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17995129 No.17995129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the apocalypse is canceled, and THEY are pissed.

>> No.17995163

Take it right now, if you're so confident that it's safe

>> No.17995270

when did trump become a doctor?

>> No.17995305


>NOOOOOOOOO you can't just come up with a cheap and readily available solution

>> No.17995321


>> No.17995335

if the corona hits you hard, you will take EVERYTHING that suggests healing. drowning is one of the scariest deaths.

>> No.17995344


It's like clockwork.

>> No.17995358


Is it a cure or not? Make up your mind.

>> No.17995361


>> No.17995365

Been following the Shandong method and the French method. Hopefully they work and it looks promising. Either way... you do realize there isnt enough of those medications right? We are atleast a month or two out from having enough PPE and treatments to get through this.

>> No.17995389

the patent for hydroxychloroquine is expired in 2012 in america. drug companies can’t make a shit ton of money on it. that is the only reason the (((media))) is fighting it

>> No.17995393

>the retard who stared directly into an eclipse, said that windmills cause cancer and Covid19 is less deadly than the flu is now giving medical advice

I certainly hope his followers will take him to his word, we need some natural selection

>> No.17995426
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president dumb. drumpf hehe

>> No.17995554

"Nooo we developed the vaccine for the bioweapon 6 months ago and are waiting for peak fear before we release it to maximize profits shut the fuck up drumpf" - rothschild

>> No.17995618


>> No.17995641

Funniest shit I’ve seen in a while

>> No.17995642
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>> No.17995707
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>> No.17995708

>trump saying some random, anecdotal cure will save everything so the stocks stop dropping
I'm thinking the market will be bearish on monday.

>> No.17995734

>the apocalypse is canceled
the study involving the malaria medicine was done with 30 people

>> No.17995766

David Rothschild is hilarious if you bring up his families past to him on twitter he will accuse you of Antisemitism even when you never mention the Jews.

>> No.17995772

>boy who sailed in rubbish boat knows what's best
Is there a bigger faggot in that family than this guy?

>> No.17995778

lol is trump seriously peddling pseudo scientific medicines on twitter now

the desperation is getting intense

>> No.17995779
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According to pic related, the S strain is the cure

>> No.17995804

>some random, anecdotal cure
do you always repeat what the media tells you?

>> No.17995838

Forsythia is the cure

>> No.17995839
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Oh boy, the Israelis arent happy, they should of waited a little longer before unleashing their disease

>> No.17995960

No, I just looked up the actual study and it's basically two studies with relatively few people in them.
The bigger issue is that it doesn't seem to actually be a 'cure' for covid. It gets rid of the virus in the instance but it doesn't actually grant an immunity.
You look at fucking Italy and the issue is that until a cure is actually out there, then this malaria medicine will be in constant low supply (like with fucking face masks and hand sanitizer now) and people will still be at risk, which is what is causing economic instability.

>> No.17995972

40 people

>> No.17995994

>it's pure luck, goyim

>> No.17996032

i also read the study. yes the sample size is small. yes it's possible that a larger sample will show that it doesn't work. based on the results of the french study, i'm just saying it's worth at least looking at.

>> No.17996034

The Chinese study? I thought it was closer to 50.
The french study was done with 30 people though

>> No.17996038

A lot of people are, and some hospitals are using it, with promising results. Cry harder, the happening is almost over. What, the damage isn't enough for you, faggot?

>> No.17996076

There are MASSIVE stockpiles of hydroxychloroquine, it's used to treat malaria all over the world, the military alone has massive amounts stockpiled, and it's cheap and not particularly hard to make - and some companies are ramping up production already. We have decades of treatment data to work with, they're just trying to figure out dosages right now. Word about this came out last week, but I was being skeptical because it felt too early, and too easy.

