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17969977 No.17969977 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like 4chan was wrong as usual.

China's handling of the virus has been shown to be highly effective and it is now close to being eliminated, as predicted. The fact that many are surprised at this shows a shameful level of ignorance amongst many users on this board.

Doctors are highly educated professionals who dedicate their lives to understanding complex virus systems, they are more intelligent than a bunch of racist neets on the internet.

Once again, glorious leader Xi Jinping and supreme China win.

>> No.17970028

>.005 of population infected
>no vaccine
>lets open everything back up
imagine believing this

>> No.17970081

Let's chat in a couple months when they get reinfected.

>> No.17970107

>Doctors are highly educated professionals who dedicate their lives to understanding complex virus systems
Then why do you keep murdering them?

>> No.17970143




>> No.17970256
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Oh nononono

>> No.17970285

hi chang :)

>> No.17970305

Are they dead?

>> No.17970341

How do you think they would hide 8 million of corpses? Fuck off schizo

>> No.17970359
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>> No.17970383

Those are not doctors but American agitators

>> No.17970392
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Yes. We believe everything that comes out of the mouths of "officials" in China. We do not question these things. EVER.

How the fuck are you bugs this fucking retarded, chang?!
Go take a nap, rice nigger.

...and hope you wake up again. We all know how fucked you are right now.
Good riddance.

>> No.17970396
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Nice propaganda chink.

>> No.17970399

fuck off commie

>> No.17970417

Chinese dropping like flies government lying and this retard does not believe it.

>> No.17970426

Then how did the Nazis do it?

>> No.17970446
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How do YOU think they would, you rhetorical question pushing dipshit? From what I know, China is highly proficient at disappearing their dissidents.
You suck at this, ching.

>> No.17970473

At this point we either go herd immunity or vaccine. Unless those anti maleria drugs turn out to be quite effective on corona virus.

>> No.17970481


>> No.17970512

We do it out of patriotism to the CCP

>> No.17970526


They are burning the people alive, and sending the diseased home to finish the recovery ( die )

>> No.17970528
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> rice nigger

>> No.17970529

I ducking hate you china shills so bad

>> No.17970563

No, they are just resting their eyes

>> No.17970585

>How do you think that a country where any info leaks come through the great firewall only via bizarre webms, on Gogo-gadget collector forums would hide bodies from the rest of the world?
They've kicked out journalists, and already before deaths were being reported in China, plenty of video were being leaked of bodies in the streets covered in white sheets.

>> No.17970648

Oh, thank god. I was getting worried who will give me free "Americans are evil" You's from Yang shills.

>> No.17970904
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Interesting shitpost

>> No.17970917
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Highly effective, alright.

>> No.17970940

The CCP already has a massive censorship filter in place. They could have just cut the internet in certain areas to prevent shit from getting out. They are so good at brainwashing their own citizens that they can spin this however they want. If you go against the narrative you get made into an example. Like all of the journalists that have been arrested for trying to report on the situation that you won't be hearing from again. Probably buried along with all the infected they executed.

>> No.17971031

Perhaps they cancelled their mobiles?

>> No.17971337

also posted by a gook, ok?

>> No.17971422
File: 158 KB, 645x756, 9u6xkrajp0p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese fucked us, and we just took it.

The Chinese released the virus because they KNEW that they could contain it before the other countries could and recover first to kick start their economy. They purposely let it spread across the world. Why? Because then, the global economy would collapse, and all of these weakened countries trying and failing to contain the virus would fall back into the hands of the Chinese. They'd all redevelop a dependency on China and the Chinese would deliver to them everything they needed. This would make China seem like the world leader. The incompetence of the US would show the flaws of "the American way", while also presenting China as the trading partner and world leader the world needs. It would make them even more powerful both economically and geopolitically.

They fucking did it. I could have never seen this coming. It was such a masterful play, I don't even know if I'm angry.

>> No.17971966

my belief as well

>> No.17972059

>The Chinese released the virus because they KNEW that they could contain it before the other countries

The only thing that China can contain is the truth.

>> No.17972150
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Tomtom traffic data is far from 2019 baseline.

>> No.17972190

what a stupid theory

>> No.17972391

It's clearly obvious China is winging it as it goes. There's no master plan, just rapid scheming.
They refused help and obfuscated leakers for the same reasons you listed: They would appear as incompetent because a shit ton of them died even with their draconian measures, while neighbor countries are actually managing just fine without welding people in their houses. The rest of the countries getting it was just an added bonus.
They are acting like someone who fell on the ground and pretended to do that on purpose.

>> No.17972539

This. They hid it away and hoped it would just disappear on it's own while they figured out who to blame. After it got out of control they saw the opportunity to ramp up the propaganda of how hard they are working in fighting this crisis. Why the fuck are western leaders and media buying this so fully?

>> No.17972555
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Do you think they have actually got infections down to almost 0 every day, or are they secretly as bad as italy right now?

idk what to think

>> No.17972618

They are doing far worse than Italy, the world just doesn't know about it. Just think for a moment that China has over 1.4 billion people with some of the most densely populated cities on earth with very poor hygiene conditions. The virus was allowed to go completely unchecked for over a month without anyone even knowing there was an outbreak going on. People travel all across the country on their highspeed railways and cities like Shangai have over 10 million people ride the metro in a single day. And somehow they have less deaths reported than Italy which has 60 million people. Yeah fucking right

>> No.17972800

The more likely explanation is not that 8 million died, that's an insane number that even big estimates wouldn't touch, but that CCP is cutting people's plans to prevent them from spreading information about the severity of the virus and making citizens more dependent on CCP for information.

>> No.17972827

based chinks. Amerimutts in shambles

>> No.17972832

Game theory.

Western hegemony will end.
And China will win the space race.

>> No.17973002

zero infections is not even a credible number, so they aren't good at lying either.
All they are doing is trying to blame it on the US (poorly), despite several warnings by experts that their wet markets were a fucking petri dish of nasty shit, just waiting for SARS 2.0 to happen.
The markets were also protested by their own Chinese citizens to be taken down, so that would be even more egg on their faces.
How strange that some districts are suddenly started to ban dog meat right as this shit was going on.
Wouldn't surprise me if the wet markets were mysteriously and completely gone turn the end of the year.
How curious that early data on the virus was destroyed per order of the government.
>Chinese medical experts were concerned when they first encountered the novel coronavirus outbreak coming out of a Wuhan animal market in December 2019, but government officials put gag orders on them and destroyed early data, new reports indicate.
This global crisis is nothing but the result of China's extremely fragile ego and sorry attempt to save face.

>> No.17973068

I agree 100% China is to blame for all of this, but is it possible for them to have contained the spread within their own country given how fucking authoritarian they are? They track every single person there and take temperatures everywhere they go

>> No.17973131

Rapid scheming works if you're a technocracy.

>> No.17973165


A week ago China's new case numbers were in the single digits. They're double digits again now, and going up, and that's just what's officially reported.

They've also reported pneumonia deaths and other comorbidities as non-coronavirus deaths.

>> No.17973221

Well they could be saying "Look! We got it under control, then foreigners brought the virus back to China! It's a foreign virus!"

actually now that i'm thinking about it, that's exactly what's going to happen

>> No.17973222

So would chinks stop eating bats?