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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 983x424, quant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18088855 No.18088855 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't biz talking more about Quant Network?

Which other project has the kind of connections QNT has?

Named cool vendor by Gartner Research:

Guarantor of Pay.uk:

Oracle for startups:

Accord project:

ISO/TC 307/SG 7 created by Gilbert:

ISO TC 307 referenced by swift:

Gilbert at Crypto Valley 2019, see this liked by the Head of Financial System Research Division at Bank of Japan and an Adviser, of the European Central Bank:

And there's a lot more. I used to think Quant was a scam but honestly there's too much smoke to keep ignoring it at this point, so why on earth is this place not discussing this project more? This should be the kind of project biz has autistic connect the dots threads weekly if not daily. What am I missing?

>> No.18088872

Oh look.
Another crypto scam.

>> No.18088936

So SIA, pay.uk and SWIFT are scams?
Gartner named a scam a cool vendor?

>> No.18088951

quant is a serious project and this site is a joke.

so figure it out.

>> No.18088984


>> No.18088996

biz has actually been a pretty good resource to find promising projects. It's no secret LINK was shilled constantly here even when it was at its lowest, so I'm curious to understand why QNT is not gathering more attention

>> No.18089004

Gilbert leveraged his relationships but the fact remains the ico was a money grab for his private company. The token is not needed.

>> No.18089029

the real reason is this board is swimming with linkers.

most linkers are sheep who dont do theyre own research on anything, probably bought link at 4$, and wrongly assume quant is a competitor so they just say its a scam.

and now its just become a meme to spam scam in every quant chan

there are some who acually believe this and they deserve to be left behind.

>> No.18089146

then theres people like this guy.

hasn't read the white paper, and doesnt know what hes talking about.

probably thinks that because quant accepts fiat that the token isnt needed.

when in fact the company converts the fiat payments into quant on the users behalf and locks them, decreasing the supply and increasing the demand.

do you really think SIA is going to create a wallet and buy tokens from an exchange? or any company for that matter?
from any project?


on top of that quant is used for gas/transaction fees/staking/etc.

>> No.18089164

Access to Overledger is only possible through QNT and QNT needs to be held to develop MApps. I suppose you could argue that at this point we can't affirm with 100% certainty that this is how it will actually work but I don't see a valid reason to believe otherwise.

I suppose that makes sense, but I still see some informative posts sometimes with decent research done so not all anons are sheep. Definitely nothing like when LINK was discussed in depth though

>> No.18089256
File: 1.43 MB, 1440x2545, Screenshot_20191213-015116_reddit is fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you're not one of those Quantards trying to pump it one last time. Think for yourself for a second here, what had they achieved besides vague partnership announcement? Why is the token needed?
And no I'm not fudding it to accumulate more, it was a good pump but it's been exposed as a vapourwear for semi-interllectuals who couldn't see through the facade.

>> No.18089442

Ok fair points, honestly I still need to dig more into it, hard to tell what's real vs. fud

>> No.18089537

The code is private. So github is irrelevant.
The developer portal (public) one he mentioned is for normies, not enterprises. They have a private portal.


>> No.18089704
File: 77 KB, 597x827, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why there would be a private portal for enterprises only? So if I'm a smaller company who wants to use overledger to create mApps I'm stuck with the portal for normies?

I signed up to the developer portal and there are 6 mApps available on the marketplace, all from a year ago. Most don't even work, seriously...

>> No.18089735

Also, the code being private and the enterprise portal being private is an awfully convenient argument if one wanted to keep a scam running.

I'm trying to keep an open mind but some things don't add up

>> No.18089970

>biz has actually been a pretty good resource to find promising projects
keyword: has
this place has turned into a Link cult, at any one time there are at least 20 active threads about link
any promising coin gets called a scam within the first 3 posts
when anons aren't calling it a scam they're calling it a jeet coin
/biz/ has turned to shit, nobody is trying to dig for the next great project. This board has become nothing but link shills, faggots fudding their own coins to accumulate and because they're bored, and dumbasses who buy into their fud

>> No.18090008

If so, any recommendations on where to get good info from? This is still the best place I know of to find out about gems without having to spend countless hours scouring the internet

>> No.18090025

Hi Quant scam, how was the CEO dumping on you going? oh wait still happening? yikes.

