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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18066984 No.18066984 [Reply] [Original]

$1000 checks to adults who worked in 2018 don't go out for THREE MORE FUCKING WEEKS MINIMUM AND THAT'S AFTER CONGRESS PASSES IT.



>> No.18067100

bumping this post. does anyone know how I could make some cash between now and then? got laid off, and I'm not sure if my savings will last me until june. If I can't figure it out, my plan is just to start looting, in minecraft of course.

>> No.18067134
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You better start selling ass or sucking dick, homeboy.

>> No.18067581

and this here kids is exactly why you should have a 6 month emergency fund at the very least

>> No.18067593

They just passed it

>> No.18067614

it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, sending out $1000 to everyone but it takes 3 weeks, oh and that doesn't even cover most people's rent for the month

>> No.18067621

jej, lost it at image

>> No.18067638


>> No.18067658


Lol if you pay more than a 1000 bucks per adult on rent you probably don't need the money at all.

>> No.18067668

You don't have to worry about that since congress isn't passing it.

>> No.18067690

Sounds like someone didn't listen to their mom and doesn't have 1 year of savings in cash. It's your fault.

I bet you don't even hold any UND, do you, anon? Your NGMI. Rope.

>> No.18067748




>> No.18067763

You know most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, right?

>> No.18067786

Wait so it's $1200 every month? Plys an additional $600 every week? Something doesn't sound right.

>> No.18067793

only if you're laid off and currently on unemployment. if not you just get $1200 a month until the national emergency is over

>> No.18067798

Live within your means and stop living paycheck to paycheck??

>> No.18067800

please don't get people's hopes up with lies

>> No.18067812

and that is their problem

>> No.18067823

What if filed in 2019 and got return but in 2018 I didn't do shit?

>> No.18067833

>hurr durr individualism
>please ignore that kikes fucked up the economy

>> No.18067984

The "return" is what you file. If you filed in 2019, you may mean that you sent in your return in 2019 for your 2018 taxes, so you may just be confused about what they mean here. Unless you do mean that you only filed taxes for the first time this year for 2019, in which case, good luck, zoomer.

>> No.18069279

Why I'm so glad I learned about this stuff over the course of last year and saved while the overtime was good. Between the emergency fund and unemployment it's actually been relaxing.

>> No.18069310

Pointing this out does no one any good. It is either anecdotal or an excuse every single time. Financial education in the US is garbage but there is a wealth of knowledge about it on the internet and in every public library. How I wish I could enlighten the masses the way I was but a year ago. How I wish the consumerist culture would change to one that looks at desires in the long term.

>> No.18069326

You do realize that you can be an antisemite and be a financially responsible person in the present economy right? They are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.18069388

unemployment, food stamps, Medicaid, utilities assistance, cash assistance, obamaphone, reduced rate internet.

there's a shitload of welfare out there for people that got laid off.

>> No.18069399

Neat. Too bad consumer spending of said money won’t happen in the near term until businesses reopen. You can only spend so much on groceries and ‘essential goods’. Of course, I suppose it’s different in some slower to act states

>> No.18069414

then why don't corporations have a 6 month emergency fund for their employees too? aren't they people too?

>> No.18069465

>Get shit wage.
>Get expenses for bills and the basics. (taking financial responsibility in things) is a large portion of your pay.
>little margin to save... so literally how?These people are dozens of millions of Americans, that do critical jobs for under $20 a hour.

>> No.18069495

>After Congress passed it
Just got passed 55 minutes ago, but also, what?
Says who?

>> No.18069523


>You know most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, right?
With 1 in 10 earning more than 100k doing the same and a quarter of people with 75k to 90k.
It's not a money problem, it's a lifestyle problem.

>> No.18069541

What's the cutoff? I make 140k before taxes do I get some covid coin? I pay a shitload of taxes

>> No.18069553

>then why don't corporations have a 6 month emergency fund for their employees too? aren't they people too?
Corps doing the wrong thing (in fact they don't have enough to just keep open in many cases nvm pay wages) doesn't make it bad advice.

We absolutely should expect them to have more reserves, but going BUT THEY DON'T SO I DON'T HAVE TO is kindergarten/Twitter tier.

>> No.18069580

>What's the cutoff? I make 140k before taxes do I get some covid coin? I pay a shitload of taxes

Unfortunately you're (probably, final bill text hasn't been released) getting shafted because dumb populist bullshit that's going to cost millions in administration alone.

> The payment would scale down by income, phasing out entirely at $99,000 for singles and $198,000 for couples without children.

>> No.18069589

americans take on too much debt , especially poorfags. but hey uncle sam will bail you out. USA was supposed to be the flagship of a free market. fucking degenerate communist kike shithole lmao

>> No.18069610

Oh well. I dont actually need it and would probably just buy stocks with it. Not rich enough to get a parachute from uncle Sam.

>> No.18069621

Mama loves you unconditionally, other people like you if you contribute to their well being.
If you are peace of shit then only your mama will be happy to see you, because you are here shit.
Didn't you notice that other peoples stuff is shit and your shit is stuff?

>> No.18069668

oh jeez the stroke having retard is back. talks in extremely broken english like he google translated it from the tard and spergs out when you point out he cant talk properly. is english your 5th language dude? are you having a stroke? do you need someone to call 911 for you? or are you just naturally a retard that cant type a proper english sentance without making it turn into complete jibberish?

>> No.18069680

aren't they also sending checks to kids? what happens to the children of adults who didnt work

>> No.18069694

>poor low iq people get shot
based coronachan will end up leaving us with a much more efficient economy in the end

>> No.18069706

how can I do that when Boeing cant

>> No.18070194

>Not rich enough to get a parachute from uncle Sam.
Awkward feeling, huh?
Earning enough to get taxed out the ass, but not enough that the gibs train ever stops at your station.
>It's not like I need it
Sure. I'm just salty as fuck at the entire concept in principle. It's gonna delay a shitton of payments to a shitton of people, plus it's not certain if the tax return requirement is still in, which would potentially screw some of my friends.
>I'd probably just buy stock with it
And that's my point. A lot would. Meaning it'd go back into the economy and soften the crash.

Income gating this shit was the worst fucking idea and while chances are slim I really hope it got taken out in the final version because it causes so many unneeded problems while depriving the economy of many potential benefits.

Though I it's unlikely since Trump himself shilled for it at one of the briefings.