to run the country

>> No.18126346
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It's like he doesn't even want to win again

>> No.18126361

Ill never forgive anyone that allowed themselves to believe this fuck wit ever knew the first thing about what hes been doing.
The blatant aggressive stupidity has become life threatening, as most of us said it would 2 years ago

>> No.18126375

I refuse to believe he said that. That's literal retard logic, it just can't be real.

>> No.18126377

Unless every brain dead boomer in the country dies of kung flu he'll still win

>> No.18126382

Trump is always fading the hype and taking the contrarian stance. 4chan's guy

>> No.18126383

this but they made it hard for him not to

>> No.18126387

He's having a freakout on Twitter right now. He posted the raw data for a bullshit approval poll. He's like a toddler holding onto a blanket for comfort as everything burns down around him.

>> No.18126405

It's always real. All of it

>> No.18126409

rofl retard doesn't even know usa would need hundreds of thousands unless quarantine laws are enforced heavily.

>> No.18126420
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Lot of salty bulls in this thread looking for a fall guy.

>> No.18126450

Americans will still vote for him. They don't consider his saying wrong, they consider it "epic and redpilled"

>> No.18126469

The same medical "professionals" who were caught taking bribes from Purdue Pharma en masse? The same professionals who demonized dietary fat for decades after taking the sugar lobby's filthy lucre?
Yeah, I'll go with the President's gut in this case.

>> No.18126481

>CDC predict that the U.S. could need up to 750,000 to deal with the pandemic
>Trump says 30,000 too much

this sounds a lot like my own skype meetings with my idiot ceo only people won't die when we fuck up our projects colossally.

>> No.18126495

RIP America

>> No.18126498

You guys were piling on him for doubting the WHO's 3.5% official death rate when it is in fact more like 0.5-1%.

>> No.18126506

I hear they're the same "medical professionals" who advise against drinking fish tank cleaner, please drink some to prove them wrong

>> No.18126509

No ventilator for you!

>> No.18126565

clown man for a clown world. I'm glad politics were exposed for the clown show they've always been

>> No.18126574
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He's averages over 35 tweets a day during the crisis.

Imagine if JFK spent all day during the Cuban Missile Crisis tweeting C list celebs in petty fights or Truman spent the end of WWII retweeting approval numbers and fringe op-eds.

He truly is the first Zoomer President

>> No.18126580

The audio is right there mate

>> No.18126596

I have had the suspicion for quite some time now that there are paid Trump shills on this board. Some of the responses are so stupidly pro-Trump that I cannot imagine anybody capable of using a web browser could possibly think this way. Maybe they are just trolls.

>> No.18126608

The bit about JFK cracked me up lmao

>> No.18126616

It's honestly funny how the most "boomer" president acts like the most zoomer of them all. Obama, i would understand since he rode on zoomer votes, but not this faggot.

>> No.18126621

i've said it before but it's insane the amount of "positive press" the administration is pushing. just to keep people from panicking.
a covid test takes 7-10 days to return results. people in labs are fucking swamped. real fucking meaningful to say "free tests for everyone" when by the time you get results you'd have a week or two to spread the disease.

>> No.18126630
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Fun fact: when you're not on reddit, people don't always march to your tune faggot.

>> No.18126646

You don't get it. We can't be wrong, it's the entire world that is wrong, so we need to support contrarianism.

>> No.18126667

everyone will be back to work in no time and the greatest economy will be back.... under budget and ahead of schedule
thank you based God Emperor

>> No.18126670

meanwhile people can go in and out of New York and New Orleans freely, making sure the virus is well spread all across the country.

>> No.18126676
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They were very, very wrong on China. For years now. This crisis is like the icing on the cake. How's that fluidly globalized economy going? Imagine if we had the wherewithal to shut off all trade and commerce with a diseased country IMMEDIATELY

>> No.18126679
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On the bright side, the shutdowns have positive effects on the environment

>> No.18126699

In fact, estimates by actual epidemiologists and not napkin math done by tangentially medical adjacent Stanford staff say willingly that they are still incredibly unsure what the fatality rate will be in any given country and give wide brackets. I've seen peer reviewed models from 0.02-4%, and they always load up caveats about how it applies to their specific population and health infrastructure.

Anyone claiming a true IFR based on extrapolation is a fucking mong, and notably not one I've seen publishes on infectious diseases. Dunning Krueger in effect.

For instance, healthcare system collapse could wildly change fatality rates. Modern cases of bubonic plague have a less than 10% fatality rate when first world docs come in with meds. Remove access to modern medicine and it jumps north of 30%-40%.

>> No.18126705

As a billionaire, he's right, you know? It's better to let a couple of pleb suffocate instead of wasting the national budget on ventilators.

America needs to stay sharp and invest in the army, not some medical machines like socialist countries

>> No.18126733

Fuck you Pippin you gay ass midget

>> No.18126744

>ventilators are ancient tech and in a free market would be dirt cheap by now
This literally genuinely unironically

>> No.18126756
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>only 1% of infected global population may die, everything is fine bro

>> No.18126759

You're supposed to isolate until the result is in.

t. got tested today, result is pending

>> No.18126769

i work in healthcare, and i'm legitimately worried that, as a nation, we're gambling hard on this not being as bad as it could be. every day that quarantine measures are not ramped up means a huge spike in deaths two weeks from now. even if we slam the brakes on tomorrow, it'll be weeks until the cases spread today will be manifest.

