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17985079 No.17985079 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.17985101
File: 108 KB, 960x678, 1584474655597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elon is based

>> No.17985107

Based daddy Musk. He knows (((who))) is behind this hysteria.

>> No.17985119


>> No.17985172
File: 510 KB, 1085x775, 1547229208527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my liberal friends are freaking out, tweeting stupid shit all day. My life hasn't changed at all. Besides the drive thru line for my tendies being slightly less busy.

>> No.17985230

CEO of New Jersey hospital at coronavirus epicenter tests positive for virus
152 Detroit cops in coronavirus quarantine, 5 test positive
FOX Business staffer tests positive for coronavirus, Lou Dobbs in self-quarantine
LA County shifts from containing coronavirus, advises doctors to skip testing of some patients: report
Coronavirus killing more than a person an hour in NYC
Pence staffer tests positive for coronavirus, becoming first-known case of a White House employee
Andy Cohen tests positive for coronavirus, halts 'Watch What Happens Live' production
More than 50 NYPD officers test positive for coronavirus, but department 'well-resourced', commissioner says

all from the past 24 hours or so, most from 3 hours ago or less

>> No.17985249

Replace 'coronavirus' with 'common cold' and you would realize how ridiculous this all is

>> No.17985252

Now do influenza

>> No.17985269

hes a fucking retarded man-child who needs beaten with a stick

>> No.17985277

Yep. Funny how "CEO tested positive for the flu!" was never headline news in the past.

>> No.17985290

Is this the SHTF situation already?

>> No.17985319

Reminder that Elon almost got sent to jail for market manipulation

>> No.17985345

Buddy all the gun stores are fucking sold out in my county. If that isnt at least a minor SHTF I dont know what is

>> No.17985356

no, this is the "fecal particles are being detected on the fan" situation
the SHTF in a week or so

All the people running our countries are old as balls and would rather shut down fucking everything than take a 10-50% chance of dying. This is the issue.

>> No.17985429
File: 27 KB, 553x422, MarketOvervalued.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The depression was going to happen anyways. The market was more over-valued than the dotcom mania of the 2000s. People were up the their eyeballs in debt and the only way they could keep buying shit was to go deeper into debt.

What we're seeing is a 1930s style debt deleveraging. It was delayed after the 2008 crash by the government bailouts and QE, essentially using debt to pay off other debt. That's not really possible anymore since the interest rates are at zero when the crisis began.

>> No.17985481

In a week or two you'll be saying
>Funny how "CEO dies of the flu" was never headline news in the past

>> No.17985507

do you know what a novel virus is?

>> No.17985612

It is true tho
Food shortages?
Nope, not ever in the west, the entire supply chain is automated with disposable retail min wagers to stack a shelf till it becomes socially acceptable to replace them with AI stackers
Automated, maintained by a handful of engineers and disposable phajeets
Wow old and critically sick people die? You dont say! Everyone else gets on with living.

>> No.17985657

>world in quarantine over the common cold
they just need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps

>> No.17985702

What ceo died?

>> No.17985764

People with the flu aren't as contagious as coronavirus patients and don't overload hospital systems all at once.

>> No.17985809


>Imagine having a wrinkle brain and being able to understand there is always some shit trying to kill humans and then being able to go about your life without a closet of shitter paper

>> No.17985829

Im really not sure why the market cap being larger than our national GDP implies overvalued . Someone please explain.

>> No.17985861

Buy the dip bro

>> No.17985876

it took 3 months for 100k cases. 12 days to double to 200k. Imagine the next two weeks.

>> No.17985885

Economy itself is not tie to reason to be fair

>> No.17985903

We're already 10,000 away from hitting 300,000 confirmed cases.

>> No.17985936

No one knows the amount of cases there actually is because most people haven't been tested and the symptoms shows up much later after you get it.

Judging by how fast confirmed cases are being diagnosed we are nowhere near the bottom.

>> No.17985938


>> No.17985944

You'd think he'd be working to help find vaccines. Or maybe buy ventilators since he's a fucking billionaire. But no He's just being salty cause hes going to go out of business

>> No.17985967

How can one be so high iq yet so seemingly retarded

>> No.17985988

Add up what all of the stocks in the economy are worth (Total Market Cap). Add up everything your country produces in a year (GDP).

