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File: 177 KB, 1125x1488, F2E15186-136B-4B90-9969-26A1412060FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17977433 No.17977433 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17977476

Thanks for reminding me I need to flush down a bag of porter cement into the toilet before when my lease term is up.

>> No.17977556

Is this one of those NY Jew commie things where everyone owns an apartment building 'together' somehow and they interview you as part of the application? Saw it on SNL once. Good to know that Jews will be Jews even if they don't own the property outright.

>> No.17977572

What’s that called, a co-op?

>> No.17977594

You have 5 seconds to justify landlords starting now

>> No.17977601

(((landlords))) get the rope.

>> No.17977608

We finna boutta see a lot of Landlord bodies piling up, straight up

>> No.17977610

Soon, I hope.

>> No.17977633

Inb4 some dumb fuck tries to claim there would be no housing without them.

>> No.17977692

>some tenants didn't pay the rent
>welp, I guess I better evict everyone due to them
God I hope all landlords get corona and die.

>> No.17977724
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unironically people like this deserve the rope, they have no Skin in the Game

>> No.17977733

Why don't people have savings? I can go over a year without working and wouldn't have to change a thing.

>> No.17977771

They need to buy the new Iphone on every release and those premium soi products.

>> No.17977781

thanks for the idea

>> No.17977794

Even Adam Smith considered landlords worthless parasites who contributed nothing to society

>> No.17977834

I'm still not paying rent, even though I have more than enough

>> No.17977845

I get the average person is dumb and can't plan; but we aren't even a month in and people are crying. This isn't just a lack of savings, it's no savings.
I really don't se why we just don't all start a secessionist movement so we can leave the brainlet society behind.

>> No.17977850

I get the average person is dumb and can't plan; but we aren't even a month in and people are crying. This isn't just a lack of savings, it's no savings.
I really don't see why we just don't all start a secessionist movement so we can leave the brainlet society behind.

>> No.17977853

I fantasize about landlords being dragged in to a public place after order breaks down, and having their heads caved in with bricks by an angry populace.

>> No.17977867
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>> No.17977875

Neat, don't know what happened here. Got a connection error and it posted twice.

>> No.17977882

ahahahahahah they know that no one is going to pay them, they can't even kick them out because of corona and they're freaking out

>> No.17977909

This unironically makes me want to murder my landlord.

>> No.17977944

Because we all park part time.
And how long do you think a savings would last?

>> No.17977972


>> No.17977988

They do have skin in the game. They probably depend on tenants paying on time to make the interest payments on the building. That's the risk they took on investing in rental property.

>> No.17978022

Millenials literally can't comprehend an agreement tho.

>> No.17978047
File: 207 KB, 327x316, 15768076025163355073978776522724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Filthy kikes getting ratted out by their pet sheboon

>> No.17978076

The landlord cries out in pain as he stabs you

>> No.17978096

>If your out
Why are rent seekers always midwits?

>> No.17978103

Simple solution. Kill him

>> No.17978108

Agreements fail when the times get tough. As another poster said, they probably know they cant evict the tenants and are scared of not being able to pay their loans.

>> No.17978111
File: 86 KB, 638x1000, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftypol go home, nobody cares about your commie propaganda.

>> No.17978184

>t. On 4chan under 10yrs

No one cares newfag go back

>> No.17978191

>they cant evict the tenants

>> No.17978206

Itt: butthurt landlords with no empathy

>> No.17978218

Because living in an inflationary economy discourages saving and encourages spending in order to keep the carnival going. Simple as.

>> No.17978223

finna boutta is redundant

>> No.17978228

ayo this nigga finna boutta get dabbed on

>> No.17978289

Yo nigga I'm finna boutta ride on you

>> No.17978328

It's potentially a long and arduous process due to various tenant protection laws and it's probably harder due to the special circumstances surrounding Corona and stuff.

>> No.17978330

A email from some jew co-op in NYC or overleveraged retard that needs 100% payment to stay above water will definitely set off tbe relovution this time comrade. Will you be incharge of uniform design post capitalism? I think i will be chief of emotional support in my commune. Why dont these filthy kulaks understand we dont need money to survive.

>> No.17978447

>no source, no email, just a text with an added claim
How easily the poorfags scum is manipulated into communism.
Must be their genetical low IQ and soi levels causing an overemotional response centre in their brain overriding critical thinking.

>> No.17978487


>Not Jews

Nice try, Noseberg

>> No.17978528
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>bolshevik revolutionaries
>not jews

Looks like you might be retarded

>> No.17978555

Hahaha. "Rainy Day Fund" what a fucking asshole. This is why I'm all in Suterusu and just waiting for Asia to save me, unironically.

>> No.17978568

Why didn't Boing have savings?

>> No.17978591
File: 51 KB, 679x679, 439853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I don't personally own the building, it will cease to exist and you will be homeless so this is for everyone's protection

>> No.17978595

>if your out of savings
Why should I listen to an illiterate eslnigger? Only whites should be allowed to even own property in the first place.

>> No.17978600


*Tips Yarmulke*

>> No.17978616

Absolutely based

>> No.17978627


>> No.17978638

Uninhibitedly based

>> No.17978667
File: 6 KB, 186x271, Henry George.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our time is getting closer, bros...

>> No.17978686

>leeches holding everybody hostage and telling you you have to starve yourself so he can pay his mooring fees on his 34ft yacht.

Mao was right all along.

>> No.17978690

Is Corona going to kickstart a third positioning revolution?

>> No.17978712

God I can't wait for the mass lynchings

>> No.17978741

Yeah its a risk. They gambled on everybody paying their loan for them so they can eventually get free money. Now an unforeseeable event has caused them to lose the gamble. Sorry leech no free money for you.

>> No.17978762

good idea.

>> No.17978788

they signed a contract. maybe they should try reading it sometime. you don't get to stay if you don't pay the rent. pay the rent or get the fuck out.

>> No.17978804

So, I've spent about 5 minutes or so thinking, and this is what I've got:
It allows people to move from place to place quickly. If landlords were outlawed, you would have to own the place you live in. So if you wanted to move, you would have to find someone to trade houses with, build a new house (and maybe tear down your own, depending id you're allowed to own more than one), or buy a percentage of someone's place and move in with them. Hotels would have to be made illegal too, so vacations and stuff would be harder.

>> No.17978853


Jews are not allowed to Jew each other. It's literally against the religion. It's why you rarely see it happen and when it does, it blows up big, such as Madoff, Weinstein, Epstein, etc.

>> No.17978856

it's my property. nobody is forcing you to rent it from me. if you don't like what i do with my property, buy some of your own and do whatever you want with it. you don't have a right to live in my house.

