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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18114038 No.18114038 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18114065

>they won't and you can't kick them out

>> No.18114081

Shut the fuck up. That shit is overpriced. It's FORCED. It isn't a CHOICE. It's either overpriced rent for some neet landlord or homelessness. Go fuck yourself if you think homelessness is a "real" option.

>> No.18114105

Why does it matter so much to you? Post nose.

>> No.18114117

What is a contract, other than a piece of paper?

>> No.18114130

Ask the fed for your rent money

You’re not in the big club. Better spend all your time punching down, mong.

>> No.18114131

Wiser choice that jew landlords could make is to DROP the fucking prices by 80%, to allow people to live and pay rents to the jews without breaking the law.

>> No.18114132

but our company is about to close and im unemployed.
how can i find a loophole on this contract?

>> No.18114136

A promise before God.

>> No.18114159
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>> No.18114163

God isn't real faggot, and neither is your right to take my money.

>> No.18114165
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>> No.18114167

Then pray

>> No.18114169
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Force majeure.
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.18114203

>I do not understand how breach insurance contract works, the post
Thanks for the insight anon

>> No.18114211

>thinking charging expensive rent is christian like
kek delusional

>> No.18114225


>> No.18114235


>> No.18114240

You know what's funny to me?
Some of these same niggas saying "fuck a contract, rent is unfair" actually want to get married someday, lmao

>> No.18114256

get a job and stop spending my rent on avocado toast

>> No.18114257

God led the Israelites into the wilderness for forty years.

>> No.18114260

it isnt anything to worry about. these retards who are literally living paycheck to paycheck think that because the govt is banning landlords from evicting them during these 60 days that they dont owe rent for those months. what they dont realize and the conversation landlords are having with tenants right now is that if they dont pay the rent, it will still be owed when the 60 days are over and landlords can then legally begin an eviction process. what this amounts to is just more evidence that subhuman non-whites lack the ability to think critically with reason and logic.

and as you may have already figured out, come June/July theres going to be a lot of evicted people who will be looking for places to stay. the cycle of retardation typically follows the same pattern until these ppl eventually die thru some process of accelerated bad life decisions. it all really sorts itself out in the end.

>> No.18114268

Why don't we just remove renting and force all the rentfaggots to buy a house? It seems like they don't understand or value what a landlord provides them.

>> No.18114270
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>> No.18114276

You know whats funny to me?
People who spent the majority of their freetime on 4chan for the past 5 years don’t know why they’re single

>> No.18114283

yea but we're not gonna do that anymore

>> No.18114290

Don't forget to tip your landlord. Be grateful someone is there to provide housing for you during a global pandemic.

>> No.18114292

>It seems like they don't understand or value what a landlord provides them.
De facto monopolies protected by zoning laws?

>> No.18114293

I can't wait to buy up their price-adjusted leases when this is all over. :^)

>> No.18114295


>> No.18114300

keked hard

>Believing his cucked country will get out of this covid shit in 60 days

>> No.18114334

>He actually believes circuit courts will be reopened in 60 days

>> No.18114343
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My plan to make is to generate passive income by renting... Oh wait...

>> No.18114351

Literally no one forced you to buy an apartment. No one forced you to do shit you fucking mong.

>> No.18114361

Renting is more profitable than selling houses.

>> No.18114370

There are literally people out there that are using this as an excuse to not tip their front desk each day.

>> No.18114403

Landlords generally (not always) have the advantage of having more capital available in cash or via loans.

Landlords also factor in exploiting a tenant, and the potential resale value when bidding on home, which generally causes them to place more value on it increasing price.

Landlords remove supply that would be available to those buying a house for non rent seeking purposes.

If leasing was more restricted, or made illegal, a lot of housing issues would be solved.

>> No.18114406

And no one forced the jews to ask so much for rents.
Let's say that they decide to ask just $100/month for the entire covid period, tenants wouldn't have problems to pay them.

>> No.18114428


>> No.18114433

People who claim they were "coerced" into renting are the same people who complain about the Manhattan living expenses and then go out and buy starbucks and $20 salads for lunch because they never learned how to fucking cook.

>> No.18114437

lmao no

>> No.18114457

An advantage of capital, freely earned.

>> No.18114503

not a chance in hell land kike!

>> No.18114528

Likely to blame their parents for "tricking" them into taking a huge loan for a liberal arts degree and for never teaching them basic life skills. Ignoring that we all have access to the biggest knowledge repository in the history of humanity so there is no excuse for being ignorant.

>> No.18114532

Thats pretty much what it boils down too.

Those with Capital Exploiting those without.

Even if the renter can make the 1000 USD a month payment for rent, its unlikely he has the 20% down payment sitting around to acquire the property (even if the mortague is less than rent). Especially given American culture, where young people are kicked out of the home before they even have any savings.

>> No.18114572

...your point??????? Rent is still robbery

>> No.18114593

>Landlords want me to feel bad for them

Well if you people hadn't made renting impossible because you buy up all the property so you can put rooms up on AirBnB then maybe I would feel kind of bad

>> No.18114607
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>> No.18114608

Point being, there are plenty of places where the cost of living is low. Perhaps your ideal living situation is one that you can't afford.

>> No.18114612

>Those with Capital Exploiting those without.
We call it survival of the fittest, Comrade.

>> No.18114635

I would defend landlords only if most of them weren't massive companies with more than enough cash reserves and if zoning laws did not create monopolies.

>> No.18114640

Then if the contract is broken then surely God will intervene?

>> No.18114673
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>> No.18114674

Can't landlords just kick you out once eviction are allowed again, or do they need a reason?

>> No.18114681

>Point being, there are plenty of places where the cost of living is low
Sounds retarded when 50% of ALL renters are cost burdened, where 30% of all jobs pay hardship wages and 32% pay barely livable wages.
Look at stats, dumbass.
What you said is factually false. You live in a bubble and are a hypocrite to your religion since how you treat others is how you treat your god. You fuck a human over, that's like fucking god over.
Don't believe me? Look up the story of the people with leprosy. I forgot all the details, but long story short, some guy was taking care of people with leprosy and god told the man (paraphrasing) "you clothed me when no one did. You fed me when no one did". Something along those lines.
Hilarious that I'm not a christian and even I know more about your god than you do.

>> No.18114699

Kill yourself retard communist.

>> No.18114729

If you didn’t pay your rent on the day it was due, your landlord can evict you. Maybe not next week, but when this shit blows over.

>> No.18114739

>whaaaa he used facts so he's a communist whaaa
also, dont you retards associate neet life as communism? There's nothing more neet than being a landlord, you stupid incest fucker redneck.

>> No.18114751

>30% of the country is in abject poverty
And I live in the bubble

>> No.18114766

Also, retard, that isn't a counter argument to the stats. The stats I show factually prove most people can barely afford rent if at all. Usually people need to live with someone, faggot.

Give an actual counter argument with numbers, hillbilly. Let me guess, you're too retarded to do that? Kek

>> No.18114796

Kill yourself retard communist.

>> No.18114846

nigger rent don't exist any more now get your white ass out of here before you get sissy fucked

>> No.18114853

30% of workers do in mother fucking fact make hardship wages (this is before the recession so it's probably worse now).

Look it up, retard. Na, fuck it. You're too retarded so I'll do it for you: Nationally, the study found:

"30 percent of jobs are “hardship jobs,” meaning they don’t allow a single adult to make ends meet.

32 percent are “living wage” jobs, enough to get by but not to take vacations, save for retirement or live in a moderately priced home."


Lol at you retards that think numbers are "for delusional people". Fucking rednecks.

>> No.18114862

bla bla bla
rent is too fucking high, kike

>> No.18114867

You're the commie, dumbass bitch. What you support is neo feudalism. Grow a brain and do something productive instead of getting fucked in the ass by your dad and tranny mother :)

>> No.18114881

It is, you kike (ironically you are the kike, dumbass greedy retard).