Then compare them.

If the total market cap to gdp is very high that means the companies stocks are worth a lot more than the total products they're producing.

Now the question of being "overvalued" is always a contentious one because it's the market and the buyers/sellers of the stocks that ultimately determine what they're worth. They may believe the company might produce more goods the following year which justifies the current valuation.

However a very high market cap to gdp is definitely a cause for concern. If there isn't a good reason for a high value (ie we're about to colonise mars or something), then it's important to exercise caution.

>> No.17985995

He's probably smarter then average but he's not a genius. He'd none nothing without his daddy's money and blind luck

>> No.17986004
File: 43 KB, 1009x205, Screenshot_20200321-094945_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like the population of Pittsburgh.... Spread globally. You retards really can't conceptualize numbers bigger than 20 can you?

>> No.17986010

Last time he tried to help nobody appreciated the submarine.

>> No.17986011

If I had to guess Elon is on the high scale of "The Spectrum''

>> No.17986021

Imagine what you are compared to him. Nothing.

>> No.17986022

Replace "corona virus" with "fucking your mom" and you would realize how ridiculous this all is

>> No.17986058

His IQ is estimated in the 140-50s. It doesnt make sense. Either that or IQ is too narrow and overrated as a way to determine overall life problem solving skills .

>> No.17986075

That's only like the top 1 out of 100 people. It isn't that significant.

>> No.17986086

>maybe buy ventilators
You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.17986099

I dont even know anymore man, seems pretty intelligent to me to be best out of 100.

>> No.17986123

Thanks for the links, I appreciate the effort.
That's a lot of links from a single news source.
Are other news organizations reporting similar stories?

>> No.17986138

He looks like a angry brainlet on Twitter I dont know what makes you think he's so smart. People like Bill Gates were preparing for this, this retard was busy smoking weed and trying to go to mars

>> No.17986167

>Replace 'coronavirus' with 'common cold' and you would realize how ridiculous this all is

From the poster above your post:
>Coronavirus killing more than a person an hour in NYC

Yes, that would be completely ridiculous if the common cold was killing more than a person an hour. Because the common cold isn't deadly. COVID is. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.17986169
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>It's a nothingburger, think about the economy

>> No.17986177

Elon Musk is a dumb as a rock. It's not gonna be long before SpaceX and Hyperloop investors come for him when they realize they've been duped.

>> No.17986211

It's interesting how such a smart guy doesn't understand exponential growth or history. The Spanish Flu was underestimated when it first came on the scene and it ended up leading to the deaths of 5-10% of the world population at the time.

Diseases mutate, we don't want to just freely allow a highly contagious, easily mutatable virus spreading around our population

People going full retard and ransacking stores for toilet paper is dumb, but staying inside and trying to stop the spread is not.

>> No.17986217
File: 273 KB, 609x631, 1554337065597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brainlet doesn't understand exponential growth

>> No.17986238

Thanks for taking the time to explain anon.

>> No.17986252

Based and tendypilled

>> No.17986284

>gf is a /mu/tant who is into loli hentai

>> No.17986317

haha it's like Willem Defoe's character in Platoon actually had sex with a vietnamese prostitute and they had a kid.

>> No.17986337

grimes sucks though, elon has shit taste in waifus.

>> No.17986379

A certain panic till mid February was healthy as much was unknown do to Chinese state failure, but since about the 15. and more reliable data from Europe and SK everything is clear and any panic now is just crooks and idiots. In short trade the rumors ignore the news

>> No.17986386

There are 300,000,000 people in America though. It isn't that special.

>> No.17986395


>> No.17986484
File: 30 KB, 500x680, apu bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooooo I want my Martian Technocracy

>> No.17986641

It's just a flu bro. It's a nothingburger, bro. It's just the cold,bro. Everyone is lying. From cahirman Xi to Trump, to every single (((doctor))). Everyone is on it except (((you))) and me. It's just the flu, bro. Viruses don't even exist, they are created by toxins in 5G networs, bro. It's a nothing burger, bro.

