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18102224 No.18102224 [Reply] [Original]

Why are commies against paying rent? It seems pretty simple to me.

>Landlord owns a house
>Landlord rents it out to people in exchange for money
>Landlord pays to fix lighting, floors, anything that breaks

>> No.18102255

Because of the labor theory of value, the landlord puts in no labor (doesn't build the house) so he produces no value. So the entire arrangement is theft.

>> No.18102295

But he worked his ass off to afford the house in the first place.

Laziness is a lifestyle choice with consequences.
You have to be accountable for your decisions in life.

>> No.18102300

You should not be able to own property you dont live in

>> No.18102308

many are just upset that so many midwits got into the RE market with massive leverage and drove up the cost of housing to the point where even people earning relatively high wages are priced out or have to buy an tremendously overvalued, illiquid asset in order to avoid paying the boomer tax.

>> No.18102317

the landlord is third party capitalism leech. making money and oppressing the poor. there is no such thing as a christian landlord, they are all spawns of satan worse than the tax collector themselves, because they are goyim trying to imitate the jew. bottom feeding niggers

>> No.18102339

According to the labor theory of value, your post has no value because you didn't put a lot of effort in it.

>> No.18102340

>he worked his ass off to afford the house in the first place.
chances are more likely he inherited it

>> No.18102341

I didnt make my smartphone. Therefore I dont own it.

>> No.18102344

ITT Lazy people who want free shit

>> No.18102352


The time to save up for the home and buy it is labor, the time to maintain the home, pay for its upkeep, handle tenant turnover duties, is labor, paying taxes on it is labor. It exists. Stop acting like these things don't exist. And the profit the landlord makes is usually marginal given these factors. Landlords don't start making big bank until they're up to 30+ doors.

>> No.18102353

what if I spend 10 years of time and lots of money building a house and then I can rent that out?

>> No.18102365

It's not Just the Commies you dumb ape, ADAM SMITH HIMSELF called out Landlords in his magnum opus.

>> No.18102382

>Landlords who own multiple properties across the country and live near none of them

The ultimate leech

>> No.18102386

Being a landlord takes more work than you might think. They're responsible for things like maintenance too. The renter can benefit from choosing to rent over owning.

>> No.18102404

Thats just life, life is unfair at times.
Why should you own it over someone else who has a blood rite to it?

>> No.18102403

>its not easy being a landlord, sometimes i have to spend your money on electricians

>> No.18102409

oh look another landlord thread.... you commies really are 1 trick ponies with the same tired shit day in day out

>> No.18102411

They still pay property managers to take care of them, presumably.

>> No.18102422


An effort is subjective, but talking to pseudo-intellectual commies takes a lot of effort.

>> No.18102428

You don't. Ownership doesn't exist.
You didn't physically make the house so no value was created.
Then you can do it.

>> No.18102430

It's more than that.

>> No.18102452

>You didn't physically make the house so no value was created.

Do you know the logistics involved in planning a house and organising brain dead brick layers to do something?

>> No.18102453

>pay property managers to take care of them
>Do absolutely nothing else

Like I said, the ultimate leech

>> No.18102457

Effort is not subjective. Energy and effort is easily defined. See: Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics

I've never seen that physically happen so according to the labor theory of value that doesn't happen.

>> No.18102458

>the landlord puts in no labor
Actually landlords fix up the house and have to make sure after he's bought it everything works and it's safe to live in. Even if he did build the house you'd still have a problem.
Also, that's like saying people that own shops that sell lights can't sell said lights because they import them in bulk from Italy at a lower price. They didn't make the lights, they buy them, they sell them for some money and in exchange the person buying the lights is happy.

>So the entire arrangement is theft.
That's not the definition of theft. You living rent free in someone's house is technically theft, you paying to live in a house the landlord paid for isn't theft.

Some landlords live in their own houses. They buy a 4 bedroom and rent out 3 rooms. Also, this makes no sense. If a man gets married to a woman and they get divorced and want to split, you're saying the man can't buy her a house for her and their kids? He wouldn't live there but he'd own two houses.

>people earning relatively high wages are priced out
I can agree with some of what you're saying, but it depends on location too. LA and NY have very high housing prices while Alabama have low prices.

>> No.18102461


They created the demand which begot the construction you retard. If there weren't a steady supply of landlords looking to purchase properties, properties wouldn't get built. And we're usually talking about multiplexes, an entirely separate market from single family homes, so no this has hardly any bearing on the housing market for homeowners. You're a moron.

>> No.18102468

> And?
and in that case that isn’t a response to >>18102255
> Why should you own it
who are you quoting

>> No.18102484

>landlord owns a house

>> No.18102497

>Why are commies against paying rent?
Low income = Low IQ

>> No.18102500

Bottom line, commies are lazy people who want free shit.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.18102512

I can't

>> No.18102516

because in a free market, if there is one asset that you can work for that will generate abnormal returns, then everyone would simply do so

the system is completely fair, you can argue all you want that being a landlord and generating an income from charging people to use an asset that you worked for is parasitism, but anyone can do so, so people are therefore choosing to not be a landlord, why is that? a simple cost benefit analysis, either they don't want to work for it, they don't want to risk their capital, or they want things in the here and now

>> No.18102539
File: 167 KB, 1024x768, big_hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see this hole capitalist? This hole took a lot of effort to make so a lot of value was created by making it. This is what landlords should be doing.

>> No.18102543
File: 178 KB, 535x800, 1347059817241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greatest buying opportunity of all time for those with small amounts of available capital right now
>literally the time when future millionaires get made and launchpad their ascent
>this board is full of fags that want to talk about their landlord all day

Wallstreetbets is unironically 3x better than this

>> No.18102549

>chances are more likely he inherited it
Actually statistics prove you wrong. Also, statistically people that inherit wealth are in the 10-15 percentile.

Did you even read the thread?

>Ownership doesn't exist.
Ofcourse it does to you unless you're saying you're a hypocrite. You can't say landlords steal while ownership doesn't exist. That's a complete oxymoron.

You can't steal something if no one owns it.

>> No.18102570

>Ofcourse it does to you unless you're saying you're a hypocrite. You can't say landlords steal while ownership doesn't exist. That's a complete oxymoron.
>You can't steal something if no one owns it.

Labor exists. I own my labor but I don't own the things I make. it's very different. Can you explain why America oppresses africa? You can't. Landlords need to be lined up and shot.

>> No.18102575
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Yes, that's where we stick the bodies of all of the commie/socialist bug people. In you go!

>> No.18102604

Stats do say higher IQ correlates to higher income in the US

>Wallstreetbets is unironically 3x better than this
Then go back to r--eddit

>> No.18102609

>I can agree with some of what you're saying, but it depends on location too. LA and NY have very high housing prices while Alabama have low prices.

This was always the case. It's a bubble everywhere. Proximity to jobs always gets priced in.

>> No.18102641
File: 137 KB, 697x652, feel good be king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn being a landlord has to be the comfiest job ever. Just sitting around being a modern feudal lord collecting your shillings all day

>> No.18102656

>I own my labor
You just said ownership doesn't exist therefore by your logic you don't own your labour.

