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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 276 KB, 1787x1650, donald-trump-august-2019-e1566168925130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18057609 No.18057609 [Reply] [Original]

The crazy son of a bitch did it. New stock market high by Easter.

Dow soars 11% in best day since 1933 as stimulus deal nears https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/markets/dow-soars-11percent-in-best-day-since-1933-as-stimulus-deal-nears/ar-BB11DCB1

>> No.18057694

And they havent even agreed on stimulus yet. They are just talking about keeping the market open.

Imagine when they actually DO something.

>> No.18057719

Isn't that literally the year the great depression started?

>> No.18057722

Yep I am literally crying right now, never doubt this man

>> No.18057734

hell yeah dude inflate the bubble again what's the worst that can happen

>> No.18057760
File: 132 KB, 633x758, EOGEiNOUYAAkoEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best day since the great depression
wErE saVeD!!

>> No.18057766

Astonishing how stupid people can be considering were delaying the inevitable. Why would someone choose short term gains over long term pain. You dumb fucks are still going to be alive for the collapse however, you might have an extra 20k to survive it yet now it will just be worse.

>> No.18057770


>> No.18057782


>> No.18057792

>Why would someone choose short term gains over long term pain

Probably going to die from plague soon - better choose long term!

>> No.18057804

literal ooga booga reply, not surprising considering how many niggers shill for trump nowadays

>> No.18057809

>Why would someone choose short term gains over long term pain

It's called an exit strategy, the only way non dividend yielding securities can pay off.

>> No.18057829

I see retardation. It can't be a joke
>it must be stupidity

>> No.18057836

trump is so good no wonder everyone hates him

>> No.18057916
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Sure think, fag.

>> No.18057943
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>> No.18057962

There's no way this is close to being over.

"Everything shut down for two weeks, then everything went back to normal"

C'mon. That's retarded.

>> No.18057965


>> No.18057978
File: 259 KB, 1280x1080, 1534746146181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wonder what it's going to take before trumplets actually see the truth of the situation. I can't tell if these guys are paid by the state or if they're just unironically retarded.

>Still no cure for the coronavirus
>Initial restrictions on travel and lockdowns were merely reactive and not based on actual necessity
>Massive amount of asymptomatic carriers simply sitting still without any efforts to actually reduce their proliferation of the virus
>Hundreds of thousands laid off already, number will increase each day as the quarantine remains in effect, will definitely reach a million at minimum
>Tenants and landlords are already in a state of harsh tension with one another, will only get worse the second we're expected to simply return to business when a plethora of tenants will have lost tons of hours at best, lost their careers at worst
>Trump trying to force businesses to operate like normal just so that he can keep the stock market open and happy
>Mass-exposure hasn't even been possible due to quarantines, and will become a literally uncounterable certainty when you start flooding the streets with uneducated goobers who think they're all fine
>Second wave of spreading will be nightmarish by comparison, as the hospitals are already flooded without the guarantee that the virus is spreading like wildfire
>People without income will be expected to pay for their insurance or be slapped with obscenely expensive bills for testing, further plummeting the lower class's spending power into the dirt
>Several industries are already projected to feel some obscene pain as a result of circumstances we're presently pushing through, when we haven't even reached the worst of it
>Only option from that point on is to continue permitting exposure, allowing potentially millions to die, or enforce additional quarantines, which will slaughter major and minor businesses worse than it is now

I really hope you guys enjoyed the DOW bouncing up for a few days.

>> No.18057980

Dow is going less than 17500 tomorrow. Screencap this.

>> No.18058014

history is repeating itself. this is so exciting to watch

>> No.18058077

Wow, it's gone all the way up to... 20k! Almost 21k!

>> No.18058144
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>I really wonder what it's going to take before trumplets actually see the truth of the situation. I can't tell if these guys are paid by the state or if they're just unironically retarded.

They'll never see it. Amerisharts are subhuman.

There were polls taken regarding the Iraq war. In 2003, 65% of normies wanted to invade Iraq. In 2011, only 30% said they wanted it. In other words, roughly 1/3rd of Americans lie through their teeth, even to themselves, to feel better. And they are legitimately incapable of self-awareness.

Amerisharts make things up in order to soothe their egos, and their voting patterns are entirely based on that. Trump will win again in November. There is nothing that can stop him, the cattle are too deeply invested in him vicariously.

>> No.18058182

Yes. Dilate.

>> No.18058195

What's the stimulus? and isn't this a fake pump from printed money?