>> No.17986648
File: 36 KB, 480x480, 1439424545877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad short sellers are funding their retirement off this, but Elon is correct. The hysteria so far has no basis in reality. It's panic.

Look at what we know so far. The virus has been 'in the wild' for four (4) months now (December 2019), there are slightly more than 100 US deaths. Half of those were from a single eldercare facility in Washington state (51) that was exposed to the virus. We know that risk of transmission becoming fatal goes up exponentially starting at age 50, and could be devastating to the age bracket nearing end-of-life.

That said, even in the worst case projection on the numbers, there will be 335,000,000 americans that need to get on with their lives after the virus has concluded the un-vaccinated portion of it's run. Yes, we should be deeply concerned about our older family members, but we must also prepare for when life and commerce resume after the virus.

>> No.17986725

>Assumes it's exponential. Line always go moon.
K Dr.

>> No.17986749


>> No.17986759

>slightly more than 100 US deaths.

The actual number, at the moment you posted is 276 deaths. That's way more than slightly

>> No.17986766

what ceo *will* die, probably the older ones, if jobs was alive today he would've died probably

>> No.17986776
File: 381 KB, 1857x963, 1557116565850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being autistic typically means higher creativity unless it's full blown down syndrome which means severe cognitive impairement.

Schizhoprenics, tourette's and ocd are all autism spectrum disorders, they run in same families with down syndrome, and are linked to abnormally high creativity compared to 'normal' people. For example, schizhoprenia increases creativity (basal ganglia volume and activity) but typically impairs visual spatial cognition (working memory) and causes other memory problems

>> No.17986791

He's right.
Superflu isn't crashing the economy and trapping people in their homes, ((((they)))) are

>> No.17986795

>citing US figures
Yeah just ignore Italy because reasons

>> No.17986840

Italy is all old people

>> No.17986851
File: 901 KB, 1896x727, 1584542533735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no.

>> No.17986856

And the US is all fat people. Basically the same organic age.

>> No.17986960

You're correct, that is a dated number now. But as a percentage it's still at .001%, which remains a nominal amount for a virus that has had four months to impact the western hemisphere.

Sorry to sound callous, but Italy is not my concern. Their population density, social distancing norms, and reporting methods are not superimposable onto a north american population.

>> No.17986975

the rats are leaving the ship

>> No.17987000

Fucking Elon cultists. The only reason he says that is because he lost all of his stock performance incentives, which was in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

>> No.17987050

He has the worst taste in women, I don't understand how you can be that rich and still routinely pick losers.

>> No.17987113
File: 70 KB, 750x422, ccdb403d-1171-444b-bfae-693b3ece4b8f_750x422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but Italy is not my concern.
It should be. The US is following the patttern of infection exactly as Italy.

>> No.17987126
File: 57 KB, 660x536, 1584811893066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just mad this killed his bull run.

>> No.17987201

If your comparing our healthcare/medical facilities to italy on a 1:1 ratio while also assuming our cultural norms are the same you are retarded.

If anything this will only reinforce that much of europe is a third world shithole while any developed nation just shrugs this shit off.

>> No.17987237


>> No.17987254

Well no, as you can see the US cases are growing even faster now

see you at the end of the month when the US has 100k cases or more

>> No.17987263

So? They never subtitle hitters speeches for a reason.

>> No.17987269

Maybe because he's secretly right and you're the one who's retarded.

>> No.17987325

A fictional one.

>> No.17987334

>If your comparing our healthcare/medical facilities to italy

You're right. Us and Italy can't compare in medical facilities. Any ass backward dusty town in italy has better health care than the US. That's why 2 medical boats are being docked in NY, because they have not enough medical equipment

>> No.17987345

Thats fine bird flu infected millions also and only reached a global death toll of around 200K while being subsequently more dangerous to younger populations.

You happening fags will just move on to the next thing in a month anyways.