>Can you explain why America oppresses africa?
Money, Oil, Power, Natural Resources, Contracts that benefit both sides but probably mostly america, cheap labour, guns, etc

> You can't.
I can and just did.

>Landlords need to be lined up and shot.
You say this as if all landlords are billionaires or millionaires when there are middle class people that work 9-5s that own reasonably sized properties.

>> No.18102662

Listen, I am going to explain this only once. The only thing which exists is labor. Everything is labor. All atoms and molecules are tiny labors. We are all made of the same effort and value, this being labor. Capitalists have fabricated a false system where money and goods are produced to meet demand. this is WRONG. When we rise up the communist party will kill all capitalists. 100 million? 1 billion? We will kill them all until only people who agree with me remain. Ahahah It's going to be great. Capitalism was invented by jews (Judaism being the most capitalist religion) so All jews will be killed (This time it won't be wrong to do so because we are communists killing millions not fascists)

>> No.18102672

>Labor exists.

This is why people get paid so they can buy things they want. Its basic economics and the most efficient why to give people what they want.

>> No.18102706

>Landlord owns a house
That's funny. Why are they afraid of not making mortgage payments then? Surely there's nothing to fear... unless they were playing pretend with someone else's money.

>> No.18102742

>We will kill them all until only people who agree with me remain.

Typical lefty resorting to violence when they have been proven wrong intellectually since after all they are just dumb low iq grunts

>> No.18102754

It doesn't matter if it's efficient or meets people demands or lifts people out of poverty. What matters is if a single black woman can have 6 children and expand to 600 lbs

>> No.18102755

Pathetic wagecuck

>> No.18102775

does belle delphine produces any labor you fucking retarded faggot?
the labor theory of value is shit, it has been proven to be false and no serious economist uses it.

>> No.18102804

She produces erections which is labor since it causes the heart to work harder. This is value.

>> No.18102819

>likely he inherited it
so? what's the problem with inheritance?
I can't transfer the roots of my effort to my sons?
Why am I allowed to use my money on hookers and drugs but not on giving my offspring a better future?

>> No.18102820

Why are landlords so upset when they don't get their rent payments? It seems pretty simple to me
>Landlord gets a significant cut of worker's paycheck for owning the house the worker lives in
>If the worker gets laid off, the landlord gets no cut.
Why don't landlords understand risk?

>> No.18102856

then the landlord produces value by giving you the possibility to rent a place instead of buying it.
or by fixing and repairing the property.

>> No.18102857

>Why don't landlords understand risk?
they do, that's how they managed to get the property in the first place

>> No.18102864

>>If the worker gets laid off, the landlord gets no cut.
>Why don't landlords understand risk?
You're right, except landlords aren't allowed to evict people due to the virus, or are you purposefully ignoring the current situation.

>> No.18102882

I don't want to work.

>> No.18102953

Why don't tenants understand the contractual obligations of a lease?

>> No.18102965

landlords cannot evict tenants who adhere to their lease agreement

>> No.18102994

They believe that the government should own all property and that it is the government's responsibility to house all citizens in an equal manner.

>> No.18103016

>Actually statistics prove you wrong. Also, statistically people that inherit wealth are in the 10-15 percentile.
And what? You gonna pretend landlords aren’t in the top 10%? +50% of wealth in the US in inherited, so the stats prove you wrong. Actually.

>> No.18103032

>The only thing which exists is labor.
Re-read what you just said.

>All atoms and molecules are tiny labors.
This is how communists actually think.

>Capitalists have fabricated a false system where money and goods are produced to meet demand. this is WRONG.
Sounds like you're just regurgitating rhetoric at this point. Even in the animal kingdom they have rewards for certain things. Monkeys have been observed giving other monkeys food after picking insects off their backs.

>When we rise up the communist party will kill all capitalists. 100 million? 1 billion? We will kill them all until only people who agree with me remain.
Are you going over the top because you realized how retarded you already sound?

>Capitalism was invented by jews
Now you're pandering to racists to get them to side with you.

>> No.18103035


>> No.18103047

The problem is that landlords have no reason not to increase rents when things improve, so any increase in productivity etc. is absorbed by the rising rents. It would make more sense to ban renting and hire a butler if desired.

>> No.18103084

>significant cut of worker's paycheck
Either work to get a better job, ask for a pay rise or move into a cheaper place. If you earn $2k a month no one is telling you to spend 1.6k on rent

>If the worker gets laid off, the landlord gets no cut
Well yeah, he has no affiliation to you aside from the fact you live in HIS house.

>Why don't landlords understand risk?
They do hence why they have terms of service.

>> No.18103086

They dont. That's why they bought the top of the real estate market in an extremely overleveraged position in the first place.

A smarter man would save his money and rent out properties that he owns outright instead of worry about mortgage payments. A smart person who can't afford to buy property outright would have hedged with payments from a real job to build a rainy day fund. Gambling only on tenants paying you is like gambling on a welfare check coming from a broken government with a weak tax base. Hell, in some cases, that's quite literally what it is.

>> No.18103091

socialists want food, healthcare, housing, and gibs but they don't want to work for it ergo they demonize employers, landowners, and money

>> No.18103102

the prices of rents are driven down in a free market, since various landlords are competing against each other to fill their vacancies in a timely manner

>> No.18103162

>They believe that the government should own all property and that it is the government's responsibility to house all citizens in an equal manner.
I don't understand why commies love the government so much

>You gonna pretend landlords aren’t in the top 10%
You're correlating two different statistics. Some landlords are people that work 9-5 jobs and own reasonably sized properties.

>+50% of wealth in the US in inherited, so the stats prove you wrong. Actually.
No. That's definitely wrong.
Source: https://www.chrishogan360.com/investing/how-many-millionaires-actually-inherited-their-wealth

>> No.18103193

get you and your outdated 19th century disgruntled industrial workers fapfiction ass out of here

>> No.18103205

I can understand wanting healthcare, their view of housing never made sense.

>The problem is that landlords have no reason not to increase rents
I can understand this but at the same time there are other places to live.

>> No.18103215

Until they overspeculate on retail, create a bubble, and sign up for ridiculous mortgages that price out potential homebuyers and create insane floors on rent because they want to break even on a shrek shack that they took out $400,000 of the bank's money for.
The invisible hand doesn't work when parasites enter the game.

>> No.18103269

>You're correlating two different statistics. Some landlords are people that work 9-5 jobs and own reasonably sized properties.
You can work a 9-5 and be in the top 10% What are you talking about?
> Source
Has no relation to anything I said. My claim is about wealth and how it moves, every argument you stated so far is about wealthy people. Not the same thing.

>> No.18103275

they dont understand (or pretend not to understand) supply and demand.

>> No.18103277

Im working on it but someones ddosing it so I cant get you fellas a link.

But the bear market is a certainty as we've all come to the conclusion together on.