>> No.17978857

Because most people are fucking stupid. They spend it on gifts, on food, on vacations, on a new car, on a new phone. No one is fucking disciplined. No one knows how to budget. If these quarantines last 6 months, okay sure help me out a little bit. But for this month normies have no excuse not to pay up

>> No.17978880
File: 935 KB, 640x1136, 8047EB3E-B8D4-48FF-8E07-B5B83FF3AE87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder landlord faggots, Corona Chan has blessed us with an eviction freeze and you're not getting one single shekel from me you worthless kikes :)

>> No.17978896

i'll just hire some thugs to convince you that it might be better for you and your family to find someplace else to live

>> No.17978935


>> No.17978937

>Getting a black mark on your credit report that will doom you to renting in the nigger ghetto for the next 7 years

based retard

>> No.17978956


>> No.17978987

Seethe hard LARPer, I'll be dumping rubber cement down the drain while you search for a nigger to do your kike bidding
The economy is circling the drain, a huge number of Americans will have trashed credit by the time this is over and I don't give a shit about your GoyPoints(tm)

>> No.17979020

fake. forced meme

>> No.17979023
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is this even real?

>> No.17979050

You can get an apartment with a shit credit score if you make yourself attractive in other ways. You will never get an apartment with evictions on your record unless you're looking on martin luther king blvd with a section 8 coupon.

>> No.17979121

So you're saying that baning landlords would promote local communities' cohesion, lessen the breakup of families, and generally raise people's stake in making sure their Nation and their city/region/state/country don't goes to shit from jewish corruption and foreign invasion ?

You're quite persuasive.

>> No.17979156

Oh how i wish these people had the attention span for this

Landlords are necessary, low interest rates are what made this disaster... wouldn't mind these boomer kikes getting lynched in the meantime

>> No.17979197


If you did that to my house in minecraft, I would unironically hunt you down and murder you after I waited long enough to not be considered a suspect.

>> No.17979253

Wow what a jew.

t. Owner of 5 Residential Properties

>> No.17979256
File: 152 KB, 782x782, schlomortified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember Jew, any tenant could do that or worse to your building at any moment, and the average renter is more scared, frustrated, and looking for a target than they've been in literal decades!

>> No.17979279

Zoomers can't even change a lightbulb. what makes these insufferable tards think they could maintain a housing? No, painting your liberal arts slogans in period blood won't fix the heater.

>> No.17979287

I can't; Just restore Fedualism

>> No.17979350

>thinking that's actually what happens
There's been actual experiments on it. Guess what, within 1 year these communities break down into drug dens for burned out junkies.
Why don't you move to Christiania in Denmark or those shitty desert shack towns in USA if you love it so much?
Try not to end up on heroin, but knowing kids these days that's exactly what you'll do.

>> No.17979393

Silly kike, behaviour is 100% genetic.
Druggies will be druggies no matter the societal paradigm.

>> No.17979403

ok boomer

>> No.17979427
File: 15 KB, 420x420, 1545447826994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my tenants are performing their office work at home right now, and are almost entirely women. I've literally had them call me when they were randomly spooked at night to come by to make sure its safe outside in their 98% white neighborhood. They are more likely to suck my penor in appreciation than participate in your loser fantasy.

>> No.17979441


>> No.17979504


Try to evict me, faggot. The courts are about to be so overburdened with applications it'll take you six months or more. Show up at my doorstep and I'll be standing my ground.

>> No.17979516


Don't forget to make a list of your local sex offenders, in case the power goes out and you can't do it after society collapses.

>> No.17979526

So you're saying anglos and most whites are genetically predisposed to serve jews? That whites have no free will? Because that sounds much like the defeatism kikes love in your people.

>> No.17979536

Wouldn't they easily figure out you did it and you'd have to pay huge repair costs?

>> No.17979544

Maybe. I kind of have the feeling that would be a result of hardship caused by it though. And you could probably still accomplish all that with a wealthy enough society, tax money, and degenerate media anyway.

Another thought: buildings with many residents would probably fall into the tragedy of the commons and so apartment buildings wouldn't be possible. That might sound nice, but my guess is that means more urban sprawl, which probably means more travel and transportation costs.

>> No.17979649 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17979674


yeah, you'll never be able to rent anywhere ever again.

>> No.17980070

It is because they pay for downloads.
I don't care how rich you are, no one should pay for digital distribution. It is infinite and non-scarce so it is worth $0, and is rent seeking.

>> No.17980090

now this real jew shit

>> No.17980118

Rent seeking is the ultimate kikery.

>> No.17980138

My state has suspended eviction proceedings. Looks like I don’t have to pay rent AND you can’t evict me.

>> No.17980264
File: 158 KB, 478x463, 1584534258402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw live in based Arkansas and tenants catch charges if they don't fuck off as soon as I tell them to.

>> No.17980325

Oy vey just pay the rent goy!

>> No.17980488

Then he will just pay people to break your legs and peg you with an elefant dildo

>> No.17980542

I’ve been pretty lucky with landlords. My current one hasn’t raised rent in the 2 years I’ve lived in this house and has always been quick to respond with any issues. Maybe it’s because I actually pay my rent on time instead of being a nigger and not paying it.

>> No.17980595 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 539x866, DC-pk6xUwAAoCQk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my manifesto.

The world has changed vastly since the time I was first capable of remembrance, in my earlier youth. All around me, all that is visible upon this wretched earth is a filth characterized by a life holding Internet subcultures in dominion and idolizing others based on superficial aspects of life, such as social status. I, being of a "lower class," or "proletariat" in the terms of the great Karl Marx, have decided to uphold my own revolt of the Communist Revolution, which shall never die as long as the People's Republic of China is steadily maintained. I have deemed myself worthy of committing an Act of Purification against this world. I intend on arriving at the Del Amo Mall in Torrance, California, upon me being holstered an AUG A3 M1 and a pipe bomb, the latter of which I will reconsider using depending on the present crowd at the time. I believe that it is right to cleanse the great Earth of this filth, this sad excuse of a human race. I believe the Aryans should prevail, as would have if the great yet stubborn Adolphus Hitler had maintained his alliance with the flawless Joseph Stalin. This power had never been seen upon such a futile world, and I intend to unleash the first bit of it, one small step at a time.

>> No.17980781

lol seethe

>> No.17980784

Local governments are just salivating at the opportunity to fuck over a small time landlord and seize millions of dollars of property over something like this. If you own any rental property and this comes across as a good idea you are retarded. This only works if you have mob ties.

>> No.17980886

I agree that they have a niche, but that's just it, it should be a niche. In my city it's practically the norm.(Portland).

>> No.17980911

People complaining about having to pay rent and posting fake and guy text like the OP are the same people that high five each other over vandalizing parking meters.

>> No.17980936

If I owned an apartment complex in an area that got quarantined, I would absolutely suspend rent for three months without any expectation of those three months being paid back. What kind of fucking idiot would use a low income apartment complex as their only source of income?

>> No.17980969



Kek, we are fucked.

>> No.17980980

Basement and cementpilled

>> No.17980991

>more than one pair of shoes

>> No.17980995

ayyy dey dont it be like it is but it do

>> No.17981001

Are you really this stupid. Because there are so little houses for sale. The price is way to high to buy. And because there are so many landlords you are forced to rent. Society forces you to rent, because otherwise you would be on the street. If there weren't as many landlords, there would be more houses available to buy wich means prices would go down wich means you can buy a house.

