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File: 13 KB, 307x293, silver1000oz-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18002496 No.18002496 [Reply] [Original]

How long until the new paradigm?

>> No.18002510


>> No.18002519


I have another question

I expect silver to rise relative to gold. It is now 120:1 and I plan on selling it for when it reaches 20:1 or even less. However where will I be able to find a reputable seller for gold who will pay me the street price and not the paper price for my silver? PM dealers are closing left and right. Only banks are still open and they are only paying the paper price.

>> No.18002548


>> No.18002793

I will add House DVD box set and some Chingy CDs

>> No.18002814

Can someone explain to me why this random meme gold to silver ratio would even matter the slightest?

>> No.18002829

Lithium batteries new paradigm.

>> No.18003878

Been like that since 1000 A.D.
Also, OP, take my energy in summoning SCHIFF!!

>> No.18003985

Schiff please guide us through these dark times

>> No.18004604
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You rang?

>> No.18004690

The only silver I can get my hand on are 2oz coins, are these worth it?

>> No.18004766

Has anyone actually taken into account the amount of silver and gold being mined when they talk about the ratio?
Are people sure the silver production simply hasn't increased to justify a far lower ratio than what it has historically been?

>> No.18004850

Past GSR has no relation to modern production, where silver is mostly a byproduct of the refining process of other metals.

>> No.18004929
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>dude bro can someone explain why 5000 years of monetary history matters in the slightest?

>> No.18004966

bwhaha the fucking insanity of sliver bugs
it won't go past 80/1 at which point you want to trade it for gold and then cash out
out of the ground its still 25-30/1
the fucking level of self delusion. no one wants your shitty silver stack of generic rounds/bars but someone will buy your gold BU
t. PM dealer for 10 years

>> No.18005211

there were no paper cash and digital money back then, and silver coins were actually useful. today silver is just junk that is barely used in industry. it is terrible to store your wealth with it as it gets tarnished with silver sulfide and takes up way more space for the same amount of wealth stored, even in the scenario of a 1 to 20 ratio.

>> No.18005287

Cash out? You people are so fucking stupid. The entire point of buying gold and silver is because fiat is a fraud. I will not sell until there is a new currency or a 100 ounces buys me a house.

Until then I’ll be rationing off mercury dimes to formerly well to do housewives for blowjobs so they can feed their kids because their faggot husbands were too stupid to buy silver bullion and instead bought their wives range rovers. I’ve been waiting in the shadows squirreling away silver for this exact opportunity.

>> No.18005338

I’ve also realized dealers are fucking stupid too. I’ve been to a handful of dealers and I’ll bring up going back to a gold standard and they scoff at me. Dealers are normies too. I mean hell... I would never be a dealer but if I was the ultimate perk of being a dealer is having all that metal for when we go back to a gold standard and then become kings

>> No.18005478

I have't come across a smart PM dealer yet. Most are mouth breathers like yourself

>> No.18006239
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new paradigm incoming very soon
from what I know this is just another classic
Problem - Reaction - Solution
deployed by the royal families
bioweapon with different strains of lethality
look into mass iran regime leaders all dying from this = direct adversaries of zionists/royals
this bioweapon serves multiple purposes, from insiders I'm unsure how far they're going to take it though
it is only lethal to 80+ boomers, which royals have admitted countless times, said old people are useless eaters who are not worker bee's serving the system but mere leeches. Hence depopulation of said useless eaters
The Problem is obviously this virus bioweapon they created, nothing but fear mongering going on in the media, if media actually cared they would tell you how to boost immune system (by taking vitamins) but instead are just raising panic
The Reaction is mass panic of everyone, the implosion of stocks and other financial assets, this was the main reason why media assets heavily shilled this, they need an excuse as to why the markets tanked. Many such CEO's dropping like flies, without an economic collapse they can't establish the new system, markets will drop even more, unemployment will rise, civil unrest will begin and crime will occur en masse. All apart of the plan. Martial Law will be established soon. Then comes the authoritarian laws, some will be rescinded as the panic dies down but some will stay, we'll never go back to how it was before. Icke coined it as the totalitarian tiptoe and he's absolutely 100% right. It's a slow and steady gradual subversion and loss of freedoms it's the fabian strategy at its core.