>> No.18103294

These top buyers will never understand this
'number go up, tenant pay' is the only thing they understand until the whole charade gets exposed

>> No.18103306

This btw, ignores the fact that the Kardashian sisters are considered “self made” because even though her parent are millionaires. They only borrowed a couple hundred thousand (and all of their parent’s connections) to make their money

>> No.18103333
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the only sectors that are in a bubble are healthcare and education, primarily due to the governmental monopolies

>> No.18103357

>Landlord pays to fix lighting, floors, anything that breaks
this doesnt happen

>> No.18103387

that might make markets unrecoverable .... fr. You cant make money in a dead market.

>> No.18103432
File: 32 KB, 1460x640, dow_jones_historical_chart_100_years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there has never been a bear market in the history of the stock and real estate market

>> No.18103456

Ownership does exist. Plants and animals understand this but communists have fooled themselves into thinking that it does not.

>> No.18103478

> communist seethes

>> No.18103494

>You can work a 9-5 and be in the top 10%
Ofcourse, but the top 10% earn around $118,400 and people that earn $40k+ a year invest in real estate. They get partners or angel investors.

>Has no relation to anything I said.
Yes it does, you're just ignorant. You said "+50% of wealth in the US in inherited", I just gave a source to prove you wrong.

>My claim is about wealth and how it moves
Makes no sense. Read a book.

>every argument you stated so far is about wealthy people.
No it's about people that own real estate. Wealth is also subjective, people in Africa or the Middle East see people that work minimum wage jobs as wealthy. They mine blood diamonds for less than a dollar a day or we can use the example of someone who's lower class seeing someone's upper middle class as wealthy.

Different landlords have different terms. Some fix the floors, the heat, etc. others ask you to pay, you read the terms before you sign to live there.

>> No.18103519

Well yeah. They pay professionals to dig that hole. The landlord is managing the commercial real estate while the professionals get their cut based on a contract. The money is an exchange of labor and services.

>> No.18103540
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It's even better, in Feudalism you have the obligation to defend your tenants. A modern landlord only has to collect shekels.

>> No.18103570

It's a business. Imagine owning a dividend stock and wondering about whether the people occupying it have cats who piss everywhere, do drugs, clog the toilet, let mold and mildew grow, have sex and get fluids everywhere, or get robbed.

>> No.18103584

>I just gave a source to prove you wrong.
show me the quote then, it says millionaires are “self made.”
Most millionaires can be “self made” and +50% wealth can be inherited. These aren’t mutually exclusive things. >>18103306
To fully connect the dots. If Kim Khardashian becomes a “self made millionaire” and THEN inherits her parent’s wealth, she is still a “self made millionaire”

>> No.18103593

But single homeowners have that same concern.

>> No.18103609

Nah. I back my economic model any and all day every day against anyone anytime anywhere for any reason. I might just go hurt someone just to feel alive. I really dont give a fuck. I'll give you the key once yout aake your mearm off me. However, I do humble myself before other landlords and want to keep up the traditions that we observe as they are.

Thank you.

>> No.18103660
File: 31 KB, 754x421, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show me the quote then, it says millionaires are “self made.”
A 2017 survey from Fidelity Investments found that 88 percent of millionaires are self-made. Only 12 percent inherited significant money (at least 10 percent of their wealth), and most did not grow up in exclusive country club neighborhoods.


>> No.18103669

> why commies love the government so much
They believe that the state will eventually go away and that everyone will be free in a final stage of communism. It's secular eschatology.

>> No.18103687


>> No.18103716

Depends on the landlord. Some are assholes, some know that in the big picture their tenant might leave and they will want a quality home to sell a new renter on.

>> No.18103749

>Only 12 percent inherited significant money
You really love non-sequiters. I’m still waiting for the quote that talks about how much wealth is inherited. NOT how many millionaires inherit money. Again, these are not the same thing

If the 12% with inheritance has less money than the bottom 78%, then you are correct. This is not the case though.

>> No.18103766

>Short global indexes
If a countries economy breaks apart you may as well kill and loot anyway.

>> No.18103772

>then you are correct

>> No.18103776

Defend against what exactly? Raiders, marauders, enemy kingdoms? I believe that has been socialized into the police. I recall the police being bad guys to the left. The same left who thinks that guns should be confiscated. The same left that wants the government to own property. So what if all of the guns have been grabbed and the government owns the property and they enforce their laws with the police?

>> No.18103810

This is factual. You can attract more than 78% of people using a factual business model. 50% at a minimum to be exact. Thats before market multipliers are added.

It'll be a bloodbath.

>> No.18103845

>if it wasnt a non-sequiter
This is why economics is a lesser science than psychology.

>> No.18103850

Communists do not understand economics.

>> No.18103857

because commies aren't human

>> No.18103918
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Most people make a million dollars in their life time with a job that pays 40k a year

>> No.18103927
File: 80 KB, 599x650, Slum Lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do landkikes assume that everyone who hates them are commies? MOST PEOPLE hate their landlords, but must people aren't communists. There's a strong imperative for free market capitalists to remove the rent-seeker class. You're hyper inflating an asset that many people want to buy and live in. Not give you NEETbux for kicking your legs back and doing literally nothing

>> No.18103968

And when they learn how to manage and invest their money as well as acquire skills to take on higher income jobs they can make even more.

>> No.18103975

If you were a maintenance worker doing the same exact duties but not owning the house you'd make peanuts

>> No.18103994

+50% wealth is inherited and nothing you claimed thus far contradicts that.
One would think, with all the time you guys spend on here complaining about the Rothschilds, you might dig a little deeper than just finding out they are Jewish.

>> No.18104023

>Adam Smith, literal father of economics, doesn't understand economics

Landlords are parasites and it doesn't take a gommie to see that

>> No.18104074

>with all the time you guys spend on here complaining about the Rothschilds
I literally have no idea what you're talking about.

>you might dig a little deeper than just finding out they are Jewish

Most Americans don't understand investing, real estate, cryto, stocks, etc

>> No.18104136

Whatever, this is a waste of time.

I’ll just say that all the claims you made about millionaires and their inheritance are true but they dont change the fact that +50% of the wealth is this country is inaccessible to you. Good luck in this pump/dump market.

>> No.18104180

as already stated elsewhere that inheritance is reponsible for around 15 % of real estate transfer. we can then assume the rest is up to hardwork or mortgages (which you still have to pay off one way or another).

assuming this. a guy works hard in uni to get a high paying job later. works his ass off for 10 years and invests with some help from the bank into real estate. starts to rent it out while still working at his job since that is what permitted him to take out a loan with the bank in the first place. gets killed by an angry mob since he is a landlord.
does this make sense?

>> No.18104202

0 IQ

>> No.18104230

So janitors put forth more effort than doctors? Literal monkey brain

>> No.18104239

Daily reminder that the overwhelming majority of chapos are either NEETs or severely underemployed.

