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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 470 KB, 850x478, coronascam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18031817 No.18031817 [Reply] [Original]

If after the 15 days (next week) they end the quarantine or ease back on the social distancing and people can get back to work, this coronavirus was a SCAM to give corporations money and to have everyone panic sell so the rich can swoop up stocks on the cheap.

>One option under consideration is a gradual scaling back of current restrictions, where people under 40 who are healthy go back to work on a certain date, followed by people aged 40 to 50, according to one person briefed on the discussions.
>Moore added: “I’m not in any way disparaging the public health people. They are vital to this process. But you can’t have a policy that says we’re going to save every human life at any cost, no matter how many trillion of dollars you’re talking about.”
>One senior administration official said there is a widespread understanding among government officials about the need to get the economy reopened again [...] The administration has looked at options such as whether people can go back to work if they are able to avoid public transportation, or if they can go back to work if they are not in areas with high infection rates.
If they're going to end this, the brouhaha was all for nothing. People lost their savings, small businesses closed down, people lost their jobs, and they became an anxious mess. You have to be absolutely fucking retarded to restart life as it was without waiting at least three months for the virus to die down.

>> No.18031904
File: 29 KB, 750x430, 5449848798741321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18031963

Are you aware that quarantine is at least 45 days ?

>> No.18032056

Yeah, you are very smart fren, go tell that to my mom who passed away from covid 4 days ago, you god damn faggot.

>> No.18032086

My nonno's sister died in northern italy of covid

>> No.18032202

Does it? I've seen some places talk of March 31st (Mall of America) and some states aren't that tight on it yet.

No, the virus is not a scam. It exists. Obviously. It is dangerous. Shutting everything down and fudding with "this will last until 2021" is the scam. If, and only if, they ease back on the social distancing.

>> No.18032220


In all seriousness, I'm actually sorry for your loss, but humans are not immortal.

>> No.18032267

Just look outside USA, there isn't a single country that stopped quarantine after 15 days

>> No.18032359

You have bottom tier tinfoil theories.

>> No.18032368

What do you think will happen after the 15 days, in your opinion? I'm getting red flags from the sudden change in narrative in the news and old boomers suddenly wanting to let people loose.

>> No.18032404

virus hoax starter pack

>> No.18032459
File: 41 KB, 768x433, mrrobot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>f after the 15 days (next week) they end the quarantine or ease back on the social distancing and people can get back to work, this coronavirus was a SCAM to give corporations money and to have everyone panic sell so the rich can swoop up stocks on the cheap.

The Dutch government literally announced 1 hour ago that the quarantaine mode will be expanded from 6 april to 1 fucking June. This is going to be a shitshow.

>> No.18032467

Fact is it's not a scam and it's total fucking panic at all levels of every governement. No one knows how long this thing will last, China says they are out of it but we can't really trust them, it's their fault in the first place we're in this mess. Even in the worst days of the 2008 crisis things were not this bad, business isn't slow right now it's shut down. The economy is about to take a dive off a cliff and every bank in the world will follow no matter how much money they print if we can't get back to normal within 3 months.

The Spanish flu lasted 4 years, had more than 10 waves and mutated at least once. And it wasn't as contagious or deadly as COVID. In italy the death rate is at 11%. The US health care system is even more fucked than the italian one.

US is going to get peak deaths of the first wave in about 2 weeks.

We have shit for data, the media doesn't have a clue, we're testing people with symptoms so we don't know if the % is valid or if we're preselecting. We have no idea how many people are symptom free healthy carriers.

Then there's the fact that it's only now moving into latin america where there are massive bat populations and notorious propensity for viruses to mutate.

If this thing mutates the vaccine effort is back to 0 and it's 22 more months until we can vaccinate for the new strain, after the 2 months minimum it would take to identify it.

But it's not even about the death rate, it's that we don't know what effect all this will have on the world, only that it won't be good or minor.

