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18082607 No.18082607 [Reply] [Original]

Buy land and slap a mobile home onto it you worthless niggers. Total cost 30k-40k tops. That's two years rent. You have no excuse other than "muh city life." You chose to live in the rat's next. Learn how to budget, learn basic home maintenance, and gtfo if you want to own your own space.

t. not a landlord but some of the brainoid wagie cope is abhorrent

>> No.18082628

im a landlord

>> No.18082682

I make 25k a year you stupid fag.

>> No.18082713

Still gotta pay lot fees. Which can be upwards of full rent sometimes.

>> No.18082763

good luck finding tenants with 40% unemployment you fucking trenchbrain

buying RE right now is the dumbest shit you could possibly do

>> No.18082778

dunked $5k of rent on two landlords, dodged these motherfuckers

moved to a new country, life is good, fuck landlords!
>you can't possibly get away with this
yes i can and i did

>> No.18082856

Read nigger, I mean just owning your own personal property, not BECOMING a landlord with several properties.

>> No.18083125

Or you could just hold PM or crypto and buy that same land for much, much less in 2-5 years

>> No.18083380
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It seems we're on the same page after all, you and I

>> No.18083451

Black, two sugars. And hurry the fuck up.

>> No.18083462

Based. I'm only making 36k a year. I'm going to be poor my entire life huh?

>> No.18083494

A private in the army can make more than that

>> No.18083499


>> No.18083514

AND can die for Israel.

>> No.18083588

Save what you can and try to make more, maybe invest a little, what do you want us to tell you?

>> No.18083614

>landkikes are called out for being the parasites they are
>their only responses are either "you're poor lol" or "why don't you just become a parasite yourself bro"
>have yet to hear any response that actually defends their position in society as something of value rather than 100% parasitic

>> No.18083622

but why bother when i could literally live rent free for the next year on the landlords dime? If enough people do it that landlord won't be a lord of anything at all.

>> No.18083645

>Buy land
>Put mobile home down
>Get sued by neighborhood association for violating neighborhood bylaws
>Have your home seized by the courts and destroyed
>Be forced to pay court fees

>Be sued by county for violating housing guidelines
>Have home seized, etc.

What, you think you live in the land of the free? Your rights end where others can see you.

>> No.18083678

Anyone arguing this point is an idiot. It was argued more than 100 years ago and was totally crushed by society. It's an invalid argument that has been proven to be a failure.


>> No.18083948

A roof over your head without any of the risks that come with ownership is not something of value? Are you literally fucking retarded?

>> No.18084000

Property can be used freely, including by renting said property for money.
Landlords either bought their properties and had to work, or they inherited it. In both case their property is legitimate, if you're jealous do as they did, you or your grand children will enjoy the same benefits

>> No.18084060

Very good point too, the rentee has a lot of freedom as he can live wherever with no concern for the land, while if he lived in his own home he should bother with buying or renting before moving to another place.

>> No.18084105

Nearly all land owned today was stolen at some point. The claim is illegitimate.

>> No.18084124

real estate is priced in for a 4 year recession, which isn't going to happen

learn how markets work

>> No.18084146

Land of the free.

>> No.18084157

Cry me a fucking river. You want some reparations for shit that happened hundreds of years ago faggot? To the victor go the spoils.

>> No.18084194

As a realtor, I absolutely hate "neighborhood associations" and I seriously wish to just kill everyone on the boards of these damn things. They are worse than Nazis and should be purged.

>> No.18084456
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Fair enough. Don't cry when I take it from you then landy.

>> No.18084477

And who’s fault is that?

>> No.18084596

The only thing I like about these threads are top buiyers seething at poorfags. This was the most obvious bubble in history and if you bought after 2015 you are gonna be hurting.

>> No.18084623

I make 9k in one year

>> No.18084641

Ok. But what does that have to do with telling you to get a job and stop being a parasite?

>> No.18084690

Get that land out in the sticks somewhere, the further away from the city the cheaper (and better). Then by another home and rent it out, become what you hate the most and see how much you enjoy reaping the benefits of making wise decisions

>> No.18084734

>Risk of ownership

The only risk the landlord is taking is that he finally needs to get a fucking job.

