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18085258 No.18085258 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18085313

Lightlife sucks compared to beyond

>> No.18085326
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I have it anon, was working in Whistler Canada for a ski season. Had to abruptly leave and return to Australia, there was a huge outbreak in staff housing and about 50% of us contracted it. Now eating tendies in isolation

>> No.18085339

how is it

>> No.18085350

I probably have it but I haven't bothered getting tested because I can't name anyone who has it so they won't give me the test anyway. I have chest pains all day and I feel like shit but I've had the flu before so it's no big deal. Plant based meat replacements are retarded, by the way. Just eat regular plants.

>> No.18085368

glad your inbred self is back where you belong

>> No.18085382

only elite pedos have it

>> No.18085494

can u green text what are you feeling rn

>> No.18085501

I know a guy at my work who got it. The fucker almost died too. They just told him to go home and self-isolate. At the next day he called me and asked what to do, because he had fever, he took Paracetamol and it wouldn’t go away. 105 fever after Paracetamol. I told him to open all windows and keep himself medicated with Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or aspirin every 2 hours, because once it wears off he gets 110 and dies.
He survived, the fever stopped after 2 days. The guy is only 21.

>> No.18085537

I had it. Mild fucking fever for like 3-4 days and that was it. No coughing, no sneezing. Fucking nothingburger

>> No.18085580

You had an hangover

>> No.18085586

>They just told him to go home and self-isolate.
so nobody told him to go to the hospital? what a bullshit story lol

>> No.18085606

All (((S O Y))) "meat" sucks.

>> No.18085615


>> No.18085641

I don't drink, I don't smoke, no drugs, I work out, I have sex, no medical history.
Not my problem you degen faggots decide to be the way you are. You deserve every single bit of shit that comes your way

>> No.18085647

Seems plausible under the United Corporations of America

>> No.18085660

I have it. I got it when I was in Manhattan

day1: sore throat
day2: fever and headache
day3:shortness of breath/fever/headache/cough/chest pain
day4:shortness of breath and chest pain
day5:shortness of breath/chest pain
day6:shortness of breath/chest pain

>> No.18085670

god you're a fucking idiot. why would they admit somebody to hospital who is completely stable, otherwise healthy, and will likely recover on their own? to spread the virus to other patients and healthcare workers? do you honestly not understand that the vast majority of COVID cases have been people who are told to stay home and monitor their symptoms?

>> No.18085682

My brother had it. The fever and other symptoms passed but he never got tested for it because of the shortage.

>> No.18085718

Ibuprofen as I heard is shitty way to treat it and only damages.
OVerall, nice good.
And ffs he should call ambulance or whatever

>> No.18085726
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>> No.18085737

I know one person who tested positive but they were completely asymptomatic. I have a feeling lots of untested have already had it pass through their system.

>> No.18085741

>who is completely stable, otherwise healthy
you said he was in bad shape and almost died, how the fuck did he know he had it if he had no symptoms?

>> No.18085753

The most likely to survive get priority treatment. You don't put grandma on a ventilator.

>> No.18085767

you're confusing me with the jackass who poorly told the story

>> No.18085793

you're talking about ICU admissions, why flood a hospital with young covid patients who will recover at home without the need for a hospital bed?

>> No.18085822

Post more than once, I dare you.

>> No.18085838

No one gets admitted to the hospital unless they are literally dyeing
Do you really think the hospitals have room for 10k people per day?

>> No.18085875
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105 fever from that story sounds like hospital time. Depending on your normal body temperature that could be very fucking dangerous.

>> No.18085877


Beyond doesn't use onions you fuckass.

>> No.18085883

glownigger detected?

>> No.18085934

Good cause onions make me tear up

>> No.18085957

They actually put the grandma on the ventilator.
First, they aren’t eager to test you. He got told it’s probably influenza and he had to insist to be tested. Then if it’s not life threatening you get sent home.
He had cough, headache and mild fever when they tested him. Got sent home and told to take paracetamol and hot tea.
He got the killer fever in the late evening.

>> No.18085962

at that point of course, but it sounds like he was told to self-isolate at home prior to spiking a fever that high

>> No.18086082
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>er/headache/cough/chest pain
>day4:shortness of breath and chest pain
>day5:shortness of breath/chest pain

Confirmed with test?

>> No.18086107

Hope you feel better soon, fren.

>> No.18086117

So do you think we are overreacting to it?

>> No.18086350

pretty sure I did, was still working 10 hour days with 2.5 hour commutes for those weeks, but I did call in once for the 1st time in 5 years. Basically slept for 3 days during the worst of it on a weekend, lots of nasty snot and generally feeling weak. Drink lots of water and in 2-3 weeks back to normal.

>> No.18086631

Honestly no but I will know for sure in about 3 days. Co-worker at the hospital is being tested.
I have also seen patients in the hospital who appeared to have it but I don't know them personally so I'll discount that.

>> No.18086665

Italian here, I don't know anyone personally having CoronaChan.
99% of people dying are old men in North Italy.

