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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1807660 No.1807660 [Reply] [Original]

How you fucked up and are recovering stories.

>enter college with no sense of what student loans actually means
>graduate honors in crappy history and psychology major
>80k in student loans, paying 650 in student loans of month with 40k salary in NYC working a law firm.
>I'm fucked.... go to law school at average state school with full scholly
>family finances disappear, need to drop out after 1st year with top 20% gpa because no financial support. Living off ramen noodles and eggs last 2 months. Highly unhealthy and sicke

>6 months unemployment, highly depressed. One private student loan goes in default worth 13k. Get sued

>Pick up job knocking on doors selling solar panels. Make some money doing something I fucking hated and gave me loads of anxiety because I'm highly Introverted
>get call from bulge bracket bank doing AML compliance for 20 an hour contract position
>work ass off for 6 months, pay off defaulted loan.
>get hired full time making 55k with benefits
>return to school part time on full scholly focusing on business and tax law
>moved out of home in NYC borough
>killed my first semester back with deans list and acing federal income tax class (only A)

Plans are move to new job in summer making 70k in financial
Compliance and focus on tax law classes. Go for LLM or work in advisory at a big4. Life has been tiring but I'm happy now

>> No.1807665
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>gpa not high enough for uni and i didnt want loans so i fell for the gap year meme
>1 year turned to 2 and i only have 3k savings
>tfw too poor
If i dont kms ill start community college this fall

>> No.1807674

Community college to get your associates is a very good idea. What is wrong with it ?

>> No.1807794

How the fuck do you get 80k in debt as an undergraduate?

>> No.1807797


>> No.1807811

>National Merit Scholar semi-finalist in high school
>GPA was wonky because I didn't want to do homework but aced all the essays and tests because I still knew the material front and back, so I didn't make finalist
>Won full-rides to numerous schools
>Go to mid-tier college as act of spiteful rebellion against the elitist pretension of the other Universities that were scouting me
>Put pressure on myself with extracurricular activities like writing full length novels and doing Studs Terkel style interviews for a non-fiction to prove that I have chops as a professional
>Financial pressure on me due to issues with scholarship stuff
>Start to slowly sink into depression
>Start drinking all night and sleeping all day
>Cut class
>Drink more
>Drop out
>Gain 80 lbs (normally about 200)
>Start digging myself out
>Lost over 40 of those lbs, losing about 2-3 per week steadily
>Still losing, on track to be back to normal
>Can already run a full mile now even though still fat, working up toward 3 miles
>Working on online admission to an Ivy League program
>Publishing an anthology of Novellas this week and a second one next week as a leadup to my first novel
>Joining the military to work and see the world
>Use TA to help pay for my online classes
>When I get out I'll have my degree, money set aside, and a house purchased with a VA loan

It's never too late to dig yourself out.

>> No.1807959

Everytime I've fucked up in high school and university I got lucky and none of those exams counted towards my qualifications so I've never had to recover desu :^)

>> No.1807973

I've always wanted to go to law school but people always say the law field is over saturated and being a lawyer isn't as cool as it used to be.

Do you have any advice for determining if it is the right fit before I spend my time as well as tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars on a law degree?

I currently have a degree in economics and make $55k/yr doing data meme work for a big company.

I'm getting kind of bored sitting in a cube doing the same thing all day. I had originally started college with the goal of being a lawyer in mind but I talked myself out of it.