>> No.18104241


Guys I worked really hard to be able to exploit the economy, I deserve to be a parasite because it cost me money

>> No.18104275

all while the angry mob that killed him did the exact opposite of what he did. namely.
party like there is no tomorrow through uni.
get some low paying job because thats all they could find. complain about their credit score because they thought that credit card was their debit card. complain about society and everyone who is an inch more successful then they are themselves. organises into mobs and starts to call themselves communists.

>> No.18104278

Enjoy your food.

>> No.18104314

>has to come up with a bunch of non sequiturs in his head to justify the fundamental truth that charging rent is parasitic on the economy

>> No.18104336

do you feel concerned?

>> No.18104341

Justify denying*

>> No.18104366

Ayo racist cracka I worked really hard to buys me this gun. Now empty the register

>> No.18104408

No, because if he actually worked hard at Uni he would recognize the economic system is unjust (see: the 3rd? the 4th wave of bailouts since the crash? I lost track) and would leverage his power to help the mob so they would spare his life.

>> No.18104423

This fantasy proves communists are awful. You are seriously dreaming about ending human life over ideology and enjoying it. Get thee hence, abomination.

>> No.18104432

you know that taking freegibs statebucks is also parasitic? you literally get money for nothing. cause if you dont get them you start rioting and shit on the streets.

>> No.18104446

meanwhile the entirety of this board is upset because not enough people lost their jobs and the ones that did get 1,200 to last them 3 months

>> No.18104474

Tankies will use any excuse to not pay, ironically most of them also work service jobs and are the ones providing high quality "DAS WHY YOU TIP 50% DAS RITE DAS RITE" posts on reddit.

>> No.18104482

I agree, landlords ARE as parasitic as kangz

>> No.18104484

>you know that taking freegibs statebucks is also parasitic? you literally get money for nothing.
meanwhile over 10 trillion dollars will be gibbed to the “hard workers” in the stock market by the end of the month. (not you btw)

>> No.18104508

>be landlord
>west hollywood owned apartment
>rent control
>asshole tenant calling me whenever the smallest thing breaks
>demands to have installed a double socket electric car charger that could fry the mains power on the apartment and cost me hundreds of thousands
>plumbing constantly breaks, forcing me to drive there in the middle of the night to see if anyone can fix it
>hobos constantly shitting up the outside of the apartment so get called up in middle of night for that too
>police wont even get rid of said hobo because he is on the sidewalk blocking my property not on the stairs itself
>to top it all off, my tenants dont want to pay rent anymore because muh corona so now i have to pay my mortgage and taxes with the money that i should have been receiving from the tenants

>> No.18104535

ITT: waahhh gibs me dat why should I save money for a better future I want to buy anime games on Steam every day and eat takeaway daily wahhhhhh Ur not allowed to own property by being disciplined or because your parents worked hard wahhhhhh

>> No.18104564

>Complaining about doing the bare minimum maintenance necessary to keep a house from being condemned

>> No.18104580

>bare minimum

What does the bare minimum not include, sucking your cock and balls until you're satisfied?

>> No.18104583

most tenants are not even capable of unplugging their sink.

>> No.18104598

>Waaaaah I worked really hard to be a parasite so I should get to be a parasite

Ticks work really hard to jump on your scalp, stop picking them out you ungrateful leech

>> No.18104612

you live on the land. You work on the land and make improvements. Its your land. Thats how common law works.

It makes no sense to allow faceless corporate entity to sit on land

>> No.18104622

>Oy vey, running watah? You want I should give you a Hummer too? The noyve a these goyim

>> No.18104628

>"Waaaaaahhh the lock to my apartment door is hard to open sometimes when it gets cold wahhhhhh replace the lock wahhhhhh"

>> No.18104648
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>> No.18104672

They want doors AND sinks to work? What are you, made of money????

>> No.18104692

It's much more than that.

You go try and do my job

You will see within a week of dealing with these cunts that you've had enough

>> No.18104742

>Wahh I compare you to animal yucky wahh ur not allowed to invest your money into wise assets you have to be poor and waste it on consuming!! Gibs me dat I need it as well! Not fair!! Mummy he didn't give to me!!!

>> No.18104754

My parents are landlords, they own probably 10 townhouses

My dad works 60 hours a week, he's in his late fifties and he barely has to lift a finger. The most work he does is when a tenant moves out and that's usually a few days of painting

>> No.18104759

actually most people are born with thumbs in the middle of their palms. its all just a sad state of affairs. I am a poorfag even by poorfag standards but I never envy those who have more because I know that it takes hard work.
I never got a neetbux in my life (except the time when I had worked and got unemployement benefits which I wouldnt have if I didnt work). two years ago I started my own mini-business which is going not so well. luckily I was born with at least half a brain so I started to build a swing trading algo. before I knew it I had several ones ready. I now live in a squat without rent. before this place, I paid rent even though it was like 3/4 of my income. I had two choices. either get job somewhere or go squatting. Squatting it was since it allowed me to have time to work on my projects even though it meant I could get thrown out by cops. Do I complain about society? no. I am thankful for every day that I wake up because I know that through hard work and computers I will make more bucks than I ever could imagine. /blogpost

>> No.18104785

>Look it took a lot of work to be a parasite!!!!!
My point is the behavior is fundamentally parasitic. It takes work to raise the capital to be a parasite but it's still parasitism

>> No.18104786

I imagine those apartments aren't in west hollywood :)

>> No.18104819

>Landlord owns a house

>> No.18104830

Needs more rent control to cuck fags like you

>> No.18104852

The funny thing is that if communism ever got instituted they would pay rent like never before. Look up Holodomor.

>> No.18104887

I'm not a commie. I'm a national socialist you fucking shithead.

>> No.18104918

AKA 20-something permavirgin

>> No.18104938

I'm 33 have a wife and a kid. Keep projecting incel.

>> No.18104961

They never learn a group of midwit intellectuals caught in an ideology vindicated a century ago

>> No.18104978

yeah, they will pay rent in more than one way.

>> No.18104986
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Okay I work in property management as an accountant. Let me explain how this works to you cute little middle-upperclass 20-something year old “conservative” soiboys who have never held a real job before.

For medium to big size apartment complexes, we will charge a small fee to do literally everything basically. We hire the manager at the property, we keep the financial records, we take care of the mortgage, property tax, insurance, etc. We work with the utility providers. Long story short the owner does literally nothing. I don’t mean he does a little, I mean he literally does nothing but contact us ONCE a month to see the financials and then request how much excess funds he wants to withdrawal. Most of the time we are paying out around 40-100k in profits to these owners each month. In fact there is so much profit on these units that basically every tenant could pay half rent and the bills and payroll could all be easily paid for the property.

This is extortion. I’m not saying that this is wrong or right, I’m just asserting to all of you this is objective human extortion. maybe being a small landlord who does work for the property is different, but the big boys are literally the living stereotype of everything people claim. They have zero responsibility, and everything they do can be done by a hired hand in the modern commodity economy.

>> No.18105020
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Communists aren't people and produce no value. Their entire existence is theft.

>> No.18105027

Wait for capitlolists to defend this

>> No.18105047


You forgot to mention the fact that you fags charge 10% of all rent and then hire overpriced contractors for wink wink deals.

