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18122434 No.18122434 [Reply] [Original]

my entire millennial life I've been saving money and being debt free. ive only paid things off entirely and never even got a credit card. right now I have over 100 thousand sitting in my bank account. is it finally time to dump my money into something? a house? assets? crypto? i have put nothing in retirement because i valued having money while young than having it as an old fuck.

people say if your money isn't doing anything for you, you're an idiot, but these crazy times seem unpredictable. the feds are printing money and by definition devaluing everything I saved up. wat do

>> No.18122457

hnnng fuuuuuckkk im going to beat my dick to some android 18 pr0nz now, ty based op

>> No.18122473

Buy some bitcoin bro

>> No.18122476

it also seems like no one owns anything anymore. people dont own their houses, cars, phones... the idea of living this way bothers me. if anyone is curious i savrd up money by having only a car insurance bill and phone bill. I've lived rent free with my parents for 13 years as an adult

>> No.18122486


why didn't android 16 breed 18

>> No.18122493

>I've lived rent free with my parents for 13 years as an adult
You've also lived pussy free for 13 years.

>> No.18122503
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im thinking about dumping a lot into btc because of the concept of it being completely finite. Is it a bad time to get it or will it drop some more? I missed the stay at home corona dip

>> No.18122514

>i valued having money while young than having it as an old fuck
>I've lived rent free with my parents for 13 years as an adult
which one is it then?

>> No.18122526

idc I'd rather have money than give it to dumb whores. im a pussy in sone peoples eyes or incredibly risk averse. me being a pussy means what exactly? literally who gives a shit

>> No.18122527

you must make decent money. im doing the same, but came from poorfag family and work menial labor. hope someone suggest some good options. maybe google investments which has historically done well in both the great depression/recession

>> No.18122554


if you've never held stocks you're probably liable to panic sell stocks you buy over small fluctuations. The best way you can start buying stocks is to set up small incremental buys that happen automatically every other week. You can get your broker to set this up with stocks, or you can go through a mutual fund that is just a big grouping of stocks, but etiher way, the point is not to look at it and simply accumulate. The market goes up on average given time, and that makes stocks a good investment. But if you are wathcing the value of your portfolio like a hawk and you see dips happen (like this month) you're more likely to freak out and sell instead of holding for the (eventual, maybe over a period of years) recovery.

And if that sounds too hard just buy a house, get it in a nice area with good schools and you probably won't go wrong.

>> No.18122686

i got an above average stable job but no where close to six figures. since i saved no retirement I thought about dumping the money in a long term stock that demonstrates reliable growth over time, thinking about berkshire hathaway and throw in with warren b. because im a normie. I have no friends or any "ins" with anything to invest in.

yeah I'd have weak hands and panic sell once things started to go to shit like now. incremental makes sense. hell all of that seems safe, but buying a house probably fits my personality. shit right now just seems so crazy. i feel like corona is a once in a lifetime opportunity to take advantage of and it's an almost no brainer to put your money somewhere, i just don't know where. it's the first time ive decide to move my savings. something like this never happened in my lifetime aside maybe 2008

>> No.18123100

literally all of it into gold and silver

>> No.18123166

>I have no friends or any "ins" with anything to invest in.
yea, but that's most people. feels like a gamble either way, just depends on time preference
from what ive been reading, almost everyone is sold out and some banks in the netherlands were just straight up discontinuing the service and liquidating anyone who hadnt sold. regular people who dont already house their precious metals locally probably wont find be finding any except at scalper prices

>> No.18123198

Were going to have 1 more big dip on everything, you won't be able to find PM's after that, during that time buy some, and crypto, and buy stocks based on fundamentals to hedge.

>> No.18123220

nerfing your life for some extra zeroes on your balance
your life choices pal

>> No.18123384

If you are risk averse, you should put your money into an lndex fund, like SPY.

>> No.18123419

No op, you shouldn’t invest your money and take risk. It took you 13 years to save 100k. That money is precious keep it in a bank. Then 13 years later you can have 200k, 13 years after that 300k, 13 years again 400k, another 13 500k, finally 13 years after that you can hit your grand total of 600k shortly before your death.

