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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18117211 No.18117211 [Reply] [Original]

6 of my 9 tenants are refusing to pay rent. I still have to make mortgage payments. This isn’t right. I am a human being that worked hard and bought rental properties so I could comfortably retire and tend to my passions. Now I could potentially lose my life’s work because of slackers who live hand to mouth and refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society. I have a family to feed to, why shouldn’t I get paid? Why should I subsidise other people’s shelter from my own pocket? When are property owners getting OUR bailout?

>> No.18117237

>refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society
Lazy b8

>> No.18117239

communist LARP thread

>> No.18117249

you didn't KYC or DYOR you let a bunch of deadbeats take you for a ride and now you are paying the piper Charlie boy

>> No.18117263

Don't be a fucking faggot. The bank I work at is negotiation delayed payments to clients who have suffered from coronavirus. I assume everyone else is doing the same. That's your bailout. We are literally increasing our risk profile just to save your filthy souls. You people should be worshipping us as Gods.

>> No.18117292

>Property owner here
>I still have to make mortgage payments
you don't own shit, buddy

>> No.18117307

Real question that I know will depend on location: Would the beginning of the eviction process start now and once this wraps up people are instantly in the street or does the moratorium make it so that the process can't even be initiated?

>> No.18117318


>> No.18117325

What bait?
Yes but the interest still accrues. It will balloon my principal in the long run. It’s not a bailout at all.
You sound like an envious slacker.

>> No.18117328

>waaaaah I lived outside my means
kys unironically

>> No.18117337

This is the same poor leftist posting these anti landlord threads non stop. Daily reminder kids, if you’re renting your paying to build someone else’s equity. Not everyone was meant to make it

>> No.18117340

why dont you have emergency funds?

>> No.18117345

You can be anti-communist and anti-landlord. It is economically inefficient on a national level to financially assrape the younger generation

>> No.18117364

>We are literally increasing our risk profile just to save your filthy souls. You people should be worshipping us as Gods.
Oh my god, do you have any clue what happens to depositors funds? I'm often surprised at bank workers knowledge of the system.

>> No.18117400

>Yes but the interest still accrues. It will balloon my principal in the long run. It’s not a bailout at all.

Well, what did you fucking expect? Boohoo you have to pay a little more interest while we have to literally ensure the millions of "property owners" like you in our portfolio don't end up fucking our credit rating. Repent for your sins and say "Based bank daddy fuck my boipussy" or I'll personally mark your case as fraudulent so you don't get deferred payments.

What do you mean?

>> No.18117439

We bailed you slimy bankers out with our own taxes you bastard.

>> No.18117464


dude if people stop paying you're getting fired long before they can collect

>> No.18117602

>Why should I subsidise other people’s shelter

Would you rather have no tenants at all ?

Because that's what you're contributing to if you kick them out.. they will spread corona and all other future possible tenants might not exist

>> No.18117618

Lmao I was waiting for someone to say it, thankfully you did. This “smart” banker doesn’t realize his banks loans are almost instantly securitized in a secondary market. Ever head of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac? It feels weird having to tell a banker this but anon, your mortgages aren’t on your banks balance sheet. Those notes were already sold to free up liquidity to reissue notes. Fuck there are a lot of retards out there.

>> No.18117622


>> No.18117630
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>Take on debt to seek rent from others
>Only willing to accept the upside, not accept the risk

This is skin in the game. You took on the debt, and the risk, and now you must accept the consequences of your risk taking.

>> No.18117723

You say they are slackers that live hand to mouth and have no emergency funds, but where are your emergency funds?
Also this >>18117630

>> No.18117793

should have saved up faggot. Stop living beyond your means and save up.Don't live hand to mouth.lmao.

>> No.18117879

Why should I use up my emergency funds to subsidise shelter for slackers? If I could kick them out and find other tenants I would be fine, but I literally have to wait months to get them out.

>> No.18117886

what a retard

replying to bait thread

>> No.18117896

>Why should I use up my emergency funds to subsidise shelter for slackers? If I could kick them out and find other tenants I would be fine, but I literally have to wait months to get them out.
You took the risk, it didn't pan out.

>> No.18117924


And all of this was priced in.

>> No.18117949

You should have saved more.

>> No.18117967

>Lose my life's work
You lost a month's rent, so a couple thousand dollars, at best, and you can evict them after the fact for refusing to pay it down the line. Calm down, treat it as a normal unpaid rent, make claims against their credit score, etc. and in 2 more months if they still haven't paid evict them.

>> No.18117982

Got what you deserved faggot

>> No.18117987
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Can't wait for the 1.4 quadrillions derivatives bubble to pop up (it alrdy started).
It will be a clownshow of cosmic proportions.

