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18028552 No.18028552 [Reply] [Original]

US is the most debt nation in the world
basically all production, factories is moved to east, China etc.

Russia has huge natural resources and Russia economy is actually quite good, very little debt compared to US

there are conspiracy theories that elites have already decided destroy US, and when US lose its world reserve currency status, then US become like banana rebublic

this conspiracy theory included that elites have decided that next economic superpower, dymano is east, eurasia, Russia, China, etc.

these consiprasy theorists says that elites they dont care about borders or nation, whole world is their playground, and now its time to destroy US

do you think that FED etc. that they are so stupid, that they dont know what happens to US dollar when you printing it unlimited amounts, ofcourse its going to be destroyed

>> No.18028584

Thank you, Vladimir, very nice!

>> No.18028589

The "elites" aka capitalists will pit workers of the world against each other in a world war. The elites of US will especially push for war because thats the only option they have left to maintain their economic superpower status.

>> No.18028602

Pajeets have gone from shilling coins to shilling conspiracies.

>> No.18028676


there are no been free capitalism in world at least 50 years
ironic is that these free trade agreements, pacts, are against free capitalism

US is not capitalist country, US is very close to communism, and its full communism if US start helicopter money

>> No.18028688

The US will never become "a banana republic", but i do overall agree that the current world order, that anyway was in the process of ending, will end post-corona.
Instead we will see the return of a "ww1 world order" where regional great powers dominate their sphere of influence. China, Europe (Germany), US, Russia, Japan.. the rest of the great powers i don't know.

>> No.18028705

>US is the most debt nation in the world
Debt to GDP and other indicators matter more
>Russia economy is actually quite good
Hilarious. OPEC is currently bending them over and all countries involved are running a train on the sweet Russian boipucci

>> No.18028722

Communism = a stateless classless society. Thats according to Marx. If you dont like the definition, use another word.

>> No.18028820

Russia has been on the brink of collapse since the 90’s. Once they go back to being Chinas adversary they are going to get fucked

>> No.18028827

Say goodbye to US dollar and hello to (((UN dollar)))

>> No.18028828 [DELETED] 

Not gonna happen bud. Take a look at our miltary. Peep our nukes bro.

>> No.18028846

old, the plan was destroyed.
Also america is not in debt, it's the richest country on earth with Zero debt.

the US is the only nation without a currency of its own, the Federal Reserve private corporation prints the money.

>> No.18028857


if US lose its world reserve currency status, i.e. China ditch US, then US become banana rebublic, thirld world nation, this isnt even conspiracy, many have talked about this

what makes you think that "The US will never become a banana rebublic"

>> No.18028907

There won't be an official world war, precisely because US couldn't possibly win it.

>> No.18028946


you missed the point, same elite control all nations, west, and east, they dont start nuclear war

Soviet Union collapsed whitout single bullet fired, i.e. that was pre planned

Soviet Union was military might, why they surrender whitout fighting single shot agains west, because its was pre planned by the one elite that controlled US and Soviet Union

now US have same faith that Soviet Union has back then

>> No.18028968

how do the Jews fit into this?

>> No.18029150

listen to this, and you may understand that this one elite has controlled world long time, and all wars are pre planned, who wins, and who loses

The Best Enemies Money Can Buy: An Interview with Prof. Antony C. Sutton

The late Professor Antony C. Sutton proves conclusively that the United States financed the economic and military development of the Soviet Union. Without this aid, financed by U.S. taxpayers, there would be no significant Soviet military threat, for there would be no Soviet economy to support the Soviet military machine, let alone sophisticated military equipment. This interview was conducted by Dr. Stanley Monteith in the early 1980s.

>> No.18029339


>> No.18029622

bnmp for discussion

>> No.18029827

The elite seem to forget that there is an ever-increasing segment of the population that is awake and fully interacting with the universe and shaping things now. They are no longer the only conscious ones living among the walking dead. Their tactics only work when the populace is asleep.

>> No.18030872

No one trusts Russia and China

>> No.18030924

Who is going to collect on the debt of the country with the most powerful military in the wordl?

>> No.18030930


>No one trusts Russia and China

yes, i dont ether, but i dont trust US government also

they are all the same, US, Russia, and China

so what is your point

>> No.18030999


Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact had equally the most powerful military than US and NATO

but Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact surrender whitout shooting single bullet against west, even they had power to totally destroy west Europe and US

>> No.18031027

Most countries and investors across the planet are dumping their money into USD right now. Look at the currency markets, the dollar is skyrocketing because everyone is using it as a safe haven right now. People are hoarding dollars and OPEC is flooding the market with the cheapest oil we'll see in the next century. When the smoke clears and people begin to leave the dollar to invest in other ventures there are going to be a lot of people who poor that money into oil because OPEC isn't going to stop until they have crushed America shale and bought it for pennies on the dollar. So we are now going to enter into a period of deflation despite the 2 Trillion the Treasury is printing to give to the Fed because dollars are being hoarded. After the recovery we'll enter into a period of hyper inflation however because so many investors are going to dump their dollars into oil, Saudi Arabia is going to have a vested interest in keep oil prices in US Dollars, because they're about to acquire a large sum of it, thus further protecting the Dollar as the reserve currency of the planet.

>> No.18031077


yes, people of course think when other currencies failing that US dollar is safe heaven, but its not

US dollar is backed by nothing, its fiat currency like every other currency, and FED inflated it every day by printing US dollars like there is tomorrow

>> No.18031089

The USD is the world reserve because America is in so much debt. The world elite aren't going to allow their funds to become worthless.