>> No.18058216


>Normies panic selling the bottom
>Everyone is an expert and we’re headed for a depression

Buy signal

>> No.18058221
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>Yes. Dilate.

>> No.18058255

You crazy motherfucker you get your news on MSN

>> No.18058268


oh no no no ahahaha. Ohohoho. This is gonna be Soo good.

>> No.18058293 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 413x243, d8b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no no no ahahaha. Ohohoho. This is gonna be Soo good.

>> No.18058299

damn you fell for the bait..... dilate

>> No.18058321

boomers stupidity knows no limit

LOL. Thanks for proving my point diaperfur.

>> No.18058339
File: 1.15 MB, 680x1671, 1582426878731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damn you fell for the bait.

>> No.18058349

History doesn't repeat itself

>> No.18058373

this is called "milking lady liberty for all she's worth"

>> No.18058376

You can't even recognize one of your own reddit trolls, retard.

>> No.18058377

There's no way this is not a bubble popping, I knew it.

>> No.18058406

My god you trump niggers are dumb

>> No.18058411

Fuck you Israel

>> No.18058414

you forgot the basedjak.
I figured you would use them, you did spend thousands to have that folder commissioned right?

>> No.18058418

we have the best president don't we folks?

>> No.18058433

No, I just used one to make fun of your cringe way of posting. Are you done coping yet?

>> No.18058435

How much are you jews getting paid to post here??

>> No.18058460


>> No.18058480

Whatever Trump pays his cheap mexican shills i'm guessing

>> No.18058504
File: 60 KB, 810x183, earlier one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you later.

>> No.18058512

Beep boop. Yikes. Beep boop.

You first diaperfur.

>> No.18058549

Yes, cringe and cope. You must hear those words often.

>> No.18058568

The way you use greentext clearly betrays that you come come /r/the_donald
begone reddit scum

>> No.18058581

>BTC up 75% since the bottom on massive volume
>Dow has its best day in 90 years

It’s bottomed. Don’t overthink it.

>> No.18058584

Not really because I don't hang out around stinky 4channers

>> No.18058595

Don't worry, at the time seventy percent of people thought Saddam was involved in 9/11 without evidence and even at the time foreign and probably some US media was calling it out, but nobody in the government or major media tried to stop it.
It's worse than you think.

>> No.18058598

>killed 10% of how many die to flu every year
>99% of those who died were over 50
>99% of those who died have at least a comorbidity
>50% had 3 or more chronic diseases
>for 99%+ of the population it's not even as bad as a proper flu

lol euro mad America will remain on top. No doubt we will have more infections, but when America is in charge, stocks. always. go. up

>> No.18058602

They're like goldfish they can't remember what even happened a week ago.

>> No.18058611

>literally admits to being a redditor
holy cringe

>> No.18058626

These people are so fucking stupid it's unbelievable

>> No.18058662
File: 14 KB, 320x240, to-serve-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want to know is, will Dolan sign this stock bump and send it to State Television too?

>> No.18058670

This pump is unstable. The market is just reacting to Trump saying everyone will be back at work soon. The fact of the matter is nothing is being produced and nothing is being bought. The economy will continue to collapse.

>> No.18058672

I just noticed you reported the wojak post you fucking pussy LMAO

>> No.18058676

no i just don't hang out with extremely online types such as yourself lmao.
>The Reddit-4chan dichotomy
Jesus Christ

>> No.18058682

Ironic given Trump sucks those Jews off

>> No.18058699

"hang out" who talks like that? Nobody "hangs out" here you failed abortion

>> No.18058703

no I didn't lmao.
can you even see reports on this website?
Chill out schizo. It's not just me that hates your Reddit image macros. I wouldn't take the time to report anything on this awful shithole, not even CP.

>> No.18058750

Yes you can see reports unless you have reddit bookmarked.

>> No.18058759

Lurk more
Lurk less

>> No.18058763

>he thinks death toll is all that matters.
Let's just forget about how the virus can result in permanent lung damage and how it can easily mutate with how extremely rapidly it spreads.

>> No.18058767

ok normie

>> No.18058769

Nice fake pump faggot

>> No.18058781

forgot that you've been social distancing your entire life my bad

cool new feature gookmoot put in glad it's here

>> No.18058789

buy on the rumour
sell on the news

>> No.18058791
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>> No.18058793
File: 1.06 MB, 1300x732, GAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled and the pandemic is dying down, can we all agree that it was dumb to panic so much?
Most countries now have left the exponential growth phase and things should be fine in one or two weeks.
What can we do to avoid a similar panic over nothing in the future. I lost some money because of this shit.