Doesn’t that sound like a nice legacy and a life well lived? Very safe, very secure, low risk.....your ancestors would be proud of your practicality.

>> No.18123437

Buy farming land.

>> No.18123556

Anyone still buying bitcoin ogn and zano?

>> No.18123610

thats an android, i mean transgender

>> No.18123629
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>nerfing your life

Cringe. Can these faggot normalfags drop dead already?

>> No.18123652

Just buy all the toilet paper at your local grocery store and then price gouge it, my dude.

>> No.18123684

Savings within reason is never stupid but too much cash in the bank is. Figure out what you would need to live on for a year and invest the rest.

>> No.18123696


hey man i'm the same as you. graduated in 2008 and i think i have PTSD from the shitty economy that followed. i have about 80k in cash savings, and between 5-6 btc. that's it. i don't trust boomer stocks one fucking bit. i had property and sold it. i think my underlying sense about the finances of the world being complete bullshit is finally paying off. i actually had boomer stocks for a few years and sold them all in december. cash is king right now but not forever.

>> No.18123705

Not an adult fren

>> No.18123781

Imagine dumping all that 100k into bitcoin and it spiking again.
aaaaa yussssssssssss

>> No.18123789

look i get what you're saying but even i know id spend my money eventually. that's why i said straight up buying a house would fit my personality even though monetarily it might not be the best option

my life isn't nerfed. there are plenty if people in shittier situations than myself and you know it. i would have started a family if the right women came along. i still will because either way im going to spend my money before i die and get a family or die trying so to speak. probably pretty soon. younger girls always liked me more anyways. but even if that falls through i have nephews to push some of my genetics forward and ill support them

>> No.18123793

Meanwhile 20% of white people make like 9 million dollars in Swedish bucks.

>> No.18123806


Great taste so I will help. If you’re incredibly risk adverse

-40k on bitcoin in about a month when it tanks.
-5k on eth
-5k on link
-2k on bsv purely as a hedge just in case

Ignore for a year and a half and you can retire.

>> No.18123823

What takes the sting out of your stock prices going down is reliable dividends coming in each quarter. I buy companies that pay at different times so that each month of each quarter I get dividends. Also don’t feel you have to buy a home unless you are willing to take on all the expenses that owning a home brings.

>> No.18123847

you'll still have to look after your purchasing power. without playing the asset/stock casino you'll get shaved

>> No.18123876

Because 17 18 19

>> No.18123889

better to eat scraps than starve.

>> No.18123900

Or just learn to loan and follow the swings accordingly and you could be a millionaire in less than 2 weeks.

>> No.18123942

Yes it's stupid to hold on to cash since they're just printing more every day . You're losing 2-3% purchasing power a year, or more.

Right now is the perfect opportunity to get into some stocks , many are down 30-60% from ATH and should return within a few months

>> No.18123944

Then he wouldn’t be making this thread or be incredibly risk adverse you scheming Jew

>> No.18123957

do not do this LMFAO

>> No.18123979


that's why i said cash is king but not forever. gotta know when to strike. i'll probably end up putting some of my stash into a down payment on another property once i feel the market has bottomed out (probably not for awhile, it's a perfect storm right now. imagine all the old people dying to covid, all their property being for sale, all the people out of jobs forced to sell, boomers that survive are about to retire, etc.).

if i had the balls i'd just dump it all into btc. but i already have 5+ and i have a wife who'd kill me. so i'll have to be satisfied with that. definitely putting the trumpbux all into btc if we actually get them.

>> No.18124018

buy house, become angry landlord, wait till corona dies, live happily ever after

>> No.18124151
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Here is your plan anon: Wait for next big drop ~1-2 months from now, load up on 40K worth of AAPL, SYK, LULU, PENN, CRSP, MGM, MSFT, AMD, GOOG. Also buy 10K of Bitcoin. Wait ~8-16 months for poorly leveraged boomers to start foreclosing and buy a $250K 3br 2bath normal house in a low cost of living city like Charlotte or Phoenix with 20% down on a 15 year mortgage. Don't touch the investments, just work to pay down the house. When you are 40 you will own a ~$400k house outright and ~$200K in stocks off those investments alone and more as you continue to work.