>> No.1807976

>Be working white collared job fresh out of school
>I'm an introvert, really quiet
>I do communicate work related issues, but otherwise don't talk much
>Manager is turbo-normie to the extreme
>About three weeks after start, I get called into the manager's office
>"Anon, you're really quiet, you need to talk more so it doesn't effect team morale."
>In nicer words, I inform turbo-normie manager while I like everyone on the team, I just don't care about Katie's kids or John's dogs or anything about their personal lives.
>He doesn't care, pretty much tells me to turn normie or I'll be fired.
>Try my best, but always find myself reverting back to my quiet self.
>For the next month or two, always get called into his office for the same talks (be more normie or you're gonna be fired).
>Eventually see that manager is figuratively putting more workload on my table.
>Much more than what can be accomplished in the time constraints they gave me (they didn't like OT, so I had to try to keep my numbers to 40 hours a week).
>Express concern to manager, he comes back with the old "that's what's expected here, anon" type lines.
>Eventually start getting called into office for both the mistakes in my work (since I was rushing to get shit done) and my quietness.
>Can't take it anymore.
>One weekend I decide that I'd rather drive off a bridge than clock in anymore at that job.
>Do no call, no show that Monday.

In hindsight, that no call, no show could have fucked me over. Fortunately, a month later I got a new job offer, at a company who doesn't give two shits about my social anxiety as long as I do my work well, which I do.

>> No.1807988

Oh fuck your social anxiety you fucking pussy. Man the fuck up. Drink a little booze before work to loosen yourself up you fucking little bitch.

>> No.1807993
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Hi there, Mr. Edgelord

>> No.1808010

>took over a failing small business for the cost of assuming all liabilities
>dump my entire life savings into business for debt retirement, machinery purchases and packaging upgrades
>3 years in: making $8,000 a year and living on a couch in the office, generally feeling like suicide
>year 4 finally start landing profitable accounts
>year 5 start investing in real estate
>current year (6) land even more accounts, hiring people, buying more investment real estate, six figure income

Almost seriously quit 3 times, now on track to be a millionaire in about 18 months. Sometimes you gotta go all in and hold on for dear life.

>> No.1808016

>doesn't want to talk about trivial and unimportant things
>somehow he's a bitch for that
lmao normies can't understand that some people do not give two shits about your wife or kids.

>> No.1808047

>Drink a little booze before work to loosen yourself up you fucking little bitch.

Kek alcoholic confirmed

>> No.1808073

how old are you. I'm 30 and I want to enlist. Am i too old considering it's peacetime for US?

>> No.1809225

Fug man is this what awaits me in the job market?

I cannot stand normies

>> No.1809235

Fellow nonfinalist here for the same reason. I hate ourselves.

>> No.1809254

>kinda a pothead in high school but got good grades and test scores
>not that ambitious so go to urban state school so I could live in the city
>develop great academic network and excel in university
>studying liberal arts program because that's what I'm passionate about
>get offered PhD admission after graduation
>have sudden change of heart and turn down the position
>work as delivery driver after graduation barely making ends meet
>family problems make me move back home to bumfuck nowhere
>work shitty jobs in local restaurants
>finally move back to city with decent job I have no experience in
>end up working 70hrs a week with no OT pay
>end up getting fired for not getting all the work done on time
>go back to being delivery driver for a few months
>write a deceptive resume and finally land white collar office job
>get promoted and take over a regional office

Life is still sometimes stressful, but I've come a long way. Still living paycheck to paycheck, but that's because I'm a reckless spender and also an alcoholic

>> No.1809297


At the same time, it really isn't all that hard to just nod your head and smile. Most people just want to be listened to is all. It's not hard to play the game and you aren't somehow better for not doing it, you're just a sperglord.

>> No.1809300

Didn't fuck up too bad, just dicked around too long. Back in school graduating this year at 27. Should've done it sooner but I'm confident with my year of internship experience I'll have a job lined up before I graduate.

>> No.1809312

Kek. I've seen you solar panel guys when I was doing d2d. I can honestly say they trained you like shit. Not to mention the cuck I talked to who was selling solar was all "Nah man, I'm helping the environment".

Of course, I quit d2d so I'm a fucking NEET right now so that's how I'm fucking up.

>> No.1809348

Dude you know that death is on your shoulder and there is no time to waste in life on listening to such trival hypnotic fucking blabering that makes you degenerate into void.

>> No.1809356

>write a deceptive resume and finally land white collar office job

They didn't check that information in your resume? I assume you've lied about your previous working experience in that case it's very easy to check either by phone call or online. Or they ask for references.
Anyway, I'm in worse position than you, because i'm still in the fuck up stage. Been without job for several years, living from savings and odd jobs, i can't even figure out what to do.

