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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18033247 No.18033247 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me that the Federal Reserve is not a scam.

>> No.18033265

This is all a simulation so does it really matter either way?

>> No.18033263


Its a central bank without the name

>> No.18033290

It's not a scam it's one of those games where you have to sit on a chair when music stops playing.

>> No.18033300

Well uh you see umm

>> No.18033303

I want to have sex with her if you knoq what i mean

>> No.18033336

That is not an answer.
So, its a scam.
What happens when there is one chair left and 380million Americans?

>> No.18033368

Its a tranny, a man if you will.

>> No.18033405

What the fuck? Looks exactly like a woman... what does this say about me oh god

>> No.18033550

before we can help you, it would help us to know what kind of mental disorder you have:
-drug induced (including inhalants)
-traumatic brain injury
-all of the above

>> No.18033580

imagine busting a nut in her mouth....

>> No.18033636

why are latina fingers so long and gross

>> No.18033646 [DELETED] 

nah I'm god

>> No.18033670

>What happens when there is one chair left and 380million Americans?

>> No.18034521

Youre gay.
All of the above. Convince me.

>> No.18034714

id fuck her boy pussy if you know what I mean

>> No.18035076
File: 1.68 MB, 1753x1311, 1584249581469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woooow, she's so PRETTY when she puts on the pretty face mask.

>> No.18035351

yeah but her boy pussy doesn't need a mask.

>> No.18035614
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Federal Reserve is not a scam.

>> No.18035708

>Convince me that the Federal Reserve is not a scam.
Why would I? It's an obvious scam.

>> No.18035814

Convince me.
Yep. Did you see the 60 minutes interview with a Fed chairman?

>> No.18035901
File: 1.92 MB, 1900x1970, chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a pawn on a chessboard who has been shown a fraction of the big picture, without context, and sent across the board to flush out another side's pieces. The Federal Reserve is a mechanism of control, but you have no idea what it does, why it exists, or how it actually operates. What you have is Koch propaganda on repeat remixed through newer mouthpieces than the John Birch Society and served up to you to convince you and your fellow pawns to rush towards an objective that you don't really understand.

Last time the "Libertarians" made a big move it was under Obama in the form of the Tea Party trying to centralize both Fiscal and Monetary policy out of a single sub-committee controlled by Koch puppets, and their bid for control failed. I don't know who's in on the play this time, but I know that if you're hearing war drums you should be sweating, because the game doesn't end well for pawns most of the time.

>> No.18035967

Ah, another shiteater that thinks they're intelligent I see.

>> No.18036029

That is an awful lot of assumptions.

Anyone reading this comment and the faggots (tranny) comment above. Please don't give in to such feelings of hopeless as offered by said transexual faggot. People that make vague assumptions to make themselves feel superior are faggots and or trannies 100% of the time - therefore not an assumption

>> No.18036468


If it's a lie then why are obvious shills responding to it with textbook shill tactics?

>> No.18036653

I didn't call you a liar, I called you an idiot. You even type like an anime character you walking joke. Shoo and go back to your /a/sshole, adults are talking.

>> No.18036765


Ah, ad hominem.

>> No.18037247

The FED wasn't supposed to be a scam but when a loss prevention system is created there will always be people who stand to gain by abusing it.

1: The Federal Reserve exists to safeguard the American economy.
2: Banks know this and understand how much power they have over said economy, therefore some of the protection will extend to them.
3: Banks gamble knowing that they're partially insulated. If they win, they make up a larger slice of the pie, if they lose:
4: FED bails them out, they ask for as much as can be given to save "the economy" and then they use the funds to gamble again later.

Repeat steps 4 & 5 until the banks ARE the economy.

>> No.18037342


It's not a loss-prevention system for bail outs. It controls the money supply to either fight inflation or fight unemployment at any given time and also to protect the dollar from speculative attacks by potentially hostile entities. The idea that it's loss prevention is not accurate, the actual bail outs in 08 happened through congress.