Trust me, this is the play anon. Don't do anything big now, just wait, patience will present appropriate opportunities.

>> No.18124285

nice low risk play
if you're worried buy in a bit at a time there's going to be plenty of drops

>> No.18124677
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We're about to entire a deflationary period. I believe the housing market collapse is right around the corner which would be a perfect time to buy a house. Deflation will only last so long before hyperinflation hits and we feel the effects of pic related.

>> No.18125892

Nice waifu,save a few millions if you can and only spend it on proper richfag shit(like marriage and shit),i'd say saving money is the most efficient nowadays

>> No.18125941

>from ATH
wasnt that a bubble?
true, i was just being pedantic

>> No.18126017

no roche holdings?

>> No.18126049


Lmao. I did the second. Almost 30. Lookin for a room in the midst of corona crisis cuz I don't wanna be 30 living with parents.

>> No.18126371

Your life sounds shit, mate. Like fucking christ, you've wasted your best years saving money instead of gaining life experience. Sad and pathetic. And deep down you know that you've been missing out hence your mental gymnastic cope. Build yourself a pyramid and bury yourself in it with all your money, that's all you'll have on your death bed, kid.

>> No.18126579


100k€ or $ ?

50% in dividend ETF ( for earnings , also re invest everything)
10% Gold
30% Nasdaq 100 ETF
10% Cash

>> No.18126691
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Stocks will be fucked for ages but also you savings will get raped if you just leave them in the bank. Bitcoin is a good idea and Monero is a better idea. Maybe get some consumer staple stocks for diversity. Hold some physical cash. Food and guns are a good idea as well.

Surely you weren't scrimping for 13 years without spending any of that time thinking about how to invest your savings? 13 years of research and consideration you should have the best answers on this site.

>> No.18126942

If it's like that now, imagine what it's gonna be like when we start feeling the sting of inflation and everyone is looking to bail out of fiat currencies.

>> No.18127011

you're gonna need 'em. dump the dollar now while it still buys something

>> No.18127161

So you're going to be 30 living with strangers you don't talk to and paying rent? Be like OP, save up and then buy a house. Then you can rent out rooms and be a slumlord.

>> No.18128341

>You've also lived pussy free for 13 years.
you're on the wrong board my man

>> No.18128485
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>> No.18129862

Sad that girls only give you pussy for your innkeeping service, simp.

>> No.18129867

Take my lotion

>> No.18130165
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yeah it will go up forever without any risk son
don't mind US losing their world hegemony too

>> No.18130359

Because he was a robot. 17 and 18 are basically human with some mechanical parts.

>> No.18130473

Dump $40k of it into dividend stocks and treasury bills. Put another $40k into the smallest home you can find, this will eventually become your first rental property. Leave the rest in cash in a high yield savings account.

Second of all, get a fucking credit card. Rich Guy Trick #1 is to funnel your entire life through a good cash back credit card. It’s literally %2-%3 of your expenses refunded straight to you.

Third, min/max your tax exemptions so that you end up owing at the end of the year. Stop giving the government a free loan and make money off it instead.

Karl Marx called out two groups of people really hard in Das Kapital. Rent collectors and interest collectors. What that means in a capitalist society is you need to collect rent and collect interest if you want to make it.

>> No.18130478

OP literally open a ROTH IRA with Vangaurd right now and then just contribute the annual 6K limit and get the VCORX etf. That's a good slow start and if you really want more equity you can get some REITs. Unless you want to actively pursue a business it's fine for that money to collect money for you. You aren't the only one asking either >>18129919
if you dumped 50k into the stocks listed in >>18128392
you would be getting a weekly paycheck that could be set to either reinvest or to simply go to your money market for withdrawal. At 50K it might just be a paltry 20 or 30 bucks though still free money.

>> No.18130519

Why not use a credit card? Its free money when you pay in full

>> No.18130548

>living for the approval of women

>> No.18131171

buy a duplex and become a landlord.
But seriously, you saved up a hundred grand and kept it all in a damn savings account? what sort of pleb shit is that?