>> No.1809540
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> graduate hs in 2013
> into CC because parents told me they refused to pay for the first 2 years of GE at the university level
> excited and ready to learn
> do okay, just getting used to everything, namely time management
> at the end of the semester doctor says im going to need corrective mandibular surgery if I want to live a better life
> say okay, and get my braces on in prep for the surgery
> next semester become the person I always wanted to be in hs: getting good grades, have a chill job, made tons of friends, partying every week, experimenting with every drug in a responsible manner and safe environment, experiment with my own daily habits to become insanely efficient and productive.
> everything comes crashing down
> friends get arrested, the surgery I was supposed to have gets delayed for an unspecified amount of time (its literally and month to month situation of the doctor telling I might be ready)
> can't get a job bc I might need to quit only a few weeks in, and constantly having doc appointments
> become severely depressed, start binge eating, waste all my money gain 60 lbs
> feel like this is never gonna end, get very discouraged
> fail my classes
> next semester I finally have the surgery, start getting healthy and working out
> get shit job but money is money
> aaaannnnddd summer of 2016 slaughters me
> working night shift at gas station, so metabolism is all fucked up
> eat bc im miserable, gain 100 lbs and waste away my money on booze
> fall into suicidal depression as I realized I have accomplished nothing especially since I felt like things would be different post surgery
> watch all my hs friends get diplomas and jobs while im still at home, broke with no money
> fuck up last semester and my alcoholism grows

It's now 2017 and Im 120 lbs over weight and have nothing to show for the past 4 years. My parents want me to send me to uni with my brother, but part of me just wants to start over, away from them, away from this, away from who I was.

>> No.1810981

>always a very good student up to about 10th grade
>honor roll, gifted program, advanced classes, etc.
>just stopped giving a shit at some point
>started taking classes at community college in 11th grade through a state program to get "advanced" students college credit while still in high school
>realize no one takes attendance in community college
>stop going to classes
>get a retail job 20 hours a week and do that instead of class
>blow the money on stupid things and just fuck around most of the day
>end up not having enough credits to graduate high school
>parents find out and are pissed
>end up fucking around at community college for another year getting barely passing grades to finish my high school credits
>move out and try to make a living as a musician for a couple years
>living in squalor with a bunch of self loathing druggies
>not into drugs, got sick of these people
>crawl back to parents and ask for help going back to school
>they let me live at home rent free while i pay for school
>go back to community college and get really good grades in business pre reqs for a year
>transfer to a good university
>finish my business degree in two years
>get a job paying $50k
>several years later, i'm making six figures, own a house and have a net worth over half a million due to good investments

>> No.1811027

I'm about to.
Im 23 and in my second to last year of pharmacy school on a full ride.
I'm terrified about the job market 10yrs from now and ready to blow my fucking brains out.
Posted in another thread that I'm contemplating just rushing for a Bsc in CS at a nearby college.
I have no CS knowledge though and am going to try and teach myself some over this semester.
I'm just so fucking tired of everything and wish I was 18 again.

>> No.1811038

breh you fucked up by not starting community college to start deciding your path foward, "time off" is for richfags who could put their time to good use or individuals who have valuable trades or skills they can be learning. you fell for the meme so get ur ass in school this summer before you turn old and tired and NEET-JUST.

>> No.1811055

have fun getting deployed to god knows and having to live in spit and piss during wartime, unless of course you are in the United States Air Force.

>> No.1811057


>> No.1811183

>fell for the gap year meme

Unironcially this was probably the biggest mistake of your life

>> No.1811315

Could use some advice.

>> No.1811377
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>60k job i hate
>in a top mba program
>CFA level 1 exam this summer
>busy 24/7 studying and working
>every day i fantasize more about going neet hermit in nebraska

and ill never, never ever, save enough for financial independence needed to fulfill my dream.

i just want to live in bumfuck nowhere for 30k a year plugged in 24/7

i just want to game again.