>> No.18084775
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>reality: just sit on a base doing nothing while getting paid and later have free healthcare, college, and great house buying opportunities plus boomers are more likely to hire you

>> No.18084830


I know so many people that are over leveraged so they could buy a McMansion/Shoebox condo in the city/investment home. I have no sympathy for them. I know literal bartenders that own 2 or more properties. Now they will get crushed.

>> No.18084836

They face a very real risk of not having any tenants and holding the bag on an illiquid asset that loses them money every month and they don't need.

People that rent out properties they own really aren't that bad. People always need rentals. But these retards that borrowed money to buy an investment house are gonna get absolutely fuckin justed.

>> No.18085022

>an illiquid asset that loses them money every month and they don't need.
>loses them money

Absolutely wrong though, since your fellow landlords are buying up so much property house prices keep raising. So your net worth keeps going up regardless whether you rent them out or not. My demented aunt's net worth increases more per year then most couples combined salary.

>> No.18085084
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ATTENTION ALL TENANTS. let me explain this to you in very clear terms even your ignorant wagie mind can understand. you will pay my rents. i don't care if it's a week late. i don't care if it's a month late. BUT. YOU. WILL. PAY. MY. RENT. it's inescapable, a fact of life, as certain as you living out the rest of your miserable and inconsequential life in constant poverty. if you don't pay, you will be taken to court. your credit will be ruined. the full weight of the terrible jewish apparatus -- THE AMERICAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM -- will crush you with unimaginable violence until there is simply nothing left. your credit will be ruined. your meager savings will be bankrupted. your name and your reputation will be utterly destroyed. you will have no recourse, no hope, nowhere to turn. IF, HOWEVER, you beg and plead and cry and writhe, i just might put in a good word for you with my slumlord buddies. we are a generous bunch, you know.

>> No.18085309

So do you still rent?

>> No.18085354

They keep the niggers out

>> No.18085364

>it'll go up forever bro

>> No.18085416

How would a landlord ruin the tenants credit?
Can you report them to the credit bureaus?

>> No.18085484

>buy land outside the city
>slap a mobile home onto it
>spend about $300/mo to finance all of that
>add 3 hours to commute in rush hour traffic
>3 hours * $25/hr * 20 days per month
>waste $1500/mo in labor commuting
>that doesn't even include gas/auto depreciation/maintenance
>$300/mo housing, $1500/mo commute, $200/mo auto expenses

You're spending $2000/mo to live in a trailer when you could get an apartment for a lot cheaper or househack instead.

And that's if you make $25/hr. The math gets worse the more you make.

>> No.18085502

Bravo, good sir!

>> No.18085640

That's why I think it's a bubble and didn't buy a house when I could have. As soon as the tenants don't have jobs, the whole scheme collapses/

>> No.18085778
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kill yourself

>> No.18086895
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Good way to get yourself shot

>> No.18087310
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>> No.18088336

First of all what you call legitimacy is a mere construction of a mind, it doesn't actually exist and you shouldn't refer to it as if it did.

Second of all, if that was exact nobody can trace back to the descendent of the pretended original owner the land was stolen from, and the present owners have nothing to do with the so called past theft, so why they should be blamed for it?

>> No.18088629

don't forget property taxes

>> No.18088770

a bunch of tenants stopped paying rent cause they lost their jobs and they asked me to join in to help so I did. I didn't even lose my job lmao

Now evictions have been put on hold and the apartment owners are fucked kek. I'm just pocketing the difference. pretty soon these landlords are gonna start going under and I'll be buying their properties for pennies on the dollar

>> No.18088785


>> No.18088813
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>> No.18088835

Nah im good living with my dad in his paid-off condo that i will one day inherit

>> No.18089044

Landlords BTFO

>> No.18089066 [DELETED] 
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You never needed to pay rent. You can easily just suck a penis. It will take less than an hour

>> No.18089178

And getting what rent if no one is paying ?

>> No.18089208
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>living in someone else's house on someone else's property
>refuse to pay them
>they are the parasite

>> No.18089870

>That's two years rent.
its four

>> No.18090394

Post IQ