>> No.18058794

>permanent lung damage
>it was damaged a few weeks ago
How the fuck do you know that

>> No.18058818

Stop being a mindless cult sheep

>> No.18058830

Yes, everybody is distancing on websites but continue to "hang out" until you stop exposing yourself.

>> No.18058833

past few days has tested my faith in Burgers, must admit.
>roughly 1/3rd of Americans lie through their teeth, even to themselves, to feel better. And they are legitimately incapable of self-awareness
well, theres that. There's also the basic dishonesty and sheer unpleasantness of weaselly bags of garbage like Shapiro & Co.
Any country which happily sells its elders down the river for a few points on the Dow, maybe deserves whats coming to it tho.

>> No.18058857


>> No.18058867

If they do something it’s already priced in now. Also ~10% per day sounds like a bulltrap. Realeconomy if fucking dead - especially the market for services, which is the biggest part of the American economy.

Fake Money = Fake Pump

>> No.18058868

It's just getting started my dude

>> No.18058899

Happy Easter!

>> No.18058908

"The Hong Kong Hospital Authority made the findings after studying the first wave of patients who were discharged from the hospital and had fully recovered from COVID-19.

Out of 12 people in the group, two to three saw changes in their lung capacity.

"They gasp if they walk a bit more quickly," Owen Tsang Tak-yin, the medical director of the authority's Infectious Disease Centre, told a press conference Thursday, according to the South China Morning Post.

"Some patients might have around a drop of 20 to 30% in lung function" after full recovery, he said.

Tsang added, however, that patients can do cardiovascular exercises, like swimming, the improve their lung capacity over time.

While it's too early to establish long-term effects of the disease, scans of nine patients' lungs also "found patterns similar to frosted glass in all of them, suggesting there was organ damage," Tsang said, according to the Post."


>> No.18058926

Credit the Democrats for not voting the GOP's shitty stimulus package that sends money only to big corporations, who would in turn simply pocket it and continue with firings.

>> No.18058945

there's like 10 trillion extra dollars already pumped directly into the stockmarket retard

>> No.18058962

>money printer good
>balkanization good
>orange man good

>> No.18059008
File: 58 KB, 500x365, 1539823258740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money printer bad
>balkanization bad
>orange man bad
>dilate good

>> No.18059040

The US loses 30,000 people annually to flu
The world loses 500,000
We currently have 600 US deaths from corona
And 17,000 globally

China had peak incidence and recovery within three months
New cases and deaths in Italy are already declining

If we don't start seeing at least 50x the daily incident disease rate and death rate we're currently seeing it's not even as important an illness as the flu

The normal, seasonal, non-pandemic flu
That nobody even thinks about

>> No.18059158
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>dust has settled
Holy fuck I bet if the news in TV told you the moon was made of cheese you'd believe it

>> No.18059199

We don't have instant citywide shutdowns and lockdowns every time we have a flu outbreak. We literally just laugh at it. Those numbers would be dramatically lower if we shut down entire cities every time a flu flareup happened. In this particular case, the entire world is bottlenecking this virus. The numbers will expand dramatically when we open up businesses and streets again to the masses and permit mass-exposure.

>> No.18059265
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>> No.18060287

The great depression started in 1929 retard.

>> No.18060330
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>return to normal

>> No.18060355

>most top days are in downturns
>dow is an outdated index
theres enough defense of the president but this aint it chief

>> No.18060714

Comparing the flu to shanghai shivers is fucking retarded, do 5-8% of those infected die? do 17% of people who get the seasonal flu become so ill they need to be hospitalised?

The virus is nasty, the only reason people are downplaying the danger is so that you cucks don't lose the plot completely and send the world into looting and mass panic.

>> No.18060921

>infection numbers/deaths increasing every day
The dust is not settled my dude, this ride's not even at top speed yet.

>> No.18060978

New Deal 2.0 incoming.

>> No.18061041

You cannot defeat this man

>> No.18061114

This post, and others like it, are a prime example of missing the forest for the trees. You're so focused on just the death toll you can't see anything else. What do you think happens when everyone is hospitalized with corona and there's no room for other people who need help? Just because it isn't 100% lethal doesn't mean it can't screw society.

>> No.18061397

like pottery

>> No.18061439

Doomers are on suicide watch. Bears hanging themselves. The crash is over. Crisis averted. God bless the fed and get ready for the greatest bull rally you have ever seen.

>> No.18062466


When has TV news ever been wrong?