>> No.18126789

great picture. right one is clearly less orange, whatever that means.

>> No.18126806

>healthcare system collapse could wildly change fatality rates
this is the most important aspect that idiots don't get still. it's either sub 1% normally, or above 3% up to 6% in case of an overwhelmed healthcare system.
the difference between the two is social distancing and self quarantine.

>> No.18126810
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The Chaotic Good take on all of this is that those most at risk are honestly a net drag on the economy and holding the world back from a genetic refresher. We used to have wars and plagues causing constant, positive genetic churn and that just doesn't happen anymore. It's like the planet is aggressively upping the ante now for our own good.

Letting this thing spread in the US would primarily kill fatties, the naturally sickly, and the old. It would literally improve the country after 2 years.

>> No.18126829

7-10 days is a long time. even if you get a negative test, it doesn't mean that you didn't contract it during that waiting period.
i get it, it's comforting. to see it on the news, the president saying "we have test kits, if you think you are infected you can get tested", but the process is worthless. if you were infected, by the time you get results you'd already know.

>> No.18126833

Decrease in pollution after stoppage of production. Scientists estimate that the fall in pollution saved 20X the lives of those lost by the coronavirus in China. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffmcmahon/2020/03/16/coronavirus-lockdown-may-have-saved-77000-lives-in-china-just-from-pollution-reduction/#2a248ce34fe3

>> No.18126849

What do you need 40,000 ventilators for?
Pussies. I feel fine.

You realize Corona is the same as a colf or flu right?

>> No.18126853

He's not. The reality is that these lives can be saved but that requires billionaries to give up a few of their planned yacht and mansion purchases, which of course will not happen in this country until normies rise up.

>> No.18126857

Maybe you should have studied hard so you wouldn't have to work such a stupid job for so little money, shill.

>> No.18126864

MAGAtards should never be allowed to vote again.

>> No.18126869
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Where are all the anti-Communist yellow peril shills now?

Before there was nonstop criticism of China and its response to the virus. Now we get to see the absolute mess of a response from the US. China built hospitals in a week. China went on full lockdown with full compliance. The result is the disease has been stopped dead in its tracks. Then we look at the US where Trump is ordering all the proles to go back to work saying it's a nothing burger. Business leaders are suggesting everyone should just get infected. Can't have the stock market going down after all that's the one thing Trump prides himself on. People are throwing their lives into the gauntlet to save dying American Capitalism. China is dabbing on us. Sick coughing Americans trudge on while healthy Chinese anticipate replacing the US as superpower.

>> No.18126875

At my hospital it's supposed to take 36h, at another hospital they usually have it within 12h because their own pathology department does the testing.

>> No.18126882
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>chaotic good

>> No.18126887


I'm sure your Art History degree is just raking in cash right now basement dweller

>> No.18126888

this is a good lesson to mankind. we need to automate the tests. because there will be a more nasty epidemic in the future. something with a mortality rate of 20-30%. we need to train fucking neural nets to identify the virus in question we need to do this in the cloud and we need to make test kits that people can plug into their phone via usb and the tests are universal on the user end.

because the current system can't even handle a mild pandemiclet.

>> No.18126891


The president is a buffoon compared to Bill Gates.

>> No.18126898

I lived in rural Iowa and Kentucky for awhile. /pol/tards excited this will own the liberal cities and not hit them are the most delusional.

To be sure, higher density and being a travel hub hurts you early, but in small towns people meet at a handful of hubs and are more social. Bible studies with median ages of 70 are still meeting.

It only takes one group of old people sitting near a coofer at Dairy Queen during a meal to totally overwhelm one of those rural medical centers. They normally ship all major cases to the nearest big city and that won't be an option.

Rural America will get creamed if they keep following "it's nothing " they have far and away the highest median ages.

>> No.18126910

the US outsourced practically all production of drugs and machines. Now we lay in the bed we made.

>> No.18126918


Eugenics are the DEFINITION of chaotic good. They are for the greater good of the human species and genome. Millions and millions of us had to perish so that old plagues and viruses no longer affected us. What we are doing right now is racking up a lot of genetic debt... artificially holding these things at bay with vaccines and preventative measures, and treatment. Our systems are getting progressively weaker and one day the right virus is going to come along and KO 75% of the planet.

>> No.18126939

I actually have an MD and a PhD degree. Now go rage some more before you die deprived of a ventilator because you didn't really need one.

>> No.18126956

No. Biden is beating him in every battleground state and he could even lose Arizona

>> No.18126979
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Ah, is it in Math? 300k starting??

>> No.18126989

1/3 of Minnesota counties have less than 25 hospital beds. Yeah I'm thinking America is fucked.


>> No.18126994

Trump will lead this nation into the great depressiob which is fucking great longterm. I want my cheapies and i want them NOW

>> No.18127020

honk honk

>> No.18127032

You dumb son of a bitch the lawful - chaotic curve relates the most to societies and compliance to them. Chaotic doesn't care about greater good of a society, so Chaotic Good character pursues short term goodness over meticulous plans like eugenics that result first in evil. And don't try to tell me something about muh personal codex defining lawful/chaotic when it's such undefinable bullshit.

>> No.18127047


Probably since those counties have like 20 people living in them. Regardless, rural people are going to spread it at 20% of the rate of city dwellers if early results are any indication. NYC gave it to each other in full in about a week.