Here are the facts that destroy your anus, bitch: >>18114853

>Whaaaaaa!!! Numbers make my head go boom boom!!!

>> No.18114885

Pay your rent commie

>> No.18114890
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You signed a contract for a mortgage saying you would pay it. I don't give a shit if your renters aren't paying YOU. Sounds like a personal problem. Theae mortgage-backed securities aren't gonna back themselves.

>> No.18114896

Not an argument, commie. Imagine being this retarded. Did your father literally fuck your brains out? Is that why you're this stupid and can't provide counter arguments, hillbilly?

>> No.18114903
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>> No.18114911

Proof that commies are unpleasant, egofreaks

>> No.18114913

It's literally not though. Unless you interpret stop reading "inherited biological traits that directly benefit survival ability" at the first word.

>> No.18114923

All I did was state numbers :). Kek!!
>numbers make you a commie and unpleasant!
The utter state of copers :)

>> No.18114927

retards like you are the reason housing costs and rent are high. if you can't afford rent, stay with your parents.

>> No.18114941

>once eviction are allowed again
boomer landlords will have popped off by then

>> No.18114943

>retards like you
Ya, blame the person renting instead of the renter. Down syndrome incarnate. Rednecks have 0 IQ points.

>> No.18114959

You shouldn’t have over-leveraged your property. No one is entitled to zero risk investments

>> No.18114962

Landlords would be wise to be generous at this time.
When you look at the big picture, there is allot more at stake for landlords than two months rent.
Collectively you can't just evict all of your tenants; yeah sure a few landlords could do this, but if too many do... Well let's just say it's a good way to end up swinging under a lamp post.

Of course landlords would also be correct to assume that their fellow landlords would put short term profit above long term security.
So really it's a gamble with game theory.

>> No.18114964

*landlord not renter
hopefully this doesnt confuse you redneck communists :)

>> No.18114967

imagine thinking your god approves of your landkiking

>> No.18114983

I honestly dont think the vast majority of people will refuse to pay rent if they are able to. If you did you can pretty much guarentee your credit will become absolutely fucked and no one will ever rent to you again just for what 4? Max 6 months rent free? I dont think the vast majority of people are that short sighted. But still renters gotta pay if they can as a home owner I'm still paying my mortgage even though I could stop for 6 months but I'm still working and I'm an employee of an essential business. If you need help the governments programs are there for you but if you are fine dont be a deadbeat and pay your Bill's

>> No.18114984

Exactly. Republicans are literal dumbfucks. They even think trump is a christian kek! These retards dont even understand the god they worship.

>> No.18114992

Great plan, just have entire generations stuck with their geriatric parents unable to enter the career or property ladders and completely obliterate the concept of "social mobility".

>> No.18114993

Tips on how to afford rent:
1. Avoid overpopulated, gentrified shitholes like NYC and LA.
2. Don't overburden yourself with debt.
3. Live within your means.
Unfortunately most people are financially illiterate, get themselves in a financial hole and then blame the system instead of themselves. Oh well.
P.S. You're still going to have to pay rent. :^)

>> No.18114995

It takes 6 months to do an eviction and afterwards guess the reason anyone will be looking to rent a new house

>> No.18114997
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>> No.18115016

That redneck doesn't understand your words sadly. I almost pity them. Almost.

>> No.18115034

>Live within your means.
Don't be stupid. Most people literally can't due to limited money. Facts: >>18114853

NATION wide stats

>> No.18115046
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They sure as shit force you to find a place to stay. Homeless people who know what they're doing are constantly getting their balls busted because sleeping outside is illegal in 99% of the nation's surface area

>> No.18115061


>> No.18115074

THIS. Homelessness isn't even an option. Real estate isn't even capitalism either like those retard bootlickers think. It's actually promoting neo feudalism. Capitalism is supposed to be about choice. Living under a roof is NOT a choice. Homelessness is NOT an actual option.

>> No.18115075

but sir, there's a virus going around that's held me back a month's rent

>> No.18115076

How is funneling money towards rent and living expenses that you couldve otherwise saved obliterating social mobility?

>> No.18115092

No one forces you to do anything, go live in the woods.

>> No.18115099

They can kick you out as soon as the executive order ends.

>> No.18115100

It's basically like those taxes that republicucks hate so much (I do to o an extent die to the way it is used, but I digress) yet real estate is the biggest eater of checks. It's the number ONE problem is shitmerica. It is what CAUSES financial unrest.

>> No.18115112

I am so tired of your fucking idiocy. You are an entitled fool who thinks that because a person is not living in optimal conditions that he has a situation equivocal with a third worlder. Here's some facts about your so-called "poor people".
* 38 percent of the persons whom the Census Bureau identifies as "poor" own their own homes with a median value of $39,200.
* 62 percent of "poor" households own a car; 14 percent own two or more cars.
* Nearly half of all "poor" households have air-conditioning; 31 percent have microwave ovens.
* Nationwide, some 22,000 "poor" households have heated swimming pools or Jacuzzis.
"Poor" Americans today are better housed, better fed, and own more property than did the average U.S. citizen throughout much of the 20th Century. In 1988, the per capita expenditures of the lowest income fifth of the U.S. population exceeded the per capita expenditures of the median American household in 1955, after adjusting for inflation.
Of course, because you're a commie, this will mean nothing to you. If you aren't receiving your gibs, then your government is failing you.
P.S. You STILL have to pay your rent.

>> No.18115120

Tips on how to afford rent:
1. Live with parents until you have enough for a down payment
2. Buy your own house and dont pay rent like a retard

>> No.18115125


>> No.18115128

actually illegal pretty much everywhere, ted k's dream of living off cheap land is basically impossible now. it's slave or die.
t. someone who wouldn't mind living in the woods

>> No.18115130

Get btfod, retard: >>18115074
You a masochist? Down syndrome logic.

>you couldve otherwise saved
that's the flaw to your argument, retard. Think before you speak. You CAN'T save that money, dumbass.

>> No.18115155

I'll destroy you anally again.
1. 78% of fulltime workers are literally a paycheck away from homelessness.

Nuff said :). Sorry, retard. We don't have it good. You live in a bubble. Most people struggle financially, idiot. That isn't an opinion. That is a fact. I am tired of YOUR idiotic down syndrome logic that simply refuses to accept reality due to their down syndrome.

>> No.18115162

This. The landlord should be forced to buy the property, pay taxes, maintain and upkeep the buildings, deal with disgusting tenants, and assume all risk of damage and destruction of property. They should be able to charge anything for it. FREE RENT BERNIE 2020

>> No.18115176

>that's the flaw to your argument, retard. Think before you speak. You CAN'T save that money, dumbass.

How are you this dense, just live with your parents until you can afford your own house

>> No.18115178

Sounds like 78% of fulltime workers are financially illiterate and need a wakeup call. Perfect time is this crisis. Pay your rent, commie.

>> No.18115180
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>> No.18115186

Alright you're just trolling. Well done.

>> No.18115194

everyone itt is a retarded wagie who thinks theyll be a millionaire after half a year of saving and investing, when in reality one bad month is enough to put them out on the street (as the covid crisis is currently proving)

>> No.18115200

Also, you DUMBASS. Burden of proof is on YOU to prove most people are literally retarded with their money. Thing is 62% factually can't even AFFORD to be retards with their money or they'd be homeless. That alone destroys you completely :). Sorry, retard. Facts dont care about your feelings. Numbers are no ones friend. They just are :). Accept them, retard.

Also, that pay you mention is BEFORE tax, brainlet.

