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18071388 No.18071388 [Reply] [Original]

seriously wtf

>> No.18071405

Why wouldn't they? Hes been doing a perfect job. You cant fix the system without tactically exposing its flaws

>> No.18071411
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>seriously wtf

>> No.18071413

Imagine Biden responding to this that senile boomer can't even form a coherent sentence without a teleprompter

>> No.18071420

More like he is about to buy out every American using Trump bucks. Heck, even I like him more.

>> No.18071421

The public loves him. They should vote for the same dude again and maybe another dude like him in 2024

>> No.18071423


>thinking he was ever going to lose to bernie or biden
>thinking the american people would change president during a crisis

>> No.18071439
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I guess. This BBC article about Trump and America says a lot

>> No.18071460

its because people want to be ignorant of what is happening until it is to late. Then BAM they are all fucking dead. People are morons and i see it first fucking hand with my mom and how no one gives a shit. I think christcuckery has a lot to do it with it. Seeing how most of these boomers believe that if its there time to go it is there time. Therefore wasting time worrying about a deadly virus and spreading it to a billion different people. Doesn't MATTER CAUSE ITS JEWSUS WILl!

>> No.18071461

Yeah that's why people start wars before an election. A crisis always unites people around the leader no matter how retarded he is. Remember when Americans elected W Bush twice

>> No.18071481

>does a complete 180 about-turn on the Corona crisis
>USA has one of the world's worst responses regarding testing and lockdown
>Bailout packages that favour big business over working-class
>Is claiming wagies can go back to work soon because the economy is more important than public health
>approval rating improves


>> No.18071497

Biden and Bernie have completely failed to take advantage of this. Not a single peep from one of them in midst of the biggest crisis to hit America since September 11. Chuck Schumer is making more headlines than them on this issue for fuck sake.

>> No.18071512

>thinks any of our systemic problems are from 1 elected official / theatre show.

Did you even watch senate/press conferences. Senate is garbage

>> No.18071522

No I don't desu I'm a britbong but I'm vaguely aware your entire political system is corrupt as fuck.
Ours is too, but at least we try and keep it a secret
>and there's a little bit of wiggle room for honesty

>> No.18071534

Biden tried but he's literally a senile boomer so he just mutters about malarkey and corn pop

>> No.18071547

Absolutly based beyond sanity, praise be upon him

>> No.18071549

I believe it. The media is turning everybody into a paranoid conspiracy theorist, and when you start believing there's an NWO plot, Trump seems like a beacon of safety.

>> No.18071554

Isn't this trump bucks thing legal purchase of votes? Even the Greeks knew that such a thing was bad and inevitably would lead to the demise of their republic.

>> No.18071555

Did you see Biden’s interview yesterday? He can barely form a coherent thought when he doesn’t have a prepared speech, you can tell his brain is fucked

>> No.18071560

Closing shop is not a sign that you care about corona, it’s a sign that you’re a liberal right now in America

>> No.18071569

What the fuck kind of mental illness is this?

>> No.18071574

As a britbong it seems like a huge waste of money. A single payment of a thousand dollars really won't go that far, especially given this crisis could last months to a year.
Is the US paying people's wages? In the UK anyone made redundant or unable to work is getting up to 80% of their salary paid..

>> No.18071590


the less biden speaks the better for him. he can't capitalize on anything because he is literally demented

>> No.18071619

We air a Soap Opera every day. Senate floor live. Can tune in anytime and watch the cheesiest actors in usa try to pretend they've actually read a bill without ever showing it

>> No.18071630

A lot of us can see Biden is all fucked up but he still has an army of sycophants behind him, people nostalgic for Obama, even they can't deny his ineptitude on this one where they defend him elsewhere. Bernie has done even less, the New York health system is hanging on by a thread and all he announces is that's he continuing on with his campaign and talking about primaries.
McCain was a deer in the headlights on the issue of the GFC and Obama convinced everyone he had the solution.
This is a once in a generation crisis, you win this issue, you become President. Trump is going to do it again, and probably win like Reagan did in 1980.

>> No.18071692

First Trump acts too soon and too drastically in his virus response, now it's too little. You libcucks are just whiny little children. You don't understand anything so you just go with what the fake news says. Do you not understand how he can't both be over and under responding to the threat? It's one or the other. Can't you make up your mind? It's OK, I'll wait for your CNN's to finish.

>> No.18071732

He's right. The people want to go back to work. Most people just want to go hide from their families and throw their feet up on the desk and collect pay. R*ddit trannies want to stop this because they all have pleb jobs like barista. They don't want to go back to their miserable entry level '''job'''

>> No.18071735

bitch shut the fuck up. you arent even 18 yet.

>> No.18071744

Turns out you can buy happiness

>> No.18071771

Can't you chinks fuck just kill yourselves? Rope yourself.

>> No.18071835

based retard

>> No.18071862

You are a low IQ retard and a failure in life, what are the odds that you are right in any way, shape or form?

