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17981662 No.17981662 [Reply] [Original]

Dear burgers,
I hope you are prepared to whats happening next to your country. Vietnam will look like a joke. I'm sitting here in praised europe. However, we are also in a shitty situation with lockdowns and economy getting bumfucked.

Since you retards don't have a strong social system a lot of people will get thrown out of their houses for not paying their rental fee. Too many people have been working for too little income in the last decade.
Secondly, it is relatively easy to get guns in the US. Prepare your anus for a full-fledged civil war 2.
Trying to go to the super market to buy some groceries and toilet paper? Boom, you're getting robbed by the homeless people gang.

Also Trumpbucks is a really stupid idea. Here's why:
People are not working, so the products for everyday life will become rare. Now Trump emits a lot of money on a reduced supply. Prices will shoot through the roof.

The main problem of all this is your government. They don't know shit about how to handle this situation.

>> No.17981673

The problem is both sides of aisles are complete human garbage and Amerimutts can't choose a competent candidate for there are none.

>> No.17981679

Nobody cares

>> No.17981680

we still got guns. what's your point?

>> No.17981696

Half your continent is literally third world.

I think we will be okay.

>> No.17981700


3 bums can get 3 guns and now you are outgunned and you die, i hope you have at least a full body nij 4 armor set

>> No.17981720

>this is what europeans actually believe

>> No.17981723
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>> No.17981727

Once AOC is old enough to be president, there will be.

>> No.17981734

You're not wrong. I was really hoping people would vote Bernie into office, because despite his numerous faults he's the only one that understands that "socialism" isn't a dirty word.

>> No.17981742

finally we can become as good as venezuela

>> No.17981744

demand creates it's own supply, trumpbucks are a based idea

>> No.17981747

right winger here
I would unironically vote for AOC if she would let me suckle on her mammaries
also think her ideas about banning stock trades for congressmen is bang on
god I wish she stroke my pp while lecturing me about communism

>> No.17981756

>being a bad guy with a gun makes you slow and stupid
>being a good guy with a gun gives you superpowers
Hollywood was a mistake.

>> No.17981774

I have 2 months of food and water. Thousands of dollars in gold and silver. Glock with 4 fully loaded clips next to my bed. Assault rifle upstairs by my computer. Full tank of gas in my car. Creek for water supply 100 feet from my house.

I'm ready for anything.

>> No.17981790

>a mob of faggots with guns that suddenly picked them up are going to be able to outshoot some boomer that uses it every weekend

>> No.17981808


>> No.17981811

>niggas who have been in a shooting war with each other for literal decades are going to get rekt by a single obese larper

>> No.17981856

The mexicans will kill every black in america long before the whites do

>> No.17981858

>takes huffpost seriously

>> No.17981869

this guy fucks

>> No.17982009
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Lol ya made meme do it ...

>> No.17982122

Mexicans won't fight your battles for you

>> No.17982229
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mmmm tits

>> No.17982622

Rat poison squared. Never gonna happen.

>> No.17982635

god bless america, i'm so proud to be 100 % real american

>> No.17983287

mexicans hate niggers you ignorant retard

>> No.17983356
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case solved

>> No.17983417
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>600 shots fired between gang rivals last night at 10:30pm on Martin luther king boulevard, 3 innocent bystanders in the hospital with gunshot wounds

Yeah i dont think this will go like you imagine.

>> No.17983432

I'll just order from Amazon Drone

>> No.17983456


>> No.17983483

Both Europe and America have the same trash globohomo financial elite kleptocratic system. They're both going to implode violently.

>> No.17984665

europe is in deeper shit than the us.
because of italy. italy was a shitshow it's financial system burdened with awful bad debt the populists only made things worse. and italy is in the euro zone. it can bring down the whole ship.
us will have it's own problems but the usd is fundamentally stronger than the euro.

>> No.17984688

Why am I seeing so much euro cope today?

>> No.17984711

It used to be that at least Europe had some reasonably smart people
Despite being poorer, weaker, more cowardly and uglier
Now apparently they have nothing

>> No.17984752

>muh i've been indoctrinated with jew capitalist non-sense
>muh let share some pills of my huge knowledge about things
shut up nigger

>> No.17984772

I hope we do have another civil war. Maybe the proletariat will finally rise up and overthrow the government.

>> No.17984793

just stop posting

>> No.17984807

trillion dollar a day bailout seems like a worse move to me than the current plans of the ECB which include stimulating the poorer economies (getting rid of their debt) in the EU more than other nations.

>> No.17984831

You make me sad. You are actually being manipulated by thinking that fake bitch is worth your time. Please do some more research on her and her shenanigans.. All she has is nice tits.

>> No.17984842

Can anyone explain what literally happens if you have Covid in US? They don't have free medicine do they? So if you're broke and you have Covid, what happens? Do they shoot you in the head?

>> No.17984891

But what happens if you get sick? Literally what happens in US if you have Covid? Do you just lay there and die? Do you pay out your ass for treatment? If you don't have any money, do they just turn you away and let you infect more people? How does any of this work? How can you fight a pandemic without a healthcare system? Pls explain

>> No.17984903

no they bill you after you get out of the hospital

>> No.17984931

The only things you know about America are what you read on your shitty TV news programs.

The same goes for what Americans know about Europe.
Stop watching propaganda.

>> No.17984940

Wouldn't that lead to a lot of sick people avoiding hospitals because they want to avoid debt? Not like a hospital can really help with Covid anyway, Italian hospitals are like morgues, and you can get infected in a hospital. Sounds like avoiding hospitalization might actually be a smart option in US

>> No.17984962


>> No.17984979

how can you be this stupid?

>> No.17984997

t. european

>> No.17985014

How am I wrong? Explain to me. Hospitals don't actually heal you of covid currently, they may increase your chances a little but mostly they just isolate you and let you die slowly. Is it worth the debt? Not for everyone.

