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17985564 No.17985564 [Reply] [Original]

How will you be spending your Trumpbux, /biz/?

>additional $1000 per month afterwards


>> No.17985656

>until the economy recovers
so trumpbux forever?

>> No.17985667

I make $145k so I won't be getting any

>> No.17985681

if it were to pass (which it won't) then yeah, because it's not like they would actually cancel the free money

>> No.17985715
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>mfw I'm just gonna save that shit and spend it on necessities only

>> No.17985717

No chance of passing

>> No.17985721


Hey stocks in venezuela are doing fantastic, they keep reaching new ATHs every few days

>> No.17985738
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> Bill passed into law
> Big Mac
> $35.27
> Linkies BTFO
How did we get here?

>> No.17985750

Cash cards? Money is money, but I want it in my bank.

>> No.17985761

>Somalian family of 10 now gets a six figure income from the government

absolutely and incomprehensibly fucking based

>> No.17985771

We're not going to get trumpbux, anon. Dems are going to keep fighting it because there aren't any gibs listed for illegals.

>> No.17985794

They're waiving fees for transfers. Just go to an ATM, get the money out and put it into your checking account each day.

>> No.17985798

she says to everyone

>> No.17985799

this will never pass

>> No.17985806

And this is a good thing!

>> No.17985824
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>people not reading the bill
we're all getting free money boyz, neets and illegals included.

>> No.17985851
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>> No.17985873

so who is supposed to receive this ?
eurofag here

>> No.17985887

>everyone means EVERYONE
The GOP has finally turned towards Communism. What a timeline.

>> No.17985895

It's time to dust of the dead grandmas SSN.
The fraud on this will be epic

>> No.17985932

UBI isn't communism.

>> No.17985940

I'm gonna buy more dirt cheap stocks. Hopefully I can turn that $2000 into $100,000.

>> No.17985941

If this shit is real then America is unironically fucked to shit.

>> No.17985959

This would all be so easy with a digital currency

>> No.17985969


Nobody is supposed to receive this. This is the move. Euros suicide by destroying their currency, following this "genius plan" Trump presents. Trump makes himself look good by offering a solution. Conversely, anyone who opposes this is spat upon by everyone in financial trouble. The Democrats can't let this pass because their voter base would vote Trump for free shit, but by blocking it they ensure their defeat. This is some 4D chess shit anon. No matter what Dems do, they lose. Their only way out is to promise even bigger amounts of free shit.

>> No.17985970

see >>17985824

>Every person” includes:
a. Dependents, so a couple with two children would receive 4 x $2000 = $8000 in total.
b. Non-citizens, including undocumented people or illegal aliens, permanent residents, and temporary
visitors whose stay exceeds three months.
c. Individuals who do not have a bank account, social security number, or permanent
d. People living in unincorporated territories or protectorates and Americans living
e. To ensure that this program is as universal and comprehensive as possible, the U.S.
Treasury will develop its list of eligible individuals in coordination with the Internal
Revenue Service, the Social Security Administration, the Federal Election
Commission, and every other relevant federal, state, and local government agency,
including state-level Departments of Motor Vehicles (DMVs).

in other words: EVERYONE in america

>> No.17985978

Pretty handy they allow that, but still increased risk of virus transmission.

>> No.17985997

It would be guaranteed for at least 12 years. Trump will keep it rolling for reelection, once we hit the democrat rotation, they will try to cement it in place to keep the inner-cities voting for gibbie dats, even though inner city people are basically already getting more than this. Oh to be a welfare nigger right now. Free everything all your life and now a huge raise from a Republican. Massive layoffs will never touch you because you never work.

>> No.17986014


You're right, Communists forced people to have a job and to contribute to the community. No such mechanism to give value to the money here. If nobody works, money is worthless.

You can't base a society on immorality. Say you have a law that allows theft. If everyone steals, nobody produces anything. Such societies cannot last long.

>> No.17986041

can this actually pass ? this seems insane
also how are you gonna be sure someone doesn't receive it multiple time if you're giving to undocumented ?

>> No.17986092

Won't pass.

>> No.17986111
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Don't be such negative nancies.