>> No.17996105

This has not aged well at all considering how South Korea turned out. Complete LARP

>> No.17996109

Oh, I agree. But it's irresponsible of a president to put this sort of shit on their social media for a couple of reasons
First, people are fucking idiots and you're going to end up with some deaths of people who take too much normal Chloroquine, as well as people who somehow end up taking too much hydroxochloroquine.
The other issue is that, at present stocks, it's going to take a while to produce enough of both medicines to be readily available while a real cure is being developed. Both variants of Chloroquine are in short supply since, well, why would there be a large stock of either anywhere?
I don't think there's actually any danger with taking these drugs in combination in reasonable quantities, they're both pretty safe.
The issue is that what Trump's trying to do is stabilize the panic by spreading whatever good news he can find without realizing that it's going to take at least a month or two for a bulk amount of both drugs to be both produced and distributed.
In that interim period, we're still going to see the market drop and people burn through savings that made them feel secure enough to spend money. The recession is still going to hit because any response that isn't a fully blown cure is going to come too late

>> No.17996115

This was discussed on the No Agenda podcast. Not an epidemiologist, but it kind of makes sense why Italy is getting hit so hard, and why the US isn't - the S type might have already gone through the population last winter.
Not ready to jump on this bandwagon, but it does makes sense. Kind of.

>> No.17996117

That's found a new account to troll kek

>> No.17996129

>There are MASSIVE stockpiles of hydroxychloroquine

>> No.17996140


Just haven't fapped to enough death, have ya?

>> No.17996169

Jeez, you're a faglord

>> No.17996176

Nope. not enough.
Though the issue is I still think there will be shortages since I doubt the military will give up their supply while there aren't a huge number of deaths in the US. If we were having 500+ deaths a day, they might start circulating the miliitary provisions of it but as it stands, I think the deaths will be low but the lock-down activity will be high for a couple more weeks.
I actually don't think US deaths will top 500. People will just burn through their savings and we'll hit a recession.

>> No.17996184

>studying coronavirus before outbreak means they knew about it!!!!1!
Why are poltards so retarded? Every so often I visit this place, and every time it's like going to a digital zoo.

>> No.17996201

I'm gay

>> No.17996226

because they talk out of their ass about institutions they have no idea about.
I see people regularly post about FAANG companies and AI with no fucking idea about how they work, most of them don't even know what a regression curve is

>> No.17996230

Are you a kike?

>> No.17996235

Your post will not age well next week. Mark my words.

>> No.17996246


- basically the same person in 2017

>> No.17996252

Sure. I'll be back here and there won't be a mass distribution of chloroquine.

>> No.17997299

There's been a total of one test showing it works well. Don't hold your breath until it's been reproduced. I'm also skeptical that it's very useful for the people most at risk of death by COVID-19, considering hydroxychloroquine is awful on the heart and generally has some terrible side effects.

>> No.17997739

CQ has a well established safety profile. Its not ideal but it seems much better that the newer antiviral drugs. The heart thing is not age related, it involves a slight but significant increase in incidence of a life threatening arrhytmia (even in healthy hearts). Azithromycin could actually amplify that effect. Daily ecg checkups should be done.

>> No.17997758

There is not huge stockpiles because it was stockpiled for malaria by armies and such, but now there is better options for malaria- especially considering the side effects.

>> No.17997760

Use a burner. The dude reports you and gets you banned in no time. He doesn’t just block you.

>> No.17997780

Doctors cant beat corona, Its "new"

>> No.17997822

>two actors put on a show
people actually believe any of this is real

>> No.17997842

no ur a poopoo head

>> No.17997854

not a cure fucking retard

>> No.17997863

>super dangerous
This is a super smart guy

>> No.17997887

Seethe more kike. You fuckers are pure evil and do not deserve to exist in this realm.

>> No.17997896
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>Schlomo mad

>> No.17998673

How about the other drug AZITHROMYCIN? I remember the rumor was quinine + zinc.

>> No.17998748

Imagine being such a retard that you think Trump bases this on his own experiences with these medications.

>> No.17998753

Look it up.

Whether it's a cure or not does not depend on what some anon says.

>> No.17998762

Anyone denying this is a huge blow to the happening is a fucking retard

>> No.17998771

Moron once you're exposed you will develop an immunity no matter what, chloroquine just keep the viral load low which lower the severity of symptoms and the contagious period.

>> No.17998778

It's medical professionals that came up with this drug combination.

Look at all this cope.

>it's irresponsible of a president to put this sort of shit on their social media
No it isn't.
There's an unprecedented pandemic, so desperate times call for desperate measures.
And this chloroquine+antibiotic combo is so benign and the trial results so promising that it's definitely worth spreading this information.

>> No.17998785
File: 168 KB, 1600x1063, 544F0B2A-3B81-4DB2-9E69-6FB26F4B1F81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antibiotic + anti malaria = antiviral

I-I-is trump white?

>> No.17998789


6 million doses just lying around, and this is just one company.

>> No.17998792

The patent on that also expired many years ago.