Get ready for life to change fuckers, this is our world war. This one is not a movie, there's going to be a world after COVID that won't be the same as the world before COVID.

>> No.18032552

My point of view is that it's almost impossible to get a clear idea on what's happening worldwide given the number of possibilities. We will be able to see geopolitical moves once it'll end

>> No.18032629

>No, the virus is not a scam. It exists.
It doesnt exist

>> No.18032658

fact is it's a total hoax designed to cover up financial collapse (which has been coming for decades, and was triggered last year)
there's no such thing as a pathogenic virus
the elites are also taking the opportunity to establish their boots ever more firmly on people's throats
virus hoax starter pack

>> No.18032696
File: 66 KB, 930x462, 1584990897003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Spanish flu lasted 4 years, had more than 10 waves and mutated at least once. And it wasn't as contagious or deadly as COVID

They only test severely symptomatic people and people grossly contaminated by severely symptomatic people, and of that group that actually gets tested, 1% of the 60+ yr old people (with 3 or more complicating factors) die.

Vastly more people have it/ had it that haven't even been tested and never will be tested, because the symptoms are "who cares" tier. 0% death rate.

If the second group, who was never tested, had their numbers included with the first group, we'd mathematically arrive at the conclusion that Covid19 is substantially less deadly than the flu.

See ya.

>> No.18032714

It exists, please accept this. I'm living in France, my sister is working in a hospital and i asked her about how is her life changing, i'm now 100% sure it exists

>> No.18032725

Good thoughts. I'm taking this seriously and I want everyone to take it seriously. I don't want to go out into a movie theater and have in the back of my mind that I just got infected because I decided to eat popcorn after touching the seat. This virus needs to die out, all borders need to be closed, and people need to self-isolate for at least a month. People are still going to grocery stores just to get out of the house and they are restless.

>The Dutch government literally announced 1 hour ago that the quarantaine mode will be expanded from 6 april to 1 fucking June.
Didn't know this.

>> No.18032743

it doesn't exist at all
I also know people working in hopsitals, and they're all completely delusional
virus hoax starter pack

>> No.18032802

It's not a 'scam' as it's not artificial but No Crisis Should Go to Waste in the words of churchill are also good business advice. And with American politics and our lobbying there's a lot of money to be made right now. I don't like it and the Trumpbux bill is rigged towards corporations as normal. Probably will get passed anyway. Corporations getting federal assistance, including policy on stock buybacks and executive pay. Can we stop bailing out these fucks and just take control and nationalize.

>> No.18032810
File: 32 KB, 585x124, oy vey etst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It exists, please accept this.
Its not real.

>i'm now 100% sure it exists
The Corona Virus test is bullshit

>> No.18032826

it is literally a scam, a complete hoax, because the virus in question does not exist at all
virus hoax starter pack

>> No.18032839
File: 241 KB, 888x842, JewHanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tennessee man with coronavirus describes life as ‘patient zero’
>Chris (((Baumgartner)))

>Elizabeth Schneider

>Rabbi claims to have corona
>his jew village gets martial law'd
also interesting
>Some 33 families established the community of la Nouvelle-Rochelle in 1688.
This place is some sort of Glownigger hotspot, like Sandy Hook.

>Holocaust Survivor Is First Coronavirus Death In Israel

>only Jews and jewish actors like Tom Hanks, Holohoax Survivors and Weinstein get the imaginary disease and talk about it in the media

>> No.18032844

Cause they are not facing it in the US. It's a mess in Europe. If it does not exists, it means that people are going to the hospital for simple flu symptoms, which i currently doubt. We usually have 600 people/day dying in France, with a 186 more today

>> No.18032851

So what's killing these people in the ER's of Italy? It's all on tape genius.

