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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18066642 No.18066642 [Reply] [Original]

>global pandemic
>oil war
>global major economies halted
>borders closed
>no trades, no imports or exports
>supply chains disrupted
>half of the world is unemployed
>global paper currency becoming worthless
>tension between enemies getting worse
>extreme weather seasons weeks away
>earthquakes getting worse by the day

>l-look guys! we bought all the stonks so the numbers are green! lol!

when will this clown world end?

>> No.18066677

It has been this way since the fall of man. Even God wiped out the earth almost entirely and now look where we are. Wait until Jesus comes back. Until then chill.

>> No.18066683

Priced in.

>> No.18066694


>> No.18066699

Classic buy high sell low. Never change /biz/.

>> No.18066750

NOoo!! My followers won't let it happen. Like and subscribe to this post if the devil is inside of you..

>> No.18066785


It's just the flu

China shut down all their manufacturing in a province of 55 million people because it's just the flu

The Olympics are indefinitely postponed because of the flu

Italy locked down Lombardy, one of the top industry centers in all of Europe, because of the flu

The Stock Market is crashing harder than the Great Depression because of the flu

The FED is printing 6 trillion dollars because of the flu

Still, I, a NEET intellectual from www.4chan.org/pol, know better: it's just the flu.

This is a bull market.

>> No.18066800



>> No.18066854

based and accurate

>> No.18066878

Don't forget Yellowstone.

>> No.18066913

This is what bulls ACTUALLY believe.

>> No.18066975
File: 574 KB, 1963x1573, E0ED0773-7BA1-4B94-A7A6-F9ED21A4725F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nailed it anon... it’s tucking over but you got your retards like ackman saying he’s going all in. CNBC. and cramer lol

>> No.18067122

I’m listening to the scanner for my rural county which has no confirmed positive cases. They got a call for a 20 year old female with chest pain, fever, and difficulty breathing and then 5 minutes later got another call for a 26 year old female in another town, same symptoms. This is what happens when you are unable to test. The disease is everywhere, but they stopped the states from testing when it would have made a difference. My theory? New York only LOOKS like the current hotspot. But they ramped up testing as a state! Just you WAIT until all states make it to that capacity and our entire country is revealed as the hot spot? Unfortunately I think its coming.

>> No.18068156


>> No.18068221

Wait until we find out that Satoshi was Jesus Christ and that the kingdom of heaven runs on blockchain

>> No.18068228


>global paper currency becoming worthless

Stopped reading.

Supply chains however is serious shit. Big cities are fucked.

>> No.18068764


>> No.18068804

"priced in" is priced in

>> No.18068819

hopefully any day now

>> No.18068902

It will end for you when you an hero.

>> No.18068941


>> No.18069969

Moshiach is coming this year. We’ve reached the End of Time. These are literally the birth pangs of the World to Come.

Baruch HaShem!

>> No.18070106

this. germany only test if you had contact to a known infected or were in danger zones like wuhan. so if you're neighbour got it it didn't develop symptomes yet but infected you and you develop symptomes nobody would allow to test you. numbers are probably much higher.

>> No.18070122

People know this corona thing will be over soon.
These people are smarter than you are. And as a result they will be richer than you are.

>> No.18070132

can confirm. Exactly what I was told by my GP. Went to emergency services instead and wait for results now.

>> No.18070167

Someone is salty that they didn't buy link :^)

>> No.18070192

In coming days one can be financially robbed by physically as well as technologically this would increase with increase in adoption of
digital cryptocurrency we can protect such theft from decentralized internet which is unique technology new organizations such as tachyon protocol have already started providing service for secure, private & decentralized internet service with next generation VPN technology.

>> No.18071374

No satan is bad!


>> No.18071394

>says he's from /pol/
>reddit spacing

>> No.18071449

Shut the fuck up kike

>> No.18071495

This virus is ending clown world.

>> No.18072229

>doesnt know what reddit spacing is
>confident in his retardation

>> No.18072271

I really don't think it'll end. Just more suck and less fun.

>> No.18072287

Terry's already dead.

>> No.18072600

damn, america used to be white??

>> No.18072607

this, the vast majority of people who get it don't show symptoms and feel fine. There is no "containing" an airborne virus in a city with millions of people like the media would lead you to believe.

>> No.18072619
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>> No.18072624

Well that didn’t age well kek

>> No.18072666


>> No.18072864

So you're saying if I'm below 40 I should get it and continuously cough outside for cheaper home prices right?