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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18022409 No.18022409 [Reply] [Original]

My roommate got laid off because he worked in the restaurant industry. Do I have the right to ask him if he can keep paying rent? I just want to know if I face the possibility of eviction.

>> No.18022495

Imagine living with a roommate

>> No.18022519

make him pay in other ways... :3

>> No.18022543

give him a break for a couple months and they'll get you back after

its called being a human being

>> No.18022590

Being a what? Sorry i need my money to buy link.

>> No.18022607

What if thwy dont get back?

>> No.18022613

haha yeah...

>its called being a human being

Yeah, tell that to my fucking landlord, faggot. I live paycheck to paycheck, and there is no way I can afford to help my roommate out.

>> No.18022639

sucks to be you

>> No.18022737

>Paycheck 2 paycheck
>buys shitcoins instead of saving months worth of rent
You deserve to be poor

>> No.18022771


You should have voted for Sanders in 2016.

>> No.18022774

Is he cute? If yes shave all of his hair, buy him girly clothes and make him become a camgirl

>> No.18022777

unironically just call the cops on him and tell them what you're telling us

>> No.18022810

sue your landlord then and then twitter cancel him

>> No.18022884

based and self-inflicted poverty pilled

>> No.18022891

I can afford to pay two months worth of rent, but I don't think my roommate can. If he can't, I'd rather try to find a new place ASAP before I lose my job and run out of money, instead of waiting to get evicted. I also don't want an eviction on my record.

>> No.18022895

:-) twitter cancel him :-)

Hahahahaha such a fucking faggot

>> No.18022910

Why couldnt they fucking lock down on April 2nd. the day after rent is due. Motherfucker how am I supposed to collect now.

>> No.18022998

maybe instead of coming here about it, grow a set and work it out with him. tell him you can't afford to cover his rent, but maybe sit down with him and help him work out options, even if you let him off a week or two so he can work out living arrangements. its not going to kill you anon

>> No.18023077
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>I also don't want an eviction on my record.
lmao and they said the burger states weren't a police state

>> No.18023177

if you ask it he'll suspect something. just wait until he leaves teh house for groceries, then swiftly pack all his stuff up and put it in front of the door and bolt the door from the inside
then put on headphones with some hard metal so you can't hear him yelling then begging then sobbing

>> No.18023186


it's only a police state if you're criminial even baby knows this

>> No.18023225

Landlords will get what they fucking deserve.

>> No.18023240


set the house on the fire and he wont even want back in

>> No.18023256

>being so aggressively misanthropic you confuse 2 different people's posts, ON A BOARD WITH IDS TURNED ON

communists will get what they deserve first

>> No.18023265

so the state will reimburse us fully for the rent money we're missing out on due to these faggots who want the world for nothing and won't want to sleep on the street after they get fired?

>> No.18023275


>> No.18023287

Rent $

>> No.18023291
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>I also don't want an eviction on my record.
what did the burgers mean by this? You have a special record where your evictions are noticed and the landlords can have access to it at any given time?

>> No.18023307

you did this to yourself ano

>> No.18023321


Yes, why should landlords not be allowed to keep track of this for themselves? Tenants can easily find out who the bad landlords are through online reviews.

>> No.18023335

is it not worldwide that you have to have a credit check to move into an apartment?

>> No.18023355
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Isn't it a bit racist?

>> No.18023363

they're in your credit report

>> No.18023393


No, we have Section 8 screening for that

>> No.18023425

digits imply this is the right answer

>> No.18023424
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>> No.18023511
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what do a credit check have to do with a prior eviction? You can be evicted for dozens of different reasons, not all financially motivated...
Also no, credit checks are a burger things.

you speak chink to me rn, i'm not familiar with amerimutt talmudo-orwellian tyranny.

>> No.18023513

>not caring about past evictions, which could be due to being a shithead renter.
The absolute state of dipshit europoors.

>> No.18023522
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Yes, landlords each carry a brand. Any tenant staying over a year is "tattooed" hence America's abundant tattoo parlors. You also file some paperwork during the branding they can look up.

>> No.18023553

This lmao

>> No.18023568 [DELETED] 

(((Discord))) banned the /biz/ server, get in the new one bros
discordb gg kjGsbrW
Haha Printer go BURR

>> No.18023650

pretty sure an eviction would not show up in any way on your criminal record (unless you had to be arrested in the process I guess), but would look bad on your credit score, aka good goy points.

>> No.18023807

>can't save for a few months of lost income
>will be able to pay back months worth of rent when he gets his job back
Have fun.

>> No.18023839

my ladlord just made me get a earring

>> No.18023947

Your lease is month to month? You can't break a lease just by walking away.

>> No.18023955

Every week jack something of his and sell it. Cant pay well take it away

>> No.18024180
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When did the amerilard become such fucking pussies their good goy points are more important than anything else?
After the chemtrails? HAARP? the fluoride in your water? the GMO? the chemical castrations? the vaccines? circumcision?
So much for the land of the braves when you are treated worse than cattle. And you then have the guts to mock the chinks when they have civility points.


