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18028631 No.18028631 [Reply] [Original]

I got 10m Fantom cause I went all in. Now I'm ruined. Dont fud frens. Tell me. Will it recover?

>> No.18028692

thanks for buying my bags retard

>> No.18028961

>Will it recover?
N- >dont fud
No doubt friend :)

>> No.18029184
File: 21 KB, 499x499, b84124d42e49576732cfe1c131758fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure but i'm sitting at home ripping big farts

>> No.18029386

I don't know but I'm still holding, dApps like https://fantom.rocks/hub/ and updates on their DeFi plans e.g. https://fantom.finance/ give me hope. Ultimately I still believe their tech is among the best (if not the best, what other aBFT consensus has been released?), but price wise it's been a complete shitcoin which I simply can't understand why, perhaps it was a scam after all. If it goes to 0 I'll go down with the ship and take it as a lesson to stop trusting myself with the DYOR meme and instead invest more based on digits and synchronicity because that has honestly worked better than trying to do things myself.

>> No.18029758

lol you got Bosch'd

>> No.18029819
File: 126 KB, 820x622, 346-3462653_view-1507325246307-neet-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be comfy, I hope

>> No.18029826

Trust me. It's always darkest before the moon. It's coming. Wait for unlock though. Then the real money will be back in the market. If it was really shit 1bn wouldnt of got staked. People know this shit is legit. Hodl. It will reward patience I believe.

>> No.18029869

Who the hell knows? We'll probably be no closer to knowing until June 27th when the staking rewards unlock. Some people seem to think the terrible price action since staking released is the unlock getting priced in, a lot more seem to think the unlock will kill the price completely.

>> No.18029871

No, it will never recover. Cut your losses and invest in something better, pretty much everything and you will be good in next bullrun. Feds are printing like crazy, so it won't take too long.

>> No.18029894

>Trust me. It's always darkest before the moon. It's coming.
>Buy my Bitconnect BCC bag, trust me. Darkest before moon.

>> No.18029968

>If it was really shit 1bn wouldnt of got staked.
this is pretty much the glimmer of hope right here. the amount staked has been steadily increasing, it was only about 30% less than 3 months ago, now it's almost 50%.

>> No.18030127
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I dont know man i forgot my kucoin trading password anyway

>> No.18030237

kek OP. better sell now and buy something else like zano or smth but it will never ever go up ever. whatever you buy, sell shortly and hold just btc long term

>> No.18030321

>tokens are basically completely worthless
>might as well stake them and pray they go up a fraction of a cent someday so I can dump them and get the hell out

>> No.18031628

zano ogn tezos or monero for me. not touching shit coins anymore like vet

>> No.18031717

It will never recover. It was a scam with no developers that poached an old outdated DPOS hack of goo-ethereum and marketed it as something it isn't. Also every single partnership claim was fake.
>run entirely by non-technical marketing hacks
>30 low effort biz shill posts per day
>no devs
>andre quit
>bank deals all fake
>smart cities/dubai all fake
>XAR fake and has not even tweeted for months
add your own. I am going to post this every day until it goes to zero.
>no technical talk on telegram just shilling
>claiming "multiple mainnets" but not 1 testnet app to show
>no actual employees at all
>claiming slow because ehtereum EVM
>designing our own VM but no whitepaper or code
>who the fuck is Andre, he doesn't work for them or own any FTM
>rotating shill campaigns.. what happened to dubai? muh africa stablecoin? next?
>mainnet launching in 1 month for 6 months
>fairytale tokenomics where infinite sidechains use the same native token w/no technical details

>> No.18031755

this is like a low-effort VeChain

>> No.18031794
File: 55 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got 10m Fantom
is that a car?

>> No.18031823

Got any more old smug pee pee poo poos?

>> No.18031908