>> No.17987348

>no reason

no, the reasons are very clear. cui bono

>> No.17987366

>next thing in a month anyways.
Next month the unemployment rate is going to be 15%

>> No.17987431

>If anything this will only reinforce that much of europe is a third world shithole while any developed nation just shrugs this shit off
america will never be the same again afterwards, well deserved though

>> No.17987485

>europe, a third world
lel you're fucked, amerifat.
have fun paying 35k per treatment

>> No.17987596

>The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, there were 60.8 million cases, 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths (0.02% case fatality rate) in the United States due to the virus.[117]
That's annualized 1k deaths per month in all the US.
Italy (which has 60 million people, not cases), already has almost 5k dead from the Kung Flu and it's just getting started in most regions. God knows the true infection rate but it's certainly less than 100% of all italians.

>> No.17987599

>get bill in the mail
>throw it away
>literally nothing happens

yeah, im thinkin based.

>> No.17987607

800 have died in Italy since yesterday raising total dead to 4800 and growing at a rate of about 200 more dead a day.


This is the worst pandemic in a century and polniggers don’t understand it because basic statistics is to much for the cucked mestizo brains of the dim witted half breeds.

>> No.17987652

>running out of hospital staff and police force
This rate of infection combined with a fatality rate between 1-8% will kill a few million Americans

>> No.17987660

Replace "common cold" with "incurable respiratory illness" and you'll think we're all under reacting. Daily reminder that lung cancer kills more than all other cancers. Lungs are the most vulnerable

>> No.17987681

>total dead to 4800 and growing at a rate of about 200 more dead a day.
>the worst pandemic in a century
swine flue in 2011 was worse

>> No.17987691


>> No.17987696

Every one of the “it’s just a flu bro” crowd cannot grasp basic statistics. It has been amazing to watch them not understand that two percent of 150 million is 3 million people.

>> No.17987756

anon 150 million people are not going to be infected. Maybe 5-10 million at tops in the US, and the deaths will not exceed the flu from last year I can almost guarantee it.

>> No.17987787

Saying that coronavirus mostly kills old people is intellectually dishonest - all diseases mostly kill old people. The difference is that coronavirus is extremely contagious and extremely deadly by all accounts, just compare its death rates to e.g. flu death rates. It's a major disease and the single reason that the entire world isn't utterly fucked right now is that everyone went full retard with the panic.

>> No.17987803

Cite for me this reliable data that puts us in the clear

>> No.17987810

Ah yes, the great swine flu pandemic of 2011. I remember it well.

>> No.17987826

California alone has said 25 million will be infected you fucking moron

>> No.17987839

CEO of New Jersey hospital at fucking your mom epicenter tests positive for virus
152 Detroit cops in fucking your mom quarantine, 5 test positive
FOX Business staffer tests positive for fucking your mom, Lou Dobbs in self-quarantine
LA County shifts from containing fucking your mom, advises doctors to skip testing of some patients: report
Fucking your mom killing more than a person an hour in NYC
Pence staffer tests positive for fucking your mom, becoming first-known case of a White House employee
Andy Cohen tests positive for fucking your mom, halts 'Watch What Happens Live' production
More than 50 NYPD officers test positive for fucking your mom, but department 'well-resourced', commissioner says

all from the past 24 hours or so, most from 3 hours ago or less

>> No.17987906

>Fucking your mom killing more than a person an hour in NYC
To be fair I'm sure she has some deadly stds

>> No.17987941

Can't wait until he's begging for a bailout in a few weeks when Tesla sales have declined to essentially zero.

>> No.17987942

>the flu last year
There's no "flu last year", flu seasons last from autumn to spring. Flu season is still ongoing in the US. Having a pandemic on top of that sucks and will multiply the death rate of both diseases.

>> No.17987951

>replace a virus with one that has 1/40th of the death rate and itll seem rediculous
Based retard

>> No.17987961

Can musk run for president? if a real estate tycoon can win, why not a magic loop train man?

>> No.17987971

Everyone already had it or has it. Difference is we're now running an ad campaign to invite people to visit the hospital for no reason.

>> No.17987982

Because you were either 1 years old back then or you understand the media didn't give 2 shits about it and even said the exact same thing Trump did lol "consume its all going to be fine its just a flu" remember? Stock market goes up after hearing about Swine Flu and it all passed on?



