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17977688 No.17977688 [Reply] [Original]

My disappointment is beyond measure.

>> No.17977715

>He did buy helium

>> No.17977730

I'm not a silverfag, wtf happened to that chart? JPM cuck you again?

>> No.17978519


>> No.17978535

guillible retards got lured into buying shiny rocks and got dumped on. And now it will take years for the price to recover. SAD

>> No.17978545

He bought paper value silver is what he did.

>> No.17978642

Coinbase fees aren't looking so bad anymore riiiiiiiiiiight?

>> No.17978878

Yes well I'm dissapointed in you too.

>> No.17979055

Who the absolute fuck is so retarded that they think buying silver is a good investment? I can somewhat understand gold since there have been dipshits since the beginning of time who placed value on it because its shine and comparative rarity. But silver? Silver tarnishes, and there is so goddamn much of it in supply and that we haven't even mined yet. It doesn't even have the image of artificial rarity. It will likely be hundreds more years before we actually get close to mining all the silver the earth has to offer, so it has nowhere near the same rarity as gold.

>> No.17979068
File: 117 KB, 800x800, F78013F3-F9C7-4E91-B0DE-2D1BAA6C6AF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using an industrial metal as a “store of value”

>> No.17979092

What happened?

>> No.17979102

Bbbbut the silver to gold price ratio is too high. They said silver is undervalued

>> No.17979112
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>> No.17979127
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>> No.17979141

Silver is not an investment... it is savings and real money

>> No.17979215

>real money
How much paint have you drank in your life, anon? How much glue did you sniff as a child?
It's a pretty shit place to put your money. You'd be better off putting your money in shitcoins, because that involves at least as much volatility, but does tend to pay off exponentially more when they pump.

>> No.17979241
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>JPM cuck you again?

>> No.17979257
File: 256 KB, 750x692, 51594D7C-7036-4786-9164-685DD0362279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine buying silver at over $12
>imagine buying silver OVER SPOT
>imagine stacking with the expectation of the global economy crashing and actually believing that you’ll be a feudal lord

>> No.17979291

imagine buying the litecoin of gold lmfao

>> No.17979340
File: 151 KB, 1370x736, silver cup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone can see that silver is a long-term cup-and-handle. This is the best time in human history to buy silver.

>> No.17979370
File: 31 KB, 850x567, chrisduane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All digital illusions of wealth will return to their intrinsic value of zero.
>People project themselves onto other and Trump is definitely an egotistical manchild.
>Be your own king.

>> No.17979405

>More of it being mined more efficiently
>Considered industrial metal now
Yes anon truly it is the time to buy. If you want a shiny trinket that is cheap and will never be valuable.

>> No.17979421
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>Buy shiny metals, they are a hedge against crises!

Lmao, what a piece of shit.

>> No.17979471

I mean... precious metals were shit in the beginning of the 08 crash too and then they did great. Historically precious metals always go down with the market at start of a recession because people need to liquidate everything for margin calls, even classic hedges. This is unironically the time to buy precious silver and gold. A bit of physical and then some medium term calls on JNUG

>> No.17979859
File: 51 KB, 680x383, 1584558747247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point, I just want covid to just kill me so some one can take my silver bags
fuck this gay ass earth with jews and usury
we'll never be able to work to support ourselves like the boomers did. they were an economic fluke.

just end it already coronachan. cleanse the earth.

>> No.17979998


>> No.17980106

Weak hands. Silver will moon in the coming months. This is just the begining. Fools

>> No.17980130

yeh and instead of sitting around $18 it'll sit at $23

>> No.17980190

>will moon in the coming months
what the fuck does this even mean

come to fullness?
or round like a zero?

>> No.17980218

what happened?

>> No.17980221
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prices for paper silver down
prices for physical silver in shops up
must i say more ?

>> No.17980249
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>> No.17980276

Scottsdale mint

>> No.17980397


>> No.17980436

Should I buy twenty 2020 silver eagles or get 25 oz silver bars for less? Trying to spend this amazon refund I got.

