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18036062 No.18036062[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do Americans actually believe him?

>> No.18036088

You don't know how long this shit is gonna take. You don't know how the war's going to be fought. But I told you the thing to do and I'm telling you, because it's gonna be hard. It's gonna take a long time, a long time to come out on top. I don't expect it to be easy.

DMX: And you're saying you're giving me those days to make it?

WILLIAMS: If I come out on top I have a long time to get it. But I'm not gonna give you an idea of what to do, because you know how that's gonna end.

KIRK: Well, with William Shatner...


KIRK: Yeah, you know, the firefight is always a fun way to die...

WILLIAMS: At least in my experience...


KIRK: And to what?

WILLIAMS: To what?

KIRK: If you're going to win, the firefight is always an interesting time.

>> No.18036120

>Do Americans actually believe him?

Yes. My countrymen are goddamn stupid and it's gonna be hilarious when boomers are dropping like flies in a couple weeks

>> No.18036142

The same reason he acted like he was a nothingburger through out February: he's trying desperately to save a stock market that's bleeding out.

>> No.18036190

weird having usa called a country. more like a corporation

>> No.18036238

America is a low trust society. They need to keep them oblivious to maintain order.

>> No.18036325

The literal job of the president is to keep people calm and give them hope even if its false hope. If he came out and said "its fucked it's all fucked" or something like that there would literally be panic buying like you've never seen before and riots in the streets.

>> No.18036354

>The literal job of the president is to keep people calm and give them hope even if its false hope.

How about he stops tweeting about drugs that haven't gone through actual testing for the virus being the miracle cure to save us all, drugs which people who actually need them now can't get

>> No.18036377
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How long can the bullshit go on for?

>> No.18036421

I could give a shit about trump hes just the current president. I said the presidents job it doesnt matter who it is or what its about any president it's their job to be calm and strong and reassure the public

>> No.18036452

Things are already normalizing. All of the grocery stores around me, besides ShartMart, have everything back in stock now. Everyone got everything they wanted during the initial panic and now the shelves are fully stocked with plenty of surplus. Only the third world blue states are struggling.

>> No.18036467

Any president anywhere is just a cheerleader for their people to keep them distracted give them hope and reassure them.

>> No.18036479

>Things are already normalizing.

We aren't even close to hitting peak cases in the US tho

>> No.18036487

Like always, nothing actually happens.

>> No.18036543

Those shelves are full because most of the shoppers are dead retard

>> No.18036546

>no Fauci
He's going to resign by Friday

>> No.18036556

Because this was a scam: >>18031817

In the last two conferences it was all doom (but handled), now it's almost over. Conveniently after trillions get "printed", while the average American still has no idea when the checks will be coming.

>> No.18036577
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Hitler in the fuhrerbunker

>> No.18036581

>now it's almost over.

What the hell are you talking about? Trump's just trying to pump the markets out of desperation. This shit isn't even close to over

>> No.18036594

Everyone knows that if you lose your job that you can just put on your job helmet and fly into job land where jobs grow on jobbies.

>> No.18036622

The idea of people going back to work very soon should freak more people out. All it takes is one COOF and it will spread like a forest fire once more. Are we shutting down the economy again when that happens? Do we want people to minimize it and stop washing their hands? Suspect.

>> No.18036672

what a snowflake faggot jfc

>> No.18036675

he knows the virus is fake and gay

>> No.18036676

This whole narrative is getting tiresome. It was entertaining at first, but now the meme is old and dead. You are supposed to push the boundaries for it to remain entertaining, now he just sounds like a retarded boomer.

>> No.18036733

>Trump expects the average 90 IQ American to wash their hands and think about other people to minimize case

>> No.18036771

This guy is so done. This shit killed him.

>> No.18036778
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>Economy has absolutely collapsed to the point of no return
>Massive layoffs and unemployment
>China recovering already and helping other countries like a true world leader
>Retarded mutts have no sense of unity and don't listen to authority so quarantine isn't even possible
>Hospitals reaching their breaking point
>Yellowstone about to erupt
>Internet is likely to go out in the coming weeks

America is on the verge of complete collapse. Not a single war was needed. Based.

>> No.18036784

The virus is real but there are multiple strains. The adrenochrome supply was cut until wuhan was all that was left. The supply coming from wuhan was tainted in order to network the extent of the conspiracy. To avoid a panic and to mitigate people taking advantage of a situation that is clearly only affecting particular people and to make sure that everyone is equally compliant multiple strains of the virus exist. Most people who have died are elderly with existing medical conditions. The information is complex and needs to be monitored closely because it is a smokescreen designed to confuse normies.
> National guard activated to perform "missions"
> nobody in the press asks what type of missions will be performed
> we rescued a young woman from an undisclosed location
> Follow the white rabbit
Qanons trust the plan. We're all in this together

>> No.18036794

The US loses 30,000 people annually to flu
The world loses 500,000
We currently have 500 US deaths from corona
And 16,000 globally

China had peak incidence and recovery within three months
If we don't start seeing at least 50x the daily incident disease rate and death rate we're currently seeing it's not even as important an illness as the flu

The normal, seasonal, non-pandemic flu
That nobody even thinks about

>> No.18036812

If you've been following the numbers, you'd know the US will be the virus epicenter in a few weeks

>> No.18036824
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Its not the flu, it's a new strain of SARS

>> No.18036845

Im not saying its the flu
Im saying it is on track to be less important than the flu
You should learn to read

>> No.18036875

>it is on track to be less important than the flu
>Cases are starting to go parabolic in places not named Italy and China

>> No.18036881

> completely normal phenomena
> It's just the flu bro!
hilarious how /cvg/ threads were nothing burgers until the media began to brainwash the masses and now its "something serious" despite the limited number of deaths. We're at wartime conditions the highest level of alert unseen since WWII.

>> No.18036888

>we need to sacrifice people to the economy god because our economy god is the biggest and strongest economy god

>> No.18036894
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>> No.18036899

This time it's different, right?
What makes it different
What actual hard data makes it different?

>> No.18036928
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>Some parts of New York will be open, some will be closed
Time to buy stocks, frens. Bottom is in.

>> No.18036934

this thing's got the same transmissity as the normal flu.
10% of americans get the flu every year.
3% of americans that get this "flu" will die.
there are 300million americans

can you crunch the numbers?

>> No.18036947

multi-dimensional chess bro. did you hear about Trump and Pence being time travellers?

>> No.18036952

i scratch my butthole and sniff

>> No.18036957

comparing it to the flu in any regard is retarded because its not at all like the flu.

>> No.18037016

>comparing total numbers of an emerging illness to an established illness
>disregarding China's draconian lock down methods used to achieve a slow down in spread
We really are fucked

>> No.18037017

Boeing getting bailed out

>> No.18037058

This was never in question, their defense contracts and massive supply chain influence means they will get help. The government needs to set forth very strict guidelines though that they have to follow before getting a dime though.

>> No.18037183


Right, it both infects and kills less people.

>> No.18037187
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>The government released it in order to destroy itself.

>> No.18037196

>Right, it both infects and kills less people
For now

>> No.18037257

There are ways to be truthful without instilling panic. Take a cue from Merkel or Macron or Trudeau and just lay out the situation, countermeasures, distribute PPE and ventilators, and let everyone know that it's gonna be just fine.

>> No.18037260

>China recovering

>> No.18037270

jew institutional investors know, that's why there was a very cool and very legal pump today.

>> No.18037278

He wants to keep the stock market (or what's left of it) up.
Short VXX btw

>> No.18037285

I started ironic Q posting in their threads on /pol/. They take me seriously.