>> No.17987985
File: 206 KB, 500x375, 1471550989001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not learning german to understand the glorious fuhrer first fucking hand

>> No.17987994

He wasn't born in the US

>> No.17988004

>Because you were either 1 years old back then or you understand the media didn't give 2 shits about it
Or it's because there was no swine flu pandemic in 2011.

>> No.17988051

neither was obama but that never stopped anyone

>> No.17988060

gross please delete image

>> No.17988080

There was no swine flu pandemic then. I was 19 in the Army and living in Texas in 2011. We have never in our lifetimes had a pandemic like this you filthy half breed nigger.

>> No.17988101

Yes because swine flu was killing 800 people in a single country in a day. RetRd.

>> No.17988108

>Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii
Anon, I . . .

>> No.17988145

He’s correct. By now we all understand that the virus is akin to a slightly stronger flu that does not yet have a vaccine. Precautions should be taken of course to hinder its spread.

Some extremely irresponsible people/media (who may have skin in the game to make things as chaotic/awful as possible) are manipulating data, news coverage, etc. to further throw everyone into a frenzie. The worldwide panic and spread of misinformation is much, much more harmful than the virus itself and will kill many more people.

People need to step back and think about whether they’re doing more harm than good with the panic they’re attempting to spread. Even the schizophrenic doomers on 4chan look normal compared to the bawling celebrities and panic-ridden norms on Twitter. The government reactions might be a necessity but the panic is overblown and dangerous.

>> No.17988155

this is real econ hours

>> No.17988205

It's not truly exponential, it won't keep growing forever the line will flatten out at some point or another.

>> No.17988207

>Some extremely irresponsible people/media (who may have skin in the game to make things as chaotic/awful as possible) are manipulating data, news coverage, etc. to further throw everyone into a frenzie. The worldwide panic and spread of misinformation is much, much more harmful than the virus itself and will kill many more people.

they should face consequences for what they have done

>> No.17988217

good thing donald trump ended the controversy that hillary started once and for all proving that obama was born indeed in hawaii

>> No.17988220

growth in nr of tests is the only thing that's exponential

>> No.17988244

Just a fyi. I'm 35 last year I got the flu it was the worst flu I've ever had in my life by far. I was sick for 4 weeks and writhing in pain for about 3 days. usually flu does me for 3 days max and 1 night of pain. It was 10x worse than any other flu I've had

>> No.17988264

If anything, the media has been downplaying this until a week ago.

>> No.17988292

t.Larping medical expert

>> No.17988299
File: 17 KB, 480x385, 1551389378762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the media has been downplaying this

>> No.17988320

It's novel, meaning new, meaning no immunity, yeah? If nobody is immune then the whole point is to flatten the curve, the panic is coupled with severe market panic which is a derived from realistic projections from a number of effected facets of industry. Travel being shut down, NY and CA on lock. We're talking serious decrements in foot traffic to all brick and mortars with serious supply chain disruption internally and externally due to increased demand. Layoffs and unemployment numbers are being withheld from the public, and that's a fucking fact. They're talking about handing out free fucking money in the senate. And we've yet to even see the worst of it. Wait a week or two and see what Spring Break brings in, drunkards with latent symptoms have been fucking around for the last two weeks with zero interest in self-interest.

Hospitals are going to get absolutely flooded in high-density areas, people will go untreated, people will die disproportionately in all age groups. Supply chain will continue disruption. And by the way this shit can live on cardboard for up to 24 hours, meaning it can be transmitted through the mail.

>> No.17988323

>40x stronger
Kys shill.

>> No.17988342

This virus is being downplayed not hyped you retard.

>> No.17988350

There are 60 million people in Italy and 5000 are dead already. Unless the disease miraculously disappears, by the end of the month they will have passed 12k dead at the rate it's going. They're losing about 800 people a day right now, which means 12k in 2 weeks. Of course, not all Italians are infected, and the death rate is expected to increase further.

>> No.17988390

based and sane response.

>> No.17988397
File: 394 KB, 828x897, F40B3296-007B-4682-BFF8-AA027A48585B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t agree with that. There was probably a combination of not knowing much about the virus (lack of information to report) and downplaying it, but that was about a month ago. Since then a bombardment of information and random data has been thrown at the public from all sorts of media. Misinformation abound.

