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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18033785 No.18033785 [Reply] [Original]

can someone explain to me what is FED ? it's not owned by government, who owns it ? and who gave it so much power ?

>> No.18033828

Veh peuple vat wear vose funny hats

>> No.18033919

look the rest up
>and who gave it so much power ?
We all did though our ignorance. This has been building for centuries. shame people forget that 'money' i.e power transfers from the active to the patient. these cunts are patient.
Check out WHY the gold was taken in the '30s

>> No.18033956

it's an independent board and centralized banking system with managers and executives appointed by presidential nominations

>> No.18033965

The Jews

>> No.18034020
File: 1.17 MB, 927x6648, banks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oh my, now you're asking the right questions. Start reading up on the monetary side of WW2 (how did Hitler reduce unemployment rate to practically zero? How did Germany go from being the poorest to the richest European nation between WW1 and WW2?), what gives the US dollar its value (look up the Bretton Woods system, Nixon Shock, Petrol dollar), why did the US invade X middle eastern country?

Then you'll understand why Satoshi Nakamoto could not have revealed his identity.

>> No.18034176

It literally has private shareholders. I didn't believe it when I first heard that, but I looked up the text of the Federal Reserve Act online and I saw with my own eyes. Shit's fucked meng.

>> No.18034258


>> No.18034281

>can someone explain to me what is FED ?
>it's not owned by government, who owns it ?
>and who gave it so much power ?

>> No.18034303

fucking proper nonce are ya
come off

>> No.18034364

Gonna use this thread to ask:
Where do i start to learn about finances? I have some money, but i'm shit at anything even related to investing or crypto, i have 0 idea how to make more money in a way that isn't me working for it, and now my country just passed a bill that employers can suspend contracts for 4 months with no pay because of corona
My father is sick and i take care of him, i'm shitting my pants that i'm gonna have to use everything i have saved, and it's not enough to take care of him for 4 months if the worst happens, so i gotta learn how to make that shit grow
Any books or literature on it or should i just lurk here forever?

>> No.18034408


>> No.18034862
File: 447 KB, 1660x1380, rothschild_central_banks2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can someone explain to me what is FED
Private Jewish Bank that LARPS as a federal institution for the illusion of legitimacy. It's a parasitical slave system that subjugates all sovereign nations under Jewish private rule.
>it's not owned by government, who owns it ?
Rothschilds, the most powerful Jewish family.
>and who gave it so much power ?
Jews did. And politicians that are all owned by Jews.

>> No.18036376

2 words
That is all

>> No.18036585

>thinking there is a difference between R and D
>ignoring fact that Republicans won a crap-ton of elections post ww2
>not knowing that paying off debt would ruin the dollar
>not knowing that the problem is that the Fed can't just use printed money
This post is a mixed bag anon. I personally don't believe jews have anything to do with this, but i'm on 4channel.
>>18034364 I recommend you start with Graham Stephan on YT. he was a rather penniless teenager without a college degree and he amassed millions in real estate, not just investing but also doing actual work. Watch him on YouTube and all the other actually good finance tube channels. Then read the books from the biz charts here http://sys.4channel.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23F!JrhSyY6S!7qmTPol52TnmpFOdbag7RQ
Also take notes, make a schedule for your day, carefully lurk on /biz/ and wallstreetbets.

Hope you make it anon!!!

>> No.18036667

>what is fed
>who owns it
>who gave it so much power

>> No.18036970

true on multiple levels
>Jews: Global Jewry
>Kikes: Jews from the US
>Yids: Jews from Germany

>> No.18037055

>0% unemployment is good

>> No.18037557
