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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18117123 No.18117123 [Reply] [Original]

>spamming the board with pictures of marx didn't work, how do we convert the aspiring capitalists of /biz/ to our system for losers?
>I know! Let's make a billion threads about landlords where we praise mao and talk about guillotines like jacobins,
>genius, noone will be able to tell we're from /leftypol/!
>this plan can't backfire comrade!

>> No.18117144
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They're pretty dumb. That's why they're communists.

>> No.18117166


>> No.18117206

commie raids on /biz/ always signal the bottom

>> No.18117266

Is this leftypol actually a thing? Some1 tldr me, is it a discord or some shit?

>> No.18117352

They're always so transparent, and they always repeat the same lines of attack. Some of them stay around and move to to the right some

>> No.18117367

its on a website called bunkerchan dot xyz since 4+4chan got killed by cloudflare

>> No.18117369


>> No.18117376
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>> No.18117380


>> No.18117402

>praise mao

>> No.18117431

>aspiring capitalists

at least we agree on one thing. If you dont own anything valuable you aren't a capitalist.

keep larping IRL with your simpbucks

>> No.18117469

>Implying I care about people
I want MONEY
>Giving back guarentees you returns as an investor
You fucking RETARD

>> No.18117543
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My landlord was off the grid and ignored all of my requests to repair the washing machine and slow plumbing in my sink, only replying to what was basically spam, and responding with pure scorn and snobby demeanor. Most of my buddies had experiences like this with their landlords too. My hatred for landlords predates all of these threads and has nothing to do with economic ideology. Legit thinking of not paying this fag for 2 months

>> No.18117574
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>let's call the landlords parasites while we live in their house and use their utilities without paying rent

>> No.18117596

It was on 8gag but even they didn't want them

>> No.18117599

Have fun being evicted in June/July retard

>> No.18117615

It's a thing in the same way that Dan Schneider is really secretly a satanic child-sacrificial cultist with ties to the DNP and an underground ring of drug smugglers who harvest adrenochrome from torture victims and not just a baby-groper.

>> No.18117737
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>> No.18117763

It exists, but I think more of them come from places like r/chapotraphouse. Which makes them redditors too.

>> No.18117770
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>> No.18117804

>posting reddit memes
Go the fuck back

>> No.18117807

desu all of us are redditors at this point, this has been dead since late 2015, if not earlier

>> No.18117834

Kek, I don't expect evictions to be something landlords will be able to magically wave their hand and process in the middle of a global pandemic and major economic turmoil. It's already difficult enough for them. But this kikelord is a grade-A asshole, I already have snarky messages from him and will DEFINITELY be collecting more abusive emails during the months to come, for the purpose of court ammunition of course.

Stay mad

>> No.18117850

Quick, post another 4 landlord threads at once guys, we're all so close to chimping out on contracts and embracing communism!

>> No.18118148
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I don't think any board has seen such a sharp decrease in quality over such a short period of time. Even /r9k/ didn't drop this fast. Stock market crashed and this board was immediately spammed to death with /pol/ and leftypol threads. This board must've really only had about 50 people posting on it before all of this happened because it didn't take much to completely change it

>> No.18118668
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Its cause only 1 person did it.
wassup peeps.

>> No.18118692

>expecting any variant of /pol/ to have more than a 90 IQ
/leftypol/ is stupid, in other news water is wet

>> No.18118862

im McLoving it. Ren spin that shit for my boy for being smart as FUCK. wassup dude.

>> No.18118871

Haha good post comrade now into the gulag

>> No.18119271

No, thank you anyway.

>> No.18119367

nah i just find this shit funny, ive been here since pools closed newfags

>> No.18119495

>almost every landlord thread is a reeing landlord
they cant stop lying

>> No.18119504


>> No.18119509

including this one

>> No.18119530

#FinNexus’s inflation will be automatically adjusted according to the usage of the platform.

>> No.18119550


Based, and seeing threads like this make me realize biz is still here between all of the shit shilling.

How long are the going to stay here before they give up?

>> No.18119624

ask me anything, im honest as fuck and dont care

>> No.18119664

Forever, my defense is impregnable, my offense is vicious, its a flurry left right and all of a sudden im standing over you and thetears in your eyes are drawn back in to see as if looking down at a classroom full of seats and children in those seats. I'm in one of those seats. I'm staring at economics on the whiteboard and never. I spent 8 years locked inside my own head, i'll spend 8 years here just for a laugh, brother.