>> No.18031102
File: 662 KB, 900x600, 1_80fHGPkO6Fli3BLpxcQO6g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya I get all my geopolitical info from retards that can't speak English. Now fuck off Igor.

>> No.18031121

>US dollar is backed by nothing
You can buy practically anything with it. It's backed by everything.

>> No.18031143

It's a safe haven because everyone believes it is a safe haven. Until that global sentiment changes it will remain that way. We give power to things we think are powerful.

>> No.18031208


yes, it has value just because people still trust US dollar

but one event and trust is gone

investigate how quick Soviet Union collapsed

>> No.18031257

Other countries are switching to the US as a reserve currency right now.
You act as though US debt is bad, but the reason the US has been free to take on so much debt is due to its insanely reliable ability to pay it back constantly. People trust the US government more than China or Russia. Maybe one day that'll burst, but it's not bursting in an election year, and it's not bursting if we get a first term president in November.

>> No.18031298

so basically, anarchy but everyone gets along

>> No.18031384

>Soviet Union collapsed whitout single bullet fired
"Why didn't my lead baloon took flight? Must've been pre-planned!"
Or alternatively, their system was untenable as has been demonstrated by Mises almost A HUNDRED years ago

>> No.18031453

China gives U.S money to retain the value of the dollar. Anyways we’ll be using shekels after the Jews start the NWO.

>> No.18031456


BIllionaire Frank Giustra Predicts U.S. Dollar Will Be Replaced As World's Reserve Currency

The End Of The Global Dollar Standard | Part 1
The end of the us dollar being the global standard appears to be coming to an end. It's reign of over 105 years makes it one of the longest running global reserve currencies, but like all good things, they come to an end.

>> No.18031518

There are plans to replace the US dollar by the petroyuan. But its still in the works.

>> No.18031578

>Take a look at our miltary. Peep our nukes bro.

>> No.18031738
File: 13 KB, 353x538, US-National-Debt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


does this US national debt chart looking sustainable, and US national debt is now over 23 trillion dollars


>> No.18032417


>> No.18032481

>US national debt
literally irrelevant.

>> No.18033387

>US loses reserve status
>Russia becomes world #1
lol no

chang is gonna fucking exterminate you mongol-mixed mutts the moment you step out of line, Ivan.

>> No.18033538

Only retards think this.

>> No.18033906

I'm curious: did you have to go to school and study up to become so stupid? Were the finals hard?

>> No.18033958
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I like how this whole event has demonstrated how inferior America is in the face of a crisis. Remember when mutts were laughing at the Chinese for being disorderly just a mere four weeks ago? I sincerely, truly hope America collapses. Hopefully Yellowstone erupts and the internet goes out nationwide.

>> No.18034071

>Russia has huge natural resources and Russia economy is actually quite good, very little debt compared to US

LOL ok dude thanks for a good laugh. Russia proud manufacturer of glue huffers, prostitutes and shit tier military equipment mostly used by third worlders to bring down airplanes.

>> No.18034348
File: 3.04 MB, 1518x1134, corona italy pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the long term outcome is very simple. A little kid with eyes can predict it using spatial reasoning.

Eurasia is the world's continent, and nothing else matters. Africa is secondary.
The Americas and Oceania are completely irrelevant in the long term.

The whites fucked themselves by finding America. It led to unprecedented wealth, innovation, and cultural hegemony. But even all of this is not enough to change geography. It doesn't matter how obscenely rich America gets, it will remain irrelevant in the long term, as long as it is spatially peripheral to Afroeurasia.

The whites offloaded huge portions of their populace unto the Americas, which forever kept European demographics behind. Europe has 800 million people, China alone has 1300. North Asia as a whole is at least 1500M, depending on where you draw the border.

South Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, etc) is roughly 600M, India is about 1600 M. Greater Arabia is 600M. Africa is 1000M.

If all whites were forcibly repatriated to Europe in a freak hypothetical migration, Europe would have about 1200M. They suffer from a long-term resource curse and don't even realize it.

>> No.18034398

the US will never be banana republic tier, we have too much domestic demand and natural resources to be bullied by foreign powers.

>> No.18034806

bruh read up on the definition of banana republic
that's what the US has been for a long time

>> No.18034957
File: 143 KB, 1279x715, marsupial distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Russia is allied with China. Intelligent Russians are capable of acknowledging long term realities, while Anglo-westerners are unable to. They correctly understand that China is currently the superpower of Eurasia, and that Russia's limit of power is dependent on getting along with China, and keeping their Siberian territories to fuel growth.

This is particularly important in the context of global warming, as Siberia becomes an increasingly nice place to live, while the rest of the world becomes gradually unliveable. Second to Siberia is Tibet and the Gobi, which see increased rainfall and warmer temps.

If Russia weren't allied with China, China would immediately invade and annex Siberia. It would take roughly a week or so. Nukes might fly, but that would be ameliorated by the fact that the Chinese populace would now occupy a much greater area of space.

Russians know that the controllers of Eurasia control the fate of the world. They haven't forgotten the rapings from the ANE Aryans that made them who they are, and the subsequent conquests of the Uralics, Mongols, Turks, Huns, etc.

pic related, marsupials could never break into Afroeurasia. Inferior forms of life are kept from spreading by superior forms of life.

>> No.18035001

>and Russia economy is actually quite good
annnnd stopped reading right here. OP is retarded and doesnt know what he's talking about. nothing to see here fellas

>> No.18035167
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