>> No.18090124


>> No.18090140

honestly I don't know anymore, but when was the last time /biz/ actually shilled anything early? People keep pointing to Link but it's been 2 and a half years since Link came on the scene, I know we've been in a bear since then but I really don't think we can say that /biz/ is the place for hidden gems anymore. All those anons that used to search for hidden gems have made it and left, the ones that haven't made it are in their own private communities
face it anon, /biz/ has been pretty shit for at least a year now

>> No.18090171

also you should go into the /biz/ archive and see that every quant thread is fudded the exact same way. Same sentences, same pictures, same copy and pasted phrases. I think >>18089256 is being sincere but posts like the one you replied to is either a holder fudding or one of the confirmed telegram fags that has been fudding for a year now

>> No.18090214

They’ve barely announced anything even after all this time.
so where the fuck are they? I own QNT but I don’t like the drip feed approach shillbert takes

>> No.18090236

True but on the other hand biz might be shilling something right now that will be the next big pump if we ever get another bull market. With the ongoing bear market I'm not sure biz is really at fault
Clearly there are people who think it's all BS and some devoted fudders who actually hold a good amount. I just don't know which side I'm leaning towards

>> No.18090456

This guy gets it. Quant has literally proved absolutely nothing. Much of their core team left and its Gilbert with some family memebers. Tell me, what kind of project who is said to work with central banks, governments, huge enterprises, etc shills those relationships to plebs in telegram? Doesn't add up and we have literally zero proof of any tangible use of the network. Intent of use announcements don't always become anything so you can't take those at face value. I simply don't believe anything Gikbert says and he has no tangible evidence to back anything up.

>> No.18090486

Maybe you should stop thinking there is this next best coin. The reality is there isnt right now. Link still is the best risk reward on the market.

>> No.18090532

If they are truly working with banks I could believe that it would be kept private, but yeah there isn't much besides partnerships

>> No.18090606

Yeah so him hinting at it all the time in telegram is a red flag as either unprofessional, big overexagerations, or just lies. With all the code being private everything is just trust me bro. I simply don't believe Gilbert at this point. He just comes off scammy and his whole operation smells fishy

>> No.18090775

yeah I have 1000 just in case he's telling the truth but they at least need to show an ACTUAL demo
I think the only outside "proof" we have is some other crypto company announced they were using overledger and posted a screenshot on their twitter

>> No.18090780

Yeah at least with LINK we had the pivotal tracker and Github so it was easier to check if the team was actually delivering. Hmm this does seem weird...

>> No.18091150
File: 603 KB, 1080x1444, Screenshot_20190604-112904_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe how anyone could take them seriously after they were scammed by some telegram pajeets. They were clueless the whole time.
If I remember correctly they were hoping BitMax would list them for free out of pity.

>> No.18091259

What a shitshow... Not feeling too quamfy right now

>> No.18091954

Plus you see projects actually consuming their data on-chain or even on testnet if you are not in production.

>> No.18092024
File: 281 KB, 720x524, Constellation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now officially partners with scam called Constellation:

Constellation marketed SBIR Phase 1 as full-blown USAF partnership. Did they get promoted to the next grant in the meantime?

No devs, only a polish company with freelancers active on the Constellation Git. Polish company has no reference on their website for blockchain, iot or big data. They ban immediately from their Telegram when somebody asks about the polish devs.

No tutorial, concept, architecture or code in their git toexplains what their DAG has to do with IoT or Big Data.

They gay Gilbert darkroom creatures (Council) aren’t able to explain either, on architecture or concept design level, how big data use-cases should be implemented combination with DAG or Quant.

No product, only a massive delayed DAG with zero usage.

>> No.18092069

These guys are pretty good scam artists. They managed to amass a cult following who will continue to "buy the dip" because they think Gil any day is about to announce a major partnerships or exchange listing, but really the team is just leading them and dumping tokens on idex.

>> No.18092094

Quant is a customer of Link.

>> No.18092266

It's easy for #FINNEXUS OTC platforms, brokers and trade them to find users and and provide them with service.

>> No.18092279

Is there anything legit to buy at this point besides BTC, ETH and LINK?