>> No.18062631

Trust the plan pedes.

>> No.18062738
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>china and israeli created virus spreads worldwide
they are desperate

>> No.18062757

kushner is a kike

>> No.18062792


>12 people tested
>only ever spotted in hong kong, by one doctor
>100k+ recovered and there are three instances of this

yeah im real worried

>> No.18062834

based npc response

>> No.18063357

libturds and bobos seething haha

>> No.18063410
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yes.... for the jews

>> No.18063450

When the fuck do I get my trumpbux?

>> No.18064458

>Any country which happily sells its elders down the river for a few points on the Dow, maybe deserves whats coming to it tho.
Those same elders sold the country itself down the river to pad their 401ks, why should anyone feel sorry for them? Let them rot in the mess of their own making.

>> No.18064477

>prevents WW3
>prevents another great depression
>prevents another spanish flu
this motherfucker will never get the credit he deserves cause he is politically incorrect on twitter

>> No.18064557

>"prevents" WW3 by backing down after Iran threatens direct strikes on Israel in retaliation for Trump assassinating a high ranking officer who was under the false impression that the US wanted to meet in good faith to discuss peace talks

>> No.18064643

>every single best day in the past century had occurred in the middle of a horrible depression
>Having one of these days is somehow a good thing

>> No.18064659


>> No.18064674

It's better than having a horrible depression WITHOUT any good days, amiright?

>> No.18064678

>blah blah blah blah blah blah
wow the left really cant meme

>> No.18065253
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>Prevents WW3
>Not almost being the cause of it

>> No.18065267
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>American education

>> No.18065276


>> No.18065286

He should get off twitter then

>> No.18065289


>> No.18065446

> Dilate
> cringe
> that’s a man
> LINK $1k EOY
> go back!
> Reddit spacing!
The Absolute state of this board

>> No.18065580

The good news: The Dow went up by 11.37% today, which is the fifth biggest percentage gain in its entire history.

The bad news: The top four gains all came during the Dow plunge of 1929-1932 that carried us into the Depression, while the next two came during the 2008 meltdown.

>> No.18065592

Trump ruined this site forever here's hoping the tourists leave after he loses

>> No.18065600

>Trump time machine confirmed.

He played the media like a damn fiddle, once again.

>> No.18065683

This. Fuck u burgers

>> No.18065736

How does a global shutdown of the economy have a smaller loss than 2008?

>> No.18065817


>> No.18065819
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>Trump ruined this site forever here's hoping the tourists leave after he loses

>> No.18065873
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>end quarantines, economy working again, but barely
>months later, clogged up hospital system and tons of young working class Americans self quarantined in their homes to battle the virus
>house of cards crashes again, this time workers are BTFO by the virus and can't go back to work (and the virus knocks people out for weeks), and the hospitals fucked, so now the damage to the system is physical

stock up faggots, social unrest is coming

>> No.18066514

Lol fag

>> No.18066564

Based America is back on top

>> No.18066584

based we are fucked here comes the rioting and looting

>> No.18066619

America is officially great again. TRUMP 2020

>> No.18066706
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>"what is a bull trap?"

>> No.18066792

If shills left there would only be like two posters per board

>> No.18066815

Be nice

>> No.18066827



>> No.18066979
File: 112 KB, 512x512, note media 2610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue between then and now are economic strategies. Back when the great depression happened people would have never considered the bailouts and hyperinflation that is taking place today. It was a much more acceptable (and correct) notion to let businesses die off and let the market recover naturally. Obviously World War production helped. We will have no saving grace this time. Which means the fed inflates and uses every tool they have to keep it from popping or we end up third world.

I am a doomer btw.

>> No.18067192

I remember these exact threads with BTC. If only i had gone short when i saw them bounce id be happier than being like OP and denying it.

>> No.18068293

>durrrrr back in granny's day we didn't help businesses fucked by natural disasters drrrrrrr
kys retard

>> No.18068422

>is slightly more unfit after being hospitalised.

Fake news

>> No.18068443

When is going to be the time to sell to get out before it all tanks?

>> No.18068504

One month ago

>> No.18068552

But if I only entered today

>> No.18068576

sell it now

>> No.18068601

>12 people total
>3 saw small changes in lung capacity after recovering from a virus that attacks lung cells
Bears really are the biggest baby bitches ever.

>> No.18068649

Holy shit you retards are fucking dumb. We had a 12% drop like last week. You know dropping 12 points one day and then gaining 12 points doesnt get you back to the same spot?

