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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 888x571, rsrhuobi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18045458 No.18045458 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like the team has started exit scamming already. I would recommend getting out ASAP.

Nevin confirmed that they secretly sold foundation tokens to a market maker who is about to start market dumping HARD. The wallet is found here:


You were warned

>> No.18045513

Shit, you weren't even trolling. Now I regret going all in, fuuuuuuck

>> No.18045577

>implying big daddy was ever wrong about a coin
>implying he picks anything other than winners

Fuck YOU

>> No.18045586

remember when the team said that the foundation tokens are exclusively for arbitrage? that turned out to be a lie

notice the amount of shills spamming RSR lately? it's all leading to them trying to pump up the price before the final exit scam

>> No.18045605

Desperate. You've had 6 months. We went under $0.0013 twice, most recently a few weeks ago. How fucking poor are you to not have money to buy that up and instead be needing to create these garbage FUD threads?

>> No.18045641

seems like satsgang is here to damage control again

how have you not been able to buy a toilet yet by spamming this scam day after day?

>> No.18045674

I still have 1.4 million as suicide stack anyway.
dont give a fuck if it tanks to 0

>> No.18045682

good riddance. was annoyed with seeing all this shill threads.

>> No.18045721

people like you is why scamming is such a nice business

>> No.18045733

1.4 million is piss money for me. even 5 million would be nothing.

>> No.18045783
File: 67 KB, 713x763, rsr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18045863

these are not exchange wallets though

>> No.18045993

wow look at this rich faggot loosing all his money

>> No.18045998

im not rich. 1.4 million is just 3 thousand dollars.

god, youre as insufferable as RSR shills

>> No.18046011

>1.4 million is piss money for me
just go all in LINK and STFU for two years

>> No.18046028

>take the average of a hundred sources and call it decentralized and charge a fee

>> No.18046052

Please tell me you have a suicide stack at least. People who don't recognize the disrupting effect of link, while being this early in blockchain adoption will all neck themselves, no fucking exception.

>> No.18046075

>People who don't recognize the disrupting effect of link,
funny, everyone who says this doesnt even know what chainlink does.

It takes the AVERAGE of a hundred sources (even wrong ones) and charges a FEE to get that data. Why the fuck would anyone want to charge a fee to get something that would be free with a centralized oracle?

I keep asking linkies this question all the time, and the response always is

>> No.18046097

oh we got another person proving Link Law true.
the longer a thread goes on the more likely a cultist will show up and mention chainlink like his cult demands he do. muh chain link muh 1k eoy every year since 17 muh 2.5yrs to do nothing be nothing accomplish nothing.


>> No.18046109

there should really just be a /link/ containment board at this point

Chainlink to /biz/ is my little pony to /co/

>> No.18046252

Official response from Nevin about new tokens entering Huobi.

All three of these are Huobi exchange wallets:




The initial transactions were moving some of the project's RSR tokens into Huobi accounts, so that our 3rd party market maker could supply liquidity over time. So, these tokens have been part of the unlocked supply since the IEO. This is what has caused the discrepency between CMC and CoinGecko circulating supplies – We explained that these were Huobi wallets to both of them, and CoinGecko took it into accont while CMC did not. So, these tokens have been unlocked on Huobi all along, and that's why the CoinGecko market cap is the accurate one.

Maybe if enough people mention this to CMC on Twitter and point to the Huobi wallet maintenence they will believe us!

Market Maker liquidity. Translation: we moon soon.

>> No.18046263

again, these are not exchange wallets
you can see that very easily from ethscan

>> No.18046347


>We explained that these were Huobi wallets to both of them, and CoinGecko took it into accont while CMC did not.

This has been the case since day one. Coingecko has always been different from CMC and it was pointed out many times that Coingecko was the correct exchange to look at. Do you want me to grab proof of this from telegram messages going all the way back to 2019?

>> No.18046391

why are you copy-pasting this here?

I am saying that these 3 wallets are NOT exchange wallets and you can verify that yourself from etherscan. Exchange wallets are easily recognizable by what's in them. Example:


these 3 wallets that you previously pasted exclusively hold only RSR tokens, which means that these are not exchange wallets.

>> No.18046403


Proof, even the admins from the official telegram are pointing everyone to Coingecko for accuracy since day one. If you want to claim they were deceiving people then you have to do better than this anon.

>> No.18046416
File: 5 KB, 473x79, coingecko 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18046430

are you braindead? do you understand what an exchange wallet is?

>> No.18046437

You realise what "supply liquidty" means? It means they are dumping it on the market but he just cant say it anyother way. What a scammer "we are supplying liquidty' lmao

>> No.18046449

They are exchange tokens set aside by the team for Market Maker liquidity. You're claiming that they're "exist scamming" by deceiving people about the unlocked supply. This supply was always unlocked it's nothing new. They're setting up the market maker to have more liquidity because the demand for RSR is exceeding the supply. This means that more RSR is leaving Huobi than entering so they need to provide more liquidity, this is the opposite of "exit scamming". You're a fucking brainlet.

