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File: 167 KB, 1125x1110, E7CB91A4-73B6-42A6-8776-F9F2BFC45EFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18065693 No.18065693 [Reply] [Original]

UK Twitter has posted countless images like this of busy trains. Every pic has something in common, ALL men. Men are the most largely available disposable trash on the planet. Every pic you can see these middle aged, numbed to everything men. Same look, same clothes. No choice but to work. Yet people are really ragging on them for trying to survive. Shit makes me depressed.

Remember biz, if you are an average or below man. The world doesn’t care.

>> No.18065711

this was always true, nothing new. its a dog eat dog world for men, but if you win, the prize is great.

>> No.18065721

Men can’t just quit their jobs and get benefits.

>> No.18065729


>> No.18065768

Who cares what the world thinks. If men collectively started respecting themselves and stop putting up with so much garbage this wouldn't be the case.

>> No.18065771
File: 132 KB, 904x1024, 6A11CA59-4636-4D6A-96FA-136A4139EB04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember kikes enslaved us. When they come back I don’t think jews will be a gitty bunch

>> No.18065774

You can understand why some men are so desperate to escape that they become trannies

>> No.18065788

Most men are weak simps allowing thottery

>> No.18065813

This is a stupid incel bullshit thread. Kill yourselves.

>> No.18065833

What’s incel about this. Not even to do with sex. Whole country shuts down yet it’s MEN who are still working. Just a reminder that you shouldn’t work for anyone but yourself because the government and society doesn’t give two shits about you.

>> No.18065842

you can clearly see women in that pic

>> No.18065843

>Every pic has something in common, ALL men.
>Two obvious women in picture

>> No.18065850

wasnt always that way. in the 1950's every man had a wife and a job. no need to eat each other. too bad the boomers destroyed that world. now we are living in essentially primitivism again.

>> No.18065859
File: 70 KB, 640x480, 1354545387844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>economy reduced to "essential work"
>it's 90% men

>> No.18065860

they're trannies

>> No.18065872


Two Eastern European women. Most likely prostitutes. Another forgotten caste of society.

>> No.18065887

>two roasties turning away as if there business wasn’t important enough to where they could cancel and lay in bed instead

kys roastie u know they aren’t doing anything that couldn’t be done by a 4th grader with a chrome book on dial up

>> No.18065918

I'd pay to smash the taller one. YOLO.

>> No.18065920

Zoomers internalized all of that shit though, we have the crabs in a bucket mentality just as much (if this board is anything to go by)

>> No.18066006

Reminder women are trash and are responsible for approximately 70 percent of problems

>> No.18066034

Does anyone else find it fishy that after we gave women rights, we had a Great Depression, WW2, Korean War, Cold War, Afghan War, Iraq War, Great Recession, ISIS, and now Corona??

>> No.18066173

Bitches, money, respect.

>> No.18066189
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 2B6F6500-96F5-4ED9-B974-7ED80F983C5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those all look like refugees to me

>> No.18066223

Suck it up, pussy.

>> No.18066335

i can clearly see women retard
also more men work than women. even though the msm want to shove the idea of women and men both working. succesful men can buy their wifes more free time. if you dont have a woman that has her own job like selling ebay stuff or something in that vein then youre not a man and shouldnt have a family. if you expect your wife to work too but not at a job that is paying the same ammount then there are three reasons

>you are expecting her to get paid more and youre gonna be the stay at home dad
easy way to get dropped; she really is the man of the house at that point (unless youre like legit making money with crypto or ebay or trading)
>you didnt invest in your skills and dont make enough to support a family
easy fucking way to get dropped
>you and her both make a considereably decent ammount in proffesional jobs
this is okay this is called two succesful people

there is an extremely rare case
>men dont make enough and my region has extreme inflation

in this case its absolutely regrettable but necessary. a marriage is a partnership. its not an equal partnership. but its a partnership. you should have more risk and thus more control but YOU SHOULD NOT marry a lazy woman

a stay at home mom is not a lazy woman though; if you rent a virgin or your a consent-cel (a man that chooses not to have sex but has had girlfriends) then you probably know what a "lazy woman" is
>literally lays around, wont leave, wastes your time hanging at your place but not interacting with you, literally sleeps all day.

dude gabapentin is a helluva drug

>> No.18066360

Based. Accurate.