>> No.1811406

I screenshot this, and I'm going to print and place this over my bed this has inspired me more than anything honestly. Seriously thank you.

>> No.1811798
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How I fucked up - everything

How I recovered - Invested in OWCP

>> No.1811809

haha much big dunklefonkers

>> No.1811936

Damn, congrats man.

>> No.1811948

Absolutely do not go to law school unless it is a t14 school. Aim for HYS and CCN.

Best way to get into Harvard law is by having over a 3.85 GPA and killing the LSAT

>> No.1812154

Why are you scared of the job market, what have you been hearing?
My uncle is a pharmacist and has repeatedly encouraged people to go into pharmacy.
I can ask him a specific question if you have one.

Side note tho, my uncle has mentioned the rise of pharmacy schools around the country. This does cause a bit of flooding within the market, especially when it was insanely competitive back in his day 3 decades ago. He said when he did his undergrad, there were only 4 pharmacy schools in California, and they therefore only accepted the best and the brightest.
Just the other day he told me about a physician who had a son who got like a 3.5 in his undergrad bio major last year. He still got into pharmacy school, but it was at some no name college in Washington.
I imagine your wondering how it will be to compete with all the other pharmacists who might not have stellar GPAs right?

>> No.1812156

This is exactly what an edgy sperg lord would say.

>> No.1812161

Never join the military with the expectations of peacetime.

>> No.1812193

>put friends numbers down as "supervisor" etc
>do enough research that they are convincing if called

Lots of people do this, the company isn't going to hire a PI to check you out

>> No.1812227


>> No.1812271
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>Spent 20's working a job I hated (retail) out of high school
>Had awesome grades despite my hardcore wow addiction, moved out of home at 18 due to family issues (absent father / alcoholic schizophrenic mother), so had to work to survive. Then when I was 19 work was like hey, want a 65k aud a year job (10 years ago), which was more than I would make in any grad job at the time
>Spend my youth earning great money but being miserable, and not dealing with my unresolved emotional shit, instead partying all the time, end up in a 70k debt hole thanks to drugs, loaning money to people who never repaid it, a failed business and living beyond my means
>End up moving into a shitty share house with strangers at 28, want to kms hardcore, refinance my debt and start learning about money
>Within 3 months knock 10k off my debt living like a shut in (work, gym, food, that's it)
>Realize it's going to take 18 months of living like this, decide fuck that
>Somehow end up following the election, look at the odds, realize Trump is likely to win
>Decide I want to be out of debt, and buy a R35 GTR (about 100k used here in aus)
>Borrow 80k, slap it down on Trump (at 4 - 1 / 4.5 - 1 odds), clear a 250k profit 10 days later, tax free too, wipe my debt, 190k in the bank
>mfw you realize dave ramsay is a cuck, and the solution to debt is actually more debt
>Start trading shares using the same analysis methods I used to follow the election, first month made 13k, could have made 24k had I used TA to time my trade exits better (I have no issue finding opportunity, I just need to develop the financial literacy to better exploit them)
>Made 4k today on my first derivatives trade (Fuck yeah VOC awesome results and shorter's getting fucked

The question now is, do I quit my job? I fucking hate it, but the idea of just trading and 'figuring it out' scares me a bit, (even though I have 17k cleared cash money, another 4k on paper, as proof that I can do this shit). What do?

>> No.1812285

I want to ask you to teach me your ways but I feel like your IQ is just significantly higher so it may be fruitless.

>> No.1812291

oh hey, saw you in another thread
fyi you're now a legend to my group of friends you fucking madman

I'd spend the money going to the state I wanna live in, get a good apartment and work on getting a job
I want to work with (for me that's house construction and renovation)
you should figure out what you wanna do in life and go for it man, no use in wasting away for nothing

>> No.1812296

The gap year puts you at a disadvantage when you could have worked a job to gain experience or at least gone to community college to get some credits

>> No.1812315

That and the closing of stores and automation.
You need 2 years of residency to work in a hospital.
The workforce is already saturated with the BLS outlook under 3 and tons of people on Indeed and sdn saying not to pursue the profession.
Yeah I'll make good money but what happens in 10-20 years?
I'll be just like those people, halfway through a career that I can no longer work in due to the labor market and technological advances.
I'm just terrified of the future and if I were 18 again I never would have done this.
It's gotten to the point where I forget to eat and has caused me psychological issues.