>> No.17985049

We don't have any actual grocery shortages. Just too much short term demand. Shelves get restocked.
Bums can't hold on to more than ten bucks at a time, and are for the most part pacifists.
Most of the deaths from gun violence... Are gang members themselves(nigs and spics).

>> No.17985077

Because they have much bigger problems than the US and the China virus is one thing where they might come out ahead against the US. Can you imagine the rage the Europoors will feel if the US somehow manages to dodge a bullet and somehow not get totally booty blasted by the China virus?

I'm an American and you know what? I have a weird feeling that while the US is going to suffer economically (our stock markets are already in a crash and will likely crash even more), we're actually going to come out OK against the China virus; we won't end up like Italy. Our lower population density and our general paranoia will probably make spread of the China virus slower than in Europe.

We'll only see rapid spread in dense cities like NYC, LA, and other such places where there are a lot of Chicoms. Those places are already leftist shitholes so their governments will enforce martial law or something, locking them down. There will be little protest because they're all faggots and that will be that.

While this is going on, all sorts of ideas are being tried for finding a vaccine and a cure for the virus. The Fed has started spraying money everywhere at everything and I suspect research labs are getting some of it or at least promised some of it. There's a good chance that there will be a vaccine or a reasonably good treatment in a month or two that the US will benefit from.

In the end, thousands of Boomers will die, some stupid or unlucky younger people will die, and that will be it. We will then have to wait for the economy to recover. It is likely the US economy will recover more quickly than Europe's and there is also a good chance the US reconsiders its relationship with shithole China, which will create even more American jobs.

None of this is guaranteed, of course, and the doomers are projecting a far worse outcome for the US. However, the likelihood of the above is fairly high and the Europoors will be REE-ing all the way to the mosque.

>> No.17985118

>Hospitals don't actually heal you of covid currently, they may increase your chances a little but mostly they just isolate you and let you die slowly.
better than staying at home and dying faster? Also they are trying different medicine around the world and seems a few different cures are being found.
>Is it worth the debt? Not for everyone.
Health Insurance???? Also you are implying this will cost so much that people wouldn't seek treatment. Honk Honk.
If you don't have health insurance in burgerland, you take the bill back to the hospital and get on the payment plan. They reduce the bill to be based off of what you make. Had a $2k bill reduced to $200.

>> No.17985211

>better than staying at home and dying faster?
It's a question of whether it's worth it or not for you personally isn't it. A lot of young people believe that can't die from it, I can see a 40 year old or a 50 year old getting cocky and not going to a hospital thinking he can make it through. Can't you see that happening?
>Also you are implying this will cost so much that people wouldn't seek treatment. Honk Honk.
Yes that is what I'm implying. It does require expensive equipment and there's currently not enough of that equipment for everyone. You know what happens in a free market when supply is low and demand is high.

>> No.17985218

Thanks OP for putting shame on europeans due to your childish behavior, i hope you fucking die with your lungs melted from corona virus.

>> No.17985268

>moves goalposts
>You know what happens in a free market when supply is low and demand is high.
>Martial Law, govt just takes it
there will continue to be a spike in cases in the US, but it wont be anywhere near as bad as China or Italy. Cope harder.

>> No.17985292

>moves goalposts
When did I ever do that? I'm not trying to win an argument here, I'm just trying to understand. Currently I'm understanding that not only is US fucked, it's in massive denial.

>> No.17985332

Don't bother responding to him, he doesn't understand how our system works and doesn't want to understand. He just wants to cope thinking that he at least has it better than us when he doesn't.

Hell, he doesn't even understand that the supplies our now be regulated at the state and federal level and that the feds are contracting shutdown auto makers to retool to produce medical supplies (apparently GM will be the first to produce ventilators as they already have the tooling and have done it before). Euros don't understand anything about our healthcare system and can't comprehend our industrial capacity. They just can't fathom anyone being better off than them. Just forget it dude.

>> No.17985360

Hey buddy, just thought I would inform you that the US is the only country that can print the world reserve currency. What this means is, we can(and will) print the entire planet into poverty before we fall into it ourselves. The US is the only country that cannot collapse without taking the rest of the planet with it.

>> No.17985447


>> No.17985489

Literally how I know this is all hysteria right here. I'm going to buy some more stonks.

>> No.17985518

Nice shitpost.
>praised europe
>nothing but brownies
>about to take power
We're fucked.

>> No.17985533
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They will if you pay them just like every other work we give them

>> No.17985586

Based detective work

>> No.17985741


You take regular cold medicine rest a few days, then go about your life. That's it, that's the cure.

>> No.17985839
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>> No.17985858

Just pray to god

>> No.17985929

If this crisis happened last year, we'd have Bernie landslide victory by now. People are slow on the uptake. Once layoffs really start kicking in and people start losing their health insurance, Biden voters will get hardcore buyer remorse.

>> No.17985971

AOC won't get nominated. She's too progressive. The DNC just chose a senile kid diddler over someone who would actually improve the country. Do you think AOC has a chance?

>> No.17986016


Take care of your muslim problem first. Then come lecture us.

>> No.17986061

Yeah, I’ll trust what the situation looks like over here by some mangy, measles-ridden bong’s words

>> No.17986077
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>> No.17986230

>people in large parts of the U.S are used to hunting their own food, have months of meat in their freezers, grow their own food gardens, have radios to communicate with their neighbors and know when something happens around their area, and have been stockpiling things for survival and guns for 20 years for fun
>Europoors who cant even own slingshots panicking

ohhh noo sorry about that anon aren't you glad only the criminals have guns in your country imagine how safe you are going to be

>> No.17986768
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I'm not even a boob guy, but got damn she's so hot