>> No.18024436

Why is your piece of shit landlord still charging you rent?

>> No.18024483
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>tfw one year is coming up
bros I don't want another tattoo

>> No.18024494

>Why is your piece of shit landlord still charging you rent?

Because landlords are literally Jews.

>> No.18024686

Don’t worry about it bro, first world countries have systems in place that will cover rent and living needs for up to two years in a case like this.

>> No.18024736

Yes in the United States of Dystopia you can just go online and see the evictions is anyone. Practically nobody will rent to someone who had been evicted or will jack up the price and deposit. You’ll be consigned to some crackpot slum.

>> No.18024742

Cry more Paco, you know OP holds shitcoins.

>> No.18024765

Stop blaming jews for your personal failings

>> No.18024830

>Stop blaming jews for your personal failings

I'm literally getting fucked over by my roommate because the government ended his entire industry.

>> No.18024875


Every time I enter an anti-landlord thread someone's ranting about landlords without realizing the problem is his overly handsy government. Christ you're all thick. But then again that's why you're renters and I'm about to make fat stacks with real estate.

>> No.18024894

No go full jew and tell him he can pay you in 3 months at a variable apr. Also take his phone as collateral.

>> No.18024914


>> No.18024943

Can paycheck 2 paycheck fags still afford camgurls

>> No.18024982

I guess landlords weren’t voting for Bernie if they’re still forcing payments and BJs

>> No.18025024

>My roommate

>> No.18025078

Good, landlords should know who got evicted before so they don't risk some retard starting a camp fire in their apartment with the furniture.
Also kill yourself commie.

>> No.18025140

>My roommate
Look at me, I'm so independent. I left my parents house when I got old enough.

>> No.18025237

oh gosh. cringe.

>> No.18025247

I guarantee that I live in a more affluent area than either of you faggots, and the only way to afford to rent here is to live with a roommate. Why the fuck would I pay $2,000 for a studio apartment?

>> No.18025288

No faggot

>> No.18025327

sorry bud....congress now passed a law that you can't kicks someone during coronochan...hes literally living rent free now.

>> No.18025346

They can still evict you afterward if you didn't pay during the Chinese virus pandemic.

>> No.18025574

i would consider just paying half the rent, your half. tell the landlord what you are doing. if they don't understand that this is what's best for everybody hoprfully the eviction court will. it's not like you'll have much luck finding a new roommate.

>> No.18025628

>i would consider just paying half the rent, your half. tell the landlord what you are doing. if they don't understand that this is what's best for everybody hopefully the eviction court will.

I actually called my property management company about doing this, but the clerk informed me that because it is a shared lease, that if one tenant doesn't pay while the other does pay, the eviction will still show up on both tenants' record. So I get fucked, basically.

>> No.18025762

>Da gubment bad 4 stopping da coof
You're fucked over because you and your roommate don't save any money. What's the point of working the jobs you do if you can't find a way to live within those means?

>> No.18025791

Except you can't afford to live there even with the roommate :^)

>> No.18025834

see if you can get a feel for the courts in your area. if it's fairly liberal i would say that you will have a chance. also afaik they can only evict you if you still pocess the property at time of the hearing. so if you vacant just before then the worst you'll get is a judgement for the past rent and maybe their legal fees. not great but you avoid the recorded eviction. i did this one time and seem to have come out fine.

these are extraordinary times. if you do decide to move try to wait 2-3 months becausr i bet rents will come down.

>> No.18026261

Martial law is weeks away. Buy a gun and tell your landlord to come take what he thinks is his if he thinks he's man enough.

>> No.18026454

Are you saying I should kill my landlord if he tries to evict me during the Chinese virus pandemic?

>> No.18026517
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no just get him corona'd

>> No.18026582

Of course not, I am just suggesting you take all protective measures you can as we enter the difficult and trying times ahead :)

>> No.18027903

Seems like a lot of steps to go through just to get an excuse of excluding niggers from your department but that's the us of a for you.

>> No.18027984

Shut the fuck up fag

>> No.18029881

This third world shit only happens in third world countries with ghettos and slums, like the USA

>> No.18029916

sounds like someone is about to make a 'friend loan', always works out great

>> No.18029981

Nobody has credit cards in most countries. I don't think there is such a thing as a credit check in my country (Eastern Europe but not mordor tier)

>> No.18030037

I unironically did this when my buddy was going through a tough time. He paid me back every cent because he's not a dirty jew nigger.

>> No.18030160

>always works out great

No, it fucking doesn't, liar.

>> No.18030180

give him tip, you asshole

>> No.18030214

This. Then he'll eventually either make sure to always pay rent, move out for someone who will, or you get your dick sucked on command.

>> No.18030260

Imagine not living in the UK and not getting 80% of your average wage for literally doing nothing when your restaurant shuts down

>> No.18030328

>1st world country

>> No.18030345

Your country is going to literally collapse in under 14 days, Muhammad.