>> No.18127049

Biden can’t even string a sentence together. He should be in a memory care facility

>> No.18127067

The Free Market will fix this

>> No.18127077


Wrong. "Good" ultimately relates to the intentions, the "chaotic" part is about how it flaunts most laws and conventional moral codes to achieve it at any cost, kind of like an antihero. Has nothing to do with how you behave retard.

>> No.18127085

Yes it is an MD degree in math.
How is your performance measured? Is there a supervisor that grades how pro-Trump and how provocative your posts are? Do you get more money if you manage to reap a higher number of replies? Or are you just paid by the hour? Are the memes selected for you or do you choose those yourself?

>> No.18127089

listen up here you slack jawed faggots Im a red blooded american and I dont give a shit about your crooner virus. this is AMERICA baby we have freedoms here and we aint gonna freak out over some flu because were not hysterical pansies. God bless America and Trump MAGA

>> No.18127091

>muh free market
you did this to yourselves capitalist pigs

>> No.18127092

America isn't fucked. the big cities are. good to depopulate the niggers and spics and jews who all live in the big cities, good riddance.

>> No.18127120

Trump is the new Nixon. The candidate for aggressive assholes to go "finally a guy for me" over

>> No.18127121
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Wow, well take a look at this. I found the one doctor in the entire country who isn't working in the hospital right now, in the middle of a massive pandemic, and is instead parsing through a Mongolian Goat Herding forum trying to accost random posters of being paid by Donald Trump to shit post. How fucking novel. And here I thought such petty and base behavior was only reserved for redditors. Don't go looking at my post history now, I don't want any downvotes :(

>> No.18127124

nothing he could say or do would make him lose to Biden

>> No.18127127

honestly, it's way beyond my level of expertise to even suggest what to do differently. i've got a relative who works at the CDC in washington, but from what i understand, this is really uncharted territory. if nothing else, it's going to be a shaping moment for epidemiology. seldom do they get chances on this scale.
there's a quote from george patton, it was about war but i can't help but think it applies, "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week."
it'll be interesting to see, a few years down the road, how we ended up handling this in retrospect.

>> No.18127160

the packaging itself tells you its not for human consumption.

dont be a dolt.

>> No.18127181

> the "chaotic" part is about how it flaunts most laws and conventional moral codes to achieve it at any cost,
There were societies that (tried to) made eugenics law. There is also nothing like the conventional moral code. The only notable definition of chaotic that works regardless of what is society and what's its moral code is willingness to break social convention that's in essence disregard for society as a whole and high individualism. Individualism necessarily means you won't consider society as a collective that will get better from killing individuals, but rather just as individuals you kill.

>> No.18127188
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ok now how many of those that died were pic related?

>> No.18127216

>Rural areas have even less hospital capacity than urban areas

>> No.18127225

>senile boomer is replaced by another senile boomer
America is mimicking the Breznev period of the USSR

>> No.18127232

That stance is lawful evil at best, more than likely neutral evil. It's funny how all it takes for psychopaths and sociopaths to reveal their true nature is a bit of a crisis on the micro level.

>> No.18127237

Honestly, out of all the elections i've lived through, i can't think of anyone self destructing this hard as Trump is doing. Not even Bush was this retarded, and he was very retarded.
Which means he'll win since mutts love a funnyman even if it cost them their lives.

>> No.18127275

It doesn't matter. No one is swayed by the debates, people are already locked in. The only thing Trump had - a strong economy - is gone. Look at polls in Indiana, Arizona, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, fucking OHIO

>> No.18127299

Gentlemen ITT, I'd like to quickly draw your attention that while your regularly scheduled thread was going on, one of the finest bantz wars I've seen on this site has taken place.
Thank you for your time.

>> No.18127331

>yacht and mansion purchases
moar like think tanks, lobbies, institutes,
and propaganda investments

>> No.18127332

The mainstream media (which conservatives are obsessed over) has made everyone afraid of strong government. As a result we have a weak government controlled by corporations.

China can mobilize against a threat like this, but we can't because corporate interests need to be appealed to first.

>> No.18127359

It's literally not the free market though but whatever.

>> No.18127377

>self destructing
>approval ratings up
>far left progressives giving him praise
I think you don't live in reality.

>> No.18127385

>They are for the greater good of the human species
Chaotics don't care for social structure and eugenics flies in the face of a chaotic alignment. Lawful would be a better fit, but it most certainly would not be good, it would be either evil or neutral.

>> No.18127390

>hurr durr hahaha derp haha

>> No.18127392

Thanks for compiling that

>> No.18127393


… No. It isn't good to be a totally selfish dickhead, you have a very flawed interpretation of the matrix.

>> No.18127394

Hey retatd we are still handling this way better than China, people are literally rioting over there now in case you are too dumb to notice.

>> No.18127416

Rural pockets will get it slower. Once they do there is plenty of evidence that they saturate infectious spread faster. When there are only 2 stores, everyone goes to the same place.

When everyone went to the same highschool, they all stop and chat.

Plus, kids have been fleeing these areas, they're mostly old.

>> No.18127428

lol, sometimes the little joys get missed in times like these. >>18127121 was particularly humorous

>> No.18127455

If you haven't noticed the difference between what Trump says and what he does, then you haven't been paying attention
My bet is that by Easter when he wants to "open up the country" he'll claim that because some parts of the country (like buttfuck Wyoming or something) are still open, "some parts of the country are still facing tough times but we got a lot done" or something of the kind

>> No.18127457

>far left progressives giving him praise
Like who?