>> No.18032861
File: 24 KB, 306x306, 1 (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bill Gates predicts 33 million deaths:

>33 infected in California:

>33 year-old Chinese victim:

>33% increase in one day:

>Amazing race 33 cancelled from corona:

>33 cases in Bahrain:

>33 million locked down in China:

>33 year-old German victim:

>Wall street Journal vol. 33:

>Thailand’s 33rd case:

>Singapore’s 33rd case:

>Virus interrupts 33rd wedding anniversary:

>9 screened for corona;33% looking to relocate:

>the coronavirus genome ends with 33 a‘s


>> No.18032893

That's not even the issue. The issue is that if this keeps up for more than 3 months the world will change in unpredictable ways. Real or not, we're stuck at home in all of europe and the US isn't far behind.

>> No.18032898

>The Coronavirus scare that emanated from Wuhan, China in December of 2019 is an epidemic of testing. There is no proof that a virus is being detected by the test and there is absolutely no concern about whether there are a significant number of false positives on the test. What is being published in medical journals is not science, every paper has the goal of enhancing the panic by interpreting the data only in ways that benefit the viral theory, even when the data is confusing or contradictory. In other words, the medical papers are propaganda.

>> No.18032900
File: 54 KB, 716x403, 85112abbf1cf1b59052c4c73a99c2574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what's killing these people in the ER's of Italy
Shits fake yo
>lying facedown when you have fucked lungs

>> No.18032946

>land of the free
>get fined for operating a business
>get fined for going outside

>> No.18032961

You seriously thing you're gonna make this go away with 3 shit tier youtube videos?

>> No.18032965

yes, it’s a scam, but they’ve only gotten started. this will be dragged out for a couple more weeks/months. there’s still shit left to do. it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity, they won’t just stop after having paid a few corporations lunch money. use your brain for a change.

>> No.18033026

>the coronavirus genome ends with 33 a‘s
lmao, the hoaxsters love this type of stuff

>> No.18033052

only one of the links is a YouTube video
the other three is reading material, including an entire book
perhaps you'd realize it was a hoax if you didn't have the attention span of a goldfish

>> No.18033067

PCR is just a way to increase the amount of DNA in a sample because DNA is fucking small dude. And yes the number of cycles is "arbitrary" like the depth of driving a nail into a wall is "arbitrary" there's not set amount because what matters is having "enough" genetic material to detect that of COVID.

Don't talk about shit you don't understand please.

>> No.18033087
File: 220 KB, 1436x1078, 1584992221189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the typical jewish theater.
And madonna's latest album had a corona typwriter and song lyrics:
Not everyone is coming to the future
Not everyone is learning from the past
Not everyone can come into the future
Not everyone that's here is gonna last (gonna last)
Not everyone is coming to the future
Not everyone is coming from the past
Not everyone can come into the future
Not everyone that's here is gonna last (gonna last)

>> No.18033101

Tom Hanks is a Christian you fucking (((retard)))

>> No.18033157

>Dr Jeffery Taubenberger, from whom the allegation of a reconstruction of the 1918 pandemic virus originates, works for the US-American army and has worked for more than 10 years on producing, on the basis of samples from different human corpses, short pieces of gene substance by means of the biochemical multiplication technique PCR. Out of the multitude of produced pieces he has selected those which came closest to the model of the genetic substance of the idea of an influenza virus, and has published these.
>In no corpse however was a virus seen or isolated or was a piece of gene substance from a such isolated. By means of the PCR technique there were produced out of nothing pieces of gene substance whose earlier existence in the corpse could not be demonstrated.
>If viruses had been present, then these could have been isolated, and out of them their gene substance could have been isolated too; there would have been no necessity for anyone to produce laboriously, by means of PCR technique - with clearly a swindle intention - a patchwork quilt of a model of the genetic substance of the idea of an influenza virus.
>About these short pieces of gene substance, which in the sense of genetics are not complete and which do not even suffice for defining a gene, it is being maintained that they together would make up the entire gene substance of an influenza virus.
>In order to see through this swindle one only has to be able to add up the published length pieces, in order to ascertain that the sum of the lengths of the individual pieces, which supposedly makes up the entire viral gene substance of the purported influenza virus, does not make up the length of the idea of the genome of the influenza virus model.
>Even simpler it is to ask in what publication you can find the electron microscope photo of this supposedly reconstructed virus. There is no such publication.