>> No.18006270
File: 2.46 MB, 1038x2148, fed reserve act scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend listening to Icke's 2 hour ramble on LondonReal, just throw in a fake email to view it. I've read the documents and been inside the inner circle before, its true, all of it, im surprised Icke hasn't been whacked yet honestly, but not really, the masses have devolved beyond comprehension, it doesn't matter if he's exposing them, people are too busy consooming media entertainment to give a rats ass about their entire world flipping. In other word's im convinced this is unstoppable at this point, power is too consolidated by royals for them to fail with the agenda. Reason why they whacked epstein and no one gave a shit, they weren't getting sloppy or careless, they just don't give a shit anymore and know how strong they've become, they can do that and much more without any repercussions whatsoever.
Look what's happened to the protests in china and europe, DEAD ON ARRIVAL, they laugh at that shit knowing full well they can kill any protests through an arsenal of circumstantial weaponry.
The Solution is new paradigm, see how zionists have been working on a coronavirus strain for 3 years leading up to all this, oy goy we got the vax it's coming out next week! Whatever you do do not take the vaccine, more people died from taking the swine flu vaccine than died of swine flu itself. They are even phasing out madatory vaxxes in some countries and they are already ramping up shaming of anti vaxxers "how dare you, you selfish piece of shit how could you possibly not inject this cocktail vaccine, do you not care about old people?" Although the corona vax itself is not the end all be all of this plan, vax is just for furthering health issues and death for goys.

>> No.18006301
File: 168 KB, 410x484, kill cash get the goys on digital.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The utmost reason all of this happening is the detachment from cash to cashless 100% digital. This virus scare could collapse every global market as we know, thus ushering in the NWO. Here look at all this mayhem goy everything is fucked (((WE NEED THIS))) new system, which will be 100% digital, completely centralized to one body of power etc etc. And the cattle will want this to happen because of the unrest created by these same con artists offering the solution to the problem. Notice how (((WHO))), which was created by Rockefellers/Rothschilds are already shilling against cash even putting it is blame for the spread of the virus.

Now, whether this is a test for something greater, or the actually happening, I don't know, I'm no longer within the inner circles. All I know is that THIS is the endgame and has been the plan all along, its exactly how JPMorgan/royals created the federal reserve, crashed the economy on purpose, goys were desperate for a change, JPMorgan/royals then offer the solution that is the federal reserve, and by the plan, the goys lost wealth, purchasing power, assets, and freedoms. This time is no different except the plan is 100% digital centralized global authority wherein the royals are the gatekeepers to whether you can eat the next day. Don't like it? We'll just shut down your balance. Royals know how essential silver is, why they've been playing the long con of suppressing the price for decades whilst accumulating for themselves, they know if they hold the technology of the future then it is their future to create, as there is no future technology without silver.

>> No.18006354
File: 158 KB, 1240x1105, clowndollars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEW PARADIGM is almost upon us, keep stacking if you still can and just sit back and watch the entire plan play out, you will be kingpins in the NWO. From what I know about the old documents I read, the plan was always this, economic collapse then centralized one world currency, then everyone is forced to hand in their gold, but more importantly silver, for the digital currency they founded, which is ZCASH. Most people will hand over their PM's because their purchasing power will be incomprehensible. Everything will be tracked and traced, thus making it very hard to black market trade your silver for the currency without getting caught, thus PM black market trades will be strictly limited to good for good trades and not for currency trades. two words, KEEP STACKING!

>> No.18006531
File: 23 KB, 250x250, BobbyBaccalieri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When the dollar weakens after businesses start to default and the corp bond and credit markets tank so maybe next quarter

>> No.18006677

You take investment advice from David Icke?

>> No.18006698

>first element on the periodic table that will go extinct
>barely used


>> No.18006701

Also when the fed starts giving gibs out to everyone. I should say if, so if that happens you know I'm using all of that to stack, especially since my salary hasn't been impacted.

>> No.18006756
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Just wait for his next YouTube live event and have $25 ready to get your question in :^)

>> No.18007629

So 2 questions: Do I hand in my silver for the digital cash when the time comes?