>> No.1812377

Please elaborate. What type of business? Did you advertise more? How did you get customers? Any practical advise?

>> No.1812393

not really a fuckup but i got married at 23 and my wife doesn't work so..

>get rejected from engineering program
>do a shitty bio degree
>have to get a job because i want to be together with my then gf and take care of her
>work as a lab tech making 15/hr to start
>parents end up making my student loan and car insurance payments, as well as gifting me money once in a while
>crawl up the ladder in a few different shady companies over the next 3 years, get by because i'm just better than everyone there with a computer and learning regulations
>finally got a decent office job in a pharmaceutical company at 25, but only as a temp
>a year later they are shutting down and i'm panicking for another position

i am qualified for a decent 80k salary position but one has to open up....meanwhile rent has gone up 40% in the same time period, health insurance is a nightmare for spouses who don't work, and my parents are getting p. old

>> No.1812420

Yeah.... you really fucked up.
Why doesn't your wife work?

>> No.1812459


Good for you. Companies who can't respect a variety of personality types (within reason) deserve to lose capable employees.

I am open about how little I care about the lives of other people, because they do not interest me. I spend my paid time off out of the country and doing things that I enjoy. They spend their money on cigarettes and kids.

>> No.1812489

who knows, something about being traditional. i think she just isn't confident in herself, since she has a masters degree and is from a family of entrepreneurs/financial experts.

if she gets there she'll get there, we'll probably have kids soon so it might not matter. my real fuckup was not learning to code or write professionally until 25 and being a pussy when it comes to presenting myself to a company. i've been more creative and efficient than people making 3x what i do consistently, let alone my colleagues who normally could drag out a ~3 page report 20, 30+ days over what i would take to do it.

>> No.1812496

>be a 12 year old immigrant, used to be popular, many friends, etc.
>become introverted, depressive, suicidal through adolescence, decide to join military after high school, maybe i'll make friends or die.
>high school finishes, i tell my parents. mom signs me up for community college, fills out forms for scholarships
>tells me to try it. it's free, keep living at home, get around 3-4k a semester from the paperwork she filled out
>fail all my classes the first year, don't care, don't even show up most days
>find a lib arts class that catches my attention second year. become obsessed with topic
>straight As. need a third year to retake classes from 1st year. All As. Get into uni to finish BA
>get into grad school, TAship not enough, need loans, form nice clique, become extroverted again, but hate academia
>plan to write a book then off myself before 35. the thought is comforting.
>meet girl, she's perfect. i try to resist, because muh plans. fall for her, steady for 2 years now.
>have to start think long term, which means making money. get on /biz/ start teaching at community colleges (lul)
>writing up essays for publication and conferences, trying to rev up my cv
>today. not there yet, but building life on hopes for a better and normie life, instead of secret plans to off myself before shtf

>> No.1812790


>> No.1812891

Could use some advice.
I'm going batshit.

>> No.1812893

You're not too old but you are pushing it. The age limits are different with each branch so I would join soon if you really want to before you are too old.

>> No.1812911

I scroll down this thread and all I see is BAWWW! BAWWW! BAWWW!! MY FEEFEES ARE STOPPING ME! BAWWW!!

Stop what you're doing and go to your Community College's website and enroll if you haven't already.

>> No.1812916

I did work a job though. Isnt that the point of a gap year?

>> No.1813078

What online school are you doing? I joined right out if highschool cause too poor for college and fuck loans

>> No.1813129

reminder that suicide is always an option.

