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File: 12 KB, 440x250, Crude-Oil-Continues-To-Crater-As-Short-Crude-ETFs-Gain-440x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18101932 No.18101932 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good idea? These are the lowest prices in 30 years. My dad thinks I'm a trading genius but I only fuck with crypto really. How do you even go about buying crude oil? Do you purchase ETFs? Also, do you guys think, is this is a based idea or not?

>> No.18102088

I'd buy some Chevron soon, but there is a good possibility it dips again yet.

>> No.18102276

so many normies thinking they are smart to buy now

>> No.18102285

No my dad literally wants to buy Crude, is there a way to do this without having to go through shitty banks? Not sure if I trust a service like Robinhood.

>> No.18102297

I bought 4 shares in exxon mobil the other day and I'm already at a gain of $4, could always dip more again but long term you'd still make money.

>> No.18102533

if he's longing then yes
tell him to buy a LOT if that's the case. Find a good financial manager who understands how to interperet patterns to find a good bottom. if you know how, kudos to you and good luck.

PS: This isn't the bottom.

>> No.18103262

How do ETFs work exactly? I don't really get it. Can't I just buy Crude stocks at the current price and wait for the green line go up?

>> No.18103365


just get FENY and call it a day

>> No.18103462

Buy at $5 a barrel.

>> No.18103578

You can buy ETFs that essentially just hold oil futures, Horizons has one if you are in Canada. I do NOT think it's a good idea. The supply is being kept high over a disagreement between Russians and Arabs, the most stubborn people on Earth, and the demand is 0 because planes can't fly and people aren't driving. I drove past several gas stations selling gas for $0.60/litre without a single person filling up this morning.

>> No.18104375

Last time oil was this low was like 1998. Oil is the life blood of the economy, surely it will go back up.

>> No.18104559

It should go up but it'll take some time and if this virus shit doesn't end anytime soon it'll take even longer.

>> No.18105666

For the regular pleb who doesn't have any inside knowledge or education in finance this is a good investment. Easy to understand. Guaranteed profit in 5 years max or more likely much sooner.

>> No.18105849
File: 152 KB, 1200x1800, TheyWin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok now how the fuck do I actually invest, I only fuck with crypto. There seems to be a bit of gatekeeping and learning curve to commodities. Maybe I'm just a brainlet.

>> No.18105893
File: 74 KB, 1012x572, E9ED8368-4375-47E8-8293-7331DD7829AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So many Norman’s thinking they are smart to buy now

Fucking this

>> No.18105917

Oil prices are lower than the 50's. Are you saying we are going to 1920's levels?

>> No.18105943

If SHTF in the middle east price of oil should go up. But that's a wager. There's a lot of ifs that need to happen for that.

>> No.18105949

probably because its a good idea. oil isnt going to be replaced any time in the next 20 years. if airlines got bailed out, oil sure as shit isnt going to fail. even if you buy now and it goes down further, in a year it will be back to where it was at the start of the year

>> No.18105986

because it's a great idea. The only reason it's this low is because Russia and SA are pumping for a loss

>> No.18106039


Yea they are talking about it but are they actually buying though? The problem with buying low selling high is that almost no one has the balls to actually buy the low

>> No.18106046
File: 29 KB, 948x403, l_oau_dff4ad5a049ca559d9105471f82bf873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, it was actually low in the 20's.