>> No.17980497

get the eagles
its worth the loss of 5 oz in your case

>> No.17980516

>its worth the loss of 5 oz in your case

>> No.17980522

Why? I have 60 oz of eagles already. I was going to get the 25 oz but some anons talked about 2020 eagles being limited due to the nature of the year we are having and that mints are closed or will close and that 2021 is getting a new style of eagle and this is the last year and for the current eagles and may be valuable

>> No.17980567
File: 102 KB, 760x575, Why_are_Silver_Eagle_Coins_so_expensive_SD_Bullion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASE's are liquid af due to being universally recognizable
and anything from the US mint is worth the hefty premium and will always carry one.
Heres a chart for 2008, ASE's always do well in deflation and also supply shortage.
And yea 2020 eagles are gone, so grab them up, they will be worth good money in years to come.

>> No.17980590

they were going for $35 in 08?

>> No.17980603

Don't say that, I just bought $700 of silver.

>> No.17980607

Nobody is selling physical silver anywhere close to spot atm. There isn't even enough physical silver to match the paper silver. What we're seeing is the demand for physical silver completely separate itself from spot price.

>> No.17980641

So the paper silver is fiat silver now lmao

>> No.17980659

What the fuck is paper silver anyway

>> No.17980674


>> No.17980682

One of these days anon, wham! zooml

>> No.17980687

probably something like an I.O.U.

>> No.17980697

Looking at the situation now, where will ASE's be by comparison once this virus shit ends

>> No.17980705

Eventually Gold and Silver will have it's day, but you're still missing out on years worth of dividends and price increases with stocks, you should own max 5% of your wealth in mostly gold and a small amount of silver in case there's a future shadow economy scenario.

>> No.17980722

no idea

>> No.17981015

All metals are industrial. Silver and gold are highly recyclable, and they're both mined like mad. So they're inflationary. Worse, enormous stockpiles of both are readily available for dumping. Shit isn't actually any better than unbacked fiat.

>> No.17981798

I'm fucking selling at 25$
Fuck this piece of shit junk, gold is better

>> No.17981867

I have heard this before. Why dump Gold and not sell it off to jewelers or something.

>> No.17981887

if you have usd it is, evryone elses currency is fucked vs usd right now

>> No.17981953


Jewish tricks. In monetary history jews have operated banks for physical metals for thousands of years. Every time they take in metals initially, and they hand out bearer bonds. Jews being jews they eventually start creating bearer bonds without the metals to back them. This fractional reserve lending scheme works until a crisis happens. Then people want their money, which they do not have. This usually either hurts or collapses the civilization in its current form.

This has happened 376 times before in 109 different countries, before the information age.

>> No.17982153

You shitcoinbrain dont seem to understand that silver will never go to 0, shitcoins will
The actual silver prize is lower than what the mints can produce it for, thats why they closed
Half of silver has industrial use, unlike gold
Buying silver now is free money

>> No.17982448


>> No.17982531

Silver is the first element we will run out of

>> No.17982729
File: 31 KB, 500x577, serves him right metals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My disappointment is beyond measure.
silver gold ratio is at 128
this idiot bought more at 90
worst analysis ever
muh 100 year ratios

>> No.17982848
File: 655 KB, 1200x650, silver40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll sell 40% coins for $15/oz
Phoenix area only

>> No.17982896

He said it will hit 150 ratio long time ago.

>> No.17982912
File: 39 KB, 480x625, Alex Jones tin foil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He said it will hit 150 ratio long time ago.
source please

>> No.17982972
File: 30 KB, 450x450, 1581249033779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver will be king, it is almost sold out right now. Price manipulation is real!

>> No.17982978
File: 103 KB, 262x264, trump eagle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He said it will hit 150 ratio long time ago.
"Silver is 1/90th the value of gold and that's not where it should be"

that's my source.
He really is clueless, fortunately silver is getting ready to blast off into the next commodities bull going into 2024.

>> No.17982985

All metals are now industry metals. Simple as.
Also, with the amount of money "printed", we really were, and still are, in everything bubble. Buy a farm.