>> No.1813135

This guy I completely respect as a Gen X but also its these stories Millennials don't seem to really understand imho. You didn't have a hard life ONLY because of Boomers you did because you didn't take that easy af PhD opportunity because you'd rather take the easy road of just delivering stuff.

Still, I respect that you hustled and it sounds like you worked very VERY hard so props.

I am just pointing out that it seems like almost everyone here had an opportunity they just let slip and its almost always a mistake.

FWIW its a FULL RIDE. Your college is actually paying you 40K a year to go learn. Worst case scenario you waste 1-3 years of your life. You'll have 0 debt if you get a job as a Pharm Tech. Don't waste a huge opportunity, only to throw it away over anxiety issues, then what happens? You switch degrees but no full ride? The Pajeets takes yer jerbs? You need to go to the Navy like that one guy?

Go get your MBA as a backup plan. MBA/Pharm is a tight combo. You can do Finance/Hospital Admin instead.

Also if your GPA was fucking good enough for full ride you could probably go into any form of DO, PA, Dentist, PT, or whatnot. Unless you love computers.

Seriously, I listened to the internet too but then it just made me do nothing. Remember that Pharmacists are women most of the time now, they don't want to see a man make it. They also don't want their profession to get MORE diluted so they lie about the job market because they want people to give up. They are liars with ulterior motives.

You are literally one of 100 people on Earth who can do that. Do that more.

This sounds good, just have kids find a decent girl and you'll end your suicidal dreams right quick. You are honestly living a beautiful life, don't disrespect yourself like that. A lot of assholes deserve to die before you. Stop listening to 4chan about women, this thinking is destroying your generation.

>> No.1813464

how did you get a data meme job with a degree in econ?
currently graduated with my econ degree, i have some experience with econometrics work, but I'm currently unemployed

>> No.1813475 [DELETED] 

posts like this terrify me
I already graduated with an econ degree and i'm looking at jobs in NYC for financial services, that type of shit, but I know that all I really want to do is sit in my room and play video games. I basically went full hermit mode in high school because of a shitty relationship with my parents and it's hard to break out of this behavior pattern.

>> No.1813491

The only reason to get married is to have children. The only excuse for not working is children. She needs to start pumping some babies out.

>> No.1813496



>> No.1813501

>Always had it easy in school, top grades, but schools in my country are bad at challenging students.
>Take a year off before university where I work at a chemical plant.
>Start doing physics at a top university.
>Difficulty is upped more than expected.
>Fail some exams, but quickly recover with good grades. Had to learn things I now take for granted like logic used in proofs.
>Hardcore course in physics makes me realize I'm not good at physics so I switch to mathematics.
>That, plus working hard the following summer, results in a burnout. Also having trouble adapting to living alone. Stopped working out.
>I don't realize how little I study. When I do study I don't really get anything done.
>I get easily annoyed with my friends to a degree that makes me react to what's going on.
>At this point half a year has passed me by without passing any courses. I missed exams because I couldn't get up in the morning.
>Jaw surgery to fix my teeth during Christmas.
>During recovery I book a trip to Tokyo. I start cooking actual food. I feel happy like never before.
>Get my first girlfriend.
>Start reading books, get into economics and finance.
>Everything is going great.

>> No.1813550

Fucking retard, everything you've done is pure luck. Keep living like this and you'll be suicidal again in 3 years.

>> No.1813558
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>Switched majors 3 times, all shit majors (French, Theatre, English). Should've majored in something pratical and do the things I love as a hobby only
>Decide to finish up English degree since I've been at uni for 6 years and the debt I'm accumulating is stressing me out
>Originally pursued the degree b/c I thought I could be an ESL (except I eventually realized teaching isn't for me)
>Living with parents, working part time as a dishwasher, recently diagnosed with bipolar which has been making school hard for me
>Been interested in finance for about a year, been reading books about it but never taken any classes for it
>Applied to a shitton of internships
>Got accepted into a financial advisor internship

M-maybe I still have a chance at a decent life famalam...

>> No.1813565

*Be an ESL teacher