Also that wouldn’t change the fact that a huge portion of mainstream media is now fueling the widespread panic. In fact, the lack of coverage prior to full-blown panic mode has made the public even more terrified. Look at pic-related: nobody is going to take 2 fucking grams of that drug to try to cure the virus. It’s a total bullshit article. This is the kind of panic-mode trash some of the MSM is shilling to prolong the frenzy.

>> No.17988412
File: 4 KB, 211x239, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half the world on house arrest
>the virus is being downplayed

>> No.17988431

>it’s all the media
Or you know. The unprecedented quarantine. Tell me pls, when was the last time the NBA NHL and MLB closed down their seasons? When was the last time New York California and Texas were under quarantine?

>> No.17988447

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe that means that this is really an incredibly infectious disease

>> No.17988506

Could it be? If only I had been beaten over the head with that information day after day for the past 3 weeks, I might see the gravity of the situation.

>> No.17988508

my fucking sides based elon

>> No.17988523

Hes right. They are lying to keep people from panicking.

>> No.17988547

This is the kind of schizo post that is more dangerous than the virus itself. Perfect fucking example of full-blown, nonsensical and harmful panic. Thank you for posting this absolute garbage bin of a post.

I’m not disputing or condemning the actions government/private organization have taken to try to stop the spread of a virus with no vaccine. I AM disputing 1) the necessity to panic and scare the shit out of people with retarded news coverage like the pic I previously posted, or the spread of absolute bullshit retard panic like the post I quoted, and 2) the insanity of schizo’s/doomers/etc. being so worried to label this “a slightly stronger flu with no discovered vaccine”. People are deathly afraid of calling a spade a spade, because the mob mentality is calling for full-blown panic mode. We don’t have to panic. We can see this for what it is: any one of us under 50 years old are in little to no danger. We need to follow precautions and stall the spread until we find a vaccine. That’s it. That’s all there is to it. No need to panic, scream and cry about people leaving the house, get angry at orange man/government officials for not knowing the cure, etc.

>> No.17988557
File: 37 KB, 512x512, Dong_Lyu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The article was written by Dong Lyu. Can't even make this shit up. Tell me why I should trust this chink fuck

>> No.17988569

Wow, I just gained a ton of respect for him. My next car will be a Tesla

>> No.17988575
File: 824 KB, 1080x1697, ugandameetup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but did the economy already collapse? Oh, that's right. The decision hasn't even been made yet. In fact, it's only midweek. Does not 20% unemployment count as a collapse? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the market is still open? The traders are in NYC right now and they have been the best stock market people for how long now? They're fighting one of the worst virii of all time and they're feeding off the lack of support from the Mainstream media. But you know what? They're still fucking trading. America is one of the best fucking nations on earth, we dropped 2 more and would have dropped 2 more if Japan hadn't surrendered. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Dow hits 30k and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the Fed just pumped 2 trillion dollars into the economy and cut us all a check. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Dow topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like America because its free. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to trun the Fed, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.17988698

4 billion infected
100 million dead

>> No.17988726

Post nose

>> No.17988758

>They should just take gambles with their lives lol.
Thank God you don’t run the country.

>> No.17988818

Pruners lived through tuberculosis and shit with like 1/3rd of the pop dying. Fucking boomers can't even handle a slightly worse flu.

>> No.17988822

You seem based. Keep up the redpilling.

>> No.17988831

cause you'd be in jail

>> No.17988849

Order from chaos:

>> No.17988863

>People going full retard and ransacking stores for toilet paper is dumb, but staying inside and trying to stop the spread is not.
>Stay inside for a long quarantine but don’t buy the required food and supplies to deal with such a situation, you fucking retards!

>> No.17988885

>ignore the news
But no one else is ignoring the news. My precious stonks will continue to plummet, even if I am smarter than everybody else.

>> No.17988935

I love this based man. He's literally a nerd, like us. When Jobs passed away i cried because i didn't know if i'll ever find someone to relate to ever again, but then this based beautiful man came along and now i'm a MUSKIE for life!

>> No.17989015

Oh I'd probably do the same in their shoes. But I was explaining why shit will be hitting the fan.