>> No.17986125

not so fast faggots need to pay ur dues

>> No.17986132

Grow food, make things, and buy Bitcoin

>> No.17986158

We've been paying our dues for the past 20 years in this country during these big corporate bail outs every economic disaster.

>> No.17986194

M8 if this passes I'm moving to America I need the gibs.

>> No.17986304

If you think we're getting close to any money you're dillusional, the government doesn't give a single fuck about the average American. If it does go through it'll be barely anything and will just be a bailout so Boomer landlords can continue to sit around on their fat asses doing absolutely nothing while collecting checks. It doesn't really help people, it just makes sure that the shitty landlords don't default on their mortgage so they can continue to live comfortably while big businesses continue to fire people in desperate hope to stay alive and all small businesses go bankrupt.

Fuck this shitty country

>> No.17986320

move to canada

>> No.17986394
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This. We're gonna be living on easy street from now on.

>> No.17986397

Lol you fucking brainlet.

>> No.17986416

All_in LINK

>> No.17986423


>> No.17986431
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same desu

>> No.17986464

So seeing as how this is gonna just hyperinflate the fuck out of the US Dollar, what are you guys gonna convert this into every time you receive it? Gold? Silver? Some fucked up coin? Stonks?

>> No.17986481

I thought "le burgerrfat" was a shitty country? Why do you want to move in now?
Get out, europoors.

>> No.17986482

I can't even leave my fucking house dude, you expect me to just up and move?

>> No.17986493

holy lmao what a circus show

>> No.17986496
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>> No.17986501

Same, just got a raise and I'm right at 150k so I don't get a cent. Just glad I work in healthcare, this recession is gonna suck.

>> No.17986605

If you already make 150k then you don't need this extra few thousand bucks.

>> No.17986612

German here. How much time do I have to illegally enter the US if I want to get my Trump bucks?

>> No.17986653

litteraly impossible unless you want to row a boat across the pacific ocean

>> No.17986680

I'll sneak on board of a cargo plane or something.

>> No.17986712

Do it then stream it.

>> No.17986747

>mobile internet
>in the middle of the fucking atlantic
I don't think so

>> No.17986773

Literally the reason this isn't going to work

>> No.17986780

all in on DOGE

>> No.17986789

>illegals included
Fuck this gay world

>> No.17986806

Hopefully not.
We will be Brazil in less than a decade if it does

>> No.17986809

deal with it racist

>> No.17986824

If stuff like that does and continues how do we protect our money from being inflated to worthless?

>> No.17986863


>> No.17986927

So when is this supposed to start?

>> No.17987012

In a few weeks, once they pass the bill.

>> No.17987024

Hopefully it gets passed by next week bros. Mnuchin and Trump want to get money to Americans by mid April at the latest.

>> No.17987623

It will be.

>> No.17988039

I can't believe something like this will happen. My wife and I guaranteed $2000 every month, and more once we start having kids? We both work in education so it isn't like we're not going to be able to get work once the economy begins to heal - can even do remote stuff long-term if we continue to be stuck at home. So what, we're back to making our normal salary plus potentially more than $2000 a month for an indefinite period of time? That sounds great, but I'd be a fool not to expect prices to increase on EVERYTHING.

That being said, as soon as the gubmint hands me a cash card with $2000 bucks on it, I am buying a new PC and getting ~cozy~. Then, the re-ups will be for necessities, in all likelihood going toward a down payment on a house. After a year of free cash, we'd have nearly $30,000 just being handed to us tax-free...

What strange times we live in lads.

>> No.17988209

Better hurry

>> No.17988251

That's why they're fighting over an aid package. Dems aren't going to let anything through without their own stipulations.

>> No.17988256

What about Americans who live overseas and deployed soldiers? I live in Europe working for US gov and my wife moved with me. Both US citizens. I want my money.

>> No.17988313
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I will financially support a woman that will have sex with me that happens to live off tips at her previous job.

>> No.17988326

lol same. i ain't getting shit and honestly i'm sort of pissed.