>> No.18131318

honestly? you should invest around 80% and keep the rest as an emergency fund (just for now, coronga and shiet)

>> No.18131472

That’s an Android

>> No.18131545

I met my ltr girlfriend whilst I lived with my parents. I took her virginity in my parents house. We were both in our 20s

>> No.18131653

ive heard 10-15% cash as the usual with investment strategies, but corona may have fucked this

>> No.18131723

>$100k to blow right after a crash
Man are you in a good place. Just throw 90% of it into a boring low cost broad market or index ETF like VTSAX, SCHB, SPY, etc. and let it sit for 20-30 years.

>> No.18131779

Don't forget about the losing your soul part.

>> No.18131873

this got me lol

>> No.18131877

Socialist homo detected. NGMI
Based investor who recognizes how the system operates.

>> No.18132379

Not socialist. May be getting slightly gayer, not sure. My only point was that the advice given was excellent but only a half-truth. This dude will end up in a soft bed he can't sleep in like most of corporate America.

>> No.18132473

You want to play the game or let the game play you? Capitalism, communism, whatever the game is, I’m going to play it to the best of my ability to make sure my kids come up better than me.

>> No.18132674

Don't forget to raise your childrens with that same mindset so the shit show goes on foreva. There is no limit to the amorality men can rationalize for personal gain.

>> No.18132796

>whinging about amorality for personal gain
>on a board dedicated to business and finance
Where do you think we are?

>> No.18132859

>not practicing shmitic jubilee
n thats why you lose

>> No.18132932

Negative real rate means any cash idle is deprecating in value
If you don't need liquidity get BTC/physical PMs to shield your shit from Mr shekalstine
If you have shit loads of cash buy a fucking house

>> No.18133201

I think we are in a world where the next generations aren't going to be living in a dystopian hellscape. GG. You win.

>> No.18134609

Lmao mad. I fuck my gf everyday in my parents house and put all the money I save by not paying rent straight into my savings. Much easier to buy a house this way.

>> No.18134645

invest in zano and retire thanks me later

>> No.18135820
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Based and checked.

Here's how its (probably) going to happen.

1. Manufacturing has moved overseas because people are investing too much in paper assets (mostly bonds, but stocks and derivatives as well) over trying to buy factories or other real assets.
1.5. The bank of your nation overprints money.
2. Crisis hits and you can't manufacture your own stuff.
3. Prices spike from lack of supply.
4. Less people are able to buy stuff, but there's way too much money in the system.
5. Inflation ensues, shortages get worse.

>> No.18136290


convert money to useful goods before the collapse kek

>> No.18136350

There's basically no reason to ever have that much money in an account. Even if you're so completely paranoid you won't put it into anything with even a tiny bit of risk, at least buy a GIC or something. You'll at least get a couple percent interest on it instead of basically nothing.

>> No.18136725


If you're looking to buy into crypto now, it's a good time to buy LTC and BTC. If you want a little bit of risk exposure too with huge potential returns, check out orion protocol. You should get some discount ETH regardless.

Keep in mind though, that soon there will be much less money actively circulating as people go into full crisis mode. That new iPhone is a lot less interesting when you don't know if you'll have food next week. There will be a deflationary period, even with the money printing. Keep an eye out for a huge drop in stock prices as companies will stop paying dividends.

>> No.18136838


By the way when I say good time, I mean we're nearing the bottom. Probably not at the bottom yet, I'm expecting another smaller drop.

>> No.18136893
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Serious question, is DVYL a good investment? It's a 2x leveraged dividend. Last dividend was 0.5966 per share. If I bought $50k worth of shares that's a $1k monthly income (I'm sure it'll drop though). Plus, the value appreciates like a stock.

>> No.18136941

My thoughts exactly.
I am looking to catch the daflationary window before my money;s value drops dramatically.

>> No.18137798

what's your gf name anon?

>> No.18137978

Tbh it's not dumb at all. Just save most and invest a bit. Currently 80% is saved and 20% is invested on OGN.