>> No.18086705

I think I have it. No cough no sore throat but my lungs hurt like a mother fucker in the morning sometimes and I cough up mucus regularly. This is serious guys. Not a schill ask questions if you want, problem is i dont know when itg goes away its been like 3 weeks since I first felt like it was incubating. Been coughing on minorities though so thats good.

>> No.18086783

hows your work there in italy?
how are you gonna pay your bills and rent?
do you have food supply?

>> No.18086836

doctor over the phone told me I have it. Didn’t give me any real test. every in person doctor has a sign outside saying go away covid patients: call this number. I call the number and they tell me I have covid and go to the ER if I need a real doctor. So I haven’t been tested

I did initially but now I dont. Im young and Im getting rekt by this. Stay home you dont want this

thanks fren

>> No.18086988



>> No.18087061

found the veg- oops i mean carnivore

>> No.18087080

Yes, someone in my WoW guild has it.

>> No.18087119

lol says s o y free on packet idiot

>> No.18087258

no one does because the disease doesn't exist it's a hoax

>> No.18087311

Day 7: death

>> No.18087330

> No cough
>Been coughing on minorities though so thats good.
which is it pal.

>> No.18087406
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>> No.18087460

Yeah my coworker has it. On day 21 of quarantine rn. Pretty fuckin bizarre. I never developed symptoms and wasn't tested so I don't know if I ever got it but I ate lunch sitting next to him on a couch for an hour or so the day before he found out he was exposed to someone with it.

He was refused tests for two weeks because when he got sick his symptoms didn't totally match. He was finally tested last week after having to be admitted to the hospital because his symptoms took a sudden turn for the worse. Dudes a fucking cut runner type guy in his late 30's.

>> No.18087462

Did you get a fever?

>> No.18087559

You don't need to be a carnivore to understand that veganism is absolutely retarded.

>> No.18087679


Idk man to each their own. I still eat lean meat but all I know is my life got so much better when I completely eliminated all dairy that shit is fucked. Feels great to have a diet where I never have to worry about taking a weird or bad shit lmao

>> No.18087726
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>> No.18087828

must suck to not be white

>> No.18087895


I definitely get sucked by white women for it but otherwise yeah it really does I miss eating cheese

>> No.18088052

So in other words you don't know if you actually have it. You realize there are literally hundreds of seasonal viral strains out there and many of them have almost the exact same symptoms.

I was sick last year with what I'd have bet a $100 on was the flu. Got tested and found out it wasn't the flu, rhino, or any other common seasonal virus, but something entirely different. Quit saying you have it when you have no fucking clue.

>> No.18088411
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Why do you aussie morons flock to banff/whistler/other tourist trap mountain shitholes in leafland? It's cold as fuck there. Are you retarded or something?

>> No.18088457

No, but I have the common cold which is basically the same thing

>> No.18088958

Yeah, multiple pts in my ICU lel.

>> No.18089061

How bad is it really? Is it really that bad?

>> No.18089088

Could be just stress. Two weeks ago I had a sore throat (which almost never happens to me without a cold developing a few days later) with lots of mucus that developed into a breathing discomfort for 4-5 days (like having to always manually breath), but I'm still not convinced that was it. Apparently 10% of patients never develop a fever though.

>> No.18089094

You're a retard even at 105 he's dead

>> No.18089156

It depends, only one is young but he has significant comorbidities.

It isn't as bad as you think but it isn't good either. I had a 9yo die of H1N1 like 2 weeks back, humans are extremely fragile. I would suggest NEETing it up.
kek even a prolonged 106 fever cooks your brain, my friend. 105 is when I start running chilled NS and ordering ice water enemas.

>> No.18089429
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3 of my coworkers caught it

>> No.18089569

Picked up a bug last year that gave me epic pneumonia. Fever peaked at 105°. Drove myself to urgent care in fever dilerium. 2 1gal bags of ice completely melted on my neck during the 15 min drive. My lungs were fucked for 6 weeks after the fever broke. 34, smoker, otherwise very physically fit. Shit was no joke.

>> No.18089585

Thanks. I wanted a expert opinion. Because I felt like it was being exaggerated in the News.

>> No.18089611

Know a couple people that have it due to flying back about a week ago. It sucks but it's nothing you won't be able to overcome unless you get super unlucky. Worst part is the tiredness and breathlessness which can last days if you're unlucky. For the ppl I know it only lasted a day or so. But it literally feels like you're dying I've been told..

>> No.18089680

>I did initially but now I dont. Im young and Im getting rekt by this. Stay home you dont want this
Yep. Same thing the people I know who have it said.

>> No.18089703

its fake

>> No.18089734

look at all of that packaging for 2 stupid shitty fake beef patties. no wonder this world is littered with microplastic

>> No.18089819

so you dont know that he had it u brainlet

>> No.18089850

Why would they use onions? Retard

>> No.18089933

Use the metric system.

>> No.18089989

favorite run? whistler bowl made me shat my pants .. also wishing you well fren