A lot of landlords live on the margins with large home payments (mortgage + taxes), and then pay income taxes on their income on top of that. If you made a bad purchase you aren't going to be able to afford a property manager anytime soon. You're a victim of survivorship bias, the ones who can afford a big property manager are the ones who have it made in one way or another, and that takes time and effort.

>> No.18105049

>This is extortion. I’m not saying that this is wrong or right, I’m just asserting to all of you this is objective human extortion.
Could you be any more obvious commie faggot

>> No.18105102


Also forgot to add that your job is literally made up and exists thanks to the arbitrary complexity of American taxes. If that was simplified *poof*, you'd be gone. Literally moving rocks around in a circle for a living.

>> No.18105104

why even bother arguing with them

its not like they are going to acknowledge any of the points you bring up

like how managing an apartment is labor

>> No.18105127


But if we just rework property laws, they will suddenly have lots to offer the successful portion of the herd, swear!!!!

>> No.18105129
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Landlords don't fund police and military by themselves, the entire society comes together for that, though they do exist primarily to defend rent seekers. Besides who cares if retarded shit libs wants to ban guns?

>> No.18105145

I agree. And think about this for a second. The capitalist is hiring people to do this work. often this work is done much more efficiently and cheaper than if the landlord did it himself. This means more people are being wrapped into the exploitation and it is more efficiently able to take money and house renters (who are then exploited)

>> No.18105169


>> No.18105197

>Also forgot to add that your job is literally made up and exists thanks to the arbitrary complexity of American taxes. If that was simplified *poof*, you'd be gone. Literally moving rocks around in a circle for a living.

Holy shit you tried so hard to act like you know what you’re talking about lmao. You sound like someone who does menial labor work for a living. Can you imagine being so butthurt and financially illiterate you think accounting and finance is completely pointless. Lol also taxes aren’t even 1% of the job you dumb faggot.

>> No.18105206

They don't but they can learn. Financial education realistically should be a pillar of education. Regardless the books, programs, videos, etc are all out there so it is not like it is oppressed and forbidden knowledge.

>> No.18105235

Some Commies love fags, rhose commies hate families and most landlords inherit their properties from the effort of their gramps.

>> No.18105246

They never seem to realize that inevitably any landlord is going to have a fuck up in the family tree who will lose everything to degeneracy. Apparently every landlord has had the property since the beginning of time and will never ever ever sell.

Most landlords are a couple of generations... but they all envision fucking immortal Mr. Monopoly owning half of the city laughing in a rooftop penthouse.

>> No.18105269


Sure they aren't phony. 50% of the accountant market is thanks to taxes. You make money because our monetary system is arbitrarily complex, literal made up job.

>> No.18105412

How do you run a business if you don’t even have a clear picture of the financial position of your company? Are you actually this fucking stupid? These are the kind of illiterates calling me a ‘commie’?!? lmfao

>> No.18105428

billionaire is the new millionaire

>> No.18105468


It isn't hard to put together a "clear picture of the financial position" if you aren't bound and burdened to be in order and compliant come tax time, not to mention have the numbers to reduce your tax burden to the max. This job could be done by way less accountants than currently exist in the job market. What, you thought the books were for fun? You don't even understand your own role retard.

>> No.18105469

Can commies explain why people should not be allowed to rent?

>> No.18105596


Thank you for your endoresment. I will run with the leverage you've given me and inspire confidence in own people in order return to a peaceful way of getting freebux from reets

As you all know it has been a very turbulent time for all the woodland creatures were stirring and there was too much going on to comprehend. All of a sudden 2 bears come out of a cave and scared saved everyone.with a strategy designed to take out 75% freebux and turn it into 300%

Why? Because I actually know what the fuck im talking about. That means landlords will own more money despite this happening. For real.

>> No.18105608

The same reason people hated that guy who bought up all the hand sanitizer and started price gouging people.
The same reason people hate software companies for doing everything they can to deny buyer ownership of their products.
The same reason people hate predatory investment companies that gut small towns for profit.
It's inherently parasitic and antisocial to buy things you don't use for the sole purpose of denying their ownership to the people that do use them, just so you can continuously leech off of them.

>> No.18105617

then buy property

>> No.18105665

Well, unless youre too stupid to use the market you're selling to facillitate a fucntion you want.to happen regardless.

>> No.18105673

> sole purpose of denying ownership
Are you a homeowner?

>> No.18105714

Okay, im parasitic. I dont give a shit. This parasite will turn 75 into 300 for all renters and youre telling them not to do that. What would the renters want?

>> No.18105718

What do commies think about bonds?
What do commies think about stocks?

>> No.18105798

>This parasite will turn 75 into 300 for all renters and youre telling them not to do that
what are you talking about?

>> No.18105863

Fuck you all. I worked hard saved for 8 years for a down payment. My now fiancee did the same thing and we are gonna move to a new place and rent our two houses its smart. Dont care what anyone says

>> No.18105958

Commies are economic backseat drivers. Good for you Anon. Hope it works out. Just be smart about your tenants and treat them well.

>> No.18105981


>> No.18105984

I’m not a fucking tax accountant you stupid faggot. Jesus christ you are retarded. Muh tax muh government hurrrr

>> No.18105999

Of course we arent gonna gouge them and we are gonna be good decent people who are good to good decent people who are our tenants

>> No.18106057

No, because you can't easily create more real property and you cannot drive more from elsewhere. While when a local bakery sets ridiculous prices, there will bdea strong push to buy bread elsewhere and sell in the overpriced place, driving the crazy bakery out of the market. Real property cannot be moved, building takes a long time and it may not be even possible to build reasonably nearby, so this cannot happen to landlords

>> No.18106079

Good for you but this sounds like journalists getting upset about the anti-journo memes. Sure there might be some good ones but that doesn't mean we have to stop shitting on the occupation in general.

>> No.18106173

Yes everyone is a parasite in this life. Especially the western world which leeches off the poor in other countries. This reality isn't moral and might = right. Get with the program faggot

>> No.18106187

>Fuck you all
>I slaved for 8 years (wasted life)
>Now I will aspire to become a slave driver (exploit others)
>But... I’m too stupid for this and will inevitably fail

ouch what a life of hatred and pain. yikes

>> No.18106308

>I'm a poorfag gib me dat house for cheap plz
>I don't care if others will pay more for it! I want it for cheapies!!!
>W-what?? There is a competition for resources between an ever growing population???
>The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows and sharing????
>Wahhhhh mummy he didnt gibs me dat when I told him too!!! It's not fair!!!!!!

>> No.18106320

As long as you admit that it's parasitic.
>Especially the western world which leeches off the poor in other countries.
What are you on about? The western world gives more shit to other countries than was ever warranted. We ship millions of tons of food to shitholes everywhere just so they can breed out of control and starve even harder.