>> No.17988351
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Unironically LINK

>> No.17988354

although this particular plan (that won't be the plan that is ultimately selected) does include literally everyone which is extremely sick and i support 100% getting free money in the mail

>> No.17988516

What is the likelihood of this passing, anons? I'm a middle class white guy who wants to LARP as a nigger and get gibs to spend on crypto

>> No.17988538

You don't have a wife. Stop larping anon, you're a 27 year old loser neet like us, that's why we trade crypto.

>> No.17988546

0% chance we're going to hand out thousands of dollars to people who aren't documented

>> No.17988563

*jazz music stops*

>> No.17988589

Right, and I don't want them to. But do you think they'll revise it or will it just get stuck in legislative hell and never pass? I figure democrats will block it every step of the way because they don't want Trump appealing to people by giving out gibs during an election year. I really want a free grand to unironically dump into PNK.

>> No.17988610

> Right under the limit at 65k in the midwest

>> No.17988643

>0% chance we're going to hand out thousands of dollars to people who aren't documented
Is it really? Undocumented people had plenty of benefits in the past with stuff like food assistance and ER care. And plenty of businesses already had been giving them money by paying them under the table.
What makes you think you can stop just giving them more cash? You think the government cares about illegals? They only care about the fact the undocumented won't be getting taxed enough.

>> No.17988656

Last time i checked poor people and well off people aren't included and won't be getting checks. I think you only get one if you make like 20k to 70k year at least that's what the republicans changed it to unless it was changed again.

>> No.17988669

Can I get my trumpbux being a US citizen living in Canada?
Is this like a mail thing?

>> No.17988680

90% of the money supply is already digital, it's just a record in some bank's database.

>> No.17988708

Well I dont live in US so i dont get any drumpbux do i? u dumb cunt

>> No.17988721


Jesus christ, I'm living abroad with a pretty good personal economy but I won't say no to this.

>> No.17988724

IMO this is just a formality for dems/liberals to put their solution on the table before we inevitably negotiate it down to something less.

>> No.17988743
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Trump and republicans writing checks to the poors? Am I living in Bizzaro Universe?

I guess we all socialists now.

>> No.17988792
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The crazy motherfucker, he's done it!

>> No.17988812

>Changing the plural grammar

Fucking ifunny tripe

>> No.17988847

IF they pass the bill you mean

>> No.17988869

did you file for taxes in the US for 2018 and have been in the US for at least 3 months consecutively?

>> No.17988884
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>> No.17988926

I assume you can withdraw cash from an ATM and then put it into your bank account, right?

>> No.17988981

explain to me how is this supposed not to cause hyperinflation

>> No.17989019

You get to fuck Trudeau's wife instead while he watches.

>> No.17989039

Should've been born an American. Sucks to be you lol.

>> No.17989079

If you knew intermediate-level economics and your IQ has 3 digits, you should know why.

>> No.17989096

Just who the fuck would be making these cash cards when factories need to be making supplies?

>> No.17989122

The fed can buy back dollars and take them out of the market

>> No.17989181

Who here /yuropoor moving to the merica/?
Seriously, FUCK europe. What the fuck are we doing? Even Erdogan is shitting on us. I personally blame the fucking soviet east bloc for everything.

>> No.17989227
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>> No.17989245

it will.

the bailout created an asset bubble.
now this will follow through with a cost of living bubble.
it's all great!

>> No.17989273

BASED! I knew Trump was only kidding with his "tough on illegals" larp. I mean, he didn't even build that wall after all!
4 more years bros!

>> No.17989283

WTF? I love socialism now!

>> No.17989285

Empire can print money without inflation, I'm a spic but even I know how this shit works. All international idiots are buying dollars, not yuan or trashy euros.

>> No.17989376


Shut up spic

>> No.17989631

price gouging is illegal.

>> No.17989710

I've been telling you retards for about a year now, this is all the XRP plan, yet you keep ignoring it and go on about LInk

>> No.17989726

uh i don't want a prepaid cash card, fuck that shit. just give us actual money.

