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File: 40 KB, 820x461, AC8830CA-8E5A-46C9-8E7B-6C75A53252E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18034357 No.18034357 [Reply] [Original]

>The prime minister is announcing strict new curbs on life in the UK to tackle the spread of coronavirus.

>From this evening (23rd March 2020) people must stay at home except for shopping for basic necessities, daily exercise, any medical need and travelling to and from essential work.

>Shops selling non-essential goods will also be shut and gatherings in public of more than two people who do not live together prohibited.

>If people do not follow the rules police will have the powers to enforce them, including through fines and dispersing gatherings, Boris Johnson said in a televised statement from Downing Street.

>Other premises including libraries, playgrounds and outdoor gyms, and places of worship must also close immediately.

>Parks will remain open for exercise but gatherings will be dispersed.

>The government is also stopping all social events, including weddings, baptisms and other ceremonies - but funerals will be allowed.


>> No.18034382

Save a life,
Bin that life

>> No.18034426

i just want btc to dump

>> No.18034433

All because retards couldn't stop clubbing.

>> No.18034462

United States shelter in place order when?

>> No.18034536

it literally happened because of this
i fucking hate normies so much

>> No.18034538


>> No.18034662

How is this not justification to openly revolt and overthrow the government?

>> No.18034682

this is not good lads
preferred being a neet before it was compulsory
their 'advice' to date was confuse af tho tbf
someone could watch the news 20 times a day and still not know wtf they were s'posed to be doing. Never mind people who've never watched/heard a news broadcast in their natural. it appears you more or less need to say. 'right cunts enough, this is how things be now'

>> No.18034687

Brits on twitter were literally begging Boris for these measures to be imposed.

>> No.18034717

McDonald's PM. AHahhaha

>> No.18034720

its basically what 80% of the non-retards have been doing anyway

>stay the fuck home

good that its been formalized

>> No.18034729

This. These niggas, man. The chinks started a fire, but everyone else just soaked everything in gasoline.

>> No.18034787
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, 1579581696264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor guy, tired as fuck.

>> No.18034927

He's worked his whole life to have power. Now he has it.

>> No.18035036

you ameritards should be revolting because Trump isn't doing the same
instead he's gloating about some meme medication and attacking journalists

>> No.18035298

>demonstration is now illegal
>communication only legal via observable channels
Yea, the absolute natural answer to a sickness
Protect people form themselves
We need more rules, more government now!
>how can you retards be so fucking cucked
This corona bullshit is completely blown out of proportion
Its a virus
The media are FULL with it
This is not normal

>> No.18035326

Oi, yuh go' a livin' loicence?

>> No.18035340

I said they were placing too much faith in the public to go about this sensibly in the first place.

>> No.18035373

twitter doesn't represent the population

>> No.18035407

Who's buying shares in Royal Mail when the market opens?

>> No.18035417

if Nazi Germany had even a fraction of the surveillance tools Governments have today, there would be no Holocaust Survivors

>> No.18035458

I also feel bad about the world leaders with incredible power and wealth at their fingertips because some journalist called them a bad name. :(

>> No.18035474

That makes it even more scary

>> No.18035515


>> No.18035535
File: 130 KB, 720x1280, Corona vacation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, just look at this prime example of liberal retardation >>18035298

Also pic related

>> No.18035551

you may not have observed this strange phenomena, being a stupid cunt and all, but the Bongs in this thread at least appear to have grasped, over-estimating the intelligence of our fellow citizens was never a sensible course of action. Trusting retards to act in everyone's best interest, this seldom ends well. Ordering them to (and by need, shooting the cunts when they don't) tends to improve the results some. Burgers shall also learn these things, the hard way if needed.

>> No.18035589

for burgers they'll need to use the army, I guarantee some gun nuts are going outside otherwise
With Drumpf at the head, I guarantee the death rates will rival Italy.

>> No.18035647

They just knew westerners are retarded.
Extremely based chinaman fucking up with the western world, biggest move in history.

>> No.18035682
File: 52 KB, 556x757, FB_IMG_1584904652625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their 'advice' to date was confuse af tho tbf
>someone could watch the news 20 times a day and still not know wtf they were s'posed to be doing

How fucking retarded do you have to be to not understand "stay at home".

Don't get pissed at the Queen's Head
Don't go Clapham Common to blaze it with your fag friends
Don't go to Stacy's House for Netflix and Chill

Literally stay at home. Spastic.

>> No.18035700

>but just look at other countries
>new order policy gets enacted
>cuck media in other countries:
>but just look at other countries
>naaw we are not totally blowing this out of proportion
>corona is only comparable with the fucking black death that wiped out a third of fucking Europe when Europe still had a natural age distribution
>just look at this evil virus with his sub 1% mortality
>we all gonna die
>dont go outside
>no reason at all to protest
>all perfectly normal
>its totally ok to force people into their wagieshacks because they are stupid

>> No.18035951

I'm glad these retarded normies are going to get a smackdown