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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18043212 No.18043212 [Reply] [Original]

>550$ neetbux a fortnight ON TOP of whatever neetbux you already get for a MINIMUM of 6 months
>PLUS an extra 750$
>state enforced neetdom imminent

>> No.18043225

now a can of beans will cost 10$!!

>> No.18043233

When do the NEETs go Mad Max and fight each other for their neetbux?

>> No.18043235

yurofag living in auscuck, quick give me a tutorial to get neetbux quick!!!

>> No.18043237

which of you nerds keep posting on UTS Confessions?

>> No.18043242
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>> No.18043253
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meanwhile burgers are seething their $1500 neetbux is canceled. TrudeauBux is going soon for leafs.

>> No.18043254
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>My tax dollar is going to retards like this

>> No.18043256
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>> No.18043265
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>> No.18043271

what is that like 150 USD?

>> No.18043295
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>green and purple

>> No.18043312

>actually have savings
>it's all going to get inflated away because of all the scomobux
Thanks NEETS.
Don't even know where to stash my cash for the shit show. Stocks are in the shit and PMs are sold out everywhere.

>> No.18043316

This is the spirit of ANZAC

>> No.18043420

I do sympathise for you, but you should've seen what was going to unravel a month ago and bought gold.
>inb4 victim blaming
It's not too late to put your order in before the AUD tanks further from 60c

>> No.18043425
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stay mad boomers, thanks for the gibs LOL

>> No.18043447

find a Centrelink

>> No.18043482

buy the dip you money hoarding faggot

>> No.18043513

If I had 50k in the bank before all these inflationary money pumps, how much realistically do I have now (i.e. now worth $40000, etc), and how much will I have at the end of all this?

>> No.18043962

sauce mate?

>> No.18044013


>> No.18044599
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>tfw kiwi in aus
>get nothing

>> No.18044627
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Thanks doc.

>> No.18044649
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fuck me dead cunts its fucked. been saving for 4 years and now im gonna get rekt by the hyperinflation, wtf do i do

>> No.18044721

what's the best dole to sign up for bros? there's like 5 of them

>> No.18044734

There won't be hyperinflation. Even with this enhancement, neetbux are nowhere near proper wages. Australia will be importing less.

>> No.18044836

I hope so mate.

>> No.18045015

my casual job is on hold, i'm a foreigner with a permanent visa. how do i access neet funds?

>> No.18045082

this could be huge i don't know if the wagies will want to go back after tasting the neetbux

>> No.18045099

inb4 prices of everything double

>> No.18045322

i'm a us citizen can i cash in my american neetbux as well as my australian neetbux or am i in some sort of cucked limbo with no tendies from anyone? who is my daddy?

>> No.18045935
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>> No.18045987

Anyone watching the news bulletin?

>all fun is banned
>but keep working goy
Thanks Scomo

>> No.18045996

just here for my dd
thanks doc

>> No.18046010

>Working just over the threshold amount of hours to claim coronabux.


>> No.18046031

What's the threshold m8?

>> No.18046105
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>Parents own a single investment property
>They've paid millions in tax at this point
>Eligible for zero dollars and zero cents plus tip

Uhh yeah, I'm thinking this system is based,

>> No.18046117

Thank you for your service, wagie. Now get back to work so I can buy a new onahole.

>> No.18046210

oi, i found out my visa lets me claim these free tendies. should i /biz/? i'm a foreigner waiting to become a resident. it doesn't feel right but i don't have a job until further notice. what do?

>> No.18046315

last time I applied for centrelink I got denied, how do I apply for the neetbuxs? just try again with centrelink?

>> No.18046329
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>AUD freefall to <60cents against the USD
>mass gold cash-in ended; gaining back the value it lost
>gold currently at over AUD$2800; if currency stays down and gold continues to gain back its value, 3k an ounce is likely
i only invested in gold to protect against inflation and my irl /biz/ m8s laughed at me saying i should have played the sotck markets instead...

>> No.18046417
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also I am a dumb retard who is seeing the market fall going "oh maybe now I should invest".
Totally fucking clueless at this I'm literally just on watching a few youtube vids, any general pointers or just wait until the market bottoms out and invest in a bunch of companies that will likely end up back up.

>> No.18046425 [DELETED] 

(((Discord))) banned the /biz/ server, get in the new one bros
discordb gg kjGsbrW

>> No.18046434

Its all going to BTC.
Tfw the goverment helps you bring them down by subverting their monetary policy.

ScoMo is the worst leader this country has ever had, hands down.

>> No.18046452

Claim claim claim

Your not gerting a job any time soon. Unemployment is going to go above 20% in the next 2 weeks. We're only just getting started.

>> No.18046456


>> No.18046467



>> No.18046478

is your housing market finally going to crash or what?

>> No.18046500

Fools, theres no point not buying gold unless you dont have gun, tools and general utilities taken care of first

>> No.18046519

Fucking hope so

If coronachan kills enough Boomers its a near certainty.

>> No.18046543

Our housing market is owned by Chang, it depends what country he is in right now.

>> No.18046545
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>he still enumerates currency in AUD

>> No.18046556

no way. interest rates are being slashed, govt is subsidizing current loans (guaranteeing banks 50% of the value of unsafe loans taken out during this period) and business loans are being put on hold for 6 months (like so people can prioritize other debts like mortgages). the only way for the housing market to crash is if people simultaneously stopped buying homes and default on their loans on mass (which would decrease demand exponentially).

>> No.18046775
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>tfw aussie in new zealand
>get nothing

>> No.18046838

how can i use my neetbux to get rich during this crisis?

>> No.18046851

It is almost like the US during the GFC - long housing and the banks, dickhead

>> No.18046928

Do I have to apply for the Canadian NEETbux or will it just be mailed to me for literally no reason like those odd checks?

>> No.18047032

When will the fucking housing bubble pop?

I cannot afford to buy property with cash.

>> No.18047091

Just buy Unification anon.

>> No.18047132

Isnt there a 2 year waiting period for prs?

>> No.18047159

About 230 haha

>> No.18047182

Get in brother

>> No.18047200

Bro sco mo is giving us $550 EXTRA NEETBUX

>> No.18047201

with cash? do it with niggercoin

>> No.18047279

put your super in bitcoin boys

>> No.18048503
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>mfw I earn the same money for job in my shithole as australian NEETs for play vidya.

>> No.18049069

You don’t. Get the fuck out of our country.

>> No.18049497

>>550$ neetbux a fortnight ON TOP of whatever neetbux you already get for a MINIMUM of 6 months
>>PLUS an extra 750$
>>state enforced neetdom imminent

why do regular neets get more money i had a casual job and now im unemployed cant i get the money first instead of people who are already getting an allowance it fucking pisses me right off welfare cunts are getting more money

>> No.18050288

paweena phasri is sauce

>> No.18050708

hahaha stupid convict

>> No.18050809

I have aspergers, how do I get neetbux? I just want to have a shitty apartment, food stamps and a PC.

>> No.18050961
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Unfortunately I've got guns, general utilities, and food sorted but left gold and silver till now, so I'm searching everywhere for the lowest prices I can find. Got some silver on the way, wish me luck trying to find gold fellas. How much should I have of each?

>> No.18051171

It's because those welfare cunts will actually spend the money, instead of saving it.