>> No.18066397

Most womens work is makeshift government jobs and paper pushing

>> No.18066493

>>literally lays around, wont leave, wastes your time hanging at your place but not interacting with you, literally sleeps all day.
This is a legitimate phenomenon. I've had half a dozen friends and acquaintances with this type of woman. I never connected any dots before, but is this a standard archetype that doesn't get any media play? A societal secret of sorts?

>> No.18066525


you mean a doggy dog world

>> No.18066730

Jesus wtf why this hell?

>> No.18066885

I think he meant a doggy do doggystyle world.

>> No.18066920

Jannies do your job get rid of this political shit I got banned for far less - posting how culture affects financial outcomes

>> No.18067155

this is sexist we need more wamen working

>> No.18067181

You can add gabapentin or pregabalin to dxm or lsd its freakin amazing.

>> No.18067265

>women are responsible for approximately 70 percent of problems
This but unironically
Imagine what the west would be like if women couldn't vote (no rapefugees, much less gibs, no pro LGTQ insanity, no PC bullshit etc.) and weren't given the freedom to be giga whores and corrupt society. Imagine how much more productive, happy and civilized society would be.

>> No.18067349

You are a bitch. Things can be good for men we just have to grow some balls and put the kikes, shitskins and women back in their place

>> No.18068723
File: 193 KB, 552x579, 1576366293238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's enabled by men with no standards who will accept any behaviour from women because they're so goddamn desparate for some coochie. If their wives didn't have a warm, wet, moist hole it'd be over for them

>> No.18068755

Of course the world cares about men, of any kind. Are you blind? I bet you don't even hold any ARPA.

>> No.18068811


>> No.18068842


Isn't it great? Roasties lose all their income over this nothingburger while I keep my salary and profit in the market.

>> No.18069043

Where's the part of the dog where I pop your baby's head like a watermelon like a neighbor's pitbull because you expect me to go do things for nothing in return

>> No.18069091

Doggy dog* world, retard.

>> No.18069120
File: 69 KB, 747x686, 1522299873448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why us NEETLORDS will inherit the world

>> No.18069148

no its dog eat dog moron

doggy dog is literally just saying the same word twice

dog eat dog implies that you have to get ahead by hurting others

>> No.18069154

Urbanites are not human, they are insects that live in a hive and travel through tunnels to places where they perform labor as directed by a queen(manager). It doesn't matter if they live or die.

If you dehumanize yourself in order to survive, you forfeit your right to be treated like a human.

Do not believe for a moment that these brown, dull-eyed cattle have anything resembling profound thought inside of their heads.
>must work
>must eat
>must get home to drink/eat/masturbate to porn
>must repeat
>must send money to mother/father because they told me to
>must support braindead lazy family on other side of planet
>I am their servant
>I am their slave
>I was born to them, therefore I must serve
>I must work, I am their servant, I am their slave
>I 'love' my family
>I am a good pajeet

>> No.18069165

Dogs no not eat dogs. Also, humans should not eat dogs, Chang. Get off the internet and go back to farming rice for Winnie the Pooh.

>> No.18069178

its an expression... you're a mutt aren't you

>> No.18069179

It’s absolutely a doggy dog world.
How new are you exactly?

>> No.18069200
File: 24 KB, 411x103, 1563031541612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18069202

Born as slaves, they will die as slaves. The reward for the brown cattle of the third world is at best an ugly wife from an arranged marriage that they will fly to the west to squeeze out low-IQ brown children who's greatest aspiration in life will be to be utilized as low skilled labor by the wealthy. Their freedom of choice is an illusion, because they are trapped in this cycle they do not have the means to escape. Brief moments of lucidity are so terrifying they drown it in substance abuse or religion, because facing the truth of what they have done to themselves is not something they can do and stay sane.

If you travel through a small tunnel to perform labor for men 500x as wealthy as you, you are an insect. An ant. If you live in a building composed of tiny chambers stacked on top of each other, you live in a hive. Hives are for insects, you are an insect.