>> No.18115203

Suck my dick. Go bitch about billionaires getting bailouts and bonuses fucking coward bootlick scum

>> No.18115207

this but unironically

>> No.18115221

> look it's afraid
no one is happy about the corporate slush fund either anon

>> No.18115248

How do you improve your standing? Get a better job, right? Well, one probably doesn't exist within commuting distance of your parents, and rent within is "outside the means" of people applying for major industrial sectors because scarce necessities in a seller's market are very easy to exploit. Basically, your advice is only really good if, say, your parents live in the rust belt and your greatest aspiration is a middling pay trade job like plumbing or electrics. You're never going to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

>> No.18115266

Not a proper solution, retard. Real estate shouldn't be allowed to go up without limit in the first place, you stupid dumbass. Secondly, literally lost people CAN'T afford a home. It's like you dense mother fuckers can't comprehend even the most BASIC of stats. Rednecks.

Sorry, retard. Burden of proof is on YOU to prove that. Oh wait. I btfod that in my previous comment :). Lol retard alert

Yes. Using statistics is just trolling. Ising facts is just trolling. Whaaaa!!!!! Lol

Yes. They dont get that though.

>> No.18115270

If I can't assume that 78% of people are financially irresponsible, you can't assume that our society is coercing them into wageslaving and that they aren't making superfluous purchases. I would continue arguing with you, if I wasn't sure that you're either a troll, sixteen or a degenerate commie. Could be all of them honestly.

>> No.18115285

Paying rent is literally like being raped.

>> No.18115292

>people who don't know where their minutes and dollars go in a day by day basis are starting to complain about being poor
it's almost natural darwinism, except they're slowing killing themselves and the system doesn't guide them better; especially with their retarded poor uneducated-financially parents
oh gee, how will this cycle ever enddd

>> No.18115302

Another good point. Besides the fact that middle class and up jobs are in the minority of jobs (literally less than 50%), people often times do have to commute away and rent what basically destroys over 2/4 weeks of work minus one more week if lucky of just other expenses such as student loans. These fucking idiots can't think at ALL.

>> No.18115330

it's not a 24 hour process anon. the eviction process is long and costly.

>> No.18115342

>you can't assume that our society is coercing them into wageslaving and that they aren't making superfluous purchases.
1. Retard. Look up burden of proof. That's not how it works. You LITERALLY have to back up your claim since YOU are arguing against mine. Idiot.
2. I even spelled it out for you how YOU are wrong, you illiterate cunt. HERE: >>18115200
Tucking learn to READ. Read it carefully. Read the fucking stats in the link too. Read the fucking quote. AGAIN. Most people cant even AFFORD to be retarded with their money in the first place, you stupid dumb ape. It is LITERALLY impossible for them to be stupid with their money or they'd be homeless, retard. This isn't rocket science, hillbilly.

>> No.18115380

Aka neo feudalism.

>> No.18115392

Hey retard, if renting was illegal, the cost of a house world drop so much that nearly anybody could afford one, including minimum wage workers.
The hard truth is that houses are basically fucking worthless but our perverted zoning laws, regulations, and mortgage system have made them retarded expensive shitboxes. There are third world countries where everyone owns their own house. Columbians have more housing security than American middle class cattle

>> No.18115393

How about dont fall for the big city meme and get a job around you, when you live with parents expenses are pretty much 0 meaning you can save up enough money to buy your own house

>Not a proper solution, retard. Real estate shouldn't be allowed to go up without limit in the first place, you stupid dumbass
what is supply and demand

>Secondly, literally lost people CAN'T afford a home. It's like you dense mother fuckers can't comprehend even the most BASIC of stats. Rednecks.
are you an orphan with no parents?

>> No.18115402

Bitch bitch bitch that's all I hear oh we cant afford to buy a house. How can we save anything? First of all fuck yourself. Second of all if I, a guy who had literally 0 when I was 18 could save up and buy a house by the time I was 29 and have a blue collar 70k a year job anyone can fucking do it. I rented the entire time I was saving for a house its possible

>> No.18115439

Okay so what gives you (that's a collective you which encompasses governments and society in general) to limit how much someone wants to charge for something that own? If you own anything, you have the right to do with it as you please don't you?. If you don't feel like overcharging, don't. If you do overcharge and nobody rents, that's on you too and you still have to pay the property tax etc.. what you suggest is communism and against the concept of a free market.

We don't limit what hotels can charge when they're are events in a local area. Or what water parks charge for admission. Why should rentals be any different?

>> No.18115445

>Bitch bitch bitch that's all I hear oh we cant afford to buy a house.
because it's a fact, retard.
>whaaa I hate numbers!! they hurt my feelings

>How can we save anything? First of all fuck yourself.
No, fuck YOURSELF for ignoring data.

> I was 18 could save up and buy a house by the time I was 29 and have a blue collar 70k a year job anyone can fucking do it
Duuuur what is scarcity of well paying jobs? Ape. Let me guess. Math isn't your strong subject?

>> No.18115462

this. excessive nimbyism by a monopoly class that parrots the need for affordable housing (far away from their unaffordable housing ofc) while shooting down every change to zoning or building regulations keeps them renting high. They just act human to save-face, but once the rent dries up they'll turn extra shitty.
japan basically told the landlords to fucking kts and took national control over zoning laws and there hasn't been a housing shortage since the 80s.

>> No.18115478

Price caps don't make sense and never work. First, price capping messes with the demand side, because if it costs the same to live in New York City as it does to live in Detroit, why would anyone live in Detroit? So you'd have a flood of demand for something that the market can't supply. Then there's the supply side problem. Landlords have actual expenses. They pay property tax (which funds the local government), they pay income tax (which funds the federal government), they pay for water and sewer, other utilities, insurance, maintenance and repair. Those are costs they are not in control of. So if you have an apartment that rents at a cap of $1,000 a month, but your expenses surpass that, what's going to happen? Landlord will abandon their buildings, they'll fall into disrepair, and the supply of housing will shrink and degrade, causing a further housing crisis. Add to that that government-run housing schemes have most often failed dramatically, for instance the Grenfell Tower fire or New York City Housing Authority's recent issues with lead, and you have further reason why the free market makes more sense for housing. Safe, quality housing is not a cheap commodity to produce or maintain, and the people who do it deserve to make profit, same as any other business.

>> No.18115479

>I pulled myself up by my own 20' boostraps to join the parasite class, and if you fucking wagies think you can deny me of my god given right to exploit you, yo..y.yyour a bitch!!!

>> No.18115488

>If you own anything, you have the right to do with it as you please don't you?
that's the fucking issue. People shouldn't be able to price real estate at skies the limit because it is not a luxury like some car or hot cheetos. It is a motherfucking necessity, idiot. Look at healthcare. Look at what making it for profit has done. It bankrupts people, moron.

Luxuries should be priced at skies the limit. Necessities should NOT. It is literally what is destroying this country.

>> No.18115501
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Post Brought to you by the Landlords Association of America.

>> No.18115507

No it's called maybe you can't afford to live where you want to live maybe you need to live in a place with lower rents or lower housing costs. I have a pretty average job in fact I probably make the least in my entire group of friends and I could save enough to buy a house while renting.

>> No.18115527

How am I exploiting you but saying you should live in your means like I did so you can save for a house

>> No.18115532

unironically move to venezuela

>> No.18115559

This is a Christian board. Please leave.

>> No.18115566

why do retarded commies not understand supply and demand?

>> No.18115568

Can't believe you faggots still pay rent. I bought my first place at 19. Bitches love men who own their shit.

>> No.18115577

Repeat it with me: THERE IS ALWAYS AN AFFORDABLE IF NOT OPTIMAL OPTION AVAILABLE FOR HOUSING. If you voluntarily decide to rent above your means and complain about it, you are genuinely retarded.

>> No.18115600

It does work. You just say it doesnt to cope. It's retarded to be able to price real estate at "whatever my ass feels like".