>> No.18033356

My mom also died. Yesterday. And my sister is currently in critical condition at the hospital. She is dying. I think i got it frens. It's over. Sad i couldn't make it with LINK before dying.

>> No.18033714
File: 242 KB, 1440x360, banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If after the 15 days (next week) they end the quarantine or ease back on the social distancing and people can get back to work, this coronavirus was a SCAM to give corporations money and to have everyone panic sell so the rich can swoop up stocks on the cheap.
It's because the elite want coronavirus to spread so that they can all get rich on coronacoin

>> No.18034255

ok that's some sweet shill buying.

>> No.18034360
File: 64 KB, 618x597, cynical-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't take care of yourself anymore, what's the point of continuing on living? To force other people to take care of you because you're a selfish piece of shit? This virus is doing a lot of people and families a favor.

>> No.18034505

Ok jew
>Jeffery (((Taubenberger)))
Opinion discarded

>> No.18035010

uh, did you even read it?
the entire point was that (((he))) fabricated the "virus" out of his ass

>> No.18035034

no I didnt read it, whenever I see a jewish name I just ignore it.

>> No.18035072

If this were the case, it wouldnt matter. None of this matters then. Because that would mean that the Chinese, the Russians, the US, literally every fucking country on earth, does what they want to do anyways. Then it doesnt matter.

>> No.18035075

>You have to be absolutely fucking retarded to restart life as it was
I have bad news for you

>> No.18035577


>> No.18035623

>The Dutch government literally announced 1 hour ago that the quarantaine mode will be expanded from 6 april to 1 fucking June. This is going to be a shitshow.
based, I don't want to see normie faces again.
extremely bullish for neets

>> No.18035712

I Really hope you are wrong but tbqh that is a good point.

>> No.18035742


>> No.18035835

It's media clickbait fearmongering. It's a real virus that can kill people but only a very small percentage of the population will die.

>> No.18035868

Trump just announced it's going to be less than three months. SCAM.

>> No.18035911


The US loses 30,000 people annually to flu
The world loses 500,000
We currently have 500 US deaths from corona
And 16,000 globally

China had peak incidence and recovery within three months
If we don't start seeing at least 50x the daily incident disease rate and death rate we're currently seeing it's not even as important an illness as the flu

The normal, seasonal, non-pandemic flu
That nobody even thinks about

>> No.18035939

>China had peak incidence and recovery within three months
according to the lying commie cunts

>> No.18035964

>If we don't start seeing at least 50x the daily incident disease rate and death rate
you will it's going parabolic enjoy the ride!

>> No.18035991
File: 196 KB, 1941x1941, just-a-flu-bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also you are comparing stats too early wait for eoy for a tally.

>> No.18036020

from this alone i would estimate 20-25 million dead before eoy

>> No.18036044

>his sources is literally organizations and not actual data
>likely using inflated sources from china and italy as opposed to the wealth of other countries with low mortality rates

>> No.18036573

Sounds like a troll. what country are you in

>> No.18036593


>> No.18036601
File: 36 KB, 600x885, 1584055864764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing an annual virus to a brand new virus which has only been spreading for 2 months.

>> No.18036614

Qanaon agrees with you anon. We began the operation under the cover of the virus Friday 13th and it will conclude around the end of Easter. Follow the white rabbit which will be absent from the White House this year because it is a corrupt symbol. Trust the plan friends. Learn about the cabal, adrenochrome, and pizzagate

>> No.18036661

Coronavirus in Italy already killed more people than the flu does in a year over there.

>> No.18036719

In fact if I'm reading these reports correctly, Italy didn't even lose half as many people to the flu last year.