>> No.18069209

Holy shit you’re so fucking retarded.

>> No.18069217

>If you dehumanize yourself in order to survive, you forfeit your right to be treated like a human.
Disagree with everything except the above.

>> No.18069249

Its literally doggy dog world mate. You're American, arnt you

>> No.18069278
File: 150 KB, 500x333, 1583188583505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bait

>> No.18069289

The only two people facing the camera there are female though.

>> No.18069291

None of those men are English.

>> No.18069815

i guess men have jobs

>> No.18069835

retards like you are a diamond dozen around these parts

>> No.18070293

It amazes me men actually gave them the right. They did it on purpose. What fucking morons they were.

>> No.18070534

If your woman has to work you have failed as a man

>> No.18070607

>"Women need to stay at home and be parents and stay in the kitchen where they belong."
>Women proceed to do just that.
>Men proceed to take care of affairs outside the home
Every fucking time.

>> No.18070645
File: 143 KB, 395x408, 1500497795784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a diamond dozen
the specific ocean
all intense purposes
a doggy dog world

>> No.18070746
File: 183 KB, 744x419, ET48W0XWoAMvayi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bees a bee
>death door apart
>dixon cider

>> No.18070798


>> No.18070814 [DELETED] 

The UK elites doesn't care because:
1) they want to genocide native-british
2) they can always import more africans, indians and pakistanis if a lot of brits die

>> No.18070824

Nice psyop strats chink

>> No.18070829

>>18065693 (OP)
The UK elites don't care because:
1) they want to genocide native-british
2) they can always import more africans, indians and pakistanis if a lot of brits die

>> No.18070843

>a diamond dozen?
is this real? you're a special kind of retarded

>> No.18070846 [DELETED] 

funny how you change between feminism and being traditional housewives depending how on the situation.
it's almost as if you are amoral spineless whores.

>> No.18070856
File: 30 KB, 720x559, 1554010773133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18070869

funny how you change between feminism and being traditional housewives depending on the situation.
it's almost as if you are amoral spineless whores.

>> No.18070880

the UK is the biggest racist bunch of faggots, no one wants outsiders and if for something, then to do shit jobs for shit wages that no British person would do, and this will change too as soon as AI becomes advanced enough. stop feeling sorry for yourself and spamming this bullshit you insufferable faggot.

>> No.18070936

New Coronavirus server on a free speech platform & extensive /Biz/ section
Trannies forever BTFO

guilded gg/Coronavirus
Hop In

>> No.18070960

there's gonna be alot of dead men and the surviving ones get their harem of single desperate for cock females

>> No.18070989

Your first mistake was assuming I disagree with the first statement.

>> No.18071005

no queer its dog eat dog world fuck your retarded meme posting

>> No.18071038

more retards that are trying to force post the wrong phrase cuz de lulz. you underage and/or mentally underage queers need to all be riddled with bullets and dumped in a ditch for the worms. its dog eat dog and has been for 30+ yrs you stupid retarded uneducated uncultured zoomy zoom tards

>> No.18071050

Women are predominantly the nurses, eldercare workers, teachers etc. Just because you're saying 'men are the ones going to work' doesn't make it true dipshit.

>> No.18071104

>Also these same NEETS never even take seriously the value of household labor, which women perform essentially for free >Also these same NEETS can barely cook, keep a house, wash and clothe themselves

>> No.18071155

More of the people in the hospitals fighting this disease on the front lines are women than men so this post is bullshit

>> No.18071276
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>> No.18071366

Faggots don't understand what the word essential means.

>> No.18071398

They probably have competetive skills in a competitive market where unnattractive ethots routinely make 2-3x as much as them, you wouldn't fear death either, you actually might welcome it.

>> No.18071433

That's because medical professional males predominantly doctors/surgeons, male nurses usually get their ego smacked around enough that they actually raise their standards to not continue being a nurse.
So no you arent helping your argument by being authentically aware and fair

>> No.18071457

>remember anon if you are whining r9k faggot, the biz doesn't care

>> No.18071679

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/250105814