>> No.18127465

Source, unless you're talking about hong kong

>> No.18127467

They aren't rioting, they look very organized in how they're doing battle to keep Wu Fluers locked in.

>> No.18127479

Spoken like a guy without a penny to his name, (proving that poverty is as much a state of mind as it is an economic status) trying to appeal to other people without a penny to their name
>Wait, you mean I need to put gas in my car? God this is going to cost me a fortune!
No one with any wealth says shit like that or at least gets hung up on it like he seems to be. People who are poor as fuck are the ones that obsess over how many calories are in a peanut and how they only need to eat a couple just to stay alive or how if they just wipe their ass with 1 square of toilet paper they can make the roll last even longer!

>> No.18127493

Individualistic approach isn't selfish. It's just based on judging individuals, lack of group think, and very strongly independent moral code.

>> No.18127494

This would really qualify more as natural selection, so true neutral, or possibly chaotic neutral. Lawful neutral..? Depends whether you ask Darwin or the pope, i guess.

>> No.18127514

I don't like most of Trump's policies, but it's great seeing these ORANGE MAN BAD types getting assblasted

>> No.18127516

How do I achieve a healthy pallor like Trump?

>> No.18127525

>micro leve
it's been global for some time now

>> No.18127543

so basically whatever you want it to be in the moment? Fucking schizo

>> No.18127544

Trumps largely right here for a change. NYC has around 800,000 people 65+, of which around 10% would need a ventilator. So 80,000 ventilators. However, that's assuming that 50% of the population of 65+ will get corona, and honestly, that's very unlikely.

>> No.18127573

Look up Hubei riots retard. They just happened.

Illhan Omar and even Bernie Sanders praised Trump for giving himself more power and considering their gay socialist crap. You guys are literally the ones self destructing while Trumpf's approval rating is going up. Sucks to be as stupid and I'll informed as you guys.

Mass of civilians literally took a riot shield and were beating a Hubei cop with it you moron, if that isn't a riot it sure as hell means China does not have its shit together.

>> No.18127592
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He took it back

>> No.18127594

there's still no-one else to vote for

>> No.18127604

found this, digital microscope for android sounds good the tech exists have to make it fool proof and automated and cheap.

let's make a startup!

>> No.18127632

Hey dumbass, Trumps approval rating is literally the highest it's been in 3 years.


>> No.18127639

Natural Selection was Chaotic Evil, at least in 3.5. It was a core thing for a lot of the CE druids and werewolves/rats/etc

>> No.18127661

people didn't vote for trump for him to act like every other president

>> No.18127668

>reee why isn't the private sector following my commands wtf this cant be happening!

>> No.18127696

>America is utterly fucked
Thought you had the best health care in the world.
Imagine going to hospital as a mutt, dying, then family gets presented with a bill.
>sorry for your lose
>Now pay or we take the house
>even if you have insurance we'll lien the house. till we get our money


>> No.18127730

this. it goes for all medical equipment to be honest. huge corrupt market with price fixing to charge $20,000 for something that costs $10 to produce because insurance is guaranteed to pay

>> No.18127753

I know, they voted for him because they are retards and wanted to see a fellow retard represent them.

Sure, he lost by 3 million votes, but he got the right distribution of tards to eek out some 0.1% margins in the Midwest and declare a landslide.

>> No.18127758

Shhh, just let trumptards follow this senile narcissist retard and face the consequences. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

>> No.18127763

you guys are the retards. what are you going to do, have the federal government order 30,000 respirators for every fucking hicktown hospital that only had 1 or 2 before? why dont we just print out 600 million ventilators so we have 2 for every american in case the normal 1 assigned to them fails? plus we can cover the illegals too

>> No.18127796

>Sure, he lost by 3 million votes
he won popular vote by 2.5 million retard

>> No.18127810

Have you seen the approval numbers lately? It's looking very good for his reelection. Especially since the dems have someone with dementia running against him.

>> No.18127823

people in rural areas aren't packed in like sardines, so except for those dumbasses in kentucky who had a coronavirus party, few people will get it. meanwhile in the cities how do you NOT get it, everyone is packed so closely and densely together?

>> No.18127824

No, he didn't.

>> No.18127833

so is this a good time to get into GM and Ford?

>> No.18127834

theres plenty of research showing memelearning predicts ailments orders of magnitudes better than doctors with access to the same datasets, but they arent approved because they dont understand how the nets work. that's what must be overcome first

>> No.18127836
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better one 4 u :)

>> No.18127848

not all cities are ny, dude

>> No.18127880

>muh approval polls
Based retard
People tend to support their leaders when they are afraid of death (see Terror Management Theory, Bush bump after 9/11 and the approval boost of leaders all over the world right now). However, when the deaths start skyrocketing, and people start seeing images of people dying in overcrowded hospitals and military trucks transporting coffins, the masses will sing a different tune. The disaster Trump is creating hasn’t even beginning to make itself manifest yet.

>> No.18127883


There is nothing to suggest that you have to be an individualist to be chaotic good.

>> No.18127888

i didn't say "all cities" i said "big cities", bro. that said, obviously it stands to reason that the less NY or CA-esque a city is, the less likely it is for the virus to spread like crazy.

>> No.18127930

Bush was reelected after Katrina and Iraq. Mutts love a funny retard president.