>> No.18071899

The thing with Trump is that most people have judged him from sound bites, biased media reporting, and occasionally watching parts of his speeches. Probably his biggest draw is the way he makes people feel when he gives a speech. To most Americans, even some never trumpers, this crisis has given them a fairly apolitical reason to sit down and listen to him. Despite what the media says or how they chop up Trump's daily press conferences, he sounds fairly reasonable and calm. He's saying things that are popular. He wants to help real people, not just businesses. He wants to find a solution and isn't afraid to bring attention to every possible treatment. He wants people to be well and the economy to stabilize. When democrats and media faces attack him over the details or call him racist for using a common term to describe the virus, they often look petty, political, and useless.

>> No.18071909

Remember when trump stopped flights from Europe and the EU condemned him for it?

>> No.18071930

i haven't watched the news for a week now, it's so fucking overblown and tiresome
it's literally corona meme 24/7
celebs and boomers giving blogs about their isolation and interviewing people walking around outside
i miss the debates and arguments from the brexit discussions

>> No.18071988

I wish I was a barista. Nothing has changed about my shit factory job except that everybody is even more depressed now.

Where do I get one of these kick-my-feet-up jobs? What kind of fucking education do I need

>> No.18072008

maths phd

>> No.18072023

Calling it the 'Chinese virus' is not a common term lmao. It's straight up politics. There's a reason why no other country is using that term, and it's because they don't have blatant, public beef with China.

>he sounds fairly reasonable and calm
He said he didn't need to get tested for corona because every doctor said he didn't have symptoms, showing ignorance of the 2 week asymptomatic contagion phase everyone knows about,
He's saying he's going to re-open the economy despite health officials saying that's a terrible idea,
He said a cure's on the way when that wasn't true,
and he still has embarrassing childlike meltdowns in response to simple questions that no other major world leader has.

What the fuck are you on about, mate.

>> No.18072026

Democrats and the Left lack any inner monologue and the ability to think for themselves, that's why they parrot whatever the MSM is reporting.

>ree trump is a racist for banning flights from china
>ree trump is overreacting to banning flights from europe
>ree trump didn't do enough in the beginning to stop the spread of the virus

Fuck all of them, and I can't wait for Trump to win a landslide this November.

>> No.18072059

Eh? All of the negative response I saw to Trump closing borders wasn't that it was too much, it was that it was fucking retarded. It was a big, grand gesture that left borders open to the UK, even though the UK is a fucking red zone right now, and he banged on about Mexico which had zero cases or close to it.

The pretty consistent response that I've seen from everyone is that he's hugely underestimating the scale of the crisis and is doing far too little.

It's also really cute how you bleat about CNN like an autistic baby.

>> No.18072075

You sound like someone who's thought this through really well, what do YOU think the correct response is?

>> No.18072084
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>> No.18072102

>The pretty consistent response that I've seen from everyone is that he's hugely underestimating the scale of the crisis and is doing far too little.

By everyone you mean retards who get their info from the MSM, not the White House press conferences, right? The US government was able to test as many people in just 8 days that South Korea tested in 8 weeks. But yeah, please tell me how we're not doing enough to defeat the Chinese virus, you fucking faggot.

>> No.18072143

Provide a source for that and I'll genuinely consider changing my mind.

>> No.18072191

I...is this bait? We knew what would happen in January and the man didn’t even acknowledge it was real until like a week ago. I’ve been complaining about lack of response literally since the first week of January. I had several friends turn around 2 weeks ago and go “wow, you were right.” I’m just some fucking weeb, why can’t the president get it right? Pathetic.

>> No.18072216

You do realize that the MSM will underreport any good thing Trump does, right? The media is literally the enemy of the people: even after everything that has happened, they are China apologists. Can you fucking believe that? But I digress. If you are serious and open to the truth, watch this press conference from yesterday. Start watching at 13:03:


>> No.18072312
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>> No.18072349

I'm genuinely impressed by those numbers DESU. And I'm really glad to hear that, because that's exactly what the U.S. needs right now.

Not to blunt your original point, though, because I'm totally throwing my hands up and saying I'm impressed, I think that's cool, that should be more widely reported and encouraged. And big ups to Mike Pence who I've heard is doing pretty well getting America out from behind its lagged response.

But isn't she a million times better of a speaker than Trump? She said those stats clearly and humbly, not bragging about it, but admitting that it's not a victory, it's just what needs to be done, and more's coming.

Trump on the other hand has gone backwards and forwards on the need for testing, only two weeks ago he was saying he doesn't need to be tested because he doesn't have any symptoms (which is medically inaccurate),
He also floundered on ordering testing kits and the US was the latest to order them, and hasn't been public with the fact that he's now ordering from the EU and China,

I'm yet to see any good decisions - or even any good communication about the situation - come from HIM. Pence and I see now Deborah, sure, but not from him.

>> No.18072559

Imagine being such a faggot and making abhorrent posts on 4chan when your balls havent even dropped kys and thank your mom she didnt kill you when it was apparent you were a genetic failure

>> No.18073697

Americans are the perfect slaves. They will not only defend their chains, but fight for the rights of their owners.