>> No.17998806

Look up "azithromycin antiviral"

>> No.17998838

Azithromycin is mostly to prevent a bacterial surinfection which is the real threat with viral pulmonary infections.
The cool thing about it is that you only need to put people for 3 days under it unlike other antibiotics.

Chloroquine is a benign substance, aspirin tier in terms of counter indication and frequency of side effects.

>> No.17998845
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i'll take medical advice from trump over a fucking lizard lmao

>> No.17998857

>Chloroquine is a benign substance, aspirin tier in terms of counter indication and frequency of side effects.
Why are there reports of people overdosing on it?

>> No.17998885

You can overdose on anything.

>> No.17998901

People are "overdosing" on alcohol everyday with noone giving a shit.
If 100 amoothbrains must overdose on it so hundreds of thousands can live and hundreds millions get out of their home let's do it.

>> No.17999016

This drug can't be bought at a grocery store, the overdosing must have happened under a doctor's watch.

>> No.17999103

How big is your link stack fren?

>> No.17999115

retarded orange man doesn't know that is a fatal combination. brainlet is unqualified and should be imprisoned or just put in a mental ward.

>> No.17999148

>muh dihydrogen monoxide

>> No.17999180


>> No.17999186

>that is a fatal combination
t. your rusty sheriff's badge

>> No.17999201


>The drug which is saving thousands is bad because trump mention it

>forgetting to mention the overdoses are happening in fucking Nigeria

>forgetting Africa takes every good idea and turns it into a way to kill other africans


>> No.17999207

>brainlet is unqualified and should be imprisoned or just put in a mental ward.
Why? For publicly stating how promising a certain treatment looks in initial clinical trials?
Are you insane?

>> No.17999233

>Promising results
Such as?

>> No.17999260

google it

>> No.17999373

I thought too just last month if the deep state was compentant on any level they would spread the "vaccine" as an infectious less-lethal version to their own populace early on.

>> No.17999402

Military is probably looking for an excuse to unload near expired stockpiled medicines. If they can earn some profit from drugs they were going to throw out eventually I think their budget will be pretty comfy.

>> No.17999406

The doctor can't do shit if you gobble the whole pack at once.
t. med resident

>> No.17999451

yes, yes, let's call it that, (((pure luck)))

>> No.17999499

you should try hanging like a bat gravity removes fluids from your lungs. to fight bat virus become the batman!

>> No.17999507

>the apocalypse is canceled, and THEY are pissed.
It's not a "cure", it just improves symptoms.
Which helps but you're not slowing infections that way.

>> No.17999564

>It's not a "cure", it just improves symptoms.
No, it actually renders patients virus-free.

>> No.17999586
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>> No.17999605

>Military is probably looking for an excuse to unload near expired stockpiled medicines

>> No.17999819

Oy vey! Shut up you dumb faggot.

>> No.17999976

Were going to have a lot of blinded wagies with bad organs who permanently need heart medication at the end of this. Giving them 500mg megadoses regularly for a minimum of two weeks straight is incredibly irresponsible, and is the kind of thing I would only suggest giving to a dying old man who'd be willing to trade a normal life for a chance to live longer.

On the bright side, it'll mostly be the MAGA people who followed Trump off the cliff on this one.

>> No.18000032

Trump trannies are only defending this because Trump said it’s the cure. Prove me wrong.

>> No.18000051

You know what else renders patients virus free? Overdosing and dying from any drug in existence.

>> No.18000111

south korea, for weeks now.

clinical trials specifically with chloroquine and corona showed nearly a 100% recovery rate in the limited use (40 cases, not age or underlying condition controlled)

given the sheer number of people it has been used on. globally, for corona and knowing the pharmacology myself I am not even slightly worried

>> No.18000112

Other way around. You're only attacking this because Trump brought it up.

Go look for hydroxychloroquine in the archives, this was being talked about on here way before Trump mentioned it. Because the initial trials are that promising.

>> No.18000115

Post at least 3 studies suggesting it works.

>> No.18000124


google it

>> No.18000136

extraordinary claim, burden of proof, etc.

>> No.18000142

Go back to work scrub. If you have time to shit post you have time for your coofin patients.
t. Old medfag

>> No.18000145

see >>18000136

>> No.18000149

There is zero burden of proof on me.

>> No.18000161

t. can’t prove it

>> No.18000174

Whether I prove it or not to you doesn't change reality one bit.