>> No.17989754

i bet you thought this was a good argument

>> No.17989758
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>just give us cash money
shut up nigger, the cards are instant

>> No.17989770

What is "actual money"? You do know that the paper bills you have right now aren't even "real money", they're just paper printed by the government, and it's only given worth by the people.
If I say that one dollar bill you have is worth an entire mansion, and everyone agrees, then it WILL be worth an entire mansion.

>> No.17989778

Socialism forces you to work, under communism everything is provided by the state. just like in north korea people are forced to go to urban farms and work.

>> No.17989799

None of this is passing unless something worse happens next week.

>> No.17989855

>Say you have a law that allows theft. If everyone steals, nobody produces anything. Such societies cannot last long.
That's exactly what Marx said.

>> No.17989894

Imagine if this sparks hyperinflation. Trump is gonna go down the path of mugabe or maduro.

>> No.17989920

How do you even know the history of god-forsaken nations like Venezuela and Zimbabwe?

>> No.17989953

Lmao. They're not even pretending to be anything other than useless middlemen at this point.

>> No.17989957
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Post yfw a homeless crackhead gets $2000 debit card

>> No.17989976


Except the US is the global guarantor of global supply chains. That is our bedrock and the DoD will do everything to maintain that position.

As long as we maintain that real position, our imaginary money has value.

>> No.17990040

lol. not anymore. russia and china are consolidating into an economic block. and they will drag alot of europe and the middle east with them. only way to fight that is with endless proxy wars in the desert and we cant afford those forever.

>> No.17990051

Imagine being a drug dealer.
Free money from the gov and every fiend on the street is bristling with cash like never before.

>> No.17990062
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>> No.17990072

I make 65k, but I was able to claim one of my kids last year, am I good?

>> No.17990119

better than a boomer CEO fag getting a bailout

>> No.17990130

Same. Also, what is hyper inflation? It's going to also create a market run on basic items, this is going to fuck us so hard, you can kiss America's ass goodbye. We'll either have money with nothing to buy since nobody wants to work or it will be hyper expensive, and be a wash, it's the dumbest thing I've heard of in a while, just do a one time payment of 1k, that's enough, no to mention, who's going to pay for this? It's going to come back and bite us hard in the ass, again, we're so fucked.

>> No.17990150
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>And Americans go even further in debt.

This is truly the end times.

>> No.17990186

All in on dash

>> No.17990191

Yes as long as Trump's plan is passed and not the shitty dems' plan

>> No.17990211

They can't do checks or actual money because it'll get stolen. They'd have to do a card with a unique pin or direct deposits

>> No.17990216
File: 86 KB, 526x1021, __original_drawn_by_bee_deadflow__c71726b17a89f19a6756c839a1eb6b71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to buy a gun!

>> No.17990218

It honestly doesnt seem that extreme for these times.
You have literally millions of illegals in California. They will kill and start mass riots after a few weeks because they will literally be starving to do death on the streets. Also there are college students and gig workers who won't get any Trumpbux with the current proposal because some may not have filed taxes in 2018 or 2019. The stimulus that is going to passed by Congress in the next couple days doesn't account for these people.
>inb4 hurr durr let them all die
I would prefer not to live in Mad Max world, at least for as long as possible with what's going on...

>> No.17990225

they seem to do fine sending out checks for tax refunds, but whatever

>> No.17990235

>who's going to pay for this?
The government. Learn MMT.

>> No.17990261

But everyone is about to be desperate for money and law enforcement will be overloaded, plus banks may be closed. It's a recipe for mugging and looting everywhere

>> No.17990273

So what's going to happen to the banks when everyone rushes to pull out the 2k all at once? They'd be better off giving check/direct deposit options for people who already have bank accounts.

>> No.17990293

The funds can't be withdrawn, only paid for on card? That way it's essentially digital currency being passed

>> No.17990314
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>> No.17990318

>when people are so stupid the government is forcing them to stay the fuck home

>> No.17990328

>he thinks i trade crypto
>he doesn't know i cashed out my earnings to pay for my wedding

>> No.17990386

>b. These pre-paid digital cash cards could be used to withdraw physical currency at
regular ATMs or FDIC-insured banks or credit unions or make payments at Point-of-Sale terminals, as well as online. In addition, these cards could be topped-up with additional funds as needed, during and after the crisis.