>> No.17981003



>> No.17981019

My landlord absolutely fucked me here. I'm moving out in 5 days thank God. Wasps have been coming in, 4 or so a day. I pay 1k a month too, wtf.

>> No.17981026
File: 124 KB, 750x647, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evictions are frozen in Texas until AT LEAST early may. You can’t get a judge to sign shit right now.

>> No.17981033

Jews really are the incarnation of literally everything wrong with man: greed, selfishness, usury...

>> No.17981079

This is such an out of touch kike way to present the problem. Most rental properties are leveraged with debt too. With enough non paying customers they could default and everyone would be caught up in a liquidation.

So yes, there is a reason your landlord can’t just have half the tenants not pay. Doing the compassionate “we understand times are tough” would just bring out leeches and suddenly 75% are non paying instead of 10-25%. Because they see it as free money.
It’s an adversarial relationship by design like the cement dumping peon shows. He thinks he has a right to live for free on someone else’s property. People cheer him on as if he’s not just another commie vandal.

>> No.17981092

>If I owned an apartment complex in an area that got quarantined, I would absolutely suspend rent for three months without any expectation of those three months being paid back.
Why don’t you just give random people tens of thousands of dollars right now?
Oh that’s ridiculous? You have bills?
But sure if you owned the property you’d just take a massive loss out of the goodness of your heart. Fucking retard.

>> No.17981095

Rent seekers are the lowest form of society and their lives should be made as hard as possible.

>> No.17981114

25 with 3 investment properties.

You bet each of these POS renters will be paying every cent.

Hell I will make it a point to hike the rental by 5% this year.

They will pay whether I get a break from paying mortgage interest or not.

Poor faggot brainlets that only have themselves to blame for their position and failure must be punished.

>> No.17981131

Trump put a blanket order curtailing all evictions Goldberg-sama. You can’t kick them out.

>> No.17981141

>I'm fkn awesome guise
[plebit space]
>i'm so fkn tough
[plebit space]
>like i am ten foot terry tough cunt
[plebit space]
>I'm a giant faggot
[plebit space]

>> No.17981149

what made you think I live in that 2nd world shithole?

Whenever someone mentions they are 'renting', I already see them as abject failures.

>> No.17981202


>pushing poor people (renters) over the edge during imminent societal collapse

Landie got balls, that's for sure

>> No.17981224
File: 46 KB, 620x620, allies-in-fighting-flies-promo-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being proud of being a worthless parasite lmao.

Day of the Raid can't come soon enough.

>> No.17981227

>my tenants all super secretly want to give me hot sexorz!

Literal definition of "loser fantasy" lmao

>> No.17981261

Build your own house, there's no universal right to one. Now get off my lawn

>> No.17981263

He's very proud that he has rich mommy and daddy. His kind will be the first to feel the boots crushing his skull, let him enjoy it while he can

>> No.17981346

Just buy a house then peasant. Oh what’s that, you can’t? If only someone could rent you a place to live.

Landlords fill an actual need. The real leeches are in the banking system, fucking you over with one hand and stealing tax money to cover their failures with the next. It’s institutional theft.
If you don’t like renting you can buy property or move. If you don’t like the FED and bankers you can do nothing.

>> No.17981382

Landlords don’t fill any need. They artificially inflate the value of housing so that it’s impossible for a lot of people to buy houses, and then make them rent at a higher price than most mortgage payments. It’s the ultimate form of kikery.

>> No.17981398

More commie larp.

>> No.17981415


Worthless renting shit stains spotted. So crushed are their hopes and dreams that they have to cope for an impossibly unlikely insurrection scenario. Truly a wretched and pleb way to live.

>> No.17981423
File: 148 KB, 410x598, 1584392656361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the call

>> No.17981446

Don't want a landlord, don't rent.

Fuck's wrong with you.

>> No.17981474

Jews are doing this scheme on different scales I see. they created an interwined Europe where everyone is on the same boat and you are forced to bail out eachother if you don't want to sink the ship. These kikes are always thinking about making people depending on eachother to make sure (((they))) get paid no matter what crisis or disaster everyone is going through. Truly there is only one radical way to deal with this.

>> No.17981520

don't forget to inject water into the walls on your way out as well

>> No.17981560

it's not that people don't want -a- landlord, they don't want there to be landlords at all

>> No.17981570

Is this some sort of American thing?

>> No.17981592

So don't rent.
It's literally that simple.

>> No.17981620

Everyone is hit by the crisis, why would landlord have more security than the average Joe. like the OP post, we're all on the same boat.

>> No.17981632

If you don't want to run the risk of having a shitty landlord, then don't rent.

>> No.17981637
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Why are landlords seething?

>> No.17981652
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>> No.17981665

When you live in a city, you have to rent, it's not a choice, it's like a phone, it's a necessity today. Most ppl would have their own houses if it wasn't so artificially expensive.

>> No.17981671

Serious question, if everyone is on board with people not paying their rents, why can't landlords not pay their mortgages?

>> No.17981682

What would happen if they froze mortgages too?

>> No.17981684

They're seething because it's easy to evict one black sheeple from your building but when 50% of tentants stop paying, they can't do a fucking thing.
Besides, evictions aren't allwoed right now anyway.

>> No.17981685

So either be glad you are able to rent, or move out of the city.

>> No.17981690

Why would I care if landlords stop paying their mortgage? i'm not a bank owner, pal.

>> No.17981692
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x1595, 1584009235676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people would be rich if wealth wasn't so artificially hard to get

>> No.17981695

>Getting a black mark on your credit report
You can't evict anyone, parasite. I hope they all trash your place too.

>> No.17981714

Many countries have been freezing mortgages.

>> No.17981715

It seems like megalomania honestly.

>> No.17981725

Fuck off, parasite. All the high paying jobs are in the cities and then you fuck us out of being able to buy a home. None of you private owners even bought your properties. You inherited them and you're no better than vampires.

>> No.17981731
File: 2.59 MB, 200x150, 1513419965536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: cashlet seethe

>> No.17981733

My rental company keeps sending emails about how they're willing to accept late payments if you can show you're in financial need

>> No.17981737

Not homeowner tax, no neetbux

>> No.17981738

fuck off, asshole
people need housing in the climate I live in not to die
I didn't choose being born into this fucking stupid shit, so while I'm here I'll easily permit myself to have a place to live without paying for it
in fact, if landlords start acting like the people in OPs image, they'll understand first-hand how Mao became so popular and how the people really felt when he rose to power

>> No.17981749
File: 92 KB, 1343x640, 535A3A2E-C430-4A7B-992C-C399F6F026B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Landlords on suicide watch rn

>> No.17981753

>All the high paying jobs are in the cities
Is it worth renting a home?
Then rent and deal with your landlord.

>you fuck us out of being able to buy a home
Who's fucking you out of that? Landlords?
Fucking HOW?
By charging you money for a residence?