Think. Land. Does the fucking dirt cost anything? No. It's not man made. It's fucking natural. The way real estate SHOULD be done is like this:
People buy land where a home can be made. 1 per person limit. Maybe 3ksqft cap.
THEN that person would have to make a deal with a contractor and settle the price like that. Not everyone wants some huge fucking home. It's better for custom made homes to be a thing. Then the person that owns the new built home can sell it at about break even if they want to move or they can trade it for another home of the other person agrees.
That would be a solution for affordable housing.
That's actually what I'm basically doing in another country. Land is bought and I am having a home being built there and I negotiated with a contractor. Small home about 50k total would probably cost like 500k in shitmerica just because some greedy neet faggot "feels like it".

Homes should be priced on material (finite) and labor (what is negotiated). Simple, not this bullshit.
For already preexisting homes, I would say they should just be sold at break even, not for profit. This shouldnt be a business of "well I bought it so now I will overprice the fuck out of it". The fact that this is destroying this country in itself already shows this current housing situation is CLEARLY fucked. NOT an opinion. Stats clearly show how fucked people are

>> No.18115624

>No it's called maybe you can't afford to live where you want to live maybe you need to live in a place with lower rents or lower housing costs.
Do stats hurt your head? The stats I posted are NATION WIDE state. Not just stats of where I live.

>> No.18115627

>Maybe 3ksqft cap.

10k sqft, so people can actually have a garden.

>> No.18115634
File: 59 KB, 647x750, 1533044651223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what will landlords do when their tenants start obliterating their properties in response to mass-evictions of tens of millions of Americans? I've already convinced my grandmother to stop renting her shitty little apartment, and I am absolutely going to break every window in that place and destroy the plumbing on the way out if they try to forcibly evict her thanks to this situation. Do you think your down payment will cover this? Do you think there's enough lawyers for you to sue all of your tenants who destroy your properties as you try to derive capital from struggling citizens in the middle of a hellish economic crisis?

The only landlords that will easily find their way out of this mess are those who aren't faggots about it. If you were smart and saved some capital up for a rainy day, didn't buy the latest iphone and Tesla cars, etc., you'd be able to afford a rocky situation like this. If you demand people either pay money they don't have or become homeless, you're only guaranteed to see retribution as a response.

>> No.18115643

Then how was i able to do it?

>> No.18115647

Why do retard monkeys not know how to argue well? Dumbass

Supply and demand is the problem, dipshit. For material, I don't care. Whatever is costs should be factored in. Anything else and it brings into question ethics. More details here, ape: >>18115600

>> No.18115649

So which flyover ghetto do you live in?

>> No.18115661

They don't leave and the cops are too busy

>> No.18115675


>> No.18115676

Why the fuck would that matter?
Do I need to spell out to you that anecdotes are not as accurate as actual statistics?
Again though, to answer that directly, look up the definition of "scarcity".

>> No.18115685

Or you could pay the rent for your poor grandmother

>> No.18115701

Utterly Based

>> No.18115702

>It does work. You just say it doesnt to cope. It's retarded to be able to price real estate at "whatever my ass feels like".

its not "whatever my ass feels like" its what someone else is willing to pay for it, again basic supply and demand that you cant seem to understand

>Think. Land. Does the fucking dirt cost anything? No. It's not man made. It's fucking natural. The way real estate SHOULD be done is like this:
People buy land where a home can be made. 1 per person limit. Maybe 3ksqft cap.
THEN that person would have to make a deal with a contractor and settle the price like that. Not everyone wants some huge fucking home. It's better for custom made homes to be a thing. Then the person that owns the new built home can sell it at about break even if they want to move or they can trade it for another home of the other person agrees.
That would be a solution for affordable housing.
That's actually what I'm basically doing in another country. Land is bought and I am having a home being built there and I negotiated with a contractor. Small home about 50k total would probably cost like 500k in shitmerica just because some greedy neet faggot "feels like it".

>Homes should be priced on material (finite) and labor (what is negotiated). Simple, not this bullshit.
For already preexisting homes, I would say they should just be sold at break even, not for profit. This shouldnt be a business of "well I bought it so now I will overprice the fuck out of it". The fact that this is destroying this country in itself already shows this current housing situation is CLEARLY fucked. NOT an opinion. Stats clearly show how fucked people are

so basically you want to take out any incentive for building new houses and a huge housing shortage?

>> No.18115725
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Landlords cant get blown the fuck out soon enough. This system was entirely unsustainable to begin with.
Third world shitholes have more home ownership and economic mobility than much of America at this point. The sheer extent of parasitic behavior of mostly boomers that acquired property when it was possible for normal people is disgusting and evil. Young people across the nation cant have families because they are getting leeched by entitled old pieces of shit with one foot in the grave.
Its sick and needs to end. Violently if thats what it takes.

>> No.18115739

t. failed high school econ class

>> No.18115742

Why would you tell her to stop paying rent? Irresponsible, but I guess she's fucking retarded too if she would listen to your advice on literally anything. Corona is a meme, stop buying into the fake news narrative.

>> No.18115753

> 3 million losing their job
> meme
no amount of brrr can fix that

>> No.18115765

t. Never set foot in a coastal state

>> No.18115777

Nor the brain of the idiot you are replying to.

>> No.18115780

not to be all doomer, but things will change because of this, whatever normal 'is' has shifted.

>> No.18115787

I literally will never give a landkike a cent of my money. I bought my property in NV because it was within my means years ago, and even though it hasn't appreciated worth shit, it's a 4-bedroom 3 bathroom 2400sq home with a pool. This place is a fucking mansion compared to the dumpster she lives in, and she pays more than double what my mortgage was just for rent.

I should have mentioned in there that she was laid off thanks to this situation. She worked at a boutique and received commission for whatever clothes she sold, and it's typically enough to get her by, but she lost her job because the boutique is clearing out due to the hysteria.

>> No.18115801

dilate your wound, kike :)

>> No.18115804

Kek do YOU even have a college degree? I do. Have YOU ever even taken micro and macro econ in college, dumb bitch?

>> No.18115818

Thats only because everyone fell for the move out at 18 meme then act surprised why housing prices are so expensive, living with your parents until you can afford a house is how it should be, renting should be rare and only used in special circumstances like moving to a new town

>> No.18115819

vishnu has spoken

>> No.18115836

>no u

>Have YOU ever even taken micro and macro econ in college, dumb bitch?
nigger you literally dont know what supply and demand is

>> No.18115843

>landlordarinos invoking the wrath of God on those less fortunate than him
The landlord cries in pain as he strikes you

>> No.18115857

>again basic supply and demand that you cant seem to understand
Same with healthcare, retard. People pay for surgeries for instance at any price basically not because it's a "choice", but because they HAVE to. Something YOUR dumbass doesn't understand. This is why real estate shouldnt be for profit. Same reason healthcare shouldnt be either. They way that it is now ends up fucking people over. Just because your dumbass cant comprehend a new system doesnt mean it cant work, idiot.

> so basically you want to take out any incentive for building new houses and a huge housing shortage?
Are you stupid? New homes would be built from people buying land so what the FUCK are you talking about? LITERALLY the only difference is they would be custom made in such a way where they would actually be affordable. How the FUCK did you miss that?

>> No.18115864
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is this rent thing a ploy to distract people from what the fed is doing right now?

>> No.18115865

Just a meaningless scrap of paper

>> No.18115870

So, communism.

>> No.18115875

>It seems like they don't understand or value what a landlord provides
Like what? Fixing a plumbing issue once every century?

>> No.18115889

do you know what it means, the housing market is about as far away from a free market as you can get. Housing is cheap actually, it's all the regulations about where you can and can't build (look up how difficult it is to say add a bath or granny flat on your property) that drive up the land to stupid levels - this benefits the landlord class which is why they are all NIMBYs
like all this shit has been discussed to death

>> No.18115891

>kike for wanting the opposite of what a kile wants
Stop being retarded :)

>no u
retard. I am saying I have a degree so I'm asking if you do since you are acting superior

>nigger you literally dont know what supply and demand is
I've taken micro and macro econ in college. Even without it, I know what it is, dumbass. Not a counter argument, ape. Just because you cant understand a system due to your low IQ brain doesnt mean it cant work

>> No.18115894

Bernie's not gonna win man.