>> No.18036867

You are picking the worst performing country in the world
Italy loses 5000-15000 people annually to flu

You cherry picked the one country in the entire world that might help your argument
And you're still wrong

>> No.18036896

every state has different orders you absolute RETARD

>> No.18036918

Okay retard, see you in a month.

>> No.18036941

If you are wrong, how will you atone for being so stupid?
I have a large financial position riding on my being right
Have you invested anything other than your own feelings?

>> No.18036999

Do you know where the fuck you are? We're all in on our gut feelings.

>> No.18037312


In 2017 61,000 people in the US died of the flu, while the normal amount is usually 20-30k. How much thought did you give to the flu back then?

>> No.18037575

>in a year
I think that's the thing you don't get.

>> No.18037764
File: 62 KB, 1024x768, 56323756_394548454431681_266192765811949568_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you imagine what would happen if some nefarious group had the motive to generate panic through careful fearmongering to advance their own agenda, haha just jk but imagine

>> No.18037767

Trump said a few minutes ago that he doesn't care that much about the 1% death rate. Expect this be over within a month and then have it blamed on bad data coming out of Italy.

>> No.18037796


>> No.18037879


Stopping the quarantine on Monday will be akin to never having started one to begin with. Death from suffocation is going to become part and parcel of being American.

>> No.18037893 [DELETED] 

(((Discord))) banned the /biz/ server, get in the new one bros
discordb gg kjGsbrW

>> No.18037951


Condolences bros. I’m sure your mothers were proud of you. Stay strong

>> No.18038790
File: 283 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2020-03-22-03-54-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I know it's just so absurd though. Definitely couldn't happen or is happening! That would be silly and too much of a conspiracy and it would have to be ridiculed

>> No.18039255

>Trump, the God Emperor of Mankind, the world's leading virology and epidemiology expert

>> No.18039293

What is the average IQ of a "it's just a flu" poster?

>> No.18039322

He technically said in a roundabout way he won't let the experts decide, but will listen to what they have to say. Deborah also downplayed the data coming from Italy. Connect the dots and buy stocks tomorrow, enjoy your 2X gains by September.

>> No.18039356

>Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.
Bottom is in. I did my part to help you anons.

>> No.18039442

Pics of mom's tits or btfo faggot

>> No.18039744

this guy knows the gravity of situation. complete black swan

>> No.18039945
File: 116 KB, 1014x512, flu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your cheat sheet niggers

>> No.18040006

Can we just exterminate all the chinks already? There are good for nothing

>> No.18040305


>> No.18040354

virus hoax starter pack

>> No.18040446

Trump isn’t going to lift the guidance. We need to quarantine through mid-April. Even that is probably too soon.

>> No.18040635

What we need to do and what he will do are 2 completely different things. I guarantee he will open everything up within a couple weeks.

>> No.18041041

get off 4chan you retard. Now is no time for the brutality of the chans if your mom really did die

>> No.18041634

>I just got infected because I decided to eat popcorn after touching the seat.
As someone with OCD, why are normies so disgusting? You know the seat is dirty! No one cares about putting their foot on the seats, like sitting lotus or slanting over to hug the bae and put the feet on the seat, or the seat in front of you. No one cares about stepping in dog shit outside. Of course the seat is god damn contaminated by dog feces. Why would you touch your food after touching it? I sincerely hope you all die in a lot of pain.

>> No.18041690
File: 236 KB, 1160x1410, USMortality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they'll fix the news cycle, the time it takes to "reduce virus restrictions", the media sentiment, etc once they are done emptying their cash reserves into buying shares at 40-80% discounts

I'll be surprised if this comes out to be worse than the seasonal flu, even according to their numbers

>> No.18041718

Based liar

>> No.18041734

Is there truth that adding South American bats to the mix will.make it extra lethal?

>> No.18041790

Whoever wrote your image doesn't know shit about PCR, but you already knew that, didn't you Chang?

>> No.18041882

cool story bro except only the rich are in the stock market...