>people need housing in the climate I live in not to die
And how are landlords the bad guy?

>so while I'm here I'll easily permit myself to have a place to live without paying for it
What does that even mean?

>> No.17981754

fucking based

>> No.17981760

Says the kike sitting on his fat ass waiting for actual people to work.

>> No.17981762

No wage slave can buy shit houses/condos for 2+ million, nor do they want to when they might move out and there's no guarantee the property will hold it's value since it's all demand based and if for any reason the economy of the city goes down, all the inflated property prices go down.

>> No.17981764

I don't get this. Most people can't make money, why would landlords be different?

>> No.17981770

>And how are landlords the bad guy?
fuck you, you fucking asshole
they're the bad guy by EXISTING AT ALL
everyone should have a place to live, that's something that should be provided as a society, and should not be paid for by anyone
there should be NO LANDLORDS at all
>What does that even mean?
that means I'm not going to pay a fucking cent for housing anymore

>> No.17981784

>No wage slave can buy shit houses/condos for 2+ million
So either rent or go somewhere you can afford.

>they're the bad guy by EXISTING AT ALL
You know you can just ignore their existence, right?
Just don't rent and you'll never have to deal with a landlord.

>housing is something that should be provided as a society
Ok there Karl.

>> No.17981786

You all own and hoard the properties, and not just you private fucks who inherited your wealth, but all the corporate owners. People could live in co-op properties but you vampires aren't going to sell your cash cow and there is no land left to build in cities.

>> No.17981794

>everyone should have a place to live,
How ? Why ?

>> No.17981803

There aren't any good jobs in affordable places.
Reminder that wages in all professions have been going down, adjusted for inflation. The dam will break and this chink virus is going to help.

>> No.17981812

>You know you can just ignore their existence, right?
>Just don't rent and you'll never have to deal with a landlord.
you're a fucking moron

>> No.17981824

because people don't choose to be born, they're literally forced into life
as such, it is the responsibility of society to provide them with the basic necessities to sustain life, i.e. water, food, and shelter, no more, but at the very least this

>> No.17981826
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>Mrs Steinberg expects you to pay your rent before buying food or clothes or any basic human necessities. Remember , the Talmud says gentiles are lower than cattle, they only exist to serve jews. What belongs to gentiles belongs to jews. You should be grateful even being allowed to pay a rent.

>> No.17981827

Landlord is such an alienating concept once you take into account we spent 99% of our time on earth roaming the wild and hunting for food sleeping wherever whenever. Now we build this zoo and come up with all this shit, it's a good way to make money so you can get out of the zoo in the first place ironically.

Daily reminder that elephants don't get cancer in the wild but get cancer in zoos, civilization is a 10 thousand year old zoo, we lived 99% of our existence as hunter gatherers.

To those who want out just van life for a while and buy land. Fuck landlords, fuck this zoo.

>> No.17981834

>People could live in co-op properties
There are several initiatives like that. Most fail because people prefer privacy and just rent.

>There aren't any good jobs in affordable places.
Then you're going to have to compromise.

Yes, and your options are pretty much renting or buying a place to live.

>> No.17981847

>I didn't choose to be born so everyone should pay for my shit

>> No.17981853

"Boomer white men are the problem"

>> No.17981859

no idea how it works in other states but in CA it's fucking near impossible to evict a tenant in a timely manner. Under normal circumstances it'll be 4 to 6 months before they can force you out. If you have a kid it turns into 8 or 12 months. Couple that with eviction processes being put on hold by mandate it would not be out of the realm of possibility to live rent free for a year+ without paying a dime in rent. Landlords know this and they're shitting themselves over it.

t.a landlord in CA

>> No.17981865

>Yes, and your options are pretty much renting or buying a place to live.
no, my options are what me and many others are doing now, continuing to occupy the places we live, but completely disregarding the parasitic asshole attempting to claim ownership over it
yes, exactly
this only regards basic necessities, you fucking asshole
it's not like society owes anyone a Ferrari, but they sure as fucking hell owe them water, food, and a place to live

>> No.17981866

I hate virtue signaling commies the most.

Why aren’t there 20 hobos living with you then, compassionate retard? Why don’t you and the other commies band together and buy a house and fill it with hundreds of people who are freezing?

Not only would you never do it, you’d laugh at the very idea. What a piss filled garbage dump that would be inside of 2 weeks.
But someone ELSE has the moral obligation to fix it. Sure. Once you commie niggers get your first jobs and start making money suddenly the limit of who has to pay for all that free shit rises just above your own necks. Weird.

>> No.17981878

Society doesn't owe you shit, commie.
Your parents brought you into this world, it's up to them to give you the means and the tools to survive.

>> No.17981883

I can only conclude from your fucking stupid shit that you're a landlord yourself
watch you buddy, if you keep touting that attitude, you might quickly find your head separated from your neck real soon

>> No.17981893


But then who will jack up the housing prices through debt creation? If you mortgage a house you are not the owner.

>> No.17981910

I'm friends with a few landlords, so I've seen both sides of the coin. Out of four landlords, zero have the property paid off. One is leveraged to the hilt with three properties and is the only one making enough monthly profit that it seems to make sense.... But I don't know how he sleeps at night. He's in hock for an easy million and has told me before that three months of non payment on all his properties, something that could happen now, and he loses everything including his home. That's with over 10k in the bank, about two full years worth of profits assuming NO upkeep costs. One other sold both of his properties because the stress wasn't worth it. Maybe your areas are different, and you really are getting raped by the landlords, but here anyway most guys are profiting about 20% of the payment per month. Meaning, if the property goes unrented for one month, it wipes out 5 months of profit IF there is zero upkeep costs. Two months, and the whole year is shot once you factor in paint and repairs between tenants. There really isn't shit for profit on the monthly. It's a lot of stress mainly taken on for the equity gained in the home, planned to be taken when they retire in 30 yrs. Until then, they cannot physically afford to just give you free shit, like your fucking housing. I can see why they do it, but it certainly isn't free money. They have every right to demand payment. You agreed to a service that they provided at YOUR request. The bank is going to want their money whether you pay or not. They've held up their end of the bargain, why shouldn't you?

>> No.17981915

They know they’ll get bailed out every time

>> No.17981924
File: 288 KB, 515x386, confusedblsm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you friends with a few landlords?

>> No.17981936

This must be some kind of russian thing to help incite violence keeps popping up

>> No.17981939

Arguments: 0

At least try you zoomer commie cunt.

>> No.17981969

at some point you stop arguing and simply return the threat of violence
landlords want to force people to freeze to death in the streets?
better be prepared for a fight, then

>> No.17982010

>don't want to give me free food? prepare to fight then
>don't want to give me free internet which I need to work? prepare to fight then
>don't want to give me a car which I need to go to work and go shopping? prepare to fight then
>don't want to give me a free holiday resort vacation which I need to keep from having a nervous breakdown? prepare to fight then

>> No.17982029

>Take Subway and wipe down all seats poles and other surfaces.
>go back home,Take cloths you used and wipe down all door knobs and other surfaces that are likely to be touched with bare hands
And wallah your Boomer landlord has Chinese aids.