>> No.18046462

Look at how much RSR has left Huobi over the last few weeks before you speak nigger.

>> No.18046486

dickhead, no one claimed its an exchange wallet. in fact he is saying the opposite.

RSR supply on Huobi was almost zero, you need liquidity for market making. market maker provides RSR on sell, and USDT on buy.

price did not dump meaning no one is selling, but is going UP

>> No.18046487

>They are exchange tokens set aside by the team for Market Maker liquidity

the unlocked tokens were sold SECRETLY to a new owner that is now starting to dump the tokens on the market.

if the demand for RSR exceeds the supply then that would just mean that the transaction prices increase, not that some third party needs to dilute the market by creating new supply out of air.

>> No.18046490

How can sending tokens to an exchange be for market making fk delsional you are, Where are those tokens going to go on the sell side?

>> No.18046494

He doesn't understand the difference between an exchange wallet and a wallet owned by the exchange. If he does, then he's just here to try and desperately fud as price continues to climb.

>> No.18046496

poorfag so far I have 46k. what's the chain of command? am I at least a sergeant?

>> No.18046499 [DELETED] 

(((Discord))) banned the /biz/ server, get in the new one bros
discord gg kjGsbrW

>> No.18046503

None of the tokens have moved from the wallets. Now you're just straight up fabricating shit fuck off fud nigger no one with half a brain will believe you.

>> No.18046505

another brainlet


>All three of these are Huobi exchange wallets

The CEO is claiming that these are exchange wallets and you're saying that nobody is claiming that?

>> No.18046528

Yes they are wallets owned by the exchange for the purposes of providing liquidity. If CMC had listened they would have listed the tokens together with the unlocked supply. Instead they left them off the initial circulating supply while Coingecko added them as unlocked. Meaning that this really isn't new information if you're not a braindead fudder.

>> No.18046542


>> No.18046544
File: 26 KB, 1422x378, moved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of the tokens have moved from the wallets. Now you're just straight up fabricating shit fuck off fud nigger no one with half a brain will believe you.

look at the fucking etherscan and pic related you actual brainlet. Do you think etherscan is fabricating the transactions from one wallet to an exchange wallet?

>> No.18046552

no wonder all of you are poor listening to braindead FUD like this

even viewbase says these are Huobi wallets confirming what nevin said

>> No.18046559
File: 34 KB, 1329x437, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking retarded mate? They have not moved from the wallet since IEO. So your theory that they were sold is just pure fabrication.

>> No.18046576

why would anyone try to FUD this hard except to buy lower


>> No.18046595

the tokens were MOVED to huobi you braindeaded pajeet

the wallet that the tokens originated from were NOT Huobi wallets

>> No.18046610

LOL try harder mate

next time you will make it

>> No.18046616

Obvious scam, I have been trying to warn anons for a long time, but some pople are braindead

>> No.18046631

the CEO literally said that in his post

>The initial transactions were moving some of the project's RSR tokens into Huobi accounts, so that our 3rd party market maker could supply liquidity over time.

AKA sold to a third party

>> No.18046641

Wait, is satsgang trying to FUD this coin, or are they trying to pump it?
I've lost track of the narrative

>> No.18046644

>retard cannot read

not sold, google what a market maker does and how it does it, pajeet

>> No.18046659

they are constantly spamming biz and twitter in hopes for a pump, but fortunately people are not dumb enough to fall for these scams anymore so they're stuck bagholding

>> No.18046683

i heard thiel and altman are the founders too

>> No.18046706

this FUD is getting SAD

>no pump

went x5 and still x3 above ICO even in financial market meltdown

stop trying to buy lower and just get in, anon

>> No.18048128

fud? it's literally etherscan data and confirmation by the ceo

>> No.18048354

stfu faggot you're posting about exit scamming

obvious attempt to fud is obvious

>Seems like the team has started exit scamming already.
>Nevin confirmed that they secretly sold foundation tokens to a market maker who is about to start market dumping HARD.
>You were warned

eat a big fat cock nigger

>> No.18048414
File: 91 KB, 299x389, 1584436352938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im beginning to think RSR really is a scam now.

the shilling was just a little too strong

>> No.18048746

that's how satsgang keeps making money

they accumulate some illiquid low market cap shitcoin at the bottom and then start shilling it on biz and twitter

then their dumb followers and low iq biz poster start buying up whatever shit their shilling in hopes of making profit while getting dumped on by the original shills (aka satsgang)

>> No.18049909

you can't claim satsgang benefits from illiquid shitcoins while at the same time fudding when rsr market maker keeps tokens on exchange to prevent pump and dumps by providing token liquidity...

clearly filling up the books is important to avoid small groups from over pumping shitcoins no?

you can't be this low iq anon

>> No.18050116

So the team has how hired a market maker to provide liquidity? Sounds good to me, I hope y'all are scared into selling at the bottom.

>> No.18050200

If everyone just bought a 1m bag and shut up about RSR this board would be a better place