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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 800x513, CBO debt forecast 1.28.2020_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18108816 No.18108816 [Reply] [Original]

It's coming

>> No.18108836

ok see you in 30 years, hope I dont forget

>> No.18108845

What is it good for?

>> No.18108847

with fucking who, the arab oil barons?

>> No.18108879

Unironically I think someone will start a war to get oil prices back up

>> No.18108921

Lmfao. USA can issue as many bonds as they want. USA can pay off any debt they want by printing money while remaining immune to hyperinflation, insofar as they remain the world's reserve currency.

>> No.18108930


A civil war. Leftist egalitarian communists vs the "Nazis" (any White person).

>> No.18108998

>insofar as they remain the world's reserve currency.

I think at this point everyone is just afraid of what comes AFTER they try to dump the US dollar and replace it with something else. The whole thing comes crashing down, a new economic system is needed and a shitload of people die in the civil unrest that comes after.

We'll see it in our life time.

>> No.18109006
File: 51 KB, 750x709, 1581369021015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the boog begin

>> No.18109052

National socialists are not capitalist.
They're racist commies but still commies.
Commies get the rope and helicopter

>> No.18109147 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 359x537, Screenshot from 2020-03-20 17-41-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small blockers vs. big blockers

screencap this

>> No.18109196

>National Socialist are Communists
Crawl in an oven you uneducated lying cock sucker

>> No.18109229


>> No.18109382

It says socialist in its name. Nice try though commie. Enjoy your helicopter ride.

>> No.18109420

>conveniently not labling each war after ww2
>implying the debts aren't a result of the war and not the cause

>> No.18109492

>Helicopter ride
Yikes, get in the oven parasite.

>> No.18109716

Notice he put "Nazis" in quotes, retard.
Or do you think everyone the left labels a Nazi is an actual NatSoc?

>> No.18109721
File: 34 KB, 684x960, 1583947824546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nazis are commies
Fascists are for productive enterprise. They blend capitalism and socialism into a third positionist economy. While they did implement extremely beneficial social programs and nationalized important markets, they also allowed other business to remain unchanged. As long as they weren't harming society.

>> No.18109754


>> No.18109925

China, Russia, Iran, and Pakistan.

>> No.18109927

ID says 2yr old.
Checks out

>> No.18109954

Bruh while it is true that fascism will nationalize certain companies it is not a given since as long as you and your economic endeavors don’t go against the interest of the state you are free to conduct your business while in socialist economies the state will BE the economy and nationalize all due to their ideological principles because socialism is strictly about the relocation of resources and inherently materialistic while fascism is idealistic with the economy just being a tool to serve the growth of their society

>> No.18109981


>> No.18109993

How can you say with a straight face that the current US economy isn’t already third positionist?

>> No.18110013

That's among the stupidest fucking things I have seen on this board

>> No.18110040

we’re already fighting a War on Coronavirus. Long ago we learned that you don’t need an actual enemy to fight a profitable war, just someone to hold the tab.

>> No.18110056

Fuck I’m still young and didnt have enough time to gather monies to build a house with bunker yet

>> No.18110094

wanna know how I know you're 13 and from /pol/

>> No.18110158
File: 281 KB, 950x760, 7A28E1A9-9F78-4E87-AEB2-456F1CFA4EF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe war requires more debt? Or the other way around

>> No.18110186

Retard, it’s going to be rule Christians vs Urban socialists, vs suburban liberals (the US government), there will also be a hand full of race based groups and national separatists. Jefferson and such the north west will be shattered in to a thousand different bands. The south will have a 3 way race war. Whites vs blacks vs some whites and blacks working together.

>> No.18110234

You and what army nigger? Lolbertraism is a fringe belief held by less than 7% of the population the amount of people favorable to national socialism is twice that. If anyone is getting a helicoptor ride it's you kike lovers.

>> No.18110952

Next war will be with aliums. Checkem.

>> No.18112030
File: 58 KB, 500x365, 8749571_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone wants something to happen, but when something actually happens, you're going to be crying to mommy.

>> No.18112057

those spikes happened when people started buying up federal debt (war bonds) after war were declared

is right, you're rarted

>> No.18112112
File: 259 KB, 1470x980, come and see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out the movie "Come and See" if you ever even come close to thinking a War might be a good idea. War is Hell.

>> No.18112203

What do you think the US has been trying for do for the last decade. Constantly antagonizing Russia was an attempt to kick the bear and with it the middle east with Syria etc. Putin was wise to it and defused every attempt. If you actually believe Russia hacked your elections then you are the result of brainwashing.

>> No.18112251

Nazis literally invented privatization. They're about as far from commies as you can get.

If you want legit Nazbols look at Modhi's BJP

>> No.18112259

a soviet propaganda movie? Sure bro. That will teach me.