>> No.18127932

>I'll just make easily falsifiable shit up and call other people retards!

>> No.18127941

Rural retards will be fine, they will just have to deal with living in a country with third world GDP.

>> No.18127944
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Ok doomer, this will be fun to laugh at later when he wins 2020.

>> No.18127949

I live in Ohio and I honestly cannot believe the state's response to it all. Our governor was like the 6th in the US to quarantine and that was a week ago. I didn't expect Ohio to be that proactive.
Before then I drove up from Texas and everyone I talked to in rural TX did not give two shits whatsoever. The ammount of people in this country who can't comprehend things immediately outside their locality is insane.

>> No.18127986

>The disaster Trump is creating

Must be convenient to think that anything that goes wrong will be Trumps fault. Nevermind all the things he did right, including banning travel from China early on, after which he got blasted for being racist.

>> No.18127990

what country isn't going to have 3rd world GDP after this? i just steal from the jews every day by day trading for a living, i can move if necessary. think they'll let me into israel if i convert to judaism? assuming israel is the only place not a 3rd world country after this is over.

>> No.18127994

Oh no, some broke shill is laughing at me.

>> No.18127998
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>> No.18128018

stop using logic, liberals operate purely on emotion. orange man bad, everything bad is his fault and anything good must have been done by someone else, how hard is that for you to understand?

>> No.18128022

perpetual bull market confirmed. buy SPY NOW

>> No.18128029

Yes let the butt hurt flow

>> No.18128036

That remains to be seen, I think that slavshit countries have a chance of remaining consistently shit instead of becoming more shit.

>> No.18128045

Banning travel from China did little, as nearly all early infections in the Americas came from Europe, not from China. But keep sucking his dick if that makes you feel better.

>> No.18128088
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>Did little
>other than obviously delay its spread by weeks and give the US time to analyze and prepare for what was starting to happen in earnest in other places

>> No.18128110

>we need to automate the tests.
Theranos scam 2.0

>> No.18128128

Limited resources, why should NYC get it all?

>> No.18128130

Good i work in a hospital and want to get in cheaper and with more money, hope your retard drags this shit out another year

>> No.18128131

Explain in detail, with sources, what the Trump administration did in the early weeks of the global spread to prepare for coronavirus.

>> No.18128133

>no muh based China
You guys are going to look like morons once people find out what China has been doing and losing control of the situation.

>> No.18128143

also note that liberlols called him racist for shutting down travel from China. people seem to forget that pretty conveniently.

>> No.18128145

Why is the same thread on /pol/?

>> No.18128160

iirc, germans brought it to the us

>> No.18128163

Ok retard

>> No.18128165


How so? I saw a lot of hand wringing and pontificating on how the virus was no big deal. CDC denied EUAs for almost 3 for private labs to produce their own tests while their verification tests had fault regeants.

Please elaborate.

>> No.18128166

>trumpf has done nothing!

>> No.18128180

More than Europe did clearly.

>> No.18128190


I don't know, the whole "getting scared about Italy's situation and starting a national lockdown" thing? Retard

>> No.18128193

Because it's probably a raid by retarded commie trannies with nothing better to do. These people are really dumb losers as you can see

>> No.18128233



>> No.18128235

We have yet to do a national lockdown. The admin did dickall to prepare aside from wiffle back and forth on the hopr that everyone else would handle this shit. Yes, closed down travel but otherwise did nothing of value to prepare for the coming onslaught.

>> No.18128244

>Millions and millions of us had to perish so that old plagues and viruses no longer affected us
That's not how inmunity works. Inmunity is NOT tied to genetics, you may have a small leverage against certain diseases but it doesn't make you inmune. Stop spreading bullshit eugenics if you don't know how genetics work IRL

>> No.18128247

Are you trying to rewrite history now? The early weeks were marked by denial after denial by the Trump administration. I know you have nothing and are just shilling for your dear leader, but try to make an effort into making credible posts.

>> No.18128255

The government is slow and cumbersome, your Trump hate session has nothing to do with it.

>> No.18128272
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>Durr hurr superior immune systems can't be passed on via natural selection

However did the "immune system" ever come about from a simple multi-cellular organism.

>> No.18128302

Obviously if the pandemic is stopped by April 15th, they wouldn't need ventilators.

>> No.18128309

>nearly a 100% of deaths and cases in Cali and new York

>> No.18128311

Can you follow a reply chain, brainlet?
The whole point is that the travel restriction was made to supposedly “prepare” for the virus. Explain what preparations were made.

>> No.18128321

You know this is very true but this admin has been so focused on denying the truth and actually doing something like the DPA that even with a month and half warning and closed borders we were still flat footed. It's fucking embarassing.

>> No.18128332

Clearly? If anything, the U.S. is making the same mistakes as Europe

>> No.18128334

Ok for amusement name me a country in your opinion that reacted appropriately when China was lying to the global community.

>> No.18128354

Yeah we know you think not spreading panic and fear mongering means there was denial.

>> No.18128355

>literally what South Korea did and now they've gone several days without deaths or new cases

Must suck being braindead.

>> No.18128356

South Korea

>> No.18128364


He took the first measures to shut down certain economic sectors and then the nation's governors followed suit. Sounds like a good decentralized government to me. I don't want a dictator totally halting the livelihood of 330 million people.

>> No.18128371

Well considering Europe obviously didn't block travel from China, I don't think that's entirely true....

