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17998956 No.17998956 [Reply] [Original]

Economically and socially, what do you think this country will look like 2 months from now?(US)

>> No.17998965


>> No.17998973

Less poluted i guess .

>> No.17999059

>increase in diabetes and heart attacks

>> No.17999063


Not possible

>> No.17999077

I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.17999079
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>> No.17999081

a lor less of you r/chapotraphouse folks, when Bernie drops out, you'll all neck yourselves, prbly a good idea to short HRT producers.

>> No.17999092

They get fatter and dumber by the day

>> No.17999094

Economically at best you're looking at a decade of economic prosperity wiped out with a decade long recovery period. At worst... Let's not think about that. Socially, it depends, you best not be living in of the larger metropolitan cities. It now pays off more then ever to live in smaller or even rural communities which have the ability to bond and work together. You're fucked in any top 20 city socially I guess.

>> No.17999096
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Some places are starting a second round of lockdown/quarantine, other places are managed. Covid19 is found to be manageable by using a cocktail of drugs on boomers, however, some months later they will find this cocktail had some bad side effects, it will be used to keep boomers alive, and help reduce strain on the the health system. Masks are now more available, so the "YOU DON'T NEED A MASK" meme stops. Most people are wearing them in big cities, when those cities aren't on lock down.

The government has developed a system to manage the pandemic, as test kits are more available. Out breaks are frequent, but are quickly dealt with by quarantines. Traveling in and out of the country is now more difficult, and will be for years to come. Overtourism is now a popular buzzword, and some of those proto-hipster types, who virtue signal are now doing so by saying they will no longer travel, citing the damage to the local culture from tourism.

Steam has hit all time high concurrent users. Everyone is playing shit tons of vidya. Crypto is in a massive bullrun since gamblers can't go to casinos, and there has been a creation of 100 million NEETs overnight. The several million Neets with their lunch money invested in crypto were able to pump the market by 40% in one night due to all investing their Trump Bux at the same time. 2020 is year of the NEET. Many will begin to see the NEET/doomers predicted this as smart people (whether or not they actually are), many are eager to join our culture (we can't let them join here though, they will give interference to our powerful hivemind.) Cam girl prices plummet. Roasties realize they have no hobbies and are incapable of entertaining themselves and need rely on men for not wanting to blow their brains out. Pussy market capitulates.

A few successful Investment Bankers will now be shilling crypto, (as they got REKT in the market and now are desperate to jump into anything that can get them some money back and get rich.

>> No.17999125

This take is fucking retarded

>> No.17999136

>Cam girl prices plummet.
Why though? I imagine that with people locked at home, cam girls would have a much higher demand

>> No.17999222


Everything will be owned by the gov.. France, Spain and Italy have announced nationalizations. Expect the rest of Europe and the US to follow.

investing com/news/economy/france-ready-to-nationalize-big-firms-in-radical-virus-response-2112632

>> No.17999283
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>Everything will be owned by the gov