>> No.17982060


Why should you pay rent when the landlords mortgage and tax payments are postponed?

>> No.17982061

yup, they always do have the shittiest psyops

>> No.17982065

They deserve to sleep in fear. they choose to put themselves into debt to live a parasitic lifestyle instead of just living honestly. BAsically they are middle men between banks and tenants, that's why the rent and houses are so expensive, there is a cascade of parasites trying to take advantage of eachother but all the burden falls on the thenant.

>> No.17982066

There is a one way out of this conundrum

>> No.17982070

This is great bait, kek

>> No.17982080

They take the business risk of managing a building. There I did it, I defend landlords

>> No.17982081

>just get a job
>job is in major city
>just get a house
>houses in major city are too expensive for wageslaves
>just move somewhere houses cheap
>there, there are no jobs
>just rent if you want to work then

>> No.17982097



>> No.17982098

There are plenty of jobs in the country.
If people didn't want to be landlords, you wouldn't even have the option of renting in the city.

I've never heard of a parasite you choose to have.

>> No.17982112

You could buy property in the middle of nowhere and live of the land. Like people did for thousands of years. But you are too much of a pussy to do that

>> No.17982145

>Because there are so little houses for sale.
Build your own house

>> No.17982152

t. deathly afraid of manual labor

>> No.17982190

This. They thought they'd have slaves pay off their loans and now they're sweating hard

>> No.17982196

I've never really heard of voluntary slaves.

>> No.17982212

>I've never heard of a parasite you choose to have.
They choose to be the parasite. Only actual property owners should rent. if you took a loan to buy property and then rent it to ppl and expect them to pay back your load then fuck you. Also rent should be strictly regulated by government to make sure the price is the lowest possible.

>> No.17982218

Why are there so many fucking commies on a business board? In what fucking world does anyone, not just landlords let someone have have a good/service for free? Why is there such outrage?

>> No.17982220

There is close to no space in the good areas, prices of land artificially inflated, jew banks wont give loans if you arent some turbo kike muh credit score, building code etc. All that to make sure you are forced to rent. Remember all the kike landlords would go broke if the whole system wasnt set up in a way to force people to be rentslaves. For someone to be rich someone else has to be forced to be poor. This dirty keynesian inflationary monetary system will finally bite parasites in the ass

>> No.17982222

I've never heard of people willingly having parasites.

If the relationship is mutually beneficial, that's called symbiosis.

>> No.17982235

>don't want to give me free food? prepare to fight then
if someone were starving and I had food, they'd be absolutely right to fight me for denying them access to it, but naturally I would share with anyone in such a predicament
the remainder of your examples are, as I've stated clearly, not basic necessities for life, as are water, food, and shelter
scum like you obviously need to resort to attacking straw men, because your case is so disgustingly untenable

>> No.17982249

>if someone were starving and I had food, they'd be absolutely right to fight me for denying them access to it
So everyone can just quit their jobs and start committing burglaries for a living.
Got it.

>> No.17982267

Fuck off commie. Give me your crypto

>> No.17982269

Probably because wages have been consistently devalued through immigration and inflation for the last 100 years, education in Western countries is utter garbage at every level outside of extremely expensive STEM university courses and the financial ruling class has a vested interest in ensure that there remains a constant supply of cheap labour

>> No.17982276

This. I have nothing against people who actually own their properties but fuck all the overleveraged parasites who thought they outsmarted the whole system
>Dude just take as many loans as possible and get some losers to pay it off for you, its literally free money haha
What could go wrong am i rite? I hope you fuckers are sweating hard rn

>> No.17982282

>start committing burglaries for a living
if by "burglary" you mean taking food to sustain your own life, then absolutely, you have the right to do that

>> No.17982284

Stop paying off people's loans then cuck

>> No.17982286

>take as many loans as possible and get some losers to pay it off for you
This describes ALL business models that involve loans.

/biz/ is being overrun with 78 IQ underage commiefags.

>> No.17982300

So people can just quit their jobs and live off stealing food, got it.

>> No.17982302

I bet you read or watched Les Miserables and thought to yourself how pathetic Jean Valjean was for stealing a loaf of bread to avoid starvation, and how right Javert was to lock him away for 20 years

>> No.17982305

No you don't you pathetic commie. Fuck, imagine being this poor lmao

>> No.17982313

If you quit your job, you're going to go hungry at one point.
So by your logic, if everyone just quits their jobs voluntarily, then they're justified in living off stealing food.

>> No.17982331

you absolutely do
if you are deprived of any basic necessities for life, you have the right to acquire them by force if someone attempts to prevent you from accessing them
of course, you likewise do not have the right to deprive anyone else of it, so all water, food, and housing must be shared evenly so everyone can access what there is of it
arguing against that is to argue that humans should just revert to the uncivilized brutish notion of "might makes right", in which case why speak about rights at all?
if that were the case, there wouldn't be anything wrong with me murdering you and your family to live in your house at all

>> No.17982348

making sure you have food to avoid starving to death isn't stealing at all
in fact, someone who attempted to deprive you of food in such a situation would be the one stealing
your notion of property rights is childish and moronic
if you're about to starve to death, a certain fraction of society's food supply is your property

>> No.17982352

You can access food and shelter all you want, but I own my food and shelter and they are for me and my family not you. You can try take them by force and I will shoot you dead like a good commie

>> No.17982364

well then, at least you admit to abandoning any notion of rights, then
in that case, it would simply be a competition to see if you are able to defend your food and shelter from those who attempt to take it from you

>> No.17982375

>illegal to squat in unused homes
>illegal to live on the street
>can't get a job without an address
>can't afford to buy a house
>loans entail 30 year debt burdens
>renting means being beholden to greedy landlords under enormous debt pressure from their 10 mortgages
>illegal to live in your car
>illegal to live in the woods
Some society

>> No.17982376

>making sure you have food to avoid starving to death isn't stealing at all
So people can just quit their jobs and take whatever they need.

>> No.17982386
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>> No.17982391

There are many places around the world where you can live for free.
Many areas even pay you to move there.

You just don't want to do any manual labor, like farming and living off the land.

>> No.17982396

>Doesn't understand that landlords have a landlord and they have to pay off property and income taxes or else big daddy government is allowed to take it away.

>> No.17982399

I dont rent, actually i own an apartment that i rent out, but I own it fully from actual hard work, not from jew loans that i need someone else to pay off for me. I remember many smug fucks landlords laughing at people like me for buying properties with cash instead of
>Dude always buy with someone elses money haha
Now I'm not gonna lie I enjoy greatly seeing all of you overleveraged cucks sweating. The banks will take over your properties and you will be the ones forced to rent lmao, get some rope soon greedy fucks.

Dont compare actual businesses with parasitic overleveraged rent seekers

>> No.17982406

Not at all faggot. Taking a loan for a business that will generate wealth through its production is different from taking a loan for a house you expect someone else to pay. Landlords don't generate any wealth, they're just parasites.