>> No.18128376

>been so focused on denying the truth

That is just empty rhetoric.

>> No.18128380

South Korea responded effectively and decisively despite being closer, having less time to respond, and recognizing the source quickly.

>> No.18128384

Completely irrelevant at this point of the spread

>> No.18128386


>Explain what preparations were made

Research and documentation of the virus itself and observation on the effect it was having on open and free Western nations, not using doctored Chinese data and media. Fun fact: sometimes it's better to get a whole picture of a situation before you do something enormously drastic like halting the economy.

>> No.18128390

So what have they done with their month and half headstart and closed borders. I'll wait.

>> No.18128394


lockdown without interstate travel ban? idiotic

>> No.18128408

Like I said, rewriting history
There is an enormous difference between not spreading panic and screaming how this was all a democrat conspiracy to undermine his presidency.

>> No.18128409


Semantics.. we're at that point now

>> No.18128417

Why? You retards really just want shit to crash

>> No.18128420

>t. NPC without an inner monologue

>> No.18128429

Except when waiting is worse. When the house is on fire, do you think the firefighters wait until the fire is at it's apex before entering? They assess on the fly and adjust according to changing conditions.

>> No.18128433

So, no actual policies implemented by the Trump administration. Thank you for your input.

>> No.18128439

the ex- Yugo states were pretty on the ball.

>> No.18128445

Um we have Democrats threatening to hold up the stimulus package because they are retarded enough to think they can still make themselves look good when really the average person is getting sick of it.

>> No.18128449

You blocked travel from China when it was already spreading within your own country you fucking clown.
You blocked travel from all EU member states APART from the UK even though the UK had potentially thousands of confirmed cases at the time.
Your hospitals in NYC are already fucked and the disease is months from peaking.
Well done for this, seriously.

>> No.18128450

Ur low iq and should be purged from the gene pool

>> No.18128457

but we're not talking about this point in the spread, we're not talking about when it started.
Why is Trump the big unprepared dummy for not blocking travel from Europe, but every leader in Europe isn't the big unprepared dummy for not blocking travel from China?

>> No.18128466

Yeah they are also poor as fuck and don't like 3rd world immigrants

>> No.18128471


> They assess on the fly and adjust according to changing conditions.

Which is exactly what we did. We didn't start taking drastic measures until the first nations affected did. Believe it or not, it's a lot more high stakes to shutdown the world's economic center than it is Italy or South Korea.

>> No.18128477

Why would a nation that fits between San Antonio and Houston with a quarter of our population be able to do things differently?

It is a real mystery.

>> No.18128483

We’re talking about coronavirus here, you have a whole board where you can be a partisan imbecile non-stop.

>> No.18128498

>China lies about this since November
this is how retarded you guys sound.

>> No.18128502

All I'm hearing from you is that Europe is fucked, but somehow we're the stupid ones.

>> No.18128510
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> Ur low iq and should be purged from the gene pool

Beta immune system detected

>> No.18128509


Whatever dude, you people will think what you want regardless of anything.

If you spent half the time trying to fine someone electable that you spend hating Trump your problem would already be solved.

>> No.18128519

Italy handled this horribly, what are you trying to argue here?

>> No.18128521

Hey fucko, we have data from two Western countries that got our level of spread a few weeks ahead of us: Italy and Spain.

They did full house arrest lockdown ahead of us and both have people being treated in overflow tents and so many corpses that the military has to cart them off. Incinerators can't even keep up and morgues are overflowing.

Why do you think Chang was welding people into their homes?

>> No.18128530

they had nothing to lose because they don't take any EU gibs. See the problems gibs causes.

>> No.18128531

>stimulus bill has nothing to do with corona
Ok retard

>> No.18128547

Yes but they don't stand there with thumbs up their asses, they start pulling hoses, setting up gear, begin suppressing the fire, and preparing the enter the building. The admin fucked up. Just admit it.

>> No.18128549

>muh dems
Ok retard

>> No.18128561

are you fucking retarded???

If you don't ban people from travelling IT'S NOT A LOCKDOWN. Italy closed all roads to and from Lombardy, only healthcare workers and supplies go in. Trump is doing nothing at all, he's far worse than European leaders.

>> No.18128562

>muh Trumpf
Ok retard

>> No.18128564


Hey fucko, those countries were still sucking Chinese cock well after we banned them from our shores. And we aren't even close to matching their per capita infection/death ratios so what exactly are you trying to argue here? No one will emerge from this unscathed, the US is still doing fine comparatively speaking. I don't get your point. You don't have a point, you're just prematurely firing shots at a Prez you hate in the middle of a crisis rather than after the dust has settled and we can objectively appraise "who did better."

>> No.18128567

That most countries were unprepared for this pandemic, that the WHO is an incompetent corrupt organization in China's pocket with blood on its hands, and that your attempts to politicize this crisis are profoundly distasteful.

>> No.18128572

>what country isn't going to have 3rd world GDP after this? i just steal from the jews every day by day trading for a living, i can move if necessary. think they'll let me into israel if i convert to judaism? assuming israel is the only place not a 3rd world country after this is over
Israel is also knee deep in shit. The fact they are Jewish don't make them inmune to economic laws. This event is even worse than a war, lockdowns cut supply and demand at the same time

>> No.18128592

Just vote for the democrats so they will stop with their constant games.

>> No.18128594

Screenshotting this for the embarassing post later when death tally is 1+ million.

