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17983771 No.17983771 [Reply] [Original]

How's it going gals and pals. Just wanted to share my analysis on the corona virus, and how it will fuck shit up. This is only based on numbers and only for fun.

First off I want to talk about the recent burst of corona cases in the USA. They've had a pretty intense week with now nearly 20,000 infected. That might not sound like a lot, but that is an avg. growth of 41,4%/day, If the amount of new cases keep it up at this rate, it would only take by the end of the month for that number to reach 1,000,000. Now, USA is taking "serious precautions", We wouldn't really expect it to carry on at this rate for too long. But I've compared it to Italy, who has already gone through this process.
>pic related

So in the comparison you can see I've crunched the numbers for Italy's "rally" and their current rate.
After Italy's rally, the amount of new cases decreased from 25,4%/day all the way down to 16,6%/day. So a ~ 34,6% decrease.

Only hypotetical, but if today was the end of USA rally and they had a 34,6% decrease, the infection rate would be cut to 27,1%/day. If this was the case, it would still only take 17 days for 1,000,000 infected.

Is if it going to drop by 34,6%?? Probably not. USA's population in general pretty extroverted, dependent on following their own civil rights and has a lot of homless people.

Either way, if any of the scenarios I mentioned actually happens, we're all fucked to be honest. The economy is fucked, thus society is getting fucked in general.

DJI to 3K

>> No.17983849

Generally agree with you. I’ve been sitting comfy with April and June puts the past week or two

>> No.17983898


>> No.17984828

Hope you are right, anon. Stay healthy.