>> No.17982407

>Dont compare actual businesses with parasitic overleveraged rent seekers
It's the exact same thing.

They take out loans to be able to offer goods/services to clients who pay them.

>> No.17982410

Just get a job you absolute leech

>> No.17982419

I would love to live off the land, but I happen to have been born in a country where guns are more or less illegal, hunting requires a licence or else is illegal, and not having an address means you can't get a licence.
I would love to farm, but I have no money to purchase arable land, as property prices are in the most obnoxious bubble in this country's history. Please me where I can go to live freely off the land.

>> No.17982420

>Taking a loan for a business that will generate wealth through its production is different from taking a loan for a house you expect someone else to pay.
It's the EXACT same thing.

If you have a restaurant, you're also expecting someone else to pay for your kitchen, vegetables, water, electricity, ...

>> No.17982427

There are areas in the world that pay you to move there.
And there are areas in the world where arable land etc. is extremely cheap.

>> No.17982434

>We aren't doing this because we're greedy

Kek, bullshit. If you can't afford your investment properties without a tenant paying rent for every single month, then you shouldn't be a landlord and you deserve to be called scum.

If it's something like 6 months or more then you can't start complaining, but if your whole jewish scheme falls apart at the first sign of trouble, FUCK OFF.

>> No.17982436

Please tell me where. Thanks. (read: sauce?)

Okay, done, now what? How does that change what I pointed out?

>> No.17982437

Running a business requires much more than being a landlording parasirlte. Businesses create value. overleveraged parasites are a burden on society

>> No.17982447

Tenants don't know their landlords are retarded with money. People rent houses because they need to. They can't just decide to buy when they have no fucking money to moron.

>> No.17982456


>> No.17982457

whatever they need to sustain their life, absolutely
it still doesn't seem like you comprehend the difference between absolute basic necessities to sustain life, water, food, and shelter, and everything else, which is ultimately not essential to sustain life, such as Ferraris and luxury spa resorts

>> No.17982458

Please post source for your right to forcefully take food from people. I'll wait.

>> No.17982463

>just get a loan from the bank lmao
This is actually the attitude of people in my country
>just enter yourself into 30 years of debt slavery lmao

>> No.17982465
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>> No.17982470

lmao, right
that's exactly how I imagine some of the people in this thread

>> No.17982475
File: 91 KB, 1080x1331, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being a rentcuck when you could be a live-at-home chad
>bro, just give jews free money bro
>bro, living at home means you can't bang vapid whores and engage in disgusting hedonism bro
>bro, don't look after your parents or family, you need to move out to be a real man bro

>> No.17982478

>People need to rent because they can't afford to own
>People who provide this service are scum
You don't even know what you want.

>> No.17982494

in any framework of rights, the right to sustain your life is the right underpinning all other rights
as such, if you're starving and someone is not sharing food, you are completely within your rights to use force to acquire some of that food so that you don't starve to death, and needless to say, if they are in the same situation, they are fully within their rights to make sure they get their part as well
as such, the only valid equilibrium in a framework of rights is one in which people share basic necessities evenly as to avoid to the extent possible that anyone starve to death

>> No.17982496

>Paying off a mortgage and building equity in your property is somehow worse than being a rent slave for your entire life.

Kys retard. The only risks are obviously losing your job, or your house value goes to shit. The former applies to both; the latter is low risk - at the end of the day, even if you had to sell when you're in deep shit, some money is better than nothing.

>> No.17982499

So no source then

>> No.17982500

As a landlord myself, you'd get sued incredibly fast and lose. Everyone else saying BASED is a tard.

>> No.17982506

people need housing not to freeze to death where I live
it's not that they need to rent because they can't afford to own, it's that they need to be provided with housing regardless of what they can afford otherwise
things which are absolute necessities to sustain life are not subject to what you can or cannot afford, what you can or cannot afford pertains to luxuries, i.e. anything which is not necessary to sustain life, viz. water, food, and shelter

>> No.17982510

>rent slaving is worse than bank slaving
ok boomer

>> No.17982511

People who provide this service because they think they're geniuses for becoming overleveraged "dude just get someone else to pay the loan" debt slaves are scum. Tenants don't know that their tenant is this retarded.

I didn't say all landlords, I said overleveraged jew property hoarders are.

>> No.17982517

> things that never happened

>> No.17982520

Family should look after eachother

>> No.17982522

what is that even supposed to mean?
the fact that the right to sustain life is what underpins any framework of rights is something you must logically deduce, it's not something which exists because someone wrote about it
that being said, people have been writing and talking about natural rights for millennia, but just as with mathematics, this is something which is fundamental to reality, not something someone invented

>> No.17982523

If they're renting and have little to no assets, what are you expecting to get from them, kike?

>> No.17982527

No, they need to pay for these things or freeze to death. If you can't afford it you don't deserve to continue living

>> No.17982533
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One has an end in sight, the other doesn't. Hope you understand.

>> No.17982546

So no actual law then, ie you will be charged despite being within your rights in your head/opinion. Funny that.

>> No.17982549

right, again you're displaying your savageness and disregard for human rights
at least you don't pretend not to be a social Darwinist
>don't have housing? freeze to death, scum!
>don't have food? starve to death, scum

>> No.17982551

Stop playing stupid. People cant afford housing precisely because of all the overleveraged parasites artificially inflating prices. Most people dont want your 'service, they would rather buy their own houses

>> No.17982556
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>rent-seeking is seeking tenant rents

>> No.17982565

Don't really give a fuck what they want to do. The world is the way it is because that's how people are. If today we started again, we would end up here again because people need shelter and others will charge for it. Pay up commie

>> No.17982567

man-made laws are spun up by people in power to remain in power, and even acquire more of it
they're even further removed from what's actually right and wrong than any coherent framework of natural law and rights
either abandon such a framework completely, as you apparently do when openly admitting people should freeze and starve, or operate within one, operating within man-made laws is a Frankensteinian and hypocritical approach

>> No.17982575

Not trying to be a contrarian but if you literally can't afford one months rent you are an irresponsible idiot. Yes we have low wages and immigration issues but the main problem here is a generational shift from 'saving for a rainy day' to 'Have you seen the iPhone 11 Pro Max!! And we need to book Dubai and Amsterdam!!' No one takes responsibility for themselves, everyone is a manchild idiot. I'm not saying I don't feel sorry for retail workers who have gone from poor-but-comfy to fucked within weeks but seriously how can you not have at least 2-3k invested in something or sitting under the bed... Just dumb.

>> No.17982577


This. I help my parents out financially aswell, along with chores around the house/garden. Inb4 how do you have sex.

>> No.17982584

They only depend on the tenant paying because they dont own shit, the bank does
They are just leeches
Would they really own the house a month or two without rent wouldn't hurt them

>> No.17982590

And yet those laws exist weather you like it or not, operating outside them within your framework will only cause the individual greater issues going forward.