From the PDF in the link.

>> No.17990591

i really wish they'd be clear with their language.

Trump first said "all americans" and then it changed to "workers and people that paid income tax in 2018" then changed it to "include low income families" and now she's saying literally "everyone".

So which is it? Do all Americans with a SSN and address get buxx? Do I get a big "fuck you" for not being able to work in 18-19 due to cancer and surgeries?

>> No.17990644
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if you're a white male you're going to get fucked hard so they can conscript you into doing the shit that no one wants to do during the crisis, probably every other demographic will be taken care of in order to pacify them.

>> No.17990663
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So there are just multiple versions when the fuck does the government solidfy one and pass it? Its been fucking weeks hurry up ffs

>> No.17990677

well hey....at least I'm white.

>> No.17990689


Jokes on you, Link is pegged to the price of a Big Mac so we’ll be rich

>> No.17990705

same i just hope i get a fucking job out of this but i doubt it

>> No.17990710

because Washington is still playing their game where they can never give the other "side" a win so one side will always shoot down the other sides plan to stop them from "winning".

by the time this actually gets agreed upon by both sides and passed it'll be some useless bill that only benefits the absolute lowest classes and the absolute highest. Middle Americans will get fucked again and told they're racist if they complain

>> No.17990723
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>> No.17990733
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>he doesn't know i cashed out my earnings to pay for my wedding

wow nice investment bro

>> No.17990746

You anons got any gunz you've been eyeing that you'll buy if we get trumpbuxx?

>> No.17990762

Yeah, I'm white, if the Dems plan passes it will mean I don't get shit and my taxes go up.

>> No.17990772

>poor homeless druggies gets $2000
regardless of what its spent on it is put back into the economy via drug dealers purchasing of baggies and other non-drug essentials. net happiness gain + immediate economic benefit
>rich CEO boomer gets $2000
puts it in his wifes son's great grandsons trust, never actually uses the money and never even thinks about it. zero net happiness, zero immediate economic benefit

>> No.17990780

goddam americans are so fucvking ugly

>> No.17990806

You think these brainlets understand that? They argue from a place of emotion, 'muh feelings' and not actual economic interest or logic.

The ones who you'd want to give the money to for sure are the lower earners. They will be the ones immediately putting that money back into the economy, which is precisely the goal of this program.

Someone who is in the 1% will just leave that 1k to rot in their bank accounts with the rest of all their money.

>> No.17990809

It's actually a smart idea to include that part.
Lets say you're trying to sell a car. You really only want 3k for it, but will advertise it as 5k so even if you only get 3.5k after haggling, you still end up with more than you wanted.

By adding that part, it'll be easy for Republicans to axe those bits, feel good that they've "negotiated" and be able to give NEETS trumpbuxx too.
As long as Republicans feel like they get to fuck over someone, especially brown people, then they'll agree to the rest.

>> No.17990818

What tax cutlets never fail to understand. If you give someone with 10 billion 11 billion they’re not spending another penny

>> No.17990924

there wont be PCs to buy under $5,000 if something like this passes

>> No.17990946

.22 LR

>> No.17990971

nigger for 2000 dollars you can get a lot better of a gun than some .22

>> No.17990992

Nigga I'm not spending ALL of my trumpbux on just a freakin' gun. I'm buying a nice stratocaster too.

>> No.17991016

yeah thats a big problem. Issue is new fags and retards are discussing gibs.

>> No.17991032

>hes not buying gold or crypto

>> No.17991061

Gold maybe, but crypto? The former is much much safer to buy, especially right now.

>> No.17991078

but spending a trillion on bailouts is a-ok!

>> No.17991090

yes crypto. You how much gold do you think you can carry up your ass when trying to flee capital controls. iirc when people were fleeing germany they were stealing everything they had before they could leave

>> No.17991121


>> No.17991131

an AR15 you can find for around 600. Its probably not gonna be a Colt with all the fancy bells and whistles, but it slings bullets and kills people. A .22 will still kill someone, but after they've already killed you and left, takes a while to bleed out from a .22 unless you're just swiss cheesing him

>> No.17991143

God I wish I was a mutt

>> No.17991166


>> No.17991167

>an AR15 you can find for around 600
not anymore everyone is freaking out right now and shipping is taking forever. Still waiting for some parts to start shipping after i ordered a week ago.