>> No.18041909

>Dr Jeffery Taubenberger, from whom the allegation of a reconstruction of the 1918 pandemic virus originates, works for the US-American army and has worked for more than 10 years on producing, on the basis of samples from different human corpses, short pieces of gene substance by means of the biochemical multiplication technique PCR. Out of the multitude of produced pieces he has selected those which came closest to the model of the genetic substance of the idea of an influenza virus, and has published these.
>In no corpse however was a virus seen or isolated or was a piece of gene substance from a such isolated. By means of the PCR technique there were produced out of nothing pieces of gene substance whose earlier existence in the corpse could not be demonstrated.
>If viruses had been present, then these could have been isolated, and out of them their gene substance could have been isolated too; there would have been no necessity for anyone to produce laboriously, by means of PCR technique - with clearly a swindle intention - a patchwork quilt of a model of the genetic substance of the idea of an influenza virus.
>About these short pieces of gene substance, which in the sense of genetics are not complete and which do not even suffice for defining a gene, it is being maintained that they together would make up the entire gene substance of an influenza virus.
>In order to see through this swindle one only has to be able to add up the published length pieces, in order to ascertain that the sum of the lengths of the individual pieces, which supposedly makes up the entire viral gene substance of the purported influenza virus, does not make up the length of the idea of the genome of the influenza virus model.
>Even simpler it is to ask in what publication you can find the electron microscope photo of this supposedly reconstructed virus. There is no such publication.

>> No.18041953

>just take control and nationalize
That's exactly what's going to happen, that's the plan and its not a good thing for you and me. As if the government isn't already basically owned by oligarchs, eventually these companies will be denationalized for pennies on the dollar to the same oligarchs, giving them explicit ownership.

>> No.18042117

Sell stock high, boomers with $10000 panic sell, buy back low. Also put/call both ways for even more profit.

>> No.18043658

How tasteless.
Yes. Sell everything you have now and fund research via ARPA.

>> No.18043693

Luckily most people bought this, right?

>> No.18044104

#Tachyon Protocol is an open, P2P network where nodes provide services to each other and form a

>> No.18044743
File: 1.04 MB, 3072x2168, BEAEB5D5-3258-49BE-B5A2-AC7B72288001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is playing out exactly the the 1920s. Spanish flu hits....kills Shit ton of people....please get over it and the “roaring 20s” starts....party for a few years because Spanish flu is over....then we start to creep back into shitsville because we never paid the piper....financial Armageddon happens...last the Great Depression for 15 years.

>> No.18044782

does the piper take fed notes from our infinite money machine?

>> No.18044842

I hope that everyone of you conspiracy theory retards gets a visit from Corona-chan.

>> No.18044861

Dirty bitch should have listened, I told her I was infected.

>> No.18044874
File: 238 KB, 589x437, pink wojaks singing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18044878

yeah? my mom died 15 minutes ago and her last words were
"/c1nw3vV is a nigger retard and also fuck jews"

>> No.18044897
File: 58 KB, 640x960, meals for one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha you must be a crazy 4chan conspiracy theorist incel, pls have sex immediately. oh wait you can't we must practice social distancing!!! hahahaha

>> No.18044911
File: 569 KB, 913x931, 44948413219451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a scam ogn is the cure

>> No.18044957

The federal bank has many disadvantages which can be overcome by the use of decentralized cryptocurrency, similarly Data Protection, Privacy & restriction on the internet is one of the major problems in this world, in future data is going to be as valuable has oil today, so we need well-protected internet service technology
which would protect our data many new startups like tachyon protocol has started providing service in a decentralized internet with exciting technology & product one should check their services, I loved it.

>> No.18045515

it's the opposite

>> No.18045516

Haha why would they want lockdowns before outlawing all non government crypro and create a global centralized fiat ponzi scheme haha

>> No.18045543

flu deaths are based on algorithm estimate, not confirmed.

>> No.18045545

can't wait for you mutts to die while suffocating.