>> No.17982595

Ok but atleast dont pretend like there is some virtue in landlording. The world would be better off without landlords. And no people would not be on the streets if there was no 'service' providing landlords because everyone would be able to afford their own place
Im not a commie as I said I have nothing against landlords who fully own their properties but smug overleveraged fucks are about to get what they have deserved for a long time now

>> No.17982601
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>Grammatical style and same "lol fuck milennials XD!" cliches as every single boomer in existence.

None of this is true, boomer. Almost any tenant could drum up money to survive a month or so, but beyond that is asking too much.

If they're wagecucking for pitiful wages, what the FUCK do you expect them to have saved?

>> No.17982605

Who owns the houses then? The government?

>> No.17982611

this. I am saving up to get married but I am choosing to live at home while my fiance is abroad for work. I pay my family around half what I'd pay to privately rent each month, I enjoy helping out around the house and I am aware they are getting old so I need to appreciate this time while it lasts. Once I start my own household I doubt I'll see them much. I don't get the 'how do you do ****' attitude, not everyone is treated like a kid by their family. If I want to smoke weed or whatever I do it, albeit as respectfully as possible. Probably less stressful risking the wrath of my family compared to some kike landlord who would literally kick me out of the property as opposed to just whining for 5 minutes.

>> No.17982613


The bank

>> No.17982618

I'm 25 you idiot, only one making raking generalizations here is you. It's all true, deal with it

>> No.17982638

>If they're wagecucking for pitiful wages, what the FUCK do you expect them to have saved?
Even peasants at Target can save a few hundred a month if they aren't buying iPhones and going out to bars every other night. You work for a year, that's plenty of money. You're not poor because of the jews or the economy, you're poor because you have the mindset of a 5 year old in a candy shop

>> No.17982643

Oh, (((interesting)))

>> No.17982652

>hurr durr why are landlords so mean about asking the money i agreed on even though i behave like a psychopathic asshole destroying property
the redpill most of you won't swallow is you absolutely deserve your shit life

>> No.17982656


>good areas

ah, so you're entitled then?

>> No.17982660

all we do on this board is gamble, and every time we win, we gamble it some more.
who the fuck saves money on a gambling board?

>> No.17982661

>Please tell me where. Thanks. (read: sauce?)
Siberia and Japan off the top of my head.
Google it.

>Running a business requires much more than being a landlording parasirlte
Says you.
There's tons of administrative and upkeep shit to deal with.

>whatever they need to sustain their life, absolutely
In other words: "if people are too lazy to work, they should be allowed to steal from you to survive"

>> No.17982664

This. I don't want to pay nothing!

>> No.17982668

You're saying that this is what rent cucks actually do, when it's a boomer myth. That's a ridiculous generalisation - but whatever helps you sleep at night, boomer.

>> No.17982688

Well they landlord is obviously an asshole, but you can't say he's wrong.
Having a home is priority #1, everything else comes after that.

>> No.17982693

This. Anyone who can’t pay rent for a year deserve to live in the streets. Fucking retards with No frontal lobe.

>> No.17982711

Are landlords about to start crying for bailouts?

>> No.17982737

even less 'interesting' locations are very expensive + building code + high building cost (because of all the greedy bastards building with bank's money jacking up construction labor prices)
the entire system was set up to benefit land/propery hoarders and in order to do so you have to keep everyone else poor and dependant, (((they))) can't let the average joe afford his own place because then the entire scam doesn't work and landlords would go broke so they need to keep everyone else poor, now the problm with this is that unless you own your properties the (((banks))) will rape you in the next few months and you will end up in a situation no better than those you were trying to leech off for the past months/years

>> No.17982752

no one is gonna bail them out cause the banks are salivating to take over their properties, serves them right for trying to leech off others and gambling with someone else's money

>> No.17982780

This butthurt is just baffling.

There are areas in the world that give you houses for free if you move there.
This happens in Siberia, but also in Japan, Italy, France, ...

You're just too lazy and chickenshit to do it.

>> No.17982792

>my doorstep

Your concept of ownership is fascinating.

>> No.17982797

I'm not butthurt, I'm not a rentcuck, and I don't have a mortgage brething down my neck, I'm as comfy as I can be I'm just enjoying watching this shitshow unfold and seeing greed bastards get rekt

>> No.17982803

So you're living at home?

>> No.17982809

And what about after this is done?
>Anon you owe us 6 months of rent.

>> No.17982814

sounds like something a sweating landlord would say kek

Yes, my own home and I rent out a small apartment as I said before>>17982399

>> No.17982816

you keep saying 'boomer boomer boomer' when I've already said I'm 25, all my old friends in low-income jobs spend recklessly and don't really save money outside of a token 3% contribution into their 401k or whatever. Keep bleating that I'm some old out of touch 50 year old if it helps you cope

>> No.17982825

>I rent out a small apartment
So you're a landlord.

>> No.17982842

If renting out 1 small apartment classifies as such then yes but bought with cash from hard work, not from jew loans like all the smart asses that are now shitting their pants

>> No.17982850


>> No.17982854

usually takes a crane to get it out

>> No.17982867

>If renting out 1 small apartment classifies as such

>jew loans
You mean like the loans the vast majority of small, medium, and large businesses take out to start/run their business?
And the loans the vast majority of homeowners take out in the form of mortgages?

>all the smart asses that are now shitting their pants
You mean like 99% of the economy right now?

>> No.17982871

>All my old friends

So not everyone - you made a huge generalisation. Fuck off, 25yo boomer.

>> No.17982913

again don't even compare businesses with fucking landlording it's not even in the same ballpark, I know because I do both, I spend maybe 3 days out of the year in total managing that apartment (sure it's different when you own entire buildings but that still doesn't even compare to running a big business)

as for people who bought a house with bank's money to live in, it's no ideal and I would never do it but they were basicly forced to choose between mortgage slaving (that has an end in sight) and rentslaving (which has no end and is retarded).

The whole problem wouldn't exist if we were on a gold standard or just 0 inflation policy because people would be able to save money from each paycheck (without having to worry that inflation will make it worthless over time) instad of spending everything like mad retards because inflation forces them to do so and now we're in a situation where most people don't even have a month worth of savings in an emergency like this, funny how spending and consuming was always seen as good for the economy and now the exact said thing will bite the world economy in the ass

>> No.17982923

>don't even compare businesses with fucking landlording it's not even in the same ballpark
It's the exact same thing.

>> No.17982936

no it's not, I just told you i takes a few days out of the whole year for me to manage that apartment give me a business that takes 3 days a year and produces the same amount of income lol

>> No.17982943

Steady passive income for me. Inherrited the whole house, made six small apartments. You mad?

>> No.17982949

If landlording were so much easier than running a regular business, everyone would be doing it.

The effort you put into one apartment is minor, but the earnings are commensurate.

>> No.17982964

>but the earnings are commensurate.
only if you are a smug ass with mortgages breathing down your neck, if you own a property fully it's basicly all profit

>> No.17982989

>calls people who take risks (loans) smug
>smugly proclaims he didn't have to take out a mortgage on an apartment he owns in addition to his residence

You're a ghoul, you know that right?