>> No.17989025
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>> No.17989074

>people actually put ((())) on their Twitter profile names
Is it ironic?

>> No.17989113
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Why would you be surprised? Subtlety is lost on election boomers.

>> No.17989161

Daddy trump waived Clovis fees, 85% of Americans are already insured, get fucked.

>> No.17989266

Im amazed at how long this americans have to pay for treatment meme has persisted. If you're poor insurance is literally 100% free and even if you're not insured hospitals will write off the whole bill with a single phone call.

>> No.17989289

Most.of the people who die are old and/or already sick. This kind of "pandemic" happens every so many years and not just with humans... but it's being used to try out UBI and deflate some ovwrheated markets it seems.
Problem is consequences of this are literally unpredictable since it affects so many complex systems, economy, politics, trade networks... We're kinda building our own black swan here.

>> No.17989323
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That means it's plateauing, idiot. It's alreasy tapering off

>> No.17989352
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>> No.17989448

> Andy Cohen tests positive for coronavirus, halts 'Watch What Happens Live' production
Fucking nazi virus

>> No.17989499

this nigga is so emotional,why even tweet this shit????

>> No.17989542

>exponential growth
>it's plateauing

who has to feed you?

>> No.17989602

You are a very low iq individual

>> No.17989661

Anyone else hear that 500,000 people have died in China and they are burning infected people alive?

>> No.17989833

>youth football coaching legend
He's trolling, right?

>> No.17989962

He wasn't even talking about Jews, everyone just instantly assumed he did because it's true.

>> No.17990135

>a lady doth protest too much

>> No.17990166

i heard that trump is a zombie and is being controlled by lizardmen overlords.

>> No.17990619

or we could just have SOME young people in charge?

>> No.17990665

Jews paranoid parasites

>> No.17990808

He's also a furfag. It's like someone combined five 4channers into one person and gave them a corporate empire.
Based as fuck.

>> No.17990880
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Is anyone supposed to be surprised that a super rich CEO who can hide away from the world no problem isn't worried about any of the following impacts of a global pandemic the same way working class people that can't just fuck off to their island are?

>> No.17990969

>Daily reminder that lung cancer kills more than all other cancers.
That's because cigarettes are still a thing

>> No.17991033

Everybody saying that thisis just a flu are going to have organic damage due to corona in one year time. Screencap this

>> No.17991199

He's not wrong

>> No.17991403

Depends on what you mean by "young".

>> No.17991464

Elon is a fucking retard.

>> No.17991467


>> No.17991497

>loli hentai
I thought it was just catgirls? wut?

>> No.17991519

The point is that a huge number of people will need artificial ventilators or they will just die, so hospitals are going to collapse.
Also, even it doesn’t kill you, lungs damage are permanent.
Go ahead and get your lungs destroyed, it’s good for the economy...
Think twice, health costs more than 2 months of wagecucking

>> No.17991528

>when elon was talking about corrupt corporate control but the left just assumes jews
They really can't stop shooting themselves in the foot can they? I am surprise they can even walk with whatever feet they have left, kek

>> No.17991544

Are muslims nazis when they hate jews... oh no? okay then sure thing pal

>> No.17991545
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My favorite tendy place closed down because of this stupid panic.

>> No.17991546

good. now MMs are ready to let the market fall.

>> No.17991600

0 CEO's have gotten the flu

>> No.17991617

Almost doing anything is not the same as doing anything, retard.

>> No.17991635

>Difference is we're now running an ad campaign to invite people to visit the hospital for no reason.
>media and experts are literally saying stay at home and don't go unless necessary in order not to overwhelm the system
Boy fantasy landers sure have come out the woodwork haven't they? fucking KEK

>> No.17991647

>what is denial

>> No.17991667

>Replace 'muh 6 million' with 'holocaust never happened' and you would realize how ridiculous this all is
Holy shit your are fucking right! You genius anon!

>> No.17991671

This virus is something to blame the depression on and to justify the orwellian measures that will be put in place to keep the elite grifters safe from us plebs while culling our numbers.
Why is everyone too retarded to see this?