>> No.18068662

I was told they will literally take a ventilator from an old person to give to me if necessary so I'm not entirely worried about it.

>> No.18068789
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Even if the death toll is not as high as it might be, the asymptomatic spread coupled with the fear of death changes how people behave. And these changes have solid negative conomic consiquences. Prey animal fear the apex predator, even if only a few are ever killed by them vs other more numerous but "lesser" predators. Think of this virus as an Apex predator.

>imagine you are a rabbit, and there are invisible tigers
>at first you ignore this news from the long eared rabbits and continue eating carrot
>who ever heard of invisible tiger?
>suddenly a bunny on other side of field is torn to shreds, blood splattering on fur of once invisible tiger
>do you continue hopping around in the field eating carrots?
>Or do you run to and stay safe in your burrow, and wait and listen for the invisible tigers to go away?

>> No.18068891


>> No.18069393

key question:
Where are they getting those 2trillion from ?

>> No.18069405

Monetarism doesn't work.

>> No.18069445

>Any country which happily sells its elders down the river for a few points on the Dow, maybe deserves whats coming to it tho.
Not a Burger, but honestly it's not like it'd be unjustified.
Boomers /screwed/. Things. Up.

>> No.18069476

>Where are they getting those 2trillion from ?
Lurk more/actually read the news.
If you're on 4chan it's extremely likely you've got a shelter in place order or are a NEET so there's no excuse.

The 2 trillion come from the minting of 2 1 trillion platinum coins that the Fed will buy at face value from the US Mint in return for 2 trillion dollar.
These will then be used to fund the bill.

>> No.18069538

I there a way to overlay these patterns over BTC?

>> No.18069655
File: 138 KB, 683x524, 446646464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

((( they ))) knew war was coming and the economy would be saved

>> No.18069888

Basically they making everobody a bit pourer by devaluating currency to save key industries ?

>> No.18069974
File: 192 KB, 785x440, on and on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can make shitty meme comics all day my insane nazbol dude.

>> No.18070078

>Basically they making everobody a bit pourer by devaluating currency to save key industries ?
That's the long and short of it, but it's also not exactly news.
We'd probably need like 90 billion max if they'd let things collapse back in 2008 or better even never deleted Glass-Steagal, but rent seeking is just kind of how things go.
Unfortunately the only people trying to prevent corporate rent seeking are Communists, Nazis or monarchists, and all those systems are rather dodgy in other ways.
Crony capitalism is the worst system we have but the only people with a vested interest in fixing it are also a little too fond of public executions/incest/both for me to endorse them.

>> No.18070727

I've been in /wallstreetbets the past month and I can honestly say it's much better than this shithole, and I've been making way more money every week.

>> No.18071987
File: 367 KB, 220x165, kekgf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest bulltrap since 1738

>> No.18072116

buy the rumor..

>> No.18072136
File: 55 KB, 1100x619, 200313220217-donald-trump-stock-signature-super-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't we already go through this less than 2 weeks ago?

>> No.18072860

are suggesting to long our shorts??

>> No.18072893

u shorting?

>> No.18072920



>> No.18072940

Kek this did not age well at all

>> No.18072949
File: 6 KB, 226x223, 1585127606790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BA up 40%
fucking clown world

>> No.18072976


You do realize this is basically a Keynesian pump of literally infinite proportions right? The fed is still on 'we will buy everything' mode. We will only truly know what this is all about a few weeks from now, depending on whether or not the healthcare system goes bogus. Note the problem here is not people dying per se but rather the downturn for morale that massive deaths may cause.

>> No.18073094

it's all fake money! it's been fame money since the fucking 30's. based on a circulation of debt and production and promises. this just popped that bubble, and they think blowing up another one will solve the problem. I'm shorting the fuck out of this. I'm calling their mfing bluff.

>> No.18073127

Why the fuck didnt he sign this too? This is his best yet

>> No.18073213

short now then.

>> No.18073635

Q predicted this. You're a retard if you don't see how this is a part of the great plan. We're gonna uproot the deep state!

>> No.18073715

Yeah no shit, boomers would rather their dollars be worth 20% of their value than their real estate drop in price by 50% because they are net debtors.

>> No.18075267
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PLEASE send everyone back to work, tell everyone it's a nothingburger. Burgers are fat and unhealthy as fuck, corona-chan will absolutely rape them harder than the chinks, only the niggers, faggots and Russians are at similar risk thanks to AIDS. Trump open those businesses, let it kill millions while using tinfoil bullshit to refuse a second lock down.