I thought ZCASH was anonymous. Why is that their currency?

>> No.18008067

No I don’t, but icke is right about nearly everything
Yes you hand it in, you’ll become extremely wealthy, no point in holding after the paradigm shift has happened, it will be too hard to transact and get away with it after the laws are in place
zcash is backdoored, they can see all transactions, founded by JPMorgan/DARPA/Israelis, founders reward = how they steal. Only they have true privacy transactions, it won’t be anonymous for the goys.

>> No.18008100

He meant the tripfag
Also no one forced anyone to pay when he did his livestream
Hes been doing free podcasts for years you kike

>> No.18008158
File: 579 KB, 890x1280, 77CEDF35-076A-43AD-AB91-60881804AFB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will This be the mark of the beast? Because I’d rather starve then lose my soul.

Pick related is all of have .

>> No.18008259

No mark of the beast is when they try to merge man with machine/AI, digital currency is just a stepping stone to that. Just don’t let them put the chip in you and don’t take the vaxxes and you’ll be good

>> No.18008313

Appreciate it schiff, as soon as this shift happens I’m buying land and raising my kids in Christ’s faith away from this gayness.

>> No.18008477
File: 3.71 MB, 2688x1242, 067C114C-11B3-46A3-9400-38DC60FB7E71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based might as well just escape the clownworld, they won’t mess with you as long as you don’t try to rebel against the system, remember to use the unsubverted text, KJV

>> No.18008498

This plan has a single flaw, WHY? Why would the Jewish Scum allow any Normie Goy to become a millionaire only because they had an equivalent of ~$30,000 in gold and silver? What about current millionaires who have whole fucking vaults of the damned thing? Would that make them multi-multi-billionaires? I just don't see the reason Jews would want to make me a part of the "elite" only because I was smart enough to stack up some metal. This club will never be that easy to join.

>> No.18008822

>I just don't see the reason Jews would want to make me a part of the "elite" only because I was smart enough to stack up some metal. This club will never be that easy to join.

The elite are Darwinists, if you survive their plans, or in this case get rich off their plans then they say GG and carry on.

>> No.18009478

>Just don’t let them put the chip in you and don’t take the vaxxes and you’ll be good
implying we'll have the choice...

>> No.18009533

might as well just put the nanomachines into the water

>> No.18009682

Who am I to question these numbers? Very well then, now I just have to survive and keep my stack safe.

>> No.18010030

Imo blowjobs are better than sex

>> No.18010196

Getting your hands on ANY bullion is worth it.

>> No.18010587

How come you're not in the inner circles anymore ? How did you get in ?
Great posts btw

>> No.18010597

>subtle ZCASH shill


>> No.18010906

You almost had me until zcash. Lmfao.

>> No.18010954

having $30k silver/gold during the reset means you become a millionaire, but they become trillionaires (in fiat terms) so they don't really care about you as a threat. it's all about shifting everything up. you'll be able to own a plot of land, while they own multiple islands and entire nation-states.

>normie goy
most normie goys don't own physical gold and silver.

>> No.18010989

What about 160oz. Will that get me a plot of land away where I can be away from this Jewry?

>> No.18011019

Look at thi pleb: all you need is a knife, a tarp, and a rope

>> No.18011071

Have all that. But I took the Virgin AR-15 and collapsible .22 pill

>> No.18011126

Ok thanks, will purchase tomorrow

>> No.18011628

i think so. especially if you are willing to move. silver is valued a lot higher in other countries, as they have weaker currencies and also have maintained memory of its value, even if they are not technology advanced. it's weird because USA is tech-advanced but the average retard on the street has no clue that silver is valuable or important for tech.