>> No.17991509

What are the odds of this actually passing and it's not just a Disney-esque false hope?

>> No.17991577

Gov worker on paid admin leave, Approx $6k month. If i get the neetbux too ill laugh.

>> No.17991611

Ill get the neetbux, then pose as an illegal and get it again.

>> No.17991649

Don't put it back in unless you are buying BTC on Cuckbase and sending it to Bidesk for coins right away. If you get it and aren't buying crypto, take cash out and go to the local gun store or buy gold.

>> No.17991743


>> No.17991950

Oh a bill is 100% going to pass one way or another, but it most likely won't look like the one in the OP. People on both sides aren't going to allow literally EVERYONE to get free money, especially not non-citizens. I highly doubt they'll even give it to NEETs, gotta keep up that "bootstraps" narrative so wagies don't lose their minds.
I'm a NEET, it'll be a god damn miracle if I somehow get a 2000 dollar check. If I'm someone blessed with Trumpbuxx i'll be investing in SOMETHING to help me continue being a NEET while still making money.

>> No.17992001
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what a horrible idea.
and just where the fuck does their card get sent to i wonder? they're fucked from the get-go

>> No.17992073

nigger are you stupid? if they're going with "literally everyone gets money cards" then that means you probably have to go somewhere yourself to get one and "register" it to you. Probably do it in a way that's similar to how they're doing the "drive thru" wuflu doctors in Walmart parking lots.

>> No.17992114


>> No.17992124
File: 66 KB, 396x535, basedboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Basheer, but how do you plan on getting here? All travel into and out of the country is locked down.

>> No.17992382

What's another few trillion

>> No.17992551

They already whiddled it down to a shitty tax credit that won't even effect most people. The economy is screwed.

>> No.17992552

there is nothin based about a boomer. Kys

>> No.17992931

I have a 1/64 scale replica of the HMS Enterprise, an outboard motor 300 packs of ramen and an ore, try and fucking stop me.

>> No.17992979
File: 33 KB, 450x450, CZjndnkVAAQzH8O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Every person” includes:
>a. Dependents, so a couple with two children would receive 4 x $2000 = $8000 in total.
>b. Non-citizens, including undocumented people, permanent residents, and temporary visitors whose stay exceeds three months.
>c. Individuals who do not have a bank account, social security number, or permanent address

>> No.17992986

There's no way they're actually go this big, are they?

The first GOP proposal was 1200 one time, and anyone who made less than ~12.4k( the standard deduction for 2018) gets 600.

I can see the requirements getting lessened, since many republicans wantes that, and they seem to have let the Dems have their 6 week full unemployment insurance.

But 2k? Plus an absolute minimum of 12k more over the next year? How the fuck are they gonna pass that?

Seriously asking.

>> No.17992998

>t. saviour of the brown people

>> No.17992999

>How will you be spending your Trumpbux, /biz/?
I'll be spending it with increased cost of living for the rest of my life

>> No.17993035

>b. Non-citizens, including undocumented people or illegal aliens, permanent residents, and temporary visitors whose stay exceeds three months.


>> No.17993103

They're not. This is one of many proposals, and I imagine the one they choose will be the least helpful, most half-assed one.

>> No.17993168

I'm gonna buy your rental with mine and double your rent

>> No.17993223

>until economy recovers
>not until Corona panic subsides

This is a bad idea. The initial $1000 for every month of the outbreak is appealing until you realize this will be a tax credit we'll have to pay back anyway next season. Eventually hyperinflation will cause cost of living in many areas to skyrocket.

>> No.17993302

Oh wow free chainlink every month and staking isn't even out yet!

>> No.17993334

No one gives a fuck about you, you are financial set

>> No.17993350

You underestimate retards, people will blow their money away

>> No.17993396

I'm building a new PC on newegg right now.

Gonna be really upset when I got to buy an Index though and Valve sells out again the second all the trumpbux go through.