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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 983 KB, 529x752, fslkjdskf000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
180136 No.180136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


hey biz, I come from the fitness slash homo board and I feel like there is nothing useful to be gained from there anymore. Gonna replace fit with biz and sci from now on.

pic related already got my goal body now i want my goal bank account

>> No.180141

1. Watch the Wolf of Wall Street to get pumped
2. Read the richest man in babylon
3. ?????
4. /biz/ and profit

>> No.180147

ok cool, these things are downloading in my bit torrent now, thanks bro

>> No.180148

You'll forever be tainted as a faggot who cares far too much about his body instead of his money.
Kill yourself.

>> No.180157

Read articles on investopedia university for general faqs
Red books written by famous and highly successful invetors
To get your feet in the water for securities (anything related to stocks) either paper trade (when you want to buy, write down stock and price paid same for selling) or use a market simulator game (marketwatch.com, there is a /biz/ game atm password is merchant or investopedia).

>> No.180167


Your body is all that you are and all you have.

>> No.180174
File: 2.66 MB, 1693x769, bjkbiuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you bro, this is a highly helpful post. I feel im on my way to becoming bizziterate

>> No.180179

I'm not going to argue since I know for a fact that you're one of those meatheads that think they have it in them to be rich simply because they managed to get a 'perfect' body.
Listen here, kid, your confidence means fuck all, if anything, it'll only be worse for you since you'll be making stupid decisions thinking you're the man.
Protip: You will never be the big shot you saw on American Psycho, you'll just be a whiny piece of shit with delusions of grandeur, and you will be treated as such.

>> No.180188

Manlet mode.


>> No.180192

haha, im not nanners for christian bale although it wasnt a bad movie. Im not gonna argue either but i fucking love posting on the chans and talking to bros.

I simply want to attain a better grasp of economic principles and feel confident with my finances, i dont need to conquer the world of money only improve my situation over time.

Ive managed to initiate and run more than one business that ive made enough money to live on so I can into biz on at least a rudimentary level.

>> No.180195

im six foot one brother haha, after browsing the homo board for so long i do truly feel bad for manlets as they must have their mindsets warped to the point of vehemently embracing their inferiority, i mean....(sorry manlets)

whatever, fuck them. only takes them two years of lifting to look like they lifted for four

>> No.180197

not natty

>> No.180200

I'm 6'5" bear mode and a senior tax manager at a large Australian Firm. I wouldn't hire a faggot like you. In fact, I would spit down on the top of your head if you try to approach me.

I know all about /fit/ and can spot them IRL from a mile away. They are the scum of the earth. Change your attitude pronto, or you will get kicked to the curb in the business world.

>> No.180202

Well I do use GH, test, slin and IGF1 but not from exogenous sources ;)


>> No.180206

With the science degree im pursuing i likely wouldnt apply to work in tax management so I guess this is for the best.


haha, ill give you the benefit of the doubt mr straya tax bear. to what should i change my attitude to in the business world and why. post something constructive please

>> No.180233


You should take a break from 4chan for a while. If you can't write a post without using memes, you have a problem. It's also very obvious that you have low self esteem and you are very self conscious. You reek of insecurity.

You're the type of kid that would ask me for a reference, and I would say yes that's fine to your face, and then tell the interviewer that they should avoid you because you're actually an idiot.

>> No.180275

i tried, didnt work so im just gonna switch to browsing more interesting boards

>> No.180286

Sorry, I just felt like taking the piss out of you for posting your naked body on a fucking business and finance board for no good reason. It seems like a really stupid thing to do.

My undergraduate qualification is a conjoint Bachelor of Science and Commerce, so you're on a good track. I wanted to become a scientist but the money simply isn't there. I invest in stocks with scientific basis and my background has helped me make good decisions in that respect.

Good luck in your endeavour to become a more intelligent, enlightened person. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn’ smart, rich, powerful and influential you can get.

>> No.180290


stop liking memes because I don't.jpg

You are the biggest retard here

>> No.180297

>I invest in stocks with scientific basis
please go on...

>> No.180299

Ok let the retarded actitud on /fit/ and you are welcome but nobody want to see your body here

>> No.180300

>bear mode
Nah you're fat.

>> No.180315
File: 65 KB, 360x360, Disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Disgusting. Put your pants back on and go back to /homo/.

>> No.180321

All these jelly.
Good job OP.

>> No.183251


jesus christ do some cleans your posterior chain sucks ass

>> No.183270

you got it backwards m8. You have to lift for 4 years just to make it look like you've lifted for 2.

>> No.183288

You can't buy making girls genuinely wet.

>> No.183293

Go watch Pain & Gain, its plot is essentially what you're doing right now.

>> No.183298

The fuck, did /fit/ actually say that looks good? You look like you might snap at the waist, your lower back and entire posterior chain look weak as fuck. I only lift like twice a week and I'm more substantial than that.

>> No.183300
File: 34 KB, 640x427, counting money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to get 40% returns in foreign exchange risking no more than 5% a trade and do it in three months.

Learn to make some real gains bitch. Anyone can take tren and look like arnold swartznigger

>> No.183325
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I mean btw. Actual gains worth bragging about.

>> No.183342

Personal insults aside though, I wish you success. I wanna see some non-fatass super wealthy people come along, I'm tired of old fat faggots.

>> No.183363

It looks like your graph is going down bro. Down is bad, it means you're losing money.

>> No.183388

see the triangle at Mar 3? that's where he bought in, the graph is up from that point

>> No.183394

Wrong. Studies show that the amount of female orgasms are directly correlated with the male's income.

>> No.183407

Ah, I see it, I see it. Nice.

>> No.183443
File: 23 KB, 368x326, 1394069857528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant stop laughing right now

>> No.183451


>fatass detected

>> No.183454


Get that chip off your shoulder bro

>> No.185089

>he actually believes this

>> No.185093

Getting orgasms because she is thinking about what she can buy then cheat on your ugly fat ass with the hot young 6pack pool guy.