>> No.17982997

>jew loans
what's so bad about loans? literally every works with loans today. Did you go to university? you probably had to take a loan retard, that's an investment just like buying a rental property, you are borrowing money to use it to get a degree with the promise of a return of investment in 4+ years. Every student is the same as a fucking landlord but you don't want to recognize it, the only difference is that you don't have enough money to buy that property. Pure slave morality.

>> No.17983008

You also have to make repairs an kick out poor commies from time to time. It's quite a bit of work.
>>not getting ready to buy more houses right before the big depression.
It's like you guys like being poor?

>> No.17983011

>if you own a property fully it's basicly all profit
no, it takes you longer to make a profit without leverage.

>> No.17983024

>look at this plain text that I definitely didn't type up myself

>> No.17983025

>who actually own their properties
Ah yes and they never took a loan out to pay for them either.
Only generationally generated wealth through nepotism can own properties to lease.
Is this actually what you want you fucking retard?

>> No.17983028

Only mutts takes loans for school the rest of the world its free from gov via taxes if asian parents pay for them

>> No.17983045

>>calls people who take risks (loans) smug
yes, that how I remember all of them just a few weeks ago, oh how times have changed ;)

I'm not a burger but anyone who fell for the college/uni scam is a retard outside of something really good like stem/medicine, imagine putting yourself in so much debt for a fucking scam as if information to learn anything wasn't available on the internet for free.

If you don't see the problem with greedy landlords taking as much loans of money printed by the banks out of thin air and artificially raising prices of housing to unaffordable levels for the average person I have no other argument for you, when you realize in few years that most of your peers were never able to start a family because they didn't even have their own place to live in maybe you will understand

but at least I'm not sweating bullets right now heh

there are other ways of acquiring money aside from jew loans and inheritence,

>> No.17983057

>yes, that how I remember all of them just a few weeks ago

>but at least I'm not sweating bullets right now heh

Meanwhile, 99% of the economy consists of businesses with business loans, and private persons with mortgages.
Maybe try to be somewhat less of a heartless shit and tone down the smugness just a tad.

>> No.17983071

yes, the word "smug" is how I remember all the landlords drowning themselves in debt with no worries thinking that some losers/slaves will pay it off for them this gifting them free equity for their retirement, tha's how I remember them just a few weeks ago

>> No.17983081


>> No.17983090

>drowning themselves in debt with no worries
Pretty sure nobody manages to do this.

The only one who's being smug here is you, bragging about how you bought a second residence without a mortgage, and mocking 99% of the economy for "sweating bullets" right now.

>> No.17983122

not 99% of the economy, just greedy landlords, regular landlords (owners) are ok.

>> No.17983134

The absolute vast majority of the economy is on business loans.
As are the vast majority of homeowners.

They are all "sweating bullets" for the exact same reason as the landlords you revile so much.

>> No.17983137
File: 210 KB, 720x540, absolutely based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17983163

And here is why a landlord needs tenants to pay up even in a time like this. Retards never stop breaking stuff, roofs eventually start leaking, and the revenue man isn't just going to suspend property taxes. This is what the trumpbux are for. If you don't like it, buy a house.
Renting is cheap, easy, and simple relative to owning a home. Many people lack the ability or ambition to save for a sizable down payment. (Ask yourself, how many normies do you think have just 20 grand saved up or could do so easily?) Others simply don't live a stable enough life where owning a home would be preferable to renting. There's more to it than that though. I've seen tenants do absolutely brainless stuff that would cost hundreds or thousands to repair for people who aren't handy themselves. Sometimes stuff just breaks. Crap happens and it adds up.
That said, I understand the hostility toward corporate renting enterprises with hundreds of properties. I've seen some good big landlords and some predatory ones.
t. son of a poor landlord

>> No.17983167

those are just the people I know but it's not just my age group. cope retard

>> No.17983171

>home owners and business owners are the victims of this inflationary monetary scam system

loan-based landlords are the parasites trying to use this scam against the rest of the population by driving up prices of real estate to levels that the average joe can't afford and is forced to rent

This scam of loaning money printed out of thin air and making housing more expensive and enslaving more and more population is a POSITIVE FEEDBACK LOOP for the landlords, it only benefits them because like I said, just having a bunch of peoperties is not enough, they also had to make sure that everyone else is poor and can't afford housing so they're forced to rent

don't ever compare actual bussiness owners to pond scum rent seeking parasites landlords fuck em

>> No.17983186

>loan-based landlords are the parasites
There's zero difference between them and any other business with a business loan.

>> No.17983200

there is a shitload of difference sine business takes much more effort to run and produces actual net value to society, creates jobs, products etc, landlords are just parasites. If there was no businesses we would be still cavemen, if there were no landlords we would... all be able to afford housing that's the difference between business owners and fucking landlords

>> No.17983217

Try landlording without a head start, by having to take out loans.
The amount of shit and risk you have to deal with is very proportional to the income.

If it weren't many more people would be doing it.

>> No.17983225

If you live in one of the most expensive places to rent in my country and have an entry-level job it's true that cost of living has not improved compared to wage growth but to say you can't save is a myth.
You'd earn around 1300 after national insurance, taxes and a few % in pension contributions. Rent 700 (that's extremely expensive but just to prove the point) you then have 600. Groceries, bills, commuting cost 100-200 but you still have more than enough to save a small triple-figure sum each month and not live like a complete hermit. And pretty much everyone earns more and pays less in rent than that, that was an extreme example. Poor people mostly there because they made bad choices.

>> No.17983233

>If it weren't many more people would be doing it.
not everyone has a (((credit score))) good enought to get a loan

>> No.17983241


>> No.17983247

>only people with a proven track record with money get to take out loans
pretty much yeah

>> No.17983249


>> No.17983254

Why do we have to pay a landlord twice?

>> No.17983276

You don't if you take out a mortgage.

>> No.17983302

Do it in the common area if you're in a complex. Otherwise injecting water into the walls in a better option for rented homes.


>> No.17983346

Companies should be required to keep cash on hand so that they can keep paying employees when shit hits the fan. Companies that lay people off before two consecutive periods of decreased GDP actually happen should forfeit ownership to the state for their incompetence. If they're going to be ran incompetently, we should at least have the taxpayer funded incompetents running the show.

>> No.17983382

Delete this. Let the landlords walk into the trap.

>> No.17983407

>massive loss
It wouldn't be a big loss unless you overleveraged like a retard and you are renting out property that you dont actually own.

>> No.17983467

Based individual

>> No.17983480

Maybe the landlord finna should have been more financially responsible if two bum tenants harpoons him.

>> No.17983501

Based groids turning on their handlers

>> No.17983514

>rapes your children
>implying I have a family

>> No.17983571

Everyone else is told to have a rainy day fund or have six months of savings saved up.
Why dont landlords have six months of savings saved up to put towards their loans?