>> No.17991695

>This virus is something to blame the depression on and to justify the orwellian measures that will be put in place to keep the elite grifters safe from us plebs while culling our numbers.
Such as?

>> No.17991727

How new are you?
Such as what?

>> No.17991745

Earn It

>> No.17991813

So you were just talking out of your was then.

>> No.17991850

Except a company exits for more than a year. The only reason why that ratio indicates the market is overvalued is because previous the recessions it was relatively high too.

>> No.17991885

>So you were just talking out of your was then.
what did they mean anons?

>> No.17991959
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>> No.17992007

Nice blog

>> No.17992041

Elon is fucking retarded when it comes to anything outside his field. People have been sucking his dick so long he's formed a delusional self image. He really should just shut the fuck up about anything that doesn't pertain to his dumb rockets.

>> No.17992159

tranny detected, you'll never be a woman.

>> No.17992875

>they run in same families with down syndrome
No you fucking retard
Down syndrome is caused by an extra chromosome
The other things you listed all have the normal chromosome count
They are not related at all

>> No.17993208
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>no fucking reason
Are you kidding?

>> No.17993264

This. I remember seeing the full context and being amazed at how retarded these people are. Also funny since them reading it that way shows their own bias as well.

>> No.17993362
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>> No.17993367

You absolute newfags, jews use to do it on twitter to signal they are jews so the goy know who to show respect to and not disagree with, /pol/ then turned it into a meme

>> No.17994182


>> No.17994272
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Pic related

>> No.17994321
File: 2.71 MB, 816x1080, [4K] 160317 엠카운트다운 트와이스 (TWICE) 미니 팬미팅 직캠 by Spinel-RSk4YIMOTQc-[08.25.236-08.30.909].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't left the house since before the corona virus made the news

i am not one iota afraid of it

>> No.17994383

Afraid enough that you aren't leaving the house...

>> No.17994407


naw, i was a hermit before the corona virus

>> No.17994544

That was the joke

Not arguing different sides

>the insanity of schizo’s/doomers/etc. being so worried to label this “a slightly stronger flu with no discovered vaccine”
But you're the one that said that
What are you saying?

>> No.17994595

if 99% of people have barely any symptoms, why not just let it spread and let all the weak ones succumb and die instead of worrying about filling the hospitals with them and keeping them artificially alive? then we can finally move on with our lives

>> No.17994629


>> No.17994636

the average age of the person dying from corona in italy is like fucking 80.5

>let's destroy our entire country to keep a bunch of 80 year olds alive


>> No.17994725

big pharma

>> No.17994805
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numbers are a funny thing.
carry on.

>> No.17994818

>im not a newfag ur a newfag

>> No.17994902

millions of people dying is not good for the economy

>> No.17994974


>> No.17995397

Thank you for the hopium

>> No.17995405

Thank you for the hopium

>> No.17995539

>people calling it a flu when it isn't an influenza virus
>hopium for muh vaccine when vaccine isn't possible

>> No.17995625

You can post actual facts like this on social platforms, and people absolutely shame you for attacking their false narrative about this virus because they want to virtue signal.

Why does posting facts trigger the virus normies? Even in this post, you see how triggered these brainlets are.

>> No.17995906

>He’s correct. By now we all understand that the virus is akin to a slightly stronger flu that does not yet have a vaccine. Precautions should be taken of course to hinder its spread.
First response I've seen closest to my own opinion. Yea, this looks to be more dangerous than the flu, but it doesn't warrant the panic

>> No.17996337

The panic is just media. They were full nothingburger until they spotted their chance to do the usual ORANGE MAN BAD. Also full of chink agents. The virus definitely is more dangerous than a flu and with an increasing number of infected the number of sick zoomers in ICU will also go up. At least they get priority when triage hits.

>> No.17996457

first henry ford and now elon
why do all good car makers end up calling out (((the media)))?

>> No.17996549
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>good car
>with world being stuck in Lithium battery prehistory since the 90s

>> No.17996573
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Why, yes, I am. How could you tell?

>> No.17996620
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>nominal amount
I wonder what adjectives you would use if you were one of the 0.001% whose lungs were being liquidfied by Corona-chan