>> No.18011855
File: 725 KB, 1242x1599, 3B3A0354-C912-4E2B-B728-7B3703CF986A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've stated before that the inevtiable moon of silver serves as a deterrent to dissidents of the upcoming paradigm shift. Everyone that is smart buys and owns silver, everyone that knows what they've done has it, everyone who knows the entire system is a hoax ponzi scheme has it. By mooning it, would be rebels would be pacified by their new found wealth, not giving a shit about anything happening because they've been made rich beyond their wildest dreams. With the strongest minds obliterated by greed, the new system is established with ease. Normies are easy to convince they follow the herd. The biggest problem was and is always the outliers. The outliers will succumb to greed
There’s always a choice
Either you’re zionist antishills antishilling or your ignorant of the connections zcash has, it is easily recognized that zcash is the royal bloodline coin and there are countless connections to prove it, which I won’t list here because I hope you stay ignorant and don’t scoop up a bag. Powell literally threw it into broad daylight. Bitcoin was just a test for zcash, look who halfin (who put in most of the heavy lifting at the NSA to create bitcoin) follows on twitter

>> No.18011925

How would all these elites transfer their wealth to a coin that's currently at $300MM market cap? They would turn a bunch of retards into billionaires by doing so. Surely if they run the entire system they'd just create their own coin, why even make it decentralized when you're already keeping all normies at bay?

>> No.18012124

ok retard

>> No.18012298

I intend to use any profit I make for a homestead, large family, and pesudo-clubhouse military training style complex for my local community, God willing.

>> No.18012433

>how would they transfer
There'll be a transfer of local currencies to it, that being said, they created it, have the biggest supply and own all the miners and on top of that they have founders reward
>they’ll make retards rich
>why even make it decentralized
just the illusion of decentralization, similar to how reddit and other late adopters bought up the fact that bitcoin is/was decentralized, when in reality 99% of coins are owned by the top 0.01% of wallets. There could be a merger between zcash and a fedcoin type currency, regardless, zcash will moon mark my words, same reason link will moon, its all saturn symbolism, which royals love
Very low energy you (((guys))) are really getting lazy out here, tell your mossad supervisor to put you time out
To each their own anon

>> No.18012557


What will you do with your new found fortune schiff?

>> No.18012586

>same reason link will moon
Wait, weren't you against link?

So if I already have a fat link stack is there any point in diversifying some of it into silver / gold?

>> No.18013032
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>event horizon intensifies

>> No.18013046
File: 460 KB, 1181x623, 7 Judy Shelton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's BSV you retard.

>> No.18014311

I’m already rich, probably just donate it to peasants
Only fudded link out of boredom, same shit with uncle he’s a link whale as well despite constantly shitpost fudding it, when there’s nothing to do you just fud and troll
Kek craig was literally a coffee boy for the heavy hitters that made bitcoin, craig is nothing but a failed scammer

>> No.18014433

Thoughts on Ocean Protocol? Is it something you've looked into? Seems to have the Saturn symbolism and will be an essential part of the new paradigm imo.

>> No.18015008

Soon my son... Together we will rule the galaxy...

>> No.18015073
File: 1.79 MB, 1252x6236, CSW_professional_certifications2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coffee boy

lmao Craig is literally the most accomplished super genius alive on Earth today.

There is not a SINGLE person in crypto that isn't a total retard brainlet compared to him.

>> No.18015130

also while I'm at it, I know for a fact Q is nothing but a elaborate mossad LARP, used as a way of pacification, i.e. just sit back and wait while we round up the satanic pedophiles, here's some popcorn. TRUST THE PLAN kek.
checked haven't heard anything about it, I'll look into it and read the whitepaper, there are a lot of symbolic crypto's taking hexagonic shape, that does not strictly guarantee its (((their))) coin, its more about the connections, teams behind it etc. but symbolism is important

>> No.18015207
File: 2.81 MB, 1600x1104, EF71AC2F-08B8-4648-A45D-05E39C98E0B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek he wasn’t a coffee boy but he’s not satoshi, just a controlled opposition shill/false messiah. Craig knows who the real satoshi was, it was halfin, craig was just merely a collaborator of halfins NSA team who had insider knowledge and decided to LARP as satoshi BSV is actually vaporware, as is bitcoin itself

>> No.18015231

nice mental gymnastics buddy
anything to not admit the obvious fact that Craig is Satoshi, eh

>> No.18015741

I got 20k LINK, 160oz silver, 1oz gold, 0 ZCash
will i make it?

>> No.18016055
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>Q is nothing but a elaborate mossad LARP


>> No.18016078
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Dumbest shit I've ever read.

>> No.18016085


>> No.18016986