>> No.18106346

Illusion of scarcity keeps the brrrrrr going

>> No.18106351

Haha well how did I waste my life saving 20% downpayment for a house? Oh a rental cuck is angry.....your rent is due shortly you piece of human garbage. Do the world a favor and neck yourself haha I'm gonna really enjoy owning 3....count them THREE houses in which I rent out two of them and get those sweet sweet passive income gainz....seeth more it's actually giving me great entertainment value

>> No.18106372

what's the difference between a shareholder, capitalist, and lender? they all hold ownership of the means of production and profit off of your labor

>> No.18106377

If he's making money off of investments after working hard for a down payment to get there then it is not a wasted life. Contrast with someone who never acquires such assets. That's a wasted life.

>> No.18106407

From my point of view it is people like you who live lives of hatred and pain.

>> No.18106444

>Why are commies against paying rent?
They are not, in their ideal society the states own everything including "your" house and you pay rent for everything

>> No.18106486
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Problem with landlords is eventually you run out of other people's money

>> No.18106502

True, the problem is just lead-brained boomers who worship capitalism and think anyone with a criticism of it is a commie.

>> No.18106514

Did you even read the post?

>> No.18106519
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Anon, my allegiance is to the republic, TO DEMOCRACY

>> No.18106550

Yes but when everything is parasitic nothing is. You think assigning a negative word to intelligence and forward thinking will make people see it as that. Tough luck but it's might = right
Landlords are strong and renters are weak and poor

You don't call a lion "parasitic" for killing a deer and eating it lmao

If you choose to play bidya gaymes all your life and want to be a "games idea person" or artist or musician as a career, then you will be a poor renter. If you study boring stuff, use intellect or your family was intelligent you will have money to be a landlord and your life will be easier

>Wahhh you're not allowed to make good decisions and get ahead we should all be treated equal that's what they taught me in school wahh !

Gtfo poorfag. Keep renting and crying

>> No.18106552

>/biz/ suddenly raging at landlords
Just like how Mao's China came to be.

>> No.18106558

What did he mean by this?

>> No.18106572

M8 there isn't even enough toilet paper let alone anything else. The weak shall be devoured lmao (you)

Better start prepping. Oh wait bing bing wahoo is your priority

>> No.18106607

>*his bank owns a house that he may pay off within his life time

>> No.18106755

I don't see how it is related. Stock marked is highly luquid, you can shop for loans. They are kind of the opposite from real estate.

>> No.18106779

if one of the capitalists saw the other capitalist making higher return they would bid the asset price up and bring it back to a normal return

if you want to play in their system, yo uwork a job, you give them a fractiion of your fruits of your labor, and then you take home some to build your own equity

if you dont want to play in the system, you can build a house in the middle of nowhere, that will take you years of labor... pick your poison I think the civilized world is better lifestyle

>> No.18106784
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>le slippery slope has arrived

>> No.18106788

You're the one saying everything is parasitic, not me. I work and live pretty well so I'm not particularly upset about it. I'm just calling it like it is, and you're lashing out like a teenager who just finished reading atlas shrugged with this bizarre LARP about how you are the strong feeding on the weak.

>> No.18106833

He was probably just a boomer kike that bought it in 3 years in 1950 for its speculative value so he can kike us into paying 5x for it or be life long rent slaves

>> No.18106843

Except this ain't a slippery slope, this is history repeating. The peasants, broke and famished rose up against their superiors out of vengeance and idiocy, much like how suddely it's cool to hate the house owners on /biz/ and twitter.
You're accelerating towards destruction of all things great and reasonable, so you can masturbate to the fantasy of being equal with the great people who made it.

>> No.18106898

there are REITs in the stock market that provide liquidity for real estate, since there are traders profiting off of liquidity, and also these massive companies shift their assets around all the time providing liquidity to the general real estate market

regardless, the liquidity is overrated, it's only there for daytraders and their ilk

>> No.18107054

Not larping just telling you how life works. The strong profit off the weak. Using le rude word doesn't change you are the weak poorfag who needs to adapt or try harder

Complaining is the sign of the naive sjw. If you want to improve your lot in life you need to be intelligent and work for it. Whining and insulting people just outs you for the bitter poorfag you are

>> No.18107076

I'm not saying we're going to have a peasant revolt, but in history they've generally been a check against decadent nobility who were no longer worthy of the superiority they claimed, and were often anti-semitic in nature.
Personally I don't see how anyone could see jews and modern nobility as representing anything great or reasonable.

>> No.18107091

You have to be 18 to post here kid

>> No.18107138

>All landowners are jews
Oh i see, i'm talking to an angloid mutt. Almost took you for a person there.
Or are you gonna start claiming all landowners in Norway and old China were somehow jews too, thus making it acceptable?

>> No.18107201

Problem is usury, By the Rule of the People (democracy) We will gather together in to (PPC)
Popular Peoples Congress and hang everyone who use other peoples need to live for own gain. Grabbers.
We all have got 24h a day to exchange in a meaningful way. Dancing around the fire for better harvest is not same as actually contributing to the harvest.
Friendly people will get together and live by the heart beat of the day. You know how to have always fresh meat in a jungle, with out refrigerator? You put extra meat in your brothers belly. 1% born psychopath can hide only in the crowd of strangers. In a circle of normal people 'Fish heads' get detected in a early age and clubbed for everyone's safety.
No gov no big owners no authority of any kind.
'Fish heads' have bamboozled youth in to grabbers who believe that there is such a thing as good or bad, right or wrong and way in life is judge and charge. No you dummy, stop be miss leaded by suggested to imagine judgments.
Watch what actually life is and how to make life more wonderful then it is? You need to have awareness about human needs in order to make serving life decisions. You do as men say because he gives you money? You need to do what serves actual life regardless suggested imagination about ownership money peper based "reality".

>> No.18107203

>Using le rude word doesn't change you are the weak poorfag
>Complaining is the sign of the naive sjw
>Whining and insulting people just outs you for the bitter poorfag you are
Textbook projection. Now I see why you are so upset. You are one of those poorfag boomers that fantasize about being Mitt Romney.

>> No.18107244

surely you can construct a better strawman than that

>> No.18107293

I might put in the effort once you stop with "everything is jews" strawman yourself.

>> No.18107321

Land lord die and everyone's life improve .
neighbors get together and collectively take care of house hold needs . As long Land lord dead in the fridge box no one miss him. =O)

>> No.18107349

i really want to say because they greedy parasites but landlords are the cancer of this world. fuck them

>> No.18107390

you don't know what strawman means

>> No.18107416

>Not a strawman
Ok buddy.

>> No.18107423

This may have held some value in the 50’s , but in late stage capitalism we live in now it’s a load of CRAP MATE

>> No.18107438

thank you for proving my point

>> No.18107457

Not an argument laddy. Thanks for playing.

>> No.18107486

J-j- just move to Alabama bro

>> No.18107607

Again this argument was valid 70 years ago, now you have to be in the top 5% of income to be able to afford even a single property , get with the times boomer

>> No.18107614
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sentences do not all have to be arguments, you know.
or maybe you don't.

>> No.18107663

>ever paying off a mortgage
Dumbest shit you can do. The entire reason why real estate is attractive is because of mortgages. If I couldn’t have a mortgage I’d be a lifelong renter.

