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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1812244 No.1812244 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Ideas which /biz/ is too stupid to suggest because introverted teens are the worst at coming up with decent ideas.

Truffle farming/truffle hunting
Political parties
Laying back and checking the internet/servers are up.
Gold/silver refining old computers
Hunting small exotic animals and learning how tanning them works.
Private college which you only have to pay under 1k yearly.
Arabian, chinese, japanese translators with phds.
web designer/web programmer

>> No.1812416

Fuck off ideas guy, everybody has them

>> No.1812422
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We all have ideas.

Successful /biz/ness men only share their failed ideas, and reveal their successful ones after the scheme no longer applies.

>> No.1812470
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Faggot you know nothing about good ideas.

>> No.1812890
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As a chemist, the idea of refining old computers for gold I always found intriguing.

Doing tho logistics tho, you really have to know what you are doing to make decent cash.

I have yet to find a source of mass electronic scrap.

OP got any ideas on that? Or just threw the idea in knowing not a damn about it?

>> No.1812994

There are existing routes for trashing old electronics, usually through waste disposal companies. Some phone companies and electronic stores do trade-in programs too.

I don't know what they do with that shit though. They probably have their own recycling operations.

>> No.1813010

Nigger if your idea is something people can steal just off of your 1 sentence explanation then it is a worthless idea. If a 1 sentence idea is all the plan you have to make money, you don't have enough of a plan to make it work.

You should have no problems revealing you ideas. It's not about the high-concept idea, it's about how you exactly execute the idea.

Your entire business model and execution is something you should not reveal, but you can share your idea all you want because you know other people won't be able to execute it like you.

>> No.1813104

>/biz/ experts who speak from experience
Fuck off, none of you own businesses and never will you fucking retards

>> No.1813142



>> No.1813153

i don't think you can get an ounce of gold out of a hundred tonnes of electronic waste. stripping the panels would be time and energy consuming blasting them in a furnace and sorting out the remaining metals...

>> No.1813160

I actually do have my own business, and I'm in the process of starting a second company right now. Just because you don't have your own business doesn't mean everyone is like you :^)

>> No.1813174

>Truffle farming/truffle hunting
cant be farmed, youre confirmed retard, but I'll continue to stroke my autism.
the truffle business is toxic and an overhead nightmare, you literally cannot plan how you will do the next month
I know a beekeeper
the only way to make money is on an industrial level. it takes years to learn and doing it by yourself you will only earn a modest income if you manage to avoid all the fucking business breaking tragedies that may occur, you can lose all your hives in a week if you dont do it right, and forget taking days off. its honestly more of a hobby or a side job, not a way to get rich
>Political parties
youre just fucking memeing at this point
>Laying back and checking the internet/servers are up.
people have already beat you to that, and the smart ones have a computer do it automatically
>Gold/silver refining old computers
I assume you mean scrapping?
if you dont do anything illegal, you'll spend hours a day dumpster diving for random shit and get 30 bucks a day in scrap, the only people who make money in scrap are the recycling companies, who sell bales of it for almost a grand a piece to China.

>> No.1813177
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>> No.1813184

>Hunting small exotic animals and learning how tanning them works
this I can speak from personal experience because I do trap, and you actually made me smile when you said this one.
the forest is not filled to the brim with exotic animals. you cant just lay out a dozen traps one night and come back in the morning and reap the reward.
animals are fucking smart, if you dont have a textbook perfect setup with your bait and location, you wont catch anything. and dont get me started on what you'll catch besides what youre going after.
think youre gonna trap a minx? no bitch a possum is going to get caught in your trap every day you set it. oh and what if you do luck out and catch that super rare expensive animal? let me tell you about fleshing and tanning
if you havent done this shit youre whole life, you will not flesh that hide worth a shit, when you finally put your hide on the board, you will turn your 80 dollar minx hide into a 74 cent heap of scrap leather because you couldnt keep the knife steady and put a dozen holes in it. you see when it comes to selling your furs, it goes by a grade, and its so fucking easy to drop several grades just by fucking up once, given that you even got a perfect hide in the first place and started with an A.
oh and if you added too much salt in your cleaning? or tanned it too much? you are fucked. sure you can just clean it and send it off to a fur distributor and they can take care of the tanning, but thats half your profit gone because you had to include a middle man.
god fucking dammit OP you fucking get under my skin

>> No.1813210


Just to nitpick, me and a friend were making 2-400$ bucks a day (split 50/50) when I was 18 until about 21; gotta have a truck and we definitely "stole" quite a bit of it but I was living in bumfuck nowhere and once you get 10-15 miles out of town you start finding literal mines of steal and sheet metal in fields that haven't been touched in decades.

Ran out of spots to hit after a few years, but man those were an easy few years (assuming you can lift over a hundred pounds and don't mind getting up at 5; done by 12-1 though.)

>> No.1813263

My grandfather was a bee keeper. He drove out of state and bought cheap honey and then sold it off as local honey.

>> No.1813280


>Truffle farming/truffle hunting

Yea if you don't live in a rural area and have experience, don't bother.


See truffle answer

>Political parties


>Laying back and checking the internet/servers are up.

And what, make a shiny nickel after 6 months?

>Gold/silver refining old computers


Hunting small exotic animals and learning how tanning them works.

Pff, see truffle answer.

Private college which you only have to pay under 1k yearly.

I mean you could theoretically start your own seminars and charge people. Assuming you have an audience I guess.

>Arabian, chinese, japanese translators with phds.

No, they're just going to hire native speakers.

>web designer/web programmer

Your second way to make money legitimately through skills on this list for an average person. But it will take a while and involve a lot of freelancing and bullshit work.


Cryptocurrenicies are like penny stocks, the only people who would invest are stupid morons.


Not a bad way honestly, takes a little luck but you could do it.


Same as above.

>> No.1813288

My grandparents got into growing worms when they retired because the family goes fishing so much, and it eventually turned into a business. They have about 5 acres of various types of worms, and sell them to farmers. Don't know the numbers they make but I'm sure it's a comfortable sum for them to still being doing all of the hard work of walking around 5 acres of worm barrels to feed them in their 60s and 70s.