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18040029 No.18040029 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me the intrinsic value of a cryptocurrency?

What's preventing all these numbers going to 0?

It seems to me that, as of right now, cryptocurrencies are nothing more than a trading game.

What exactly do you own when you own a cryptocurrency and how do you distinguish cryptocurrencies? What makes you invest in Bitpussy and not in Bitcuck or Bitfag?

>> No.18040042

Not doing your hw

>> No.18040047
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1 crypto = 1 janny dabbed

>> No.18040085

Obviously you peg it to something that has value. Bitcoin was the first with the idea to peg it to provably wasted computing power.
Then the altcoins, pegged to bitcoin. Finally the ponzis pegged into greed and those that appear to be backed by something that people perceive to be valuable like paper money.

>> No.18040118

In the end when something quacks it is a duck. So when you take away the duck and people still hear the quacking they think the duck is still there.

Same principle with halving, take away half of the coins each time and in the end when nothing is generated anymore, people will keep on thinking the coins are real.

>> No.18040133
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If you don't believe us or don't get it, we don't have time to try to convince you, sorry

>> No.18040134

Crypto's value is derived from its network.
Great example pre blockchain is Facebook. Facebook's value is primarily derived from the size of its network of users. Advertising is just how it monetizes that network.
Cryptocurrency takes the concept a step further by abstracting out the need for monetizing the network. Instead a cryptocurrency's market cap directly represents the value of its network of users.

>> No.18040138

>Bitcoin was the first with the idea to peg it to provably wasted computing power.
And why are we wasting all this computer power in this trading game?

>> No.18040190

The same reason we spend money on trading gold

>> No.18040191

Same concept like military, why do we keep swinging dick and pretend we are about kill a gazillion of people. Even when in reality we aren't.

We are burning a shitloads of electricity so that nobody can change the precious numbers in our database. We act like someone might attack even though nobody gives a crap really.

>> No.18040193

And why should I chose XVS network instead of ABC network?
How can you distinguish the values of networks?

>> No.18040208

Market Cap determines usage of the network

>> No.18040212

A real, tangible, precious metal that has been used as money for over 5000 years?

>> No.18040274

I envy you... You have a lot to go through and rabbit holes to go down fren

>> No.18040276

There is no value in crypto.

It's worthless.

>> No.18040298

finish it... It's worthless because?

>> No.18040319

This is the right answer, you won the thread

>> No.18040323

because it's untraceable

>> No.18040331

first ask yourself what gives the dollar any value, then make your initial question again

>> No.18040357

it's a scam that will stay alive as long as there a fools

>> No.18040378

Mike Maloney Hidden Secrets Of Money
Start with episode 1

>> No.18040393
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the value is how much fiat you can take from people who come in after you. The earlier you arrive in this chain the more you profit when you sell to people lower down the chain. I know what you are thinking it's a pyramid scheme, but it isn't. I have attached a handy diagram.

>> No.18040409

waning trust in world governments increase the need for a decentralized option.
"fuck the feds" is the driving force behind crypto's continual rise. The current crisis can only cause it to increase.
also if we are getting into it, all state currency is a stupid trading game based off imaginary numbers. they have military and the status-quo to back it up but that's about it - and this goes back to people losing trust in them.
crypto can only go up.

>> No.18040433

Reserve Protocol is backed up by tokenized assets

>> No.18040437

Fundementally? Nothing, the demand to buy drugs and guns online and the belief in the store of value. Realistically? Unregulated Chinese exchanges manipulate volume to make sure they don't go broke.

>> No.18040545
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It depends entirely on the cryptocurrency. The vast majority of cryptos will die off because they actually have no utility. You invest in cryptos that are actually being used today, and will be used exponentially more in the future eg. XRP.

>> No.18040586

It's currency that has transparency in how it's being used and stored. Nobody trusts the federal governments to properly maintain fiat currencies, so you can use something else now.

>> No.18040623
File: 425 KB, 810x3621, Screenshot_20200219-215813_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it doesn't

Kind of like you would do with stocks. I don't understand the confusion. Look at partnerships. Look at the problem it is solving etc.

Literally not true.

Thanks for the screenshot.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.18040663
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>because it's untraceable
He actually believes this

>> No.18041028

>Why choose one network instead of another
Features relevant to your use case in relation to other users you are connecting with.
>How can you distinguish the values of networks?
-Metcalfe's law, number of users
-Stickiness, features and use cases
-Value of nodes, first world users worth more than third world etc

>> No.18041052

there is no intrinsic value to crypto - but are you going to make some intrinsic value argument for fiat? kek

>> No.18041105
File: 128 KB, 1771x864, brrrrr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that uses the term 'intrinsic value' does not understand the concept of valuation.
It does not exist.

>> No.18041241

Bitcoin is a veblen good, but it is also a network, but it is also money.

>> No.18041383

Cryptocurrency is just that: a currency. It is not an asset. You know how there are currencies more valuable than the US Dollar? How there were celebrities who kept their money in the Euro at one point? Investing Bitcoin is like that at its base.

>> No.18041429

hoooooly fuck i hope you fags in this thread are larping

>> No.18042380


bitcoin is a language. we communicate value, meaning, price and barter through money - bitcoin is a digital money.

what don't you get? intrinsic value would be 0 if solar flare burns out all hard drives etc. etc.

but the value of one allocation on a deflationary ledger is limitless

of course if it were up to me i would program inflation into the coin supply