>> No.18107703

Define late stage capitalism please.

>> No.18107743
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Capitalists ITT are absolutely seething.

>> No.18107761

Horse shit. Uncle Sam bends over backwards to give people access to low cost mortgages and housing. You just want to live on a coastal city next to your favorite brew pub.

>> No.18107802

Based and redpilled

>> No.18107817

>Uncle Sam bends over backwards to give people access to low cost mortgages and housing.
not if you're white

>> No.18107849

Imagine actually thinking this is true

>> No.18107876

> 233 posts in
> first FPBP
Nice cope.

>> No.18107936

woah almost like ZIRP has played a role in inflating asset values or something

>> No.18107946

You’ve never tried. You are like those whiny fucks who complain about college being too expensive but wring their hands at the thought of going to community college for the first two years or having to spend a couple afternoons applying for scholarships and grants. The shits out there but like everything supported by the government, you have to jump through hoops.

>> No.18108008

>233 posts
>all capitalists have done is shit up the thread with strawmen and non sequiters

>> No.18108044

>going to community college for the first two years or having to spend a couple afternoons applying for scholarships and grants
This is pretty funny because I literally did all of those things. You don't know shit.

>> No.18108132

and you didnt think to say you are a gay and muslim white person
I guess it’s true, only the smartest survive

>> No.18108149
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>> No.18108213

No I'm actually a 90s kid with a good job who looks to the future. Stay poor and mad

>> No.18108319

Landlords getting a valuable lesson in risk management
>Nooooo my tenant signed a contract. That means he's 100% liable for paying my mortgage

>> No.18108350


Now how can these two posts be reconciled?

>> No.18108374

There you communists go redefining terms.

>> No.18108414

What term did I redefine?

>> No.18108433

>>Landlord pays to fix lighting, floors, anything that breaks
On paper yes in theory no, certainly never on time.

>> No.18108546

>No I'm actually a 90s kid with a good job who looks to the future.
bro same
>Stay poor and mad
nothing more poor and mad than a 90s kid LARPing as a boomer.

>> No.18108547

>giving all property to the government is not theft

>> No.18108577

where do they conflict?

>> No.18108659

They don’t he is just a retard

>> No.18108675

this kind of summs up the retarded part of marxism yea, go read a book lad

>> No.18108726

this would be totally fine IF the rent was based on any improvements / repairs that the landlord paid for. Like if the landlord paid $4000 to fix the A/C, then I would pay $4000 / 12 = $333 a month for the year to pay for it.

>> No.18108783

thats untrue even if labor theory of value wouldn't be stupid, the landlord puts in the labor of keeping the tenants housed

>> No.18108804

Yes, because the market has been "communised"

>> No.18108838

>the landlord puts in the labor of keeping the tenants housed
uh, that's not labor. the only labor that might be is improvements / repairs, and we all know the rent being asked for is way above the cost of that.

>> No.18108852
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Not to mention the tenants pay to fix everything, and for many people a management company deals with the service orders. When it is a landlord doing it personally, they're probably a small landlord. That means they're acting as small property manager in terms of their labor, but they're making income from ownership as well as their work in this managing capacity. The management companies are actually more efficient than this arrangement, because they manage many properties for many property owners, so the people working as property managers in various capacities do it more often for more units than the small landlord. The cost of the small landlord in terms of the amount they accrue to themselves for the labor they do is theoretically reducible if they did more work in some management capacity, because they'd be more productive. This is also intuitively represented as the fact that when their labor as a property manager is brought up as justification for their ownership income from their property as an asset, your not even talking in normal terms of markets for specific kinds of labor because in that realm, a property manager has a range of salaries/wages out there on the market for a certain level of productivity that can be checked against the small landlord. If the average workers employed in some capacity as a property manager is paid $50,000, and they work on the orders of 30 units or something every week, while the small landlord also makes $50,000 from their property, but they only work on the orders of 2-4 units, then they're being paid very highly because of their ownership rather than their work.

You can improve their productivity if they were employed doing what they do for their single or handful of properties to do it for many properties like the people who are just paid a wage to do the same thing.

>> No.18108889

who are you to say what's labor?

>> No.18108896

Boomers are communists

>> No.18108912

owning property is not labor, by definition.

>> No.18108913

Suspension of disbelief broken. Any antisemite knows the capitalism vs communism argument is faker, gayer, and more jewish than the marvel vs DC argument.

>> No.18108995

Just dumped $20,000 of my own money reinvesting in my properties so you could have a place to live you communist piece of shit

>> No.18109016
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>> No.18109029

Strawmen and non-sequitur.

And retard.

All you do is call people names because that is all you have.

>> No.18109046

definitions don't just exist, the house is the capital, saved labour in value theory, do you think a worker isn't entitled to the fruit of his labour?

>> No.18109069
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>> No.18109075

why do commies even try to debate, they should just stick to robbing people. fucking digenerates.

>> No.18109099

>words have no meaning bro
very convincing argument

>> No.18109116

A dancing, prancing communist in this thread by virtue of genuinely referring to "capitalists" in trademark communist fashion. The usual attempt to take advantage of trying economic times to make power grabs.

>> No.18109129

>Thats just life, life is unfair at times.
you are basically admitting its not fair here retard.

>> No.18109143

Maybe these "trying economic times" are just the systemic fundamentally not working.

>> No.18109148

Labor takes up time dingus

>> No.18109150

The fruit of labor is money. Money can be spent on goods to live but it can also be spent on investments.

>> No.18109165

are you retarded, they have a meaning,
in marxist labour theory capital is saved labour you smooth brain

>> No.18109181

What is fundamental here? What is not working? What is the driving point of the discussion?

>> No.18109223

Because once again commies are retarded fucking morons. Landlords provide a service. You cannot afford a home, and if can't afford one you need something cheaper unless you can live with your parents. Which isn't an option for everyone. So what other option do you have really? Commies want everything handed to them and that's what it comes down to.

>> No.18109261

>what are shares

>> No.18109267

Renting is not just about being able to afford a home. Not everyone is, wants to be, or can be attached to one location for various reasons. Renting allows transience, impermanence, and mobility.

>> No.18109268

exactly, we would have other options if the state wouldn't make it as costly to build your own house than it is to buy one

>> No.18109293

>A dancing, prancing communist in this thread by virtue of genuinely referring to "capitalists" in trademark communist fashion.
You could switch capitalist and communist in this sentence and say the same thing. Or you could just realize both are shit and criticizing one doesn't make you the other. Again, it's just as retarded as a Marvel fan screaming "DC SHILL" at anyone who says the MCU is trash.

>> No.18109346

If both are shit what do you propose?

>> No.18109369

third position of course

>> No.18109393

>Renting allows transience, impermanence, and mobility.
Ah yes, who doesn't love a good rootless cosmopolitan diaspora?

>> No.18109409

Obviously but what would that be?

>> No.18109439

>hates landlording so much he makes a post crying
you know you can sell the property right???