>> No.18115919

How :)? Everything is communism now, huh? Anti neo feudalism is communism, huh, big brain? :)

>> No.18115933

Okay?? Well aware. The fuck is your point? The FUCK does that have to do with what I said??

>> No.18115965

Not a single male want to be married these days you tardo, you get raped and cucked to death the minute your thot decide she "need something new in her life". Only roasties are pushing their mates to get married, because they know daddy state will always side with them during the divorce and basically steal all your shit whenever she want it to happen.

>> No.18115971

>Same with healthcare, retard. People pay for surgeries for instance at any price basically not because it's a "choice", but because they HAVE to. Something YOUR dumbass doesn't understand. This is why real estate shouldnt be for profit. Same reason healthcare shouldnt be either. They way that it is now ends up fucking people over. Just because your dumbass cant comprehend a new system doesnt mean it cant work, idiot.
Except you do have a choice, you can live with your parents or go somewhere more affordable, youre not going to die if you dont move to that $3k a month studio apartment

>Are you stupid? New homes would be built from people buying land so what the FUCK are you talking about? LITERALLY the only difference is they would be custom made in such a way where they would actually be affordable. How the FUCK did you miss that?
You take out pretty much any motivation for anyone to buy land and develop new homes

>> No.18116001

So then the problem is the housing market isnt free enough not your landlord boogeyman

>> No.18116017

>I've taken micro and macro econ in college. Even without it, I know what it is, dumbass. Not a counter argument, ape. Just because you cant understand a system due to your low IQ brain doesnt mean it cant work
Take a second to go back and re read your posts then try to say that again unironically

>> No.18116019

>So, communism.
kek if you read that and came up with communism then sorry you don't know what communism or what demand means

people don't go to venezuela to have land, they go to america where they can go in debt, buy fast food, fuck a hooker, sleep in a hotel, and still miraculously pay it off in the morning and do it all over again
imagine trying to do this 100 years ago, or heck, in venezuela

>> No.18116023

It's extremely blatant and obviously a ploy, yes. They could extremely easily tackle this measure with literally zero consequences in the process, but they won't.

>Tell landlords that the rent freeze also applies to them and they won't need to pay property tax or back taxes on properties to the banks that are receiving trillions of dollars in bailout funds
>Everybody is happy, tenants don't lose anything, landlords have nothing to fear for months (outside of those who are extremely irresponsible spenders), everybody is happy

>Tell landlords to suck it and that they have to procure money from their tenants who have lost their jobs thanks to a government-sanctioned mass-quarantine
>Tenants and landlords actively at each others' throats, both more concerned with threatening each other over matters neither of them could have predicted or had any power over and spread further disinfo in all directions on all forms of social media

It's an extremely easy way to assure that the lower and middle class are fighting amongst themselves as blind sheep while they redirect every single dollar in the federal reserve into the pockets of bankers and corporate entities who truly do not need it under the clause of "emergency stimulus". In a month you're gonna start seeing businesses that received billions committing to mass-layoffs and declaring bankruptcy and establishment closures because of the effects of the pandemic, and suddenly unemployment is going to be mysteriously dry for tens of millions of Americans.

>> No.18116047

>Except you do have a choice, you can live with your parents or go somewhere more affordable, youre not going to die if you dont move to that $3k a month studio apartment
Shit argument. Affordable housing is a human right just as gun rights and freedom of speech is.

> You take out pretty much any motivation for anyone to buy land and develop new homes
That's utterly retarded and makes no sense. Hilariously enough, your dumbass logic of keeping housing expensive is what is lowering the amount of people actually wanting to buy a house, retard (aka people will stay at home instead of wanting to move out, moron). With my idea, anyone that wants a home could basically afford it which means MORE homes would be created because they would actually be AFFORDABLE.

>> No.18116050

holy shit you're dense

>> No.18116053
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YIKES someone is out of cash and is unable to pay for hormone treatment

>> No.18116066

Why can\t debt collectors and services like that be issued with renting?
>sign contract with CC company
>don't pay
>get fined
>get fined
>debt collectors 5x the price and demand my money
>don't pay
>they literally garnish my wages
Why doesn't services like this exist for rent? It's the same matter. You both chose to agree upon a set price for x thing.
Yeah sure lower the rent in situations like this (rental clauses have this as a standard where i live), but straight up refusing to pay for the service you put your name up to, shouldn't that have repercussions?
I'm just baffled over how little power landlords have over their own fucking building(s)

>> No.18116082

Why don't you ask your "god" to make me?

>> No.18116083

I did. What's the problem, smoothbrain :)?
Same way universal healthcare wouldnt rely on "demand" is the similar way for housing to be done (fyi if you are going to say universal healthcare is communism, you're retarded since we are literally the ONLY 1st world country without it aka other capitalist countries have it)

>> No.18116093

imagine having the entire world travel to america to start the american dream in a FREE country (kek it's not really free but still freer than china, iran, russia, any muslim shit hole, africa, south american shit hole, european nigger infested nation) and work in a nation that pays its citizens in USD
now imagine having zoomies try to buy land in the nation they were born in america
i bet most of them hate their parents, just like their parents hated their parents..

>> No.18116094

youre actually referring to a judgment which both debt collectors and landlords do get (for non-payment of rent) the difference is usually debt collectors won't get a judgment and just spam call your phone.

>> No.18116098

Dumb logic. It's not a "ploy". Fed is retarded, but so is the housing market and it has been for years.

>> No.18116101

lol its paper

>> No.18116108

I'm comfy staying out of state with family until everything blows over, collecting my last couple paychecks, Trumpbucks, and then unemployment courtesy of losers like you. No way I'm paying rent, I haven't been to my apartment in weeks

>> No.18116109
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basado and redpilledo

>> No.18116133


>> No.18116144

>Shit argument. Affordable housing is a human right just as gun rights and freedom of speech is.
And you have tons of choices for affordable housing again nobody is forcing you into that studio apartment

>That's utterly retarded and makes no sense. Hilariously enough, your dumbass logic of keeping housing expensive is what is lowering the amount of people actually wanting to buy a house, retard (aka people will stay at home instead of wanting to move out, moron). With my idea, anyone that wants a home could basically afford it which means MORE homes would be created because they would actually be AFFORDABLE.
Yes im sure your idea would poof up houses out of thin air if you remove the profit motivator, if less people want to buy a house and stay at home housing would be affordable unlike your retarded idea

>> No.18116145

adding to this, wouldn't this just make landlords demand a much higher upfront settlement if all these monkeys stop paying rent? Eviction process is around 3-10 months. The upfront payment usually just covers 3 months of rent.

>> No.18116156

>This shouldnt be a business of "well I bought it so now I will overprice the fuck out of it". The fact that this is destroying this country
kek that's like 100% of america
good luck trying to stop the meaning of 'free'

go be a lawyer dude and push some laws, become a judge and change the nation!
OH WHOOPS, did you just get assassinated because you stepped on the wrong toes?
boy you better get used to being a slave or stop being a bitch and change the world

>> No.18116162

>but straight up refusing to pay for the service you put your name up to, shouldn't that have repercussions?

In an ideal situation, yes. The renters would be seen as squatters and mooches who are actively being belligerent for no real reason when valuable tenants who wouldn't be giant faggots are just waiting for a chance to live in a valuable property. This is not an ideal situation. As of right now, more than 3 million Americans are jobless, and tens of millions have lost several weeks of pay at minimum, where some have gone upwards of a month. Tenants who would otherwise be completely capable of paying for their rent every month were forced by the government to stay away from their jobs, and are now incapable of producing pay as a result. What are they supposed to do? You can be irate and furious towards people who work from home and are being smartasses, but to open up pandora's box and permit landlords to mass-evict every single tenant who can't pay will mean millions of homeless Americans in the process.

