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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18024522 No.18024522 [Reply] [Original]

wanna know what it felt like to buy bitcoin at 30 cents?

>> No.18024602

Shit we gunna find out in 2 weeks prolly.

>> No.18024627

shill me this shit

>> No.18024800

Basically a true flawless successor to bitcoin.
limited supply, gpu or cpu mining with asic resistance, mimblewimble privacy, fancy mobile and desktop wallet with atomic swaps.
Also its going to have its own lightning network which is currently in development.

>> No.18024911

Also pre-mine, same deflationary ponzi issuance as Bitcoin, buggy C++ instead of Rust. Grin is just better version of MW.

>> No.18025002

>still using PoW

>> No.18025029

suck a whale dick

>> No.18025053

beam sucks

>> No.18025064

PoS is just an obscured, less secure PoW

>> No.18025073

>Having no premine or ICO, Beam is backed by a Treasury and designated a non-profit foundation to govern the protocol.
GRIN has unlimited supply, no user friendly wallet and no future development

>> No.18025106

I would call it steady supply, which means that each year the inflation does decrease, but you can actually use it as you can rely on that it's being printed at a steady pace. Beam and Bitcoin are both the rich get richer ponzi scheme.

>> No.18025127


>> No.18025296


>> No.18025333

Thats the most pajeet tier shilling i have ever seen, nice job curry nigging street shitter

>> No.18025347


>> No.18025360

You're not very smart, are you?

>> No.18025363

haha BEAM. I forgot all about this piece of shit. I actually mined it for the first 3 months of 2019.

Is that shit going anywhere ? Still got my mined stack.

>> No.18025381

The name Beam does not have a ring to it, so for that, no buy

>> No.18025399

because lightning network was such a tremendous success

>> No.18025412


>> No.18025459

R*ddit: the language. Ill stick with boomer++.

>> No.18025494

>still relying on either PoW or PoS for consensus protocol
Even bigger of a lel

>> No.18025518

I lost a web wallet with 23 btc purchased in December 2012 for $13.

>> No.18025531
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This actually made me laugh out loud.

>> No.18025640

You can be sure once people see that bitcoin is on its last legs they will start asking themselves what went wrong. They are going to look out for a successor and BEAM is what they will be looking for.