>> No.18128597

Yes, the current administration is handling this poorly. Your complete inability of refuting the points brought up in this thread only strengthens the case.

>> No.18128599

Ok retard we will see who has the higher death rate in the end. You keep throwing Italy out there but it's also an outlier country when it comes to this and rely heavily on tourism

>> No.18128615

>China lies about this since November
Not to mention the fact that pretty much every major Chinese company was ordering its worker overseas and their families to but up medical supplies and ship them back to China.

All ppe shortages we are experiencing are entirely China's fault.

>> No.18128618


>The admin fucked up. Just admit it.

I will reiterate this slowly and concisely for you: We are not even close to done with this situation so you can't say who fucked up. The fact that the US was so delayed in getting infected is not a negative, but a positive, of this situation. You are pulling shit out of your ass to try to capitalize on a bad situation and injure an admin you simply do not like. Are you capable of waiting... a month? Two months? When this is over before gleefully jumping in to call something a comparative failure? Because there's nothing, literally nothing at all to suggest the US is doing remarkably worse than anyone at this stage.

What's funnier is that deep blue states are leading the charge in infections right now, by a huge margin. These are big progressive governors who could have taken preemptive action themselves and instead they're taking Corona's big dick and putting the rest of the nation in peril. Thanks for that Chinese interdependence.

>> No.18128628

This nigga thinks he's the center of the universe.

>> No.18128641

>superior immune systems can't be passed on via natural selection
It literally don't, inmune system works by learning, not by pre programming (genetic).

>> No.18128642

As if any administration would be handling it differently.

>> No.18128643

well yeah there is potential there, but this could also actually work.

>> No.18128646

>approval rating up
>people bitching about him and trying to impeach him naturally still don't approve of anything Trump does
Trump derangement syndrome is real. It's funny Trump made his money through real estate because he is living rent free in so many leftie fags minds.

>> No.18128659



>> No.18128673

Yeah China and Asians in general have really over played their hand. I really don't feel sorry about blacks beating up Asians at this point.

>> No.18128675
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>It can't be both! Immune systems came about thanks to magic, not the way your entire genome developed

>> No.18128695

I already told you there was a board dedicated to this braindead garbage partisanship. Get your low IQ ass back there and stop polluting this place.

>> No.18128705

The previous adminstration literally had a pandemic response team dedicated to monitoring and preventing this exact situation.
Swine flu disappearing wasnt a 'miracle'. It was a coordinated response.

>> No.18128706

If you failed to act decisively, it's already a failure. If you failed to prepare, you already failed. If you're waiting for the body count to justify if it's a failure or not then you've already failed. The fact that there's no abatement in numbers already means we're crossing the threshold from really bad to worse. Cases are doubling not flatling every 3 days. By monday we're looking at 200k confirmed. The fact that we are zealously testing everyone means that we don't even have a full picture of how bad it is. It's like trying to tell how bad a housefire is from the basement.

>> No.18128723

>stop talking about the stimulus bill on a business board or the impact of monetary policy
Go dilate and cry yourself asleep again fag.

>> No.18128724

>ordering its worker overseas and their families to but up medical supplies and ship them back to China.
this cant be real

>> No.18128731


>Whines about partisanship on a Trump hate thread


>Early action which saw the United States lag the rest of the West in infections by weeks isn't "decisive" according to liberals who would criticize the President if 15 people total were infected right now

>> No.18128733

*arent testing

>> No.18128749

Who the fuck do you think bought out all the masks in the first place???

>> No.18128750


You simply show this is about petty politics for you.

>> No.18128758

>zealously testing everyone
lots of CA locations have simply given up testing

>> No.18128770

Legit cringe

>> No.18128778


What was the coordinated response? Nothing happened at all. People went about their business and got casually infected at will. I'm sure that Pandemic Response Team(TM) put together some really sharp papers though.

>> No.18128779

It’s all governments fault, China, US, Europe, etc none of them represent the interests of the average person. The logic of picking sides in this is the logic of world war, which will end in nuclear holocaust, the end of the human species.

>> No.18128780

im assuming the same people who bough the toilet paper, but if this is real its disturbing. have a source?

>> No.18128800

Lmao turns out shitlibs were right. Trump really is going to kill all the coastal liberal retards.

>> No.18128807

Zoomers couldn't vote when obama was elected....

>> No.18128834

Is that what you call your life? Go dilate some more about it, shove it real deep up there with your opinions everyone is calling stupid here anyway.

>> No.18128848

ding ding ding winner.
All the corona boomers overwealming the health care system will fuck everyone having a stroke or the other usual stuff which can have a high mortality if untreated. Several EU countries already have triage systems in place and in France the dont even treat people over 75/80 anymore, they just give them opiods and let them slowly die

>> No.18128852

>n-no you dilate!!

>> No.18128860

you guys keep saying he's doing more to stop the virus than anyone else but he's not doing SHIT.
Interstate travel should've been banned a month ago. And he still doesn't do it. People from NY fleeing, infected. He still doesn't do it. Tomorrow, he still won't do it. It's gonna be a complete catastrophe. Imagine if Italy had 50 massive clusters of infection instead of 1.

>> No.18128868

Where have you been that you need a source for this? Just look it up. Asians literally had begun buying all the masks and sending them back, back in early February... I can't believe people are this out of touch with the world

>> No.18128894

>What was the coordinated response?

When people who are openly leftist and love big government do things.

>> No.18128895

You will die from it this year. Ironic.