>> No.18109445

I take it you are anti-globalist.

>> No.18109459

Only landlord will try to worm their way out of it a lot of the time. Vermin in the walls? Nah, they'll starve. Plumbing busted? Nah, that's on you.

>> No.18109489

You won't be happy about that in 10 or so years. At all.

>> No.18109515

Ha ha just live, work, and die in the same shit town you were born in! Don’t bother trying to venture out and make your fortune in places with better opportunities!

>> No.18109521

>get rid of renting
>families stick together
>more tight knit communities
>less people coming in to bloat your town

renting is a meme that destroys communities and is the reason we're at 60%

>> No.18109574

yeah bro fuck those small towns i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.18109579

>I'll let you use my car if you give me some money from time to time
>hey man a month has passed I need some of that money

>> No.18109588

Sure thing homo lmao

No home LOL

>> No.18109610

>Landorld takes lots of loans and mortgages to buy property, despite having little to no income and being subprime as fuck
>>Landlord """owns""" a house as long as he has cash flow from his tenants
>>Landlord rents it out to people in exchange for money
>>Landlord doesn't pay to fix lighting, floors, anything that breaks, because pretty much most of the cash flow goes towards interest, everything else to fullfil his dreams of being rich
>hard times come by and renters can't pay anymore, he doesn't have a rainy day fund because he's a retard who can't budget for shit and spends all the money he gets
>now he begs the government for bailouts because socialism is good as long as it is for me, a millionaire in trouble
Most landlords are stupidly overleveraged

>> No.18109613

Based austrian

>> No.18109617

I like this idea that the landlord pays for shit that breaks. It's quaint, even. Anyway I will happily pocket my 1.2k a month and use it to fix the dishwasher or whatever. Give me that deal.

>> No.18109632

Generally, it means right social positions and left economic positions

>> No.18109637

So if I buy land I'm not allowed to build two houses on it if I only live in one? Or pay someone to build them for me? Or just buy land with houses already on it?
Lmao kill yourself you retarded commie.

>> No.18109695

first you'll have to put 500k down
no you can't go outside for 20 years

>> No.18109702
File: 110 KB, 634x482, 1578349634221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based copypasta

>> No.18109724

>living paycheck to paycheck renting in some slum shithole
>make your fortune
Lmao, retarded soibois actually believe this.
I love this pasta.

>> No.18110134

If you build a hiuse with your bear hands

>> No.18110213

>living paycheck to paycheck
Not everyone is as retarded with their money as you. I make double what I could make back home and have kept my CoL flat. It’s not hard.

>> No.18110239


Pay your rent, loser.

>> No.18110283


That's the maintenance workers fault. Pay your rent, loser.

>> No.18110307

>People who have no assets in their name should make as much as those with nothing
god I hate commies

>> No.18110372

Ah okay. I do think that "Left versus Right" just does not cut it anymore. I also think that globalism is something that needs correction and that there is value to nationalism and community but I also think that the idea being floated in threads like these of correcting to the point of people strictly living close-knit, small town, never travel lives is a terrible solution.

>> No.18110373

This is bait

>> No.18110395


Nigga, they're responding to someone justifying ownership income with maintenance and management labor. That person is correctly pointing out that that is normal labor with a market rate, and therefore isn't the source of the landlord's excess income. It's obviously their ownership by itself, ie it isn't labor. Ownership isn't work, it's title to assets.

>> No.18110401

That's all well and dandy but the commissar sees that you have not met quota and he wants to know why you have bread in your kitchen if that is the case.

>> No.18110439

America doesn't oppress Africa, in fact we provide a shit ton of aid to them. Yet no one wants to talk about insectoid chinks colonizing the entire continent as we speak

>> No.18110469

How do we know that this communist stuff isn't just trolling and shitposting? I suppose we have history to suggest that it was not the case when it happened before the internet.

>> No.18110677

I’ve been laying out arguments all thread and havent heard one rebuttal, scroll through

>> No.18110798
File: 6 KB, 186x271, Henry George.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both the commies and the ancaps are wrong
you guys need to separate the building (capital) from the land
it's perfectly fine that the landlord makes money off his building. It took capital and labor to build, and it continues to take both to maintain so the house doesn't crumble
what people take issue with is the land, since it is a monopoly. You can make houses and apartments, but you can't make more land
Hong Kong is considered by many to be the most free market capitalist country on earth, and yet there the government owns all the land and leases it out for 30 to 70 years. That's how they make so much money that they can afford to lower all other taxes

>> No.18110971

>Ah okay. I do think that "Left versus Right" just does not cut it anymore.
I agree, I mostly just use them as umbrella terms for quick dirty explanations.
>I also think that the idea being floated in threads like these of correcting to the point of people strictly living close-knit, small town, never travel lives is a terrible solution.
I still believe in people having the freedom to travel. I don't think many new rules even need to be put in place, I just want a removal of all the perverse financial and social incentives that STOP close-knit small town family life from thriving or even being viable at all in some situations.

>> No.18111041



If you don't like renting then buy property, retarded commies.

Then you might realize the enormous risks inherent in simply owning property. It's riskier than most investments, more difficult to liquidate and requires constant upkeep, insurance and property taxes.

The anti-renter movement is just another delusional commie snake oil sales pitch. Capitalism can be brutally competitive but it's the only proven way to generate wealth for everyone, including the people who struggle to pay rent (who sit around complaining about how evil capitalism is). It's the reason why real estate is so expensive in capitalist countries, everyone wants to live here.

If you want to live in a socialist utopia so bad go here:


Look, a beachfront two story house for $135k. Please go and leave us people who enjoy our freedom alone.

>> No.18111147

>baiting this hard

>> No.18111164

They don't because boomers drilled into their heads that real state is riskless, after they wrecked a lot of the middle class with the subprime crisis they kept drilling that into their heads, the landlords didn't learn jack shit from subprime (they're retards after all) and now they're crying that the risk has become real

>> No.18111281

>overleverage like a retard
>cry when the market goes against you
You could had done the same with much less pain just by being a degenerate gambler in bitmex, lmao you're a fucking retard

>> No.18111564

I wasn't directing that "Left vs Right" specifically at you for the record. It's one of those things that is just ingrained in all of our minds that it is hard to shake even if we can identify flaws in it.

I can see where you are coming from in the rest of your post too. I am a tradesman and so for my part I get to see things from the industrial and working class angle. I grew up in a manufacturing-based city no less. End of the day I think economic globalism is what has gone too far.

>> No.18111834

Inheritance is bad for society though. It's the number one reason why any ruling class declines until it needs to be violently replaced.

>> No.18111918

But don´t you see? It's completely out of human hands. Nothing can be done about it whatsoever.

>> No.18111935

Where should the money and assets go then?

>> No.18111960

>Generally, it means right social positions and left economic positions
How the fuck do right wing social positions fix literally anything?

>> No.18111994

To the state to be spend for the wellbeing of the country/people, obviously.

>> No.18112032

What is an example of this? Who is in charge of redistribution? Why should we trust anyone to do this?