>> No.18116164

all i did was reiterate your words bro

>> No.18116169
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Hard to see how the fed is retarded seeing as they are levelling the US economy right now and buying literally everything, as they have planned

>> No.18116181
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old world ideologies of central authority interventionism (please big daddy govt save me from the contract I signed) will slowly fall by the wayside as humans evolve to be smarter, more efficient, and less fearful of the world around them. they will no longer feel the need to have a parental authority figure to involve itself in their lives and will take responsibility for themselves. just sit back and enjoy the ride friend

>> No.18116199

>And you have tons of choices for affordable housing again nobody is forcing you into that studio apartment

Stats beg to differ, retard.

> Yes im sure your idea would poof up houses out of thin air if you remove the profit motivator
Are you retarded? It isn't thin air. People would make deals with contractors meaning contractors would still profit, only it would be negotiable and homes would be custom made meaning they would be cheaper.

Holy shit. How did you fail to understand that?

>> No.18116218


>> No.18116227

>get used to being a slave or stop being a bitch and change the world
How old are you, kid? Kek at you dumbasses larping as rich people that have "made it".
>just grab life by the balls
have you?
>uhh... no...

>> No.18116228

stupid lies, eviction is extremely quick to support the landjews, judgment includes attorney fees too so they lose nothing and have a legal document to garnish wages with.

>> No.18116241

Seriously? What they are doing is called a dead cat bounce. No amount of money printing will stop this recession.

>> No.18116262

landlords are literally hitler

>> No.18116295

Yep. What actually pisses me off in this thread is how these neo feudalism faggots can't accept that. I would at least have a LITTLE more respect for them if they were intellectually honest with themselves and admitted to being sociopaths.

>> No.18116299

Hitler dabbed on landlords and considered them to be parasites who needed the boot.

>> No.18116305


>homes would be custom made meaning they would be cheaper
This is the exact opposite of the truth. A custom home involves more planning and uncertainty and thus will tend to be more expensive than modular or mass development built homes.

>> No.18116307

if i stop paying my credit cards or loans, they will royally fuck me over no matter what the circumstances are. You agreed upon a deal, you either stick to the deal, or you get fucked and some1 else that can uphold that deal will take your place.
that is not true at all. You need very good reasons to get people evicted. They have to miss 3 months of rent before you can even start the process, which then will take another 3-10 months, meaning you lose 3 months worth of rent at the bare minimum (because you get the depositum, which is 3 months rent). You don't get any missed rent money back ever. The first thing a lawyer says to some1 that has an eviction process started to get them evicted is to stop paying the rent.

>> No.18116314

The existence of niggers and commies beg to differ my friend.

>> No.18116317

imagine having a pool and allowing your GRANDMOTHER to still be working
help her out financially

>> No.18116333

lamo i don't need to larp as a 'rich people' that have 'made it' to prove you have no sense of economical and political reality in today's time
your own points aren't even worthy to argue because they contradict themselves

you can't even model the world you're speaking about because you haven't even thought that far ahead in your own nonsensical sperg

your world is as ridiculous as the current world we live in, but too bad this world has had over 300 years of work put into the current model that has shaped it into what it is today, compared to your model that you made up on an afghani carpet-weaving forum

>> No.18116335

>atheism and referring to the construct of """rights"""
ask me how i know you are 110 IQ

>> No.18116342

>A custom home involves more planning and uncertainty and thus will tend to be more expensive than modular or mass development built homes.
Literally retarded logic. It would mean smaller homes thus less expensive. What the shit are you blabbering about? By your logic, a 500sqft home would cost more than a 3k sqft one. What the FUCK are you talking about?????

>> No.18116346

why are renters such pathetic scum who fold at the first sign of pressure? I didn't think it was possible to think less of the average wagie until they started bitching about the rent

>> No.18116350

bs landlords can start the eviction process on the 5th in CA and its 6 weeks after they get served to get a judgment. I don't know where you get 3-10 months since the average eviction time in CA is 6 weeks (which is considered a pretty pro-tenant state as well)
you are so full of shit and just want to spread the pernicious lie that landlords take on a huge risk despite having an asset that double in value every 10 years (with rent as icing on the cake)

>> No.18116380

also judgments are standard for all non-payment of rent evictions, and judgments fuck you way harder than some credit dings from a debt collector, nothing you said is true.

>> No.18116383

>your own points aren't even worthy to argue because they contradict themselves
Yet you cant explain how lmfao!!

> you can't even model the world you're speaking about because you haven't even thought that far ahead in your own nonsensical sperg
I did mode it :). People buy land. For homes on that land, they negotiate with contractors :))))))
Not my fault you can't read, kid.

What a shitpost. No data. No argument. It basically boils down to "your argument is shit just cuz I sai so!!! Reeee!!". Retard.

>> No.18116401

i used to work with property management, it takes forever, sometimes years. there's a reason why no smart landlord ever wants to go through one. the smart ones settle a deal/contract with the tenant which works out in the end, instead of being a sociopathic kike throwing money at lawyers and losing more in the end. shit made me laugh all the time. 90% of landlords are retarded that act first and think months later. landlords should all be hanged not for landlord shit that they do but for being lazy ass fuckers that just buy properties to rent out and collect checks.

>> No.18116415
File: 147 KB, 305x300, LaurynHillTheMiseducationofLaurynHillalbumcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scrolling past your pic looked like the album cover for The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill

>> No.18116433

i'm not an ameritard. If your evictions take 6 weeks, then great for the landlords over there. They must be thrilled to get the evictions started.
I'm not full of shit at all, i'm talking about personal experience throughout my family and near friends which are heavily invested in property. I live in Norway, and you will never ever evict some one in less than 3 months
again, fucking great for your landlords, but that is not how it's over here. You're not entitled to anything at all. And the tenant has no repercussions at all. Nothing. Lawyers literally tell tenants not to pay rent if an eviction process has begun, because the landlords literally get nothing out of the process, except having your ass out of the building in 3-10 months time.

>> No.18116436

I would love to see you landlord haters get what you ask for and watch as your housing get pulled out from under you when the rent ban goes through lmao

>> No.18116458

none of this is true look up average eviction times across the country (I think NY is the absolute highest at 3 months, CA is 6 weeks, FL is 1 week), if it takes years you fucked up by renting out a place that wasn't fit for living and the tenant lawyers jumped on it. Also lawyer fees for a standard eviction are like 1-2k they are meant to be cheap which is why millions of them are processed yearly.

>> No.18116462

the world isn't american you fucking inbred nigger monkey. Your state isn't the law of the entire fucking globe you fucking giga homo

>> No.18116485

god i wish i lived there, no lie. fucking over landlords is based.

>> No.18116510

God doesn't exist.
Rights are a meme.
I'll take your property, shit on it, and dump old milk in the sink and smear cum on the doorknobs.
Still have the "right" to it, bitch boy?
Fuck landlords.

>> No.18116531

then why are you here, this whole debate is kind of an american thing considering that our economy just imploded. solidarity for your fucking US landlords, fucking kys.

>> No.18116535

Conceited pompous neet thinks he's special just because he owns real estate. At least acknowledge you can't handle the real world and would be fucked without your precious real estate allowing you to live a neet life

>> No.18116565

You never qualified the custom homes as being smaller than non-custom homes. The largest, most expensive homes in the world are custom built mansions. Townhomes are the quintessential non-custom homes and they tend to be small, and oftentimes duplexes.

>> No.18116582

>You never qualified the custom homes as being smaller than non-custom homes.
Obviously it was implied.

>> No.18116590

>be wagie
>make 1k USD a month
>everything falls to shit
>lose job
>no jobs left
Hmmm gee I wonder hmm

>> No.18116598

kek you can't even handle the real world, let alone create a new one
out of everything, all you should take away is that nature only moves 1 way

>> No.18116613

this affects every landlord, not just american ones. nothing in the op said or mentioned american landlords specifically
>our economy just imploded
just like literally every economy in every first world country. Get a fucking globus and take a look at it. There is more to it than just america

>> No.18116636

well i encourage your tenants to not pay rent on the first as well! Really thought this was mostly a US issue since we have like 0 safety net for this shit, no healthcare, and millions just lost their job here.