>> No.18128897


*dies from smallpox*

>> No.18128905


>Banning interstate travel

Great, we don't have food or basic living supplies now. Because old people have a 7% chance of dying if they catch a disease they could easily self-quarantine from.

>> No.18128908

leftypol go home

>> No.18128914

Ok retard keep saying he is doing nothing when his approval ratings are going up and it's no surprise the people here bitching about him now are still bitching at him no matter what he does. Oh, and keep using Italy as an example even though their stats exist as an outlier right now.

>> No.18128926
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I've already had it.


>> No.18128928

They want everything to collapse so they can implement their government management of everything fantasy.

>> No.18128931

>gweatest countwy in daw wowld

It's not even boomers, you have loads of cases of 30 year olds 20 year olds and even a teenager dying from the virus or at least complications from the virus.

i.e. being fat and diabetic like everyone else in this third world country

>> No.18128932

Can you believe and tupid these retards are? This thread definitely is living proof of Trump derangement syndrome.

>> No.18128967

>Italy is just an outlier


This attitude is what's gonna kill people
Spain is in the same ballpark.

>> No.18128973

>I can't go to another state it must mean that no one can travel and we're all gonna starve!!!!!!!!

Imagine being this fucking stupid.

>> No.18128976
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>> No.18128983

No one cares about that you fool. The point of getting tested is a positive result gives you a free pass for school, work, rent, unemployment, etc.

>> No.18128991

Have you been to either one of those countries??

>> No.18129001


>Your local grocery store is stocked with shit from people's backyards and garages


>> No.18129008

>Just because MK Ultra and Tuskegee experiments happened, I still trust the government.
But you'll listen to the president?

You gotta go all in on this Schizothinking if your worried about some dietitians taking money from the industry invaliding science and recommendations for this pandemic.

>> No.18129009

Kek this is literally this thread.

>> No.18129019
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His approval ratings are going up because he's been going on twitter crying about how the deep state (state governors & local politicians) are forcing the country into a communist dictatorship and he wants everyone to go back to work yesterday because USA no 1.

>> No.18129028

>he doesn't grow his own food
Enjoy being dead, turbotarderino.

>> No.18129035

I don't think you understand what banning travel entails.

>> No.18129037

I wish people like you would speak up IRL so I could take you and slam your retard teeth into the pavement until your skull looks like a watermelon hit with a sledge hammer.

After this is over we need to round up and mass kill Drumphlings.

>> No.18129042

Orange Clown replaced by Diddler with Dementia. Maybe we'd all be better off dead anyway.

>> No.18129043

You do know that a interstate lockdown doesn't mean that authorized people like truckers aren't allowed to travel. It just means normies can't flee to their 2nd house or relatives in other states.

>> No.18129046

these people are only gonna take this pandemic seriously when their relatives start dying, it's hopeless

>> No.18129062

His approval ratings are going up because daily press conferences where he brings experts to talk to the American people at the situation because more people trust Trump right now than the media and you can look that up right now because it's not just his approval ratings that have gone up.

>> No.18129068

Even then they'll probably cling to >muh prez as granny gets intubated.

>> No.18129081


>I-I didn't mean THAT kind of ban there are stipulations!!

Oh maybe you should delineate those then faggot. So we still have constant vectors for the spread of this disease cross-country.

>> No.18129092


They were raised on post-ironic internet irony. They're completely detached from reality.

>> No.18129094

Boo hooo people wont agree with my false dishonest busted bullshit so they should be killed.

>> No.18129102
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>I wish people like you would speak up IRL so I could take you and slam your retard teeth into the pavement until your skull looks like a watermelon hit with a sledge hammer.

>After this is over we need to round up and mass kill Drumphlings.

>> No.18129111

Based brainlet

>> No.18129126

Wow get a load of mr tough guy! Please dilate

>> No.18129130

Good, well he better starts listening to his expert's own advice because otherwise America is going to cripple whatever tiny health care system it has.

>> No.18129141

no they won't, lol


>> No.18129158

They won't answer this. The fucking libtards can only screech at the CNN soundbites they're fed and gag on the constant propaganda to satiate their TDS. Pathetic parasites, your magic negro president would've fared much worse during this time, as he did with far less widespread outbreaks of swine flue and SARS.

>> No.18129180
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>> No.18129183

;) nice

spacing ;)

you ;))

smugfaggot ;) ;) ;)

>> No.18129189


>> No.18129208

Oh my god it's the flu. We'd better crash the economy and burn the entire world to the ground while surrendering every one of our rights to mommy government and accepting Bill Gates ID2020 chip so we can spend our UBI of digital dollarinos on our Netflix subscriptions and GMO corn-meal distribution from the food center! I love government, thank you from protecting us from this apocalyptic virus!

>> No.18129209

*t. The healthcare expert*
Maybe you would be more informed if you actually listened to them

>> No.18129256


You are really, really

really mad right now

>> No.18129300

Saw him in a Turkish prison. He's a fine priest now.

>> No.18129317

back to your containment board
all of you
n o w

>> No.18129354


>> No.18129392

democracy was a mistake

>> No.18129438

Nice larp. Nobody is this stupid. If it isn't a larp, prove it and take the Corona virus challenge

>> No.18129471

you think hospitals only have 2 respirators? w-why?

>> No.18129555

Its jidf. Genx on down are antizionist. He's there last hope. He's on the temple half shekel.