>> No.18117991

>mortgage payments
Maybe you shouldn't had leverage way over your real financial capacity

>> No.18117994

Governments reserve the right to freeze evictions during national emergencies. You knew the risks. You signed the contract, now pay up

>> No.18118062

Luckily the lack of trust that will ensue will further propel the need for a decentralized tamperproof data layer to fuel the next generation of derivatives in the 4IR. Good thing I’m already all in Chainlink

>> No.18118083

Too bad the gov is also proposing mortgage payment pauses. Many landlords will likely negate a few months of mortgage payments under the act while still collecting rent. Fuck I hate being a cucked renter, I just want to build equity and stop flushing my payments down the toilet

>> No.18118097

Then get a real job

>> No.18118107

Because it is you who will own the building one day dumbass.

>> No.18118116

>My investments are failing as I did not factor in the risks.

>> No.18118121

Luckily mortgage payment pauses typically only apply to principal properties that you personally live in. These freezes almost never apply to secondary properties raised for rent-seeking

>> No.18118147

>source: my ass

>> No.18118180

Imagine believing this. Fuck the coping mechanisms and hoops renters jump through. Your poorer than land owners, accept it bud

>> No.18118193

>What do you mean?
ffs, you definitely work at a bank.

>> No.18118217
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Did someone really think that investing in rental homes was completely risk-free? Many landlords talk about being more "financially smart" than their tenants, but are now fucked because of their own decision to use all the money available to buy property. They willingly took the risk.
Very basic rule of investing: DIVERSIFY

>> No.18118283

Kek. When renters pay, they pay to small fry rent-seekers. When rent-seekers pay, they pay to banks. The banks can and will get their pay. It's the pecking order bud. Don't hate me, hate the game

>> No.18118337

Right, but the landlords who master the game take the margin between the rate on the note and the underlying cap rate, i.e renters are building his building equity while putting additional passive income in his pocket. Have a DSCR of 1.45 at a minimum and this is easy to obtain. Land ownership and renting said land is one of the easiest way to financial freedom, keep making excuses to rent

>> No.18118368

My notes are non variable as well, and my renters sign personal guarantees with co-signers. Essentially guaranteed rent

>> No.18119135
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>If I could kick them out and find other tenants I would be fine
Yeah good luck with that, retard. SIX OUT OF NINE of your tenants aren't paying. What does that suggest to you about the market right now? Negotiate with the bank, that's your only option. Try to keep in the good graces of your current tenants because there aren't necessarily better ones out there for you.

The funny thing is leftypol cunts talk about landlords as if they are powerful and mean. In fact landlords typically control miniscule portions of their market and consequently have very little power when it comes to pricing or coordinating to lobby the government for things like taxpayer bailouts. Communists are so dumb I wish they would all die.

>> No.18119145

You get what you fucking deserve, boomer parasite

>> No.18119174

It’s so hard to pick a side in this whole thing
>greedy kikes and boomers who think that buying property entitled them to endless returns and land appreciation and thus saved no money

>zoomer retards signing contracts and living week to week thinking they deserve a reprieve

>> No.18119952

Why don't YOU have emergency funds like a responsible member of society?

>> No.18120546

>I still have to make mortgage payments
then get a real job retard

>> No.18120998

This isn't true. Banks have a held mortgage portfolio as well

These people playing banker are actually retarded.

T. Corporate finance

>> No.18121008

because you speculated with basic human needs for profit. Fuck you and everyone in this Industry!

>> No.18121099

>bought things he can't afford
>expects others to pay for them

>> No.18121164

>This isn't true.
Well its not totally true. It does happen though, In bundles.
The mortgages the bank holds are needed for liquidity to ensure the depositors can withdraw. Care to shed some light on the procedure? It's mercky to say the least with what actually happens with depositors funds & bank payments. obviously the bank is taking a turn on the payments.

>> No.18121770

I don’t get all of these threads, don’t all rentals require 2 months of deposit? So what’s the problem?
I want to know because I want to save in rent too if I can

>> No.18121941

you need to stay liquid to survive this economically. talk to your lenders if you can just pay only the interest. repayment can be put off to the future. maybe they are interested you don't default on your loan and except a reduced repayment or whatever.

>> No.18122120

Buffets over...

>> No.18122137

Should have spent less money on coffee and avocado toast

>> No.18122188

You have the keys to their appartments literally walk into one of their appartments and sit there, they can't attack you they can't touch you make yourself at home because it's your home if they touch you call the cops. Because you were just assaulted in your home.

>> No.18122191

checked, kick them out pilled, and sell your shitty houses for unification before main net so you can buy them back with cash + then bail for 5 years to bang high test jap hookers.

>> No.18122205



You gambled with leverage like a degenerate so now your position will be liquidated.

>> No.18122234

You sound like someone who bit off more than he could chew and was relying on minimum wage earners to defend his poor investment, also you have multiple property's you are trying to rent but don't own? Just kys.

>> No.18123142
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>high test jap hookers