>> No.18116641

lmao i literally worked with leasing people directly and worked with sherrif to schedule evictions (they come randomly and rarely come on the dates you agreed to) this is in CA, no idea what you're taking about. i personally had to do investigations on tenants to find even more reasons to kick them out even faster. even when they get the sherrifs notice you can stay there for months on end, its not until they come again with new court papers that they physically come and kick you out and lock the place. it all depends on sherrifs, courts, lawyers, your involvement, higher ups, judge etc. for how long it will take. i don't even think the papers process in 6 weeks lol

>> No.18116649

lol I'm paying mine unless I can't for some reason. But I'm lucky because I work for the state and they've told me to work from home. Many people have been laid off and have no way to pay rent.

>> No.18116651
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I really don't know whose side to pick in this fight. On the one hand, you signed a contract so pay up, bitch. On the other, it does seems a bit unfair that I'm paying my landlord's mortgage while he takes a profit. And if the government orders businesses to shut down and I can't make money because I can't go outside, it seems really messed up for landlords to still be stingy about rent while also hiding inside just like me. Both sides are going to get fucked over hard. The landlords have more to lose, but the tenants are probably going hurt bad too as their income dries up and they face eviction in 3 months time.

I guess I'm disgusted by both of them, greedy jew landlords, and deadbeat renters, but I dislike the deadbeat renters a tiny bit more.

>> No.18116678

You won't be getting your deposit back. And yes next month rent is due on time or a three day notice you fucking faggot.

>> No.18116682

Huh? I do live in the real world, kiddo. Just what the fuck are you blabbing about?

>> No.18116683

lol and the fucking courts are closed mostly

>> No.18116707

They could use their savings, I mean that's why we have them in the first place. I don't feel pity for people without a nice cushion set aside for such obvious things as a layoff which can and has happened to dawn near literally everyone. Did they forget about 2008 that fast?

>> No.18116711

the bottom of society always gets burnt first when it starts to crash

>> No.18116712

right considering ive known people who got evicted and also have official stats imma go with that, sorry for your scumlord life sure is difficult being a leech.
> i personally had to do investigations on tenants to find even more reasons to kick them out even faster.
also you deserve whatever hellfire you get

>> No.18116779

they were literally all niggers using it as traphouses/drug stashes/drugden or just low life people in general. i wish I was lying. i'd do it all over again if I could. they deserve to live in cardboard boxes.

>> No.18116791

>board that is all about making money
>loves extremely risky shit that never works and hates guaranteed actual passive incomes

Keep seethin

>> No.18116805

The sociopathic arrogance of you and your overlord ilk makes me want to spill blood daily.

>> No.18116807

no regard

>> No.18116811

eh, can an FHA or occupant owner loan. 3.5% down, and can usually defer first payment for a month or two while you find a tenant to move in. this is how landlords do it. find a shitty 3 room house on the south end of a college town, and rent out 2 of them to cover all your bills, not just for the house, but also splitting water and utilities, and taxes. you can right off repair expenses off your taxes, including a large portion of your mortgage payments. once you've paid of the house, just continue this cycle of house hopping until you have a large enough revenue stream that the growth is self sustaining. The duplex I live in was listed on zillow for $40,000. I put $1400 down. That's $38.89 set aside every month for 36 months. if you can't manage that, you're retarded. now the two people that live below me cover all of my bills. granted, this place is a shithole, but again, if two adults bringing in a fulltime income each can't figure this equation out, they're either retarded or horrible with money. either way, they get what they deserve.
If I can pull it off by the age of 25, so can you.

>> No.18116836

renting was one of the more popular forms of income to discuss on here for a while, the leftypol trannies that have been raiding the board the past couple weeks just decided to switch to spamming landlord seethe threads instead of commie propaganda threads for some reason

>> No.18116839

>Theae mortgage-backed securities aren't gonna back themselves.
kek. Actually they are though. The Fed's gonna end up buying them just like they did 2008.

>> No.18116849

No it wasn't. And the entire idea of mandating that all homes be custom homes, because whoever the poster above was assumes that homes will be smaller on average than non-custom homes and therefore cheaper is a totally inefficient, roundabout way of reaching the goal of creating more affordable housing. Why not just just pass a mandate that caps residential property size a 3000 square feet like he said above, why take on this bureaucratic nightmare of only custom homes being allowed?

Also, he really put his retardation on display when he said "What? Does the dirt cost anything?" showing his ignorance to the fact that yes, the dirt literally does cost something, it's the most valuable aspect of a property. The location of the square of dirt is everything. And then he talks about negotiating the price of the home with a contractor, with zero mention of the negotiation of the price of the land, the dirt that the custom home is to be built upon. He has a fundamental misunderstanding of the value of property and real estate.

>> No.18116854

I work, unlike you, cock sucker

>> No.18116871

Exactly. Both parties should have savings for times like this. It seems like neither party does though. Landlords overleveraged and renters living check to check.

>> No.18116873
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, Jejej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can collect in 3 months if the eviction freeze gets dropped. but realistically you're looking at least 6 months before you collect my wagies, maybe more. Enjoy the coming months, landkike

>> No.18116904

forgot to ask to post your official stats, one google and you can see how long eviction takes in CA. click any of the top links, my favorite part was when they said the same thing I said. most of the paperwork takes more than a month sometimes 2 or more. the people you know that got "evicted" left willingly after the first notice, they were never thrown out by the sherriff. sit the fuck down you mongoloid the fucking arrogance you have is astounding, guess there's armchair rental experts too

>> No.18116943

Landlords moving from 'denial' to 'anger' I see.
You really need to wake up and realize the free ride is over. Not getting rent checks for 2-3 moths is the BEST CASE SCENARIO for you going forward.
We haven't seen this much rage and hatred building up in our lifetimes, please be aware of your precarious position

>> No.18116976

$1200 incoming

>> No.18117004
File: 68 KB, 500x500, babeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol realistically there is cum ALL over the apartment I rent. Probably shit too. But that's like with a black light or whatever

>> No.18117040

> i went to a landlord forum and they all bitched about how long and expensive it took
you're an idiot.
page 66

>> No.18117053

I couldn’t imagine someone shitting in my toilet and chillin in my house calling me a parasite.

But I live with 3 bitches they pay my mortgage on time and I get to fuck. GL anons

>> No.18117077

> this landlord said it took a million months, therefore youre wrong
upper class my ass more like double digit IQ

>> No.18117115
File: 231 KB, 971x561, Screen Shot 2020-03-26 at 11.09.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we share what we plan on buying with our trump-bux and rent money

ill go first

>> No.18117232

if you watched the count markula episodes of aqua teen, you already know how to handle this situation

>> No.18117283


>> No.18117291

But they are buying corporations. Their plan is not to stop the recession, but to own the fucking DJI

>> No.18117302
File: 48 KB, 600x300, Jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are about to pocket that shit

>> No.18117310

You can't function without a car in a lot of cities. It isn't a luxury, it's a necessity, public transit isn't a realistic option in some places.

Generally speaking they'll be shit cars that will break down frequently which just adds another expense.

omigod half of poor households have AIR CONDITIONING and MICROWAVE OVENS? what a bunch of irresponsible spendthrifts! I bet if they turned off the AC, sold the microwave, and stopped buying avocado toast, their money troubles would go away

>> No.18117326

Greedy landlords are going into the lake of fire lmao

>> No.18117332

>blame the renter instead of the system
Lmao what an idiot

>> No.18117379

imagine how much the import duties will be

>> No.18117422
File: 579 KB, 784x1060, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not worried. I've already established if they don't pay rent, I'll kick them out and let my immediate family members live there because they're "struggling". Eat shit and die, I'm getting paid or you're ending up homeless sissy boy.

>> No.18117486
File: 78 KB, 800x600, notaniggerwheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me sir these are fine german made wheels we are talking about here not some rent-a-wheel 30 inch cast aluminum piece of shit that im going to throw on my fucking dodge challenger or kia serento. they are a refined wheel for a refined man with taste

>> No.18117518

who cares im rent free next 3 months

>> No.18117524

Hahaha fucking faggot enjoy spending three months (including all that lost income) trying to evict me while every court sides with me

>> No.18117581

More like "Survival of the people with the richest parents". Any fitness was bred out by a decadent and unmeritocratic ruling class decades ago.

>> No.18117642
File: 10 KB, 300x169, 300px-No,_I_don't_think_I_will.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, landcuck? Take it to the courts, they might be open to hear your case in two or three years. Another couple years and the sheriff might finally get around to evicting me. Thanks for the free house, I'll make sure not to rip ALL the copper wire out before I leave ; )

>> No.18117651

This is exactly why apartment contracts need to be tokenized and automated on ethereum.

>> No.18117669

I am interested to see how many people skip rent on April 1. It is interesting to think that people who lost their jobs not more than 3 weeks ago are already claiming not to have enough to cover the suggested 25% of their monthly expenses for one single month.

>> No.18117697
File: 63 KB, 612x408, brd2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you going to pay rent if all the banks are shut down?

>> No.18117719

> "gauraunteed"
> every landlord is on the brink of losing everything as non-retarded renters realize there's literally nothing enforcing payments anymore

Oh no what will you all tell Daddy when he asks about the money he gave your for your "investment property" oh no oh no

>> No.18117796

This but unironically, if you are incapable of actually saving some money in case of emergencies you're doing something horribly wrong and deserve to be taught a lesson.

>> No.18117976

Not everyone has parents or parents willing to let them stay or parents that live in a place we’re they can get a job in their chosen field

>> No.18118266
File: 118 KB, 420x282, tumblr_eadace45c0dea9af50691c3af0f10b33_2ca70be3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give two bitches in a hammock what I signed, lawfag. Worse that can happen is you send me somewhere I get three meals and a bed for free anyway.

>> No.18118326

plans change

>> No.18118379

yeah i'm ahead... i payed my taxes and have no debt. damn it feels good to be ahead of the game. best part is work is busier than ever and i'm part of what makes america great.

>> No.18118471

the worst thing about making contracts with losers is... they're losers and will default... give them an opportunity to trip on them self they will... they don't even know what it means to do anything... sucks to be a slumlord.... really not my line of work. i prefer winners, and people who are above average. only losers want to collect checks from losers. i'd hate to rely on revenue from some one who can barely support them self... but i'm sure if I wanted to I could get anything I wanted from a bank... I've got all the documentation, but the thing is... I don't even need a loan and they'll see that and be more willing to put me into one. The truth is.. im actually too busy to have a meeting with the bank under their terms and I'm not even interested in their terms anymore... I did my good and now I get to do me.

>> No.18118517

Buy expensive condos in Central Business Districts and rent them out to companies who will house their employees there.

>> No.18118635

yeah you need to pay some one to go to condo meetings, and be the voice for you not there... nah.... it's bad business.

>> No.18118682

too many contracts, too many lawyers... the end of the day... it's your ass, and it's not easy to liquidate if you want to. plus fees and taxes... fuck that.

>> No.18118776


>> No.18118785

I've never not paid my bill. OP is a faggot.

>> No.18118793
File: 99 KB, 700x700, 1554252207015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck landlords! You can stick that fucking rant up your greasy old ass!

>> No.18118796
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>only losers want to collect checks from losers.

>> No.18118807

cringe? you ever try to get money out of a dead beat loser? you've never loaned money on credit before. You're just inexperienced and probably a LOSER IN DEBT OUT OF WORK!!! FAGGOT ALERT!!! CALL THE FAGGOT POLICE!!!!!

>> No.18118810


>> No.18118813

Actually evictions take months and months.

>> No.18118839
File: 387 KB, 768x509, 1321312341244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


COMES NOW, Plaintiff, before Judge Boomer, Circuit Judge for [insert state here] and hereby alleges and states:

1. On [date here] Faggot signed a lease (Exhibit-A).
2.On [date here] Faggot failed to pay rent as required by the lease.

3. Plaintiff hereby incorporates paragraphs 1-2 seeks payment for breach of contract for failure to pay rent as required by the lease.
4. Plaintiff seeks [insert back rent here].

5. Plaintiff hereby incorporates paragraphs 1-2 and seeks a writ of possession of the property to evict Faggot from the premises.

6. Plaintiff hereby incorporates paragraphs 1-2 . In the lease, Plaintiff is entitled to attorneys fees from Faggot.

WHEREFORE Plaintiff respectfully requests this honorable Court for relief.

>> No.18118917

Substantiate your claim

>> No.18119062

Muh economics degree. Muh college. Muh gibs

>> No.18119081

Denied. Contract was signed under duress. Completely invalid when you're holding a gun to their head.

>> No.18119101

and now there's a public record of this parasite not paying rent so the good and decent landlords know not to rent to him

>> No.18119114

nobody held a gun to your head, parasite.

>> No.18119222

Did you provide notice of breach of lease? I don’t see it in the petition. Denied. Start over.

This is how evictions go, unless you live in a county with less than 10k residents your judge will be super lib and pro-tenant. Any little mistake will result in starting the entire eviction process over

>> No.18119354

projecting much tripfag?
your worse than 42

>> No.18119653

#FinNexus will work as the financial product supermarket, Broker, Investment Banker or something alike

>> No.18119789

>own three houses
>Average rent in area is £900pcm
>Rent 3 bed houses for £600
>Only rent to white families
>Just given 5 months free rent

I'm lucky and inherited the houses so don't have a mortgage but the majority of (((landlord))) groups I'm in are filled with complete kikes who don't care about anything other than MUH rent. Not even the quality of the building that they own.

>> No.18120394

>5 years
try 15 homie

>> No.18120927

And yet you retarded bootlicks are their protectors flinging your bodies in the way to protect them from attack and bitching at people (the majority of America) one pay check away from poverty for having the audacity to not prioritize a leech class’s profit margins. You people are pathetic bootlicking scourges that should be hanged for treason

>> No.18120984

It’s another episode of anon actually takes the time to bother engaging with pol and utter destroys them 50x by himself. Once again pol proves it’s by far the dumbest of all boards

>> No.18120985


>> No.18120987
File: 250 KB, 1080x1035, Screenshot_20200327-081206_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Duress. People are forced to sign bad deals because landlords bought up everything and rigged the price.
Rrmember The Hobbit when Turin refused to give huge amount of his tresure for those "weapons, food and shelter" towns people provided?
If you use someone who is in desperate need to pay you sick amount of cash you break the law.

Landlords will pay.

>> No.18121063

Based and freedom pilled

>> No.18121153

My business is underlockdown. Why should I pay my landlord when they aren't even providing me with anything? That's fucking theft dude.

>> No.18121355

You get what you fucking deserve
when foods supplies run low.
In minecraft.

>> No.18121412

this. we can all collectively refuse to pay rent and they cant do shit

the power of numbers

>> No.18121433

lmao what a landlord faggot thing to say. if you faggots werent buying houses you didnt need to live in, everyone elses houses would be cheaper and people could actually AFFORD to buy a house. you are no better than the parasitic leeches who buy up all the hand sanitizer to resell at 20x

>> No.18121557

I was just thinking that someone needs to basically remake the joker movie but with this spin

>> No.18121597

You are one angry incel dude. Of course people want to get married- especially guys i know a shitton of dudes all waiting for it and if it wasen